Huawei U8500 User Manual Download Page 16


2. Touch 

 to the right of the log entry to dial.

If you touch and hold a log entry, the options menu will open.

3.2  Answering or Rejecting a Call

3.2.1  Answering an Incoming Call

When you receive a phone call, the incoming call screen opens with the caller's name 
and number that you have entered in 



Drag the 

 to the right to answer the call.

3.2.2  Ending a Call

During a call, press 

 or touch 

 > End call

 to hang up.

3.2.3  Rejecting an Incoming Call

Drag the 

 to the left to reject the call.

Summary of Contents for U8500

Page 1: ...Welcome to Huawei User Guide HUAWEI U8500 ...

Page 2: ...e phone when it is prohibited to use phones or when the phone may cause interference or danger Do not use your mobile phone while driving Followanyrulesorregulationsinhospitalsandhealthcarefacilities Switch off your mobile phone near medical apparatus Switch off your mobile phone in aircraft The phone may cause interference to control equipment of the aircraft Switch off your mobile phone near hig...

Page 3: ...lders under licenses Do not place your mobile phone or its accessories in containers with a strong electromagnetic field Do not place magnetic storage media near your mobile phone Radiation from the phone may erase the information stored on them Do not put your mobile phone in a high temperature place or use it in a place with flammable gas such as a gas station Keep your mobile phone and its acce...

Page 4: through thismobile phone including butnot limited to the text pictures music movies and non built in software with copyright protection Anyconsequencesarising from the installation orusage of the preceding products on thismobile phone shall be borne byyourself NO WARRANTY THE CONTENTS OF THIS MANUAL ARE PROVIDED ASIS EXCEPTAS REQUIREDBYAPPLICABLELAWS NOWARRANTIESOFANYKIND EITHER EXPRESS O...

Page 5: ...r Mobile Phone 2 1 Mobile Phone View 2 1 1 Phone at a Glance All the pictures in this guide are for your reference only The actual appearance and display features depend on the mobile phone you purchase 1 Proximity sensors 2 Earpiece 3 Volume control keys 4 End key 5 Back key 6 Optical trackpad 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 14 ...

Page 6: ...enu Press to lock the screen when your mobile phone is active Press to return to the previous screen Press to exit any application you are running Press to hide the keyboard Press to open the menu on an active screen Press to make or answer a call Press to go to the Call log screen Press to hang up a call Press to return to the Home screen Drag to navigate selectable items on the screen Press to o...

Page 7: ...Charging the Battery Beforechargingthebattery ensurethatithasbeenproperlyinsertedintoyourphone 1 Removing battery cover 2 Installing SIM card 3 Installing micro SD card 4 Installing battery 5 Installing battery cover micro SD is optional ...

Page 8: ...lowing to conserve battery power When you do not need 3G services set your phone to connect to a 2G network When your mobile phone is not in use switch off the screen Reset the time it takes for your screen light to switch off when you leave your phone idle Lower the screen brightness Use the AC adapter to plug your phone into an external power source whenever possible Turn Bluetooth off when you ...

Page 9: ...rge The time required to charge the battery depends on the ambient temperature and the age of the battery When the battery is low on power the phone plays an alert and displays a prompt When battery power is almost exhausted your phone will power off automatically 2 3 Power On or Off Your Mobile Phone 2 3 1 Powering On Your Mobile Phone Press Thefirst time youpower on yourphone you will be askedto...

Page 10: ...ereitherverticallyorhorizontallyacrossthescreen Drag Touchandholdthedesireditemwithyourfinger Tomoveanitem dragthe itemtoanypartofthescreen Youcandraganicontomoveordeleteit 2 4 2 Rotating Your Mobile Phone Screen Theorientationofmostscreenswillrotatewiththephoneasyouturnitfromuprightto sideways and back again 2 5 Locking and Unlocking the Screen 2 5 1 Locking the Screen Whenyourphoneison press tol...

Page 11: ...uch to view all your applications Touch to open the Browser Notifications bar Displays the reminders and status icons of your phone Flick down to open the notifications panel Display area Shows the operation and display areas of your phone Screen switching dots Indicate the number of the screens on the left or right Touch the left or right dots to switch between the screen ...

Page 12: ... Panel 1 Whenanewnotificationiconappearsonthenotificationbar touchandholdthe notificationbar andthenflickdowntoopenthenotificationpanel 2 Onthenotificationpanel youcandothefollowing Touch a notification to open the related application Touch Clear to clear all notifications Closing the Notification Panel Touch and hold the bottom of the panel Then flickup to close it Call in progress Call in progre...

