Protection subnet
In the NMS, the protection subnet becomes a concept of network level other than
multiplex section rings or path protection rings. The protection sub-network involves
NEs and fiber cable connections.
Protection View
The user interface, of the NMS, which is used to manage protection in the network.
provider edge
A device that is located in the backbone network of the MPLS VPN structure. A PE is
responsible for managing VPN users, establishing LSPs between PEs, and exchanging
routing information between sites of the same VPN. A PE performs the mapping and
forwarding of packets between the private network and the public channel. A PE can be
a UPE, an SPE, or an NPE.
Packet Switched
Power Spectral Density
Pseudo Random Binary
A sequence that is random in a sense that the value of an element is independent of the
values of any of the other elements, similar to real random sequences.
Pseudo Wire
An emulated connection between two PEs for transmitting frames. The PW is established
and maintained by PEs through signaling protocols. The status information of a PW is
maintained by the two end PEs of a PW.
Pseudo Sire Emulation
An end-to-end Layer 2 transmission technology. It emulates the essential attributes of a
telecommunication service such as ATM, FR or Ethernet in a packet switched network
(PSN). PWE3 also emulates the essential attributes of low speed time division
multiplexing (TDM) circuit and SONET/SDH. The simulation approximates to the real
Pseudo Sire Emulation edge-to-edge
A.17 Q
A layer 2 tunnel protocol based on IEEE 802.1Q encapsulation. It add a public VLAN
tag to a frame with a private VLAN tag to allow the frame with double VLAN tags to
be transmitted over the service provider’s backbone network based on the public VLAN
tag. This provides a layer 2 VPN tunnel for customers and enables transparent
transmission of packets over private VLANs.
Quality of Service
A commonly-used performance indicator of a telecommunication system or channel.
Depending on the specific system and service, it may relate to jitter, delay, packet loss
ratio, bit error ratio, and signal-to-noise ratio. It functions to measure the quality of the
transmission system and the effectiveness of the services, as well as the capability of a
service provider to meet the demands of users.
A.18 R
Rapid Spanning Tree
An evolution of the Spanning Tree Protocol, providing for faster spanning tree
convergence after a topology change. The RSTP protocol is backward compatible with
the STP protocol.
A Glossary and Acronyms
OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical Transmission
Configuration Guide
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2011-06-30)