background image

Be careful about broken glasses or exposed internal part of the product if the display panel is broken.

Touching damaged or exposed part might cause burns, injury, electric shock, etc.

If the internal battery leaks or gives off a strange smell, immediately remove it from the vicinity of open flames.

The leaking liquid might ignite fire, catch fire, explode etc.

Be careful not to allow a pet etc. to bite the product.

Doing so might cause fire, burns, injury, etc. because of ignition, burst, heat or leaking of the internal battery.


If the display panel is damaged and when the internal substance runs out, do not get it on your skin such as 
face, hands, or cloths etc.

Doing so might cause blindness, injury on your skin, etc.
If the internal substance etc. gets into your eyes or mouth, or contacts skin or clothes, immediately rinse the 
contacted area with clean running water.
If the fluid gets into the eyes or mouth, immediately see a doctor after rinsing.

Do not discard the product together with general garbage.

Doing so might cause fire, burns, injury, etc. due to ignition. Also, it might cause environmental destruction. Bring the 
unnecessary product into a sales outlet such as au Shop. If your local municipality has a recycling program, dispose 
of them as provided for.

If the substance etc. leaks out from the internal battery, do not make the fluid contact with your skin of face or 
hands, etc.

Doing so might cause blindness, injury on your skin, etc.
If the internal substance etc. gets into your eyes or mouth, or contacts skin or clothes, immediately rinse the 
contacted area with clean running water.
If the fluid gets into the eyes or mouth, immediately see a doctor after rinsing.

To use the product in a car, check with automobile manufacturer or dealer to determine how the car


device is 

affected by radio waves before using.

In rare cases, using the product in some vehicle models can cause the vehicle’s electronic equipment to malfunction. 
In that case, stop using the product immediately.

If abnormalities on skin are developed by using the product, immediately stop using and take medical 
treatment. The use of the product might cause itching, rashes, eczema, or other symptoms depending on the 
user’s physical condition.

For material of each part, see “Material list”.

Make sure not to get metal objects (blade of cutter, staples, etc.) adhered because magnetic parts are used on 
NFC of the product.

Such adhered objects might cause injury etc.

Watch the display panel in an adequately bright place taking a certain distance from it.

Watching it in a dark place or closely might reduce visual acuity etc.

 Charging equipment


Do not use the specified charging equipment (sold separately) if the cord gets damaged.

Doing so might cause fire, burns, electric shock, etc.

Do not use the specified charging equipment (sold separately) in a very humid place such as bathroom.

Doing so might cause fire, burns, electric shock, etc.

Do not touch the specified charging equipment (sold separately) if you hear thunder.

Doing so might cause electric shock etc.

Do not short-circuit the charging terminal while it is connected to a power outlet. Do not touch the charging 
terminal with your hands, fingers, or any part of your body.

Doing so might cause fire, burns, electric shock, etc.

Do not place heavy objects on the cord of specified charging equipment (sold separately), or do not apply 
unreasonable force to the cord such as pulling.

Doing so might cause fire, burns, electric shock, etc.

When you insert or remove the specified charging equipment (sold separately) to or from a power outlet, do 
not contact metal straps or other metal objects with the equipment.

Doing so might cause fire, burns, electric shock, etc.

Do not connect a voltage converter for overseas travel (travel converter) to the specified charging equipment 
(sold separately).

Doing so might cause ignition, overheating, electric shock etc.

Do not put excessive force to the connection part with the specified charging equipment (sold separately) 
connected to the product.

Doing so might cause fire, burns, injury, electric shock, etc.

Do not touch the cord of specified charging equipment (sold separately), charging terminal, power plug with 
wet hands.

Doing so might cause fire, burns, electric shock, etc.

Use the adapter only on the specified power supply and voltage.
When charging the product overseas, use the specified charging equipment for global use (sold separately).

Using the incorrect power supply and voltage might cause fire, burns, electric shock, etc.
AC adapter: 100V AC (Make sure to connect to a household AC power outlet.)
AC adapter for global use: 100V to 240V AC (Make sure to connect to a household AC power outlet.)

