The voicemail function allows the calling party to leave voice messages so that you will not miss
any calls.
Setting Voicemail
Before using the voicemail function, ensure that your account has been assigned the call-forward-to-
voicemail service rights, one-button-to-voicemail service rights, or both. For any questions, contact your
system administrator.
In the IMS+UC network environment, the call-forward-to-voicemail function is not supported.
In the UC2.X network environment, you can enable the call forward function and set the call forward to
voicemail. For details, see
In the IMS+UC network environment, visual voicemail is supported. In the UC2.X network
environment, visual voicemail is not supported.
After you set a visual voicemail, you can perform operations on voice messages, such as
fast forward, rewind, pause, and resume.
After you set a non visual voicemail, you can perform only few operations on voice
messages, such as retrieve and delete.
Understanding Voice Message Notification Modes
The red number in the upper right corner of the voicemail icon in the navigation area of
the home screen indicates the number of unread voice messages. For example,
indicates that there are three unread voice messages related to all accounts.
The status bar of the IP phone displays the voicemail icon. The notification screen shows
information about unread voice messages.
The MWI LED of the IP phone blinks every 3 seconds.
Retrieving Voice Messages
Non Visual Voicemail
If your account has not been assigned the visual voicemail service rights, you can perform
operations described in the following table.
eSpace 8950 IP Phone
User Guide
24 Voicemail
Issue 03 (2014-10-16)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.