Install fibers.
Always wear protective glasses or goggles when you look directly at an optical port. (Figure 1)
Coil fibers from other sites on the ODF and connect them to the local cabinet. Do not coil the fibers from
other equipment rooms inside the local cabinet.
Fiber cap
Sw appable optical module
Dustproof cap
10 cm
Avoid damage to fiber connectors when you lay fibers.
After fibers are installed, insert dustproof caps into unused optical ports and plug fiber caps on unused
fibers. (Figure 2)
Tape over the cuts of a closed corrugated pipe before threading fibers through it. Tape over the cuts of an open
corrugated pipe after threading fibers through it.
After you thread fibers through a corrugated pipe, wrap tape around the cut of the pipe (Figure 3).
Do not thread too many fibers through one pipe. If 2 mm-diameter fibers are used, threading no more than 60
fibers through an open corrugated pipe and no more than 20 fibers through a closed corrugated pipe is
recommended. The pipe section secured inside a cabinet should be about 10 cm in length (Figure 4).
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Short-jacketed fiber