Clean dust from the power plug.

Using it with dust adhered might cause fire, burns or electric shock.

When you connect the specified charging equipment (sold separately) to a power outlet, insert it firmly.

Insecure inserting might cause fire, burns, electric shock, etc.

When you disconnect a power plug from an outlet, do not apply excessive force to it such as pulling the cord 
of specified charging equipment (sold separately). Instead, grasp the specified charging equipment (sold 
separately) to disconnect.

Pulling the cord of specified charging equipment (sold separately) might damage the cord and cause fire, burns, 
electric shock, etc.

When plugging/unplugging the specified charging equipment (sold separately) into/from the product, plug/
unplug it straightly toward the connecting terminal without applying excessive force such as pulling the cord 

Incorrect plugging/unplugging might cause fire, burns, injury, electric shock, etc.

If the charging terminal is deformed such as being bent etc., stop using immediately. Do not use it with the 
deformation restored.

Failure to do so might cause fire, burns, injury, etc. due to short-circuit of the charging terminal.

When you do not use the specified charging equipment (sold separately), disconnect the power plug from an 

Keeping with the power plug connected might cause fire, burns, injury, electric shock, etc.

Immediately remove a power plug from an outlet if liquids such as water (drinking water, sweat, seawater, urine 
of pet animals, etc.) come in.

Doing so might cause fire, burns, electric shock, etc.

Before cleaning, remove a power plug from a power outlet.

Failure to do so might cause fire, burns, electric shock, etc.


Do not touch the specified charging equipment (sold separately) for a long time when it is connected to a 
power outlet.

Doing so might cause burns etc.

 USB3.0TypeC-A cable (sample)


Do not use the cable if the cord is damaged.

Doing so might cause fire, burns, electric shock, etc.

Do not use the cable in a very humid place such as bathroom.

Doing so might cause fire, burns, electric shock, etc.

Do not touch the cable if you hear thunder.

Doing so might cause electric shock etc.

Do not short-circuit the terminal while it is connected to a PC etc. Do not touch the terminal with your hands, 
fingers, or any part of your body.

Doing so might cause fire, burns, electric shock, etc.

Do not place heavy objects on the cord of cable or do not apply unreasonable force to the cord such as 

Doing so might cause fire, burns, electric shock, etc.

When you connect or disconnect the cable, do not contact metal objects such as metal accessories.

Doing so might cause fire, burns, electric shock, etc.

Do not put excessive force to the connection part of the cable while the cable is connected to the product, a 
PC, etc.

Doing so might cause fire, burns, electric shock, etc.

Do not touch the cable or the terminal with wet hands.

Doing so might cause fire, burns, electric shock, etc.

Clean dust from the terminal.

Using it with dust adhered might cause fire, burns, electric shock, etc.

When connecting the cable to the product, a PC, etc., insert the plug or connector firmly.

Insecure connection might cause fire, burns, electric shock, etc.

When you disconnect the cable from the product, a PC, etc., do not apply excessive force to it such as pulling 
the cord. Instead, grasp the connector to disconnect.

Pulling the cord of cable might damage the cord and cause fire, burns, electric shock, etc.

Connect/disconnect the cable straight to/from the connection terminal without applying excessive force to the 
cord such as pulling.

Failure to do so might cause fire, burns, injury, electric shock, etc.

Stop using immediately if the connection terminal is deformed such as being bent. Do not use it with the 
deformation restored.

Failure to do so might cause fire, burns, injury, electric shock, etc. due to short-circuit of the connection terminal.

Disconnect the cable from the product, a PC, etc. when it is not used.

Keeping the cable connected might cause fire, burns, electric shock, etc.

Immediately disconnect the cable from the product, a PC, etc. if liquid such as water (drinking water, sweat, 
seawater, urine of pet animals, etc.) comes in.

Failure to do so might cause fire, burns, electric shock, etc.

Before cleaning, disconnect the cable from the product, a PC, etc.

Failure to do so might cause fire, burns, electric shock, etc.

If abnormalities on skin are developed by using the product, immediately stop using and take medical 
treatment. The use of the product might cause itching, rashes, eczema, or other symptoms depending on the 
user’s physical condition.

For material of each part, see “Material list”.

Notes on usage

  As an instruction manual of the product, refer to the “Quick Start Guide”, “Notes on usage” (this manual), or “




 (Full Instruction 

Manual)” (Japanese) available on the au homepage. In this manual, “Instruction Manual” includes “Quick Start Guide”, “Notes on usage” (this 
manual), and “




 (Full Instruction Manual)” (Japanese).

  In this manual, “Speed Wi-Fi NEXT W04” is referred to as “the product”.

  All amounts of money are tax-excluded unless otherwise provided in this manual.

Safety Precautions (Observe Strictly)


Before using the product, thoroughly read these safety precautions for proper use. After reading, store the precautions in a 
safe place.


These “Safety Precautions” describe instructions that should be observed to prevent bodily injury to the customer and 
others as well as damage to property using the product.


This symbol indicates that bodily injury or damage to property may directly and immediately result from improper use.


This symbol indicates the potential and imminent danger of death or serious injury


 to a person 

from improper use.


This symbol indicates the possibility of death or serious injury


 to a person from improper use.


This symbol indicates the possibility of minor injury


 to a person or physical damage



improper use.

*1 Serious injury:  This refers to loss of sight, injury, burns (high- and low-temperature), electric shock, broken bones, injuries 

with residual aftereffects from poisoning, etc., and injuries requiring hospital admission for treatment or long-
term hospital attendance as an outpatient.

*2 Minor injury:  This refers to injuries, burns (high- and low-temperature), electric shock, etc. that do not require hospital 

admission for treatment or long-term hospital attendance as an outpatient.

*3 Physical damage:  This refers to extended damage to buildings, furniture, livestock, or pets.

 Explanation of graphic symbols used in this manual

Indicates an action that is not allowed.

Indicates that handling with wet hands is not 

Indicates that disassembly is not allowed.

Indicates an action that must be done.

Indicates that use in a place where the product is 
likely to get wet or allowing the product to get wet is 
not allowed.

Indicates that the power plug must be disconnected 

from the power outlet.

  Precautions common to the main unit, charging equipment, au IC card, USB3.0TypeC-A 

cable (sample), peripheral devices


Do not use, store or leave the equipment in locations subject to high temperatures or accumulation of heat (e.g. 
by the fire, near a heater, under a kotatsu or bedding, in direct sunlight, in a car in the hot sun).

Doing so might cause fire, burns, injury, electric shock, etc.

Do not put the equipment in or near microwave ovens, cooking appliances such as IH cooking heaters, or high 
pressure containers such as pressure cookers.

Doing so might cause fire, burns, injury, electric shock, etc.

Do not splash sand, soil or mud, or do not directly place the equipment on them. Also, do not touch the 
equipment with hands with sand etc. adhered.

Doing so might cause fire, burns, injury, electric shock, etc.

Do not charge the internal battery when the product gets wet with liquids such as water (drinking water, sweat, 
seawater, urine of pet animals, etc.).

Doing so might cause fire, burns, injury, electric shock, etc.

Do not disassemble or modify the equipment.

Doing so might cause fire, burns, injury, electric shock, etc.

Do not let the equipment get wet with liquids such as water (drinking water, sweat, seawater, urine of pet 
animals, etc.).

Doing so might cause fire, burns, injury, electric shock, etc.

Do not allow liquids such as water (drinking water, sweat, seawater, urine of pet animals, etc.) to get inside the 
connection terminal or charging terminal.

Doing so might cause fire, burns, injury, electric shock, etc.

Use only optional accessories specified by au for the product.

Failure to do so might cause fire, burns, injury, electric shock, etc.


Do not subject the equipment to strong force, impacts, or vibration such as letting it fall, stepping on it or 
throwing it.

Doing so might cause fire, burns, injury, electric shock, etc.

Do not allow conductive materials (such as metal objects and pencil lead) to come into the connection 
terminal or charging terminal, or dust to get inside it.

Doing so might cause fire, burns, injury, electric shock, etc.

Do not cover or wrap the equipment with a cloth or bedding in use or while charging.

Doing so might cause fire, burns, etc.

If charging does not finish after specified time, stop charging.

Failure to do so might cause fire, burns, injury, etc. due to overcharge etc.

Power off the product before you step into a place where flammable gas can leak, such as gas stations, or a 
place where dust is generated. Stop charging if you charge the internal battery.

Using the product in a place where flammable gas leaks might cause explosion, fire, etc.

If you notice anything unusual about the equipment such as an unusual odor, abnormal noise, smoke 
generation, overheating, discoloration or deformation during operation, charging or storage, perform the 
following measures.

•  Remove the power plug from the power outlet.
•  Power off the product.
Failure to do instructions above might cause fire, burns, injury, electric shock, etc.


Do not use damaged equipment.

Doing so might cause fire, burns, injury, etc.

Do not place the product on an unstable or inclined platform.

Doing so might cause the device to fall etc. and cause injury.

Do not use or keep in a place that is very humid, dusty, or subject to high temperature.

Doing so might cause fire, burns, electric shock, etc.

If children use the product, parents or guardians should give them proper instructions and do not allow them 
to use the product in the wrong way.

Doing so might cause injury etc.

Keep the equipment out of the reach of babies and infants.

Failure to do so might cause accidental ingestion, injury, electric shock, etc.

Be careful when using the product continuously for a long time or charging because temperature of the 
product might become warm. Also, be careful not to touch it unintentionally for a long time when you fall 
asleep etc.

The product, internal battery, or charging equipment (sold separately) might become warm when using for a long 
time or while charging. If you are directly in contact with warmed part for a long time, it might cause a redness of skin, 
itch, rash, low-temperature burn etc. depending on your physical condition.

 Main unit


Do not throw the product into fire or apply heat. 

Doing so might cause fire, burns, injury, etc. because of ignition, burst, heat or leaking of the battery.

Do not put excessive force such as sticking a nail (sharp object) into the product, hitting it with a hammer (hard 
object), or stepping on it.

Doing so might cause fire, burns, injury, etc. because of ignition, burst, heat or leaking of the battery.

If the internal battery substance etc. contacts eyes, immediately rinse the eyes with clean water and see a 
doctor right away. Do not rub the eyes.

Failure to do so might cause blindness, etc. due to the effects of internal battery substance etc.

If the display panel substance etc. contacts eyes or mouth, immediately rinse the eyes with clean water and 
see a doctor right away.

Failure to do so might cause blindness, medical problem, etc. due to effects of display panel substance etc.


Do not allow liquids such as water, metal pieces, burnable items, and other foreign objects to get inside the 
Micro IC Card slot.
Do not insert au IC card into wrong slot, or insert it in wrong orientation.

Doing so might cause fire, burns, injury, electric shock, etc.

Power off the product before boarding an airplane.

Use of mobile devices on board is restricted. Follow the instructions of each airline.
Failure to do so might adversely affect on-board electronic equipment.
Prohibited acts related to mobile device usage on an airplane might be punished by law.

Follow the instructions of each medical facility for the use of mobile devices on their premises.

Power off the product in a place where the use is prohibited.
Failure to do so might affect electronic devices or electronic medical equipment.

If you are wearing any electronic medical equipment, check with the relevant medical electronic equipment 
manufacturer or vendor whether the operation might be affected by radio waves.

The radio waves from the product might affect electronic medical equipment etc.

Power off the product near electronic devices or equipment operating on high precision control or weak 

Failure to do so might interfere with the operation of electronic devices or equipment.
*The following are some electronic devices or equipment that you should be careful of:
Hearing aids, implantable cardiac pacemaker, implantable cardioverter defibrillator, other electronic medical 
equipment, and other automatically controlled devices or equipment. If you use an implantable cardiac pacemaker, 
implantable cardioverter defibrillator, or other electronic medical equipment, check with the medical electronic 
equipment manufacturer or vendor whether the operation can be affected by radio waves.


Do not touch the cable for a long time when it is connected to the product, a PC, etc.

