TP48200A-D14A1 Telecom Power
User Manual
5 System Maintenance
Issue 04 (2019-12-20)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
The rectifier is damaged if either of the following conditions is not met:
The Run indicator of the rectifier is steady on and the Fault indicator is off when the
rectifier does not communicate with the PMU and the input AC voltage is around 220 V.
The rectifier outputs power normally.
The PMU can perform control on the charge mode (boost charge or floating charge) and
current for the rectifier when the rectifier communications cable is properly connected
and the rectifier communicates with the PMU normally.
If any of the following occurs, the PMU is faulty:
The PMU breaks down or fails to start, or its LCD or keyboard fails.
The PMU does not generate an alarm when a fault occurs in the system.
The PMU generates an alarm (false alarm) when the system runs properly.
Communication between the PMU and all subordinate equipment is interrupted.
The PMU fails to control or monitor all the modules when these modules run properly
and communications cables are connected properly.
The PMU fails to monitor or control AC or DC distribution when AC/DC power is
distributed normally and communications cables are connected properly.
Parameters cannot be set or operating information cannot be viewed on the PMU.
5.3 Component Replacement
Describe how to replace the main components of the power system.
Load disconnection is prohibited when you replace the main components. Take measures to ensure
that important loads are always connected during the replacement. For example, keep the circuit
breaker of important loads set to ON and storage batteries and AC input are not cut off at the same
If a load must be disconnected, ask for the customer's prior permission.
The rectifier and the PMU are hot-swappable.
Replacing the rectifier
To replace the rectifier, perform the following steps:
Step 1
Loosen the screws on the rectifier panel using a flat-head screwdriver.
Step 2
Pull the handle of the rectifier outwards, and then remove the rectifier from the plug-in
subrack, as shown in Figure 5-2.
Step 3
Insert the rectifier into the corresponding slot in the plug-in subrack. Then, loosen the screws
on the handle and pull out the handle.
Step 4
Slide the rectifier into the plug-in subrack slowly along the guide rails. Then, lock the handle.
Step 5
Tighten the screws on the handle, as shown in Figure 5-3.