Huawei Ascend G 330 Quick Start Manual Download Page 8


Creating and Sending a 
Multimedia Message

You can use multimedia messages to make everyday 
communications very special. You can record a message and send 
it as an audio file, for example, sing "Happy Birthday" and send it to a 
friend, or send a slideshow of photographs of a special event. The 
possibilities are enormous. 

1. Touch 



, then 

2.  Enter a phone number in the 


 field, or touch 

to select a 

contact from 



3.  Touch the composition text box to start composing your 


4.  When you are ready to send the message, touch 

Connecting to the Internet

Get online using your phone's Wi-Fi to save your money.

Turning On Wi-Fi

1. Touch 




2. Under 


, touch the button next to 




Summary of Contents for Ascend G 330

Page 1: ...Welcome to HUAWEI Quick Start Guide HUAWEI Ascend G 330 ...

Page 2: ...ions at Your Fingertips Press and hold to power on your mobile phone Whenyourmobilephoneispoweredon pressand hold this button to display the options menu You canthenchoosetopoweroffthephoneorperform shortcut operations Press to lock the screen when your mobile phone is active Touch to open the menu on an active screen Headset jack Earpiece Camera Volume key Flash Speaker Charger Data port Power Ke...

Page 3: ... volume built in embedded MultiMediaCard eMMC Ifyou wantto expand your phone memory you can also inserta microSDcard 1 Removethebatterycover 2 InsertthemicroSDcardintothecardslotasshowninthe diagram Touch to return to the Home screen Touch and hold to display recently used applications Touch to return to the previous screen or exit the application you are running Touch to hide the keyboard ...

Page 4: ...ebattery ensurethatithasbeenproperlyinstalled on your phone 1 ConnecttheUSBcablethatcamewithyourmobilephoneto thecharger 2 ConnecttheotherendoftheUSBcabletoyourmobilephone Then tostartcharging plugthechargerintoanelectricaloutlet Ifyou charge your mobile phone while itispowered on the battery icon on the notification bar indicatesthe charging status When the battery icon changes to your mobile pho...

Page 5: s battery Touchscreen Actions Using your finger on the touchscreen you can operate your phone conveniently Status Indicator Green Fully charged when connected to charger Orange Charging in progress when connected to charger Red Battery low Touch hold Touch Double touch Rotate Flick Drag ...

Page 6: ... open the notification panel Adding a New Home Screen Item 1 OntheHomescreen touch todisplaytheapplicationlist 2 Pressandholdanapplicationicon andthendragtheicontoa blankareaontheHomescreen Removing an Icon fromthe Home Screen 1 TouchandholdanitemontheHomescreenthatyouwantto removeuntilyourmobilephonevibrates 2 Withoutliftingyourfinger dragtheitemtothetrashcan Wait untiltheitemandthetrashcanturnre...

Page 7: ...tacts Adding a Contact 1 Inthecontactlist touch 2 Fromthescreendisplayed createacontactinyourmobile phone SIMcardoryouraccount Addanewaccountifyoudo nothaveone 3 Enterthecontact sname andthenadddetailedinformation suchasphonenumbersandaddress 4 TouchDONEtosavethecontactinformation Tosaveacontactfromyourcalllog touchandholdthedesired phone number to display the options menu and then touch Add to co...

Page 8: ...eshow of photographs of a special event The possibilitiesare enormous 1 Touch Messaging then 2 EnteraphonenumberintheTofield ortouch toselecta contactfromPeople 3 Touchthecompositiontextboxtostartcomposingyour message 4 Whenyouarereadytosendthemessage touch Connecting to the Internet Getonline using your phone sWi Fi to save your money Turning On Wi Fi 1 Touch Settings 2 UnderWIRELESS NETWORKS tou...

Page 9: ... sign to close that page Touch to open a new browser window Opening a Webpage 1 Inabrowserwindow touchtheURLfieldatthetopofthe screen 2 Usethekeyboardtoenterawebpageaddress 3 Asyouentertheaddress matchingwebpageaddresseswill appearonthescreen Ifyouseetheaddressyouwant touchit andgodirectlytothatwebpageorcompleteenteringyour desiredwebpage Turning Off Your Data Service When you are not using your d...

Page 10: ...nstalltheapplication touchDownload ifitisfree ortouch thebuttonwithitsprice ifitisnotfree andconfirmyour downloadorpurchase After the application has been downloaded and installed on your mobile phone thecontent download icon appearsin the notification bar Ifyouwanttoinstall anon PlayStoreapplication touch Settings Security and then select the Unknown sources checkboxtoallowinstallationofthenon Pl...

Page 11: ...nnectyourmobilephonetoyourPCwiththeUSBcable provided YourPCwilldetectthemicroSDcardasaremovable storagedevice 2 Openthenotificationbar andthentouchUSBconnected 3 TouchTurnonUSBstorageinthedialogboxthatopensto confirmthatyouwanttotransferfiles You can now transfer files from your PC to your mobile phone s microSD card Thumbnail of last photo Touch to preview the photos or videos Touch to take a pho...

Page 12: ...Synchronizing Information Some applications on your mobile phone give you access to the same personal information that you can add view and edit on your computer Ifyou add change or delete yourinformation in anyof theseapplicationsontheweb theupdatedinformationalsoappears on your mobile phone Thisismadepossiblethroughover the airdatasynchronization The processoccursinthebackgroundanddoesnotinterfe...

Page 13: ...ed by different phones and certain contact information may be lost when contacts are imported HowCanIUseHiSuitetoImportContactstoMyPhonefroma Different Mobile Phone Your mobile phone supportcontactfilesin the vcf format only 1 Savethe vcffilecontainingthecontactinformationyouwantto importtoaPC 2 OntheHomescreen touch Settings Developer options USBdebugging 3 ConnectyourmobilephonetothePCusingaUSBc...

Page 14: ...and touch Select input methodto select an inputmethod How Do I Stop the Song Playing in the Background Flickthe notification bar downwards to open the notifications panel touchthemusicplayingnotificationtogotothemusicplayingscreen and then stop playing the song How Do I Return to the Call Screen Ifyou switched to another screen during a call flick the notification bar downwards to open the notific...

Page 15: ...electronicdevices Medical Device Followrulesandregulationssetforthbyhospitalsandhealth carefacilities Donotuseyourdevicewhenusingthedeviceis prohibited Pacemakermanufacturersrecommendthataminimum distanceof15cmbemaintainedbetweenadeviceanda pacemakertopreventpotentialinterferencewiththepacemaker Ifyouareusingapacemaker usethedeviceontheopposite sideofthepacemakeranddonotcarrythedeviceinyourfront p...

Page 16: ...safely used in their vicinity Traffic Security Observe local lawsand regulations while using the device In addition if using the device while driving a vehicle complywith the following guidelines Concentrateondriving Yourfirstresponsibilityistodrivesafely Donottalkonthedevicewhiledriving Usehands free accessories Whenyouhavetomakeoransweracall parkthevehicleatthe roadsidebeforeusingyourdevice RFsi...

Page 17: ...dresultsