UPS5000-A-500 kVA
User Manual (e-shelter)
4 User Interface
Issue 02 (2020-01-10)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Intelligent hibernation
If this parameter is set to
, the intelligent battery
hibernation function is enabled.
Class 1 grid hiber. time (d)
Class 2 grid hiber. time
Set the hibernation time based on the power grid type. In
hibernation mode, batteries are not charged or discharged,
which extends the battery lifespan.
Class 1 grid hiber. time
value range is 0–30 days,
and the default value is 13 days. The value 0 indicates
no hibernation.
Class 2 grid hiber. time
value range is 0–15 days,
and the default value is 6 days. The value 0 indicates
no hibernation.
Single batt. float chg.
voltage deviation alarm
thres. (%)
Single batt.
dis. voltage deviation alarm
thres. (%)
Single batt. float chg. voltage deviation alarm thres.
Single batt. dis. voltage deviation alarm thres.
are used to check whether the cells in each battery
string have the same charge voltage and discharge voltage.
When a value exceeds the specified range, an alarm is
The calculation formula is (Charge/Discharge voltage –
Average voltage)/Average voltage x 100%.
Dry Contact Settings
Set only the dry contacts that are needed. Otherwise, the UPS may not run properly.
When a dry contact card is disabled, its dry contact signals are disabled.
After a dry contact card is enabled, its dry contact signals can be displayed on the LCD.
Disable all the dry contacts for a dry contact card that is not connected and all the dry
contacts that are not used to prevent false alarms.
( ) encloses a unit, and [ ] encloses silk screen.
Specify dry contact settings on the following cards:
Dry contact card (MUE05A): provides dry contact signals for the battery grounding
failure detector, D.G., BCB box, and PDCs.
Backfeed protection board (MUE06A): provides backfeed protection signals. This board
can be enabled or disabled.
Monitoring interface card (MUS05A): provides four routes of configurable output dry
contact signals.
Dry contact extended card (MUE07A): provides two routes of input signals and one
route of output signals.
Set the dry contact parameters, as shown in