Doing so might cause burns etc.

If abnormities on skin are developed by using the USB3.0TypeC-A cable (sample), immediately stop using it 
and take medical treatment. The use of it might cause itching, rashes, eczema, or other symptoms depending 
on the user’s physical condition.

For material of each part, see "Material list".

 au IC card


Be careful of the cut surface not to hurt your body parts such as fingers when handling the au IC card.

Failure to do so might cause injury.

 Using near medical equipment or in healthcare facilities


If you have electronic medical equipment such as an implantable cardiac pacemaker or an implantable 
cardioverter defibrillator, carry or use the product 15 cm or more away from the implant at all times.

The radio waves from the product might have harmful effects on the operation of electronic medical equipment.

If you need to use electronic medical equipment other than implantable cardiac pacemaker or implantable 
cardioverter defibrillator outside medical facilities such as treating at home, consult the relevant electronic 
medical equipment manufacturer for effects on the equipment by radio waves.

The radio waves from the product might have harmful effects on the operation of electronic medical equipment.

If there is any chance that the distance between the product and a person closest to you may get shorter than 
15 cm such as when you cannot freely move around, set the product not to emit radio wave in advance (power 
off, etc.).

A person in close proximity may be equipped with electronic medical equipment such as an implantable cardiac 
pacemaker or an implantable cardioverter defibrillator. The radio waves from the product might have harmful effects 
on the operation of electronic medical equipment.

Follow the instructions given by the respective medical facility regarding the use of the product on their 

Failure to do so might have effects on the operation of electronic medical equipment.

 Material list


Material <Surface treatment>

Main unit

Display panel (Touch panel)


Exterior case

PC resin <coating>

Power button

PC resin <coating>, TPU resin

Micro IC Card slot cover

Outside: PC resin <coating> Inside: TPU resin

USB3.0TypeC-A cable 

USB cable

PVC resin

USB plug (Shield)

Iron <Nickel plating>, PBT resin

USB plug (Resin part)

PVC resin

USB Type-C plug (Shield)

Stainless <Nickel plating>, LCP resin

USB Type-C plug (Resin part)

PVC resin

Handling precautions

These precautions are provided to prevent the product from damage and ensure that performance can be fully demonstrated. 
Thoroughly read these precautions to ensure correct use.

  Precautions common to the main unit, charging equipment, au IC card, USB3.0TypeC-A 

cable (sample), peripheral devices

   Do not apply excessive force to the product during use. Be sure not to put the product into a tightly packed bag or place 

a heavy object on the product in a bag. Sitting on the product in your pocket might damage the display panel or internal 
circuit board resulting in a malfunction.  
If a cable is connected to the external connection terminal in such a condition, the connector might be damaged resulting in 
a malfunction. Such damage and malfunction are not covered by the warranty, even if there is no external damage.


Do not use the product in extremely hot, cold or humid places. (Use within an ambient temperature range of 5

 to 35


and humidity range of 35% to 85%)


Do not use in places subject to lots of dust or vibration. Doing so might cause a malfunction.


Clean the external connection terminal with dry cotton swabs, etc. every now and then. Soiled terminals might cause poor 
connection. Do not exert a strong force to clean the external connection terminal to prevent deformation.


Clean the product with a soft dry cloth (such as used for cleaning eyeglasses). Forceful rubbing with a dry cloth may 
scratch the display panel. The display panel may become stained if water or dirt is kept on the surface. Wiping the product 
using alcohol, thinner, benzene, detergent, glass cleaner, etc. might erase the printing on the outer casing resulting in a 


Use as far away as possible from land-line phones, TVs and radios. Use nearby might affect them.


The product might become warm while charging, etc. depending on the situation, but this is not abnormal.


Do not place near corrosive chemicals or in places where corrosive gas is generated. Doing so might cause a malfunction.


Do not use outside when you can hear thunder. Doing so might risk lightning strikes and electric shock.


Be sure to use only specified charging equipment. Use of other charging equipment might cause a malfunction.


Do not put the product in a cooking apparatus such as microwave oven or a pressure vessel. Doing so might cause a 


The customer is not allowed to disassemble, modify or repair the product. Doing so might cause a malfunction. 
Modification of the product is in violation of the Radio Law and Telecommunications Business Act.


Do not allow a part of your body such as fingers or conductive foreign objects (metal fragments, pencil leads, etc.) to come 
into contact with or get inside of the connection terminal to avoid short-circuit. Doing so might cause a malfunction.


Do not splash liquid such as water on the product. Also, never use in humid places such as bath areas, or use with wet 
hands. Doing so might cause a malfunction due to short-circuit or corrosion of electronic circuits.


In the event that the product gets wet while charging, immediately disconnect the power plug of specified charging 
equipment (sold separately).


Malfunctions caused by wetting with water or humidity are not covered by the warranty and charges will be incurred for 


Do not use the product while driving a car or motorbike, riding a bicycle, or walking. Use of a mobile device while driving 
a car or motorbike is prohibited by law. Use of a mobile device while riding a bicycle might be punishable by some 


Using or charging the product in a bag or while it is covered with bedding might cause a malfunction.


When charging equipment, a PC etc., insert/remove the connector straight to/from the product. Make sure the orientation 
of the connector is correct. Unless it’s correct, it might cause a malfunction.


Do not store the product in places subject to direct sunlight (e.g. in a car), places that get hot, places that get extremely 
cold, and in humid or dusty places. Doing so might cause a malfunction.


Do not place the product on an unstable or inclined platform. Dropping the product might cause a malfunction.


Do not exceed the rating of a power outlet or wiring device when charging the product, for example, by starburst 
connection etc.

 Main unit


Since the battery is built into the product, you cannot replace it yourself. For replacing the battery, contact an au shop or 
Customer Service Center.


Do not forcefully press, tap or intentionally subject the display panel to strong impact. Doing so might cause scratching or 


Do not forcefully press your fingernails, sharp objects or hard objects against keys or display panel surface. Doing so might 
cause scratching or damage.  
The touch panel is designed to be lightly touched by fingers. Do not apply strong pressure with your fingers or sharp-
pointed objects (such as fingernails, ballpoint pens and pins) on the touch panel. 


Never use modified the product. Use of a modified device violates the Radio Law and Telecommunications Business Act.  
The product obtains a technical standards conformity certification of specified wireless equipment based on the Radio Law 
and a technical standards conformity approval based on the Telecommunications Business Act, and as a proof, you can 
check the “Technical Conformity Mark  ” with the product.  
To display the mark, in the Home screen, tap “Settings” 


 “Certification”. If the screws of the product 

are removed and modifications are made to the internal components, the certification of conformity with technical 
regulations will become invalid. Never use the product without the valid certification. Doing so violates the Radio Law and 
Telecommunications Business Act.


Take care not to place magnetized items such as magnetic cards, speakers and TV sets near the product, as it might 
cause a malfunction.  
Putting a strong magnetism close to the product might cause false operation.


Do not bring magnetized cards such as cash cards, credit cards and pre-paid cards closer to the product. Doing so might 
cause loss of the recorded data.


When you put the product in your pocket or bag, take care so that the display panel does not come in contact with metal 
objects or other hard objects. Doing so might cause scratching or damage. Also, be careful not to scratch or damage the 
display panel by using a strap whose metal or other hard part comes in contact with the display panel.


When suddenly brought into a warm place from a cold place, or when in a humid location, or when used where 
temperature suddenly changes (e.g. near the air discharge port of an air conditioner), water droplets (i.e. condensation) 
sometimes are formed inside the product. Note that when used under such conditions, the humidity might cause corrosion 
or a malfunction.


Use the product with the Micro IC Card slot cover closed. If you use with the Micro IC Card slot cover open, dust or water 
might get inside causing a malfunction.


Do not allow liquids, metal objects, or other foreign objects to get inside of the au IC card slot. Doing so might cause a 

  Do not give strong impact on the product such as dropping, throwing, stomping. Doing so might cause a malfunction.

  Do not place the product directly on a sandy beach, etc. Sand etc. might get inside the product causing a malfunction.
