HiKey960 Development Board Hardware User Manual
MIPI CSI {0/1}
The 96Boards specification calls for two MIPI-CSI interfaces to be present on the High Speed
ExpansionConnector. Both interfaces are optional. CSI0 interface can be up to four lanes while CSI1 is
up to twolanes.
The Hikey960 Development Board implementation supports a full four lane MIPI-CSI interface on CSI0
and two lanes of MIPI-CSI on CSI1. All MIPI-CSI signals are routed directly to/from the Kirin960 SoC.
CSI0 can support up to 26M@30fps and CSI1 can support up to 8M@30fps. The max data rate of each
lane is 2.5Gbps.
I2C {2/3}
The 96Boards specification calls for two I2C interfaces to be present on the High Speed Expansion
Connector. Both interfaces are optional unless a MIPI-CSI interface has been implemented. Then an I2C
interface shall be implemented.
The Hikey960 Development Board implementation supports two MIPI-CSI interfaces and therefore
mustsupport two I2C interfaces,they are ISPI2C0 and ISPI2C1. Each of the I2C lines is pulled up to
VIO18_PMU via 1K resistor.
The 96Boards specification calls for an SD interface or a SPI port to be part of the High Speed
The Hikey960 Development Board implements a full SPI master with 4 wires (96Boards SPI
Configuration), CLK, CS, MOSI and MISO. All the signals are connected directly to the Kirin960 SoC.
These signals are driven at 1.8V.
The 96Boards specification calls for one or two programmable clock interfaces to be provided on the
High Speed Expansion Connector. These clocks may have a secondary function of being CSI0MCLK
andCSI1MCLK. If these clocks can’t be supported by the SoC than an alternative GPIO or No-Connect
isallowed by the specifications.
The Hikey960 Development Board implements two CSI clocks which are connected directly to the
Kirin960 SoC. These signals are driven at 1.8V.
The 96Boards specification calls for a USB Data line interface to be present on the High Speed
The Hikey960 Development Board implements this requirement by routing USB channel 4 from the
USBHUB to the High Speed Expansion Connector.
The 96Boards specification calls for an optional MIPI-HSIC interface to be present on the High Speed
Expansion Connector.
The Hikey960 Development Board implementation doesn’t support this optional requirement.
The pin 60 of the High Speed Expansion Connector is pulled up to VIO18_PMU via 100K resistor.