Page 13: ...ftingyourfinger dragtheitemtothedesiredpositiononthescreen and thenreleaseit Removing a Screen Item 1 TouchandholdanitemontheHomescreenuntiltheitemexpandsandthemobile phonevibrates 2 Withoutliftingyourfinger dragtheitemtothetrashcan Whentheitemandthe trashcanturnred theitemisreadytoberemoved 3 ReleasetheitemtoremoveitfromtheHomescreen 10 23 Touch and hold the small dots to view thumbnails of the H...

Page 14: ... USBmass storage 1 ConnectyourmobilephonetoyourPCwiththeUSBcable YourPCwilldetectthe microSDcardasaremovabledisk 2 Openthenotificationbar andthentouchUSBconnected 3 TouchTurnonUSBstorageinthedialogboxthatopenstoconfirmthatyouwant totransferfiles You can now transfer files from your PC to your mobile phone smicroSD card WhenyourmicroSDcardactsasUSBmassstorage yourmobilephonewillnot use thismemory s...

Page 15: ...bardownandtouch Currentcall Donotblockthemicrophoneatthebottomofyourphoneifyouwantyourvoice heard 3 1 1 Making a Call with the Phone Application 1 Touch Phonetodisplaythedialer If you are already working withContacts or Call log touch the Phone tab 2 Touchtheappropriatenumerickeystoenterthephonenumber 3 Touch toinitiatethecall During a call flick up the Dialpadtab to enter other numbers on the dia...

Page 16: ...a Call 3 2 1 Answering an Incoming Call Whenyoureceiveaphonecall theincomingcallscreenopenswiththecaller sname and number thatyou have entered inContacts Drag the to the right to answer the call 3 2 2 Ending a Call During a call press or touch Endcallto hang up 3 2 3 Rejecting an Incoming Call Drag the to the left torejectthecall ...

Page 17: ...ow many can participate 1 Toinitiateaconferencecall dialthenumberofthefirstparticipant Afteryouhave connectedtothefirstparticipant keeptheconnectionopen touch Addcall 2 Enterthephonenumberofthenextpersonyouwanttojointheconversationand touch orselectsomeonefromyourCalllogorContacts Thefirstparticipant isautomaticallyplacedonholdwhileyoudothis 3 Onceyouhaveconnectedtothesecondperson touch Mergecalls...

Page 18: ... an entry to Contacts 1 IfyouarealreadyworkingwithPhoneorContacts touchtheCalllogtab 2 Touchandholdtheentryyouwanttoadd 3 TouchAddtocontactsintheoptionsmenu 4 TouchCreatenewcontactorscrollthroughthecontactlistandtouchanexisting contactname 3 5 Using Airplane Mode Somelocationsmayrequireyoutoturnoffyourphone swirelessconnections Rather than powering offyour phone you can place it inAirplanemode 1 P...

Page 19: ...uwanttoimportthecontacts 4 WaitfortheSIMcardcontentstobeloaded Selectthecontactsyouwanttoimport orpress Importalltoimportallcontacts 4 3 Adding a Contact 1 Inthecontactlist touch Newcontact 2 Ifyouhavemorethanoneaccountwithcontacts touchtheaccounttowhichyou wanttoaddthecontact 3 Enterthecontact sname andthenadddetailedinformationsuchasphone numberoraddress 4 Whenyouarefinished touchDonetosavetheco...

Page 20: ...testab you can quickly call or send a text SMS or multimediamessage MMS toacontact sdefaultphonenumber Youcanalsoopen details to view a list of all the ways you can communicate with that contact This section describes how to communicate with a contact when you view your contacts list 4 6 1 Connecting Through Quick Contact for Android 1 Touchthecontact spictureorpictureframe ifyouhavenotassignedapi...

Page 21: ... keyboard Some applications open the keyboard automatically In others touch a text field to open the keyboard Touch the space where you wantto write text to display the keyboard Touch to hide the keyboard Touchandholdthespace whereyouusuallywriteyourtexttoopentheoptions menu 5 1 1 Choosing an Input Method 1 TouchandholdthespacewhereyouenteryourtextuntiltheEdittextmenuis displayed 2 TouchInputmetho...

Page 22: ... p a s d f g h j k z x c v b n m Next 123 DEL l Touch once to capitalize the next letter you type Touch and hold for all caps Touch to change from text mode to symbol number mode Touch to enter text by voice Touch to insert a space Touch to delete a character to the left of the cursor Touch and hold to delete all characters to the left of the cursor ...

Page 23: to insert a space Touch to delete a character to the left of the cursor Touch and hold to delete all characters to the left of the cursor bay To enter a word just drag your finger over the letters in the word I ll To capitalize go above the keypad To enter apostrophes in common words drag through the n To enter double letters circle the letter q EN w e 1 2 3 _ 7 8 9 0 4 5 6 r t y u i o p a s d ...

Page 24: ...MMS with anyone using an SMS or MMS capable phone With the Email application you can read and send emails 6 1 SMS and MMS 6 1 1 Opening Messaging Touch Messaging 6 1 2 Creating and Sending a Text Message 1 Touch Messaging Newmessage 2 EnteraphonenumberintheTofield As you enter the phone number matching contacts appear You can touch a suggested recipient or continue entering the phone number 3 Touc...

Page 25: ...sage mode Touch Attach to add a picture music or video file 5 Whenthemessageisreadytobesent touchSend Adding a Slideshow If you wantto attach more than one file to your message use the Slideshow option 1 Onthemessageeditingscreen touch todisplaytheoptionspanel 2 TouchAttach Slideshow andthenselectaslidetostarteditingit 3 Touch andtouchMore Addslidetoaddmoreslides 4 TouchDonetofinishcomposingyourme...

Page 26: ...rted Youcanworkwiththesameemailservicethatyouuse on your PC or you can selectanother email service 1 Touch Email 2 Tocustomizeyouremailsettings answertheonscreenprompts andthentouch Next OrtouchManualsetupifyouwanttosetthemailserveryourself If you choose to set up your account manually you will need the correct parameters for the account Contact your email service provider for this information 3 E...

Page 27: ... Message 1 Ontheaccountsscreen touchtheemailaccountyouwanttouse 2 OntheInboxscreen touch andthentouchComposeintheoptionspanel 3 IntheTofield enterthenameortheemailaddress 4 Enterthesubjectofyourmessageandcomposethemessage To send an attachment with the message touch and then touch Add attachment 5 Whenyouarefinished touchSend Ifyouare notreadytosendthe message touchSaveasdraftortouch to save the m...

Page 28: ...screen touchandholdtheemailaccountyouwanttochange 3 TouchAccountsettings 4 ChangeGeneralsettings Notificationsettings orServersettings 7 Getting Connected 7 1 GPRS 3G Your mobile phone will be automatically configured to use your wireless service provider s GPRS 3G EDGEservice if available when you turn on the phone for the first time Note that the SIM card must be inserted 7 1 1 Checking the Netw...

Page 29: ...7 2 2 Connecting to a Wireless Network 1 AfterturningonWi Fi touch Settings 2 TouchWireless networks Wi Fisettings YouwillseealistofdetectedWi Fi networksintheWi Finetworkssection 3 TouchaWi Finetworktoconnecttoit If you select an open network you will be automatically connected to the network If you select a network that is secured with Wired Equivalent Privacy WEP andconnecttoitforthefirsttime e...

Page 30: s data connection and SD card via USB at the same time 1 Touch Settings 2 TouchWireless networks Tethering portablehotspot 3 SelecttheUSBtetheringcheckboxtoshareyourdataconnection 7 3 2 Sharing Your Phone s Data Connection as a Portable Wi Fi Hotspot 1 Touch Settings 2 TouchWireless networks Tethering portablehotspot 3 SelectthePortableWi Fihotspotcheckboxtoshareyourdataconnection When Porta...

Page 31: ...ormoperationssuchassearching selectingtext downloading orsettingoptions 7 4 2 Opening a Web Page 1 Inabrowserwindow touchtheURLfieldatthetopofthescreen 2 Usethekeyboardtoenterthewebpageaddress Youcantouch toenterthe webpageaddressbyvoice 3 Asyouentertheaddress matchingwebpageaddresseswillappearonthe screen Ifyouseetheaddressyouwant touchitandgodirectlytothatwebpageor completeenteringtheaddressofth...

Page 32: Settings 7 5 Bluetooth Your mobile phone has Bluetooth which allows you to create a wireless connection with other Bluetooth devices so you can share fileswith your friends talkhands free with a Bluetooth headset oreven transfer photoson your phone to your PC If you are using Bluetooth remember to stay within 10 meters 33 feet of other Bluetooth devices Be aware thatobstacleslike walls or other...

Page 33: ...lephoneisenabled 2 Touch Settings Wireless networks Bluetoothsettings Your mobilephonewillthenscanforBluetoothdevicesinrange 3 Touchthedeviceyouwanttopairwithyourmobilephone 4 Enterthepairingpasswordtocompletetheconnection 7 5 3 Sending Files via Bluetooth With Bluetooth you can share pictures videos or musicfileswith your family and friends To send files via Bluetooth do as follows 1 Touchandhold...

Page 34: ...tures and videos 8 1 1 Opening Your Camera Touch Camera to open the camera The camera opens in landscape mode ready to take a picture or record a video Press to close the camera Capture Screen On the capture screen press to show the capture panel 8 1 2 Taking a Photo 1 Openyourcameraandswitchtothecameramode 2 Ifnecessary changethecamerasettings Thepreviewchangesasyouchange thesettings 3 5 Touch to...

Page 35: ...Touch Set as to set a picture as contact icon or wallpaper 8 1 4 Recording a Video 1 Openthecamera andthenswitchtocamcordermode 2 Ifnecessary changethecamcordersettings 3 Framethescenewhichyouwanttostartyourvideo 4 Touch tostartrecordingavideo 5 Touch tostoprecording 8 1 5 Viewing Your Videos 1 Afterrecordingavideo athumbnailofthevideoyouhavejustrecordedisshownin theupperrightcorneroftheCapturescr...

Page 36: ...witchtothepicturecapture mode TouchCapturevideotoopenthecameraandswitchtothevideocapturemode TouchSettingstogotothegallerysettingsscreen There youcansetthesizeofa picture arrangepictures playaslideshow andspecifywhethertopromptfor confirmationwhenyoudeleteapicture 8 2 2 Viewing a Picture 1 IntheGallery touchthefolderthatcontainsthepicturesyouwanttoview 2 Touchthepicturetoviewitinfull screenmode 3 ...

Page 37: ...youhavedonethis theplayerwillsearchformusiconthemicroSDcard After the search iscomplete youwillbeable toviewallavailablemusic files inthemusic library 8 3 1 Copying Music to the microSD Card 1 ConnectthephonetoyourcomputerwithaUSBcableandmountthemicroSD card 2 OnthePC navigatetotheUSBdriveandopenit 3 CreateafolderintherootdirectoryofthemicroSDcard forexample Music 4 Copythemusicfromyourcomputertot...

Page 38: ...laylist to add the song to an existing playlist Touch New to create a playlist and add the song to it 8 3 5 Playing a Playlist 1 TouchthePlayliststabonthemusiclibraryscreen 2 Touchandholdtheplaylistyouwanttoplay 3 TouchPlaytoplaytheplaylist 8 4 Listening to FM Radio FM Radioletsyou listentoFMradiostationsonyourmobilephone SinceFMRadio uses the provided wired stereo headset as the antenna connect t...

Page 39: ...or Market andyou will be promptedto signinto yourGoogle account Ensure that your mobile phone has an active data connection 3G GPRS before you sign in to your Google account If you already have a Google account touchSigninand enter your username and password 9 1 Creating a Google Account If you do not have a Google account you can create one 1 Afterreadingthesetupinformation touchNext 2 TouchCreat...

Page 40: ...uch Gmail TheInboxmaillistappears Anyemailsyoudecidetokeepon your mobile phone will go to yourInboxfolder 9 2 2 Switching Between Accounts 1 Inthemaillist touch andthentouchAccounts 2 Touchtheaccountthatcontainstheemailyouwanttoread 9 2 3 Creating and Sending an Email 1 Inthemaillist touch andthentouchCompose 2 Enterthemessagerecipient semailaddressintheTofield Ifyouaresendingthe emailtoseveralrec...

Page 41: ...ouch andthentouchSearch 2 Enterthesearchkeywordsinthebox andthentouch 9 2 6 Customizing Your Gmail Settings In themaillist touch and then touch More Settingsto customizing your Gmail 9 3 Using Talk TalkisGoogle s instant messaging service You can use it to communicate in real time with otherpeople usingTalk on a phone or on the web 9 3 1 Opening Talk Touch Talktoopen the application YourTalkaccoun...

Page 42: ... message your mobile phone can playa sound vibrate ordisplay an icon To setup one of these handy notifications start in the friendslist and then touch Then touchSettings Now choose from one of the following 9 3 6 Signing Out of Talk In the friends listscreen touch and then touchSign outto quit Talk IM notificatio ns Selectthecheckboxtoreceiveanotificationonthenotification bar when you receive an i...

Page 43: ...x Use GPSsatellitescheckbox orboth 9 4 2 Opening Maps Touch Maps toopentheapplication 9 4 3 Searching for Places of Interest 1 Onthemap touch andthentouchSearch 2 Entertheplaceyouwanttosearchforinthesearchbox andthentouchtheSearch icon 3 Yoursearchresultswillthenbedisplayed Touchaplaceyouareinterestedinand theapplicationwillshowwhereitisonthemap 9 4 4 Getting Directions 1 Whileviewingamap touch an...

Page 44: ...reen touch andthentouchSearch 2 Enterasearchkeyword andthentouchtheSearchicon 3 Youwillseeanumberofsearchresultsdisplayedbelowthenotificationbar Scroll throughtheresultsandtouchavideotowatchit 9 5 3 Sharing a Video 1 OntheYouTubescreen dooneofthefollowing While viewing a list of videos touch and hold a video entry and then touch Share on the options menu While watching a video touch and then touch...

Page 45: ...low installation of the non Market application 1 IntheMarket touchApps 2 Touchacategory andthentouchtheitemyouwanttodownload 3 Ontheitemdetailsscreen readmoreabouttheapplication includingitscost overallrating andusercomments IfyouscrolldowntotheAboutthedeveloper section youcanseeotherapplicationsfromthesamedeveloper linktothe developer swebsite orsendthedeveloperanemail 4 Toinstalltheitem touchIns...

Page 46: ...rinformation on your mobile phone with multiple Google accounts or other kinds of accounts depending on the applications installedon your mobilephone For example you can start by adding your personal Google account so your personal email contacts and calendarare always available You could then add a work account so your work related emails and work contactsare handy If you like you may add multipl...

Page 47: ...annot however remove some accounts such as the first account you signed into on the mobile phone Ifyouattempttoremovecertainaccounts all personalinformationassociated with itwill be deleted 1 OntheAccounts syncsettingsscreen touchtheaccounttodelete 2 TouchRemoveaccount 3 Confirmthatyouwanttoremovetheaccount 10 2 Customizing Your Account Synchronization You can configure background data use and syn...

Page 48: made in Google Contacts on the web 10 2 2 Changing an Account s Synchronization Settings 1 OntheAccounts syncsettingsscreen touchtheaccountwhose synchronizationsettingsyouwanttochange Thedataandsynchronizationscreen opens displayingalistofthekindsofinformationtheaccountcansynchronize 2 Selecteditemsareconfiguredtosynchronizetoyourmobilephone 3 Selectorclearthecheckboxofinformationyouwanttosynch...

Page 49: ...yinRepetition whethertheeventrecursand ifitdoes howfrequently 7 TouchDone ToquicklycreateaneventintheDay Week orMonthview touchandholdan empty time slot and then touch New event A new event details screen will appear with the selected time slot and date in the From and To fields 11 1 3 Setting an Event Reminder 1 Onanycalendarview touchaneventtoviewitsdetailsoraneventsummary 2 TouchtheAddreminderb...

Page 50: ...about the weather and your phone You can also use Clockto turn your mobile phone into an alarm clock 11 2 1 Opening the Clock Touch Clockto open the application ClockopenswiththedateandtimedisplayedonyourHomescreenwallpaper along with your local weather and other useful information 11 2 2 Opening the Alarms On the Clockscreen touch to open the Alarms Adding an Alarm 1 Onthealarmlistscreen touchAdd...

Page 51: ...e Advanced panel On the Calculator screen flick the screen to the rightor left to switch between Advancedpaneland Basicpanel 11 4 Using the Note pad Notepadfeaturesasimpletextprocessorandlistsallnotesinalinearstructure You can add edit and delete notes 1 Touch Notepadtoopentheapplication 2 Touch andthentouchAddnotetocreateanote 3 Touch tosavethenote 12 Managing Your Mobile Phone To configure your ...

Page 52: ...uchSetwhentheconfigurationiscomplete 6 SelectorcleartheUse24 hourformatcheckboxtoswitchbetween24 hour formatand12 hourformat 7 TouchSelectdateformattoselecthowyouwantthedatetodisplayonyour mobilephone 12 2 Setting the Display 12 2 1 Adjusting the Screen Brightness 1 OntheSettingsscreen touchDisplay Brightness 2 Dragthesliderlefttomakethescreendarker orrighttomakeitbrighter 3 TouchOKtosavetheadjust...

Page 53: ...ume tothelevelyou desire You can also adjustthe volume from the settings screen 1 OntheSettingsscreen touchSound Volume 2 Dragthesliderlefttomakethevolumelower orrighttomakeithigher 3 TouchOKtosavetheadjustment 12 3 3 Changing the Phone Ringtone 1 OntheSettingsscreen touchSound Phoneringtone 2 Touchtheringtoneyouwanttouse andthentouchOK Theringtoneplayswhen selected 12 3 4 Changing the Message Rin...

Page 54: ...le roaming may incur additional charges Ask your wireless service provider about data roaming fees 12 4 3 Switching off the Data Service 1 OntheSettingsscreen touchWireless networks Mobilenetworks 2 CleartheDataenabledcheckbox 12 5 Setting Text to Speech UsetheText to SpeechsettingstoconfiguretheAndroidtext to speechsynthesizer for applications that can take advantage of this feature 12 5 1 Instal...

Page 55: ...cting Your Mobile Phone with a Screen Lock To keep your data more secure lock the screen and or require a screen unlock pattern everytime your mobile phone is turned on or wakes up from sleep mode 1 OntheSettingsscreen touchLocation security Setupscreenlock Pattern 2 Flickingyourfingervertically horizontallyordiagonally connectatleastfourdotsin anyorderyouchoose Liftyourfingerfromthescreenwhenyoua...

Page 56: ...nstalltoremovetheapplicationfromyour mobilephone 12 7 3 Ways to Free Up Your Mobile Phone Memory MovefilesandemailattachmentstothemicroSDcard InBrowser clearalltemporaryInternetfilesandBrowserhistoryinformation Uninstallanydownloadedprogramsthatyounolongeruse Resetyourmobilephone 12 8 Resetting Your Mobile Phone 12 8 1 Backing Up My Data YoucanuseyourGoogleaccounttobackupyourmobilephone ssettingst...

Page 57: ...instructions of yourdevice Italsocontainsinformationabouthowtousethedevicesafely Readthis information carefullybefore using your device Electronic Device Power offyour device ifusing the device is prohibited Do not use the device when using the device causes danger or interference with electronic devices Medical Device Followrulesandregulationssetforthbyhospitalsandhealthcarefacilities Donot useyo...

Page 58: ...using the device while driving a vehicle comply with the following guidelines Concentrateondriving Yourfirstresponsibilityistodrivesafely Donottalkonthedevicewhiledriving Usehands freeaccessories Whenyouhavetomakeoransweracall parkthevehicleattheroadsidebefore usingyourdevice RFsignalsmayaffectelectronicsystemsofmotorvehicles Formoreinformation consultthevehiclemanufacturer Inamotorvehicle donotpl...

Page 59: ...lume to a safe and comfortable level Safety of Children Complywithallprecautionswithregardtochildren ssafety Lettingthechildplaywith yourdeviceoritsaccessories whichmayincludepartsthatcanbedetachedfromthe device may be dangerous as it maypresent a choking hazard Ensure thatsmall children are kept away from the device and accessories Accessories Use the accessories delivered only by the manufacture...

Page 60: ...ayalsoexplode ifdamaged Donotmodifyorremanufacture attempttoinsertforeignobjectsintothebattery immerseorexposetowaterorotherliquids exposetofire explosionorother hazard Avoiddroppingthedeviceorbattery Ifthedeviceorbatteryisdropped especially onahardsurface andtheusersuspectsdamage takeittoaqualifiedservice centerforinspection Improperbatteryusemayresultinafire explosionorotherhazard Promptlydispos...

Page 61: ...ssoriesisinvalidandthemanufacturerisnotliabletopayforthedamage Ifthedevicescreenisbrokenbycollidingwithhardobjects donottouchortryto removethebrokenpart Inthiscase stopusingthedeviceimmediately andthen contactanauthorizedservicecenterintime Emergency Call You can use your device for emergency calls in the service area The connection however cannot be guaranteed inallconditions Youshould not relyso...

Page 62: ...ons may cause harmful interference to radio communications However there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures Reorien...

Page 63: Pattern How can I change the keyboard mode Touch and hold the area where you write textand then select the input method you prefer How do I stop the song playing in the background Touch the notification bar flick downwards to open the notifications panel and then touch the music playing notification to go to the musicplaying screen How do I return to the calling screen While on a call ifyou re ...
