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P403-3222 Rev. K 4/18
for the preparation
and use of
Protective Grounding-Set
Catalog No. C403-3220 (115/120V)
and PSC4033220003 (230V)
These instructions do not claim to cover all details or variations in equipment, nor to provide for all possible conditions to be met with
concerning installation, operation, or maintenance of this equipment. If further information is desired or if particular problems are
encountered which are not sufficiently covered in this guide, contact A. B. Chance Company.
Because Hubbell has a policy of continuous product improvement, we reserve the right to change design and specifications without notice.
© Copyright 2016 Hubbell Incorporated, 210 N. Allen, Centralia, MO 65240
Printed in USA
Select actual work-site values for system-fault current, fault duration and permissible maximum-worker-body
current before attempting to set grounding jumper acceptable limits.
Failure to select actual system-fault current, fault duration and permissible maximum-worker-body current
may result in personal injury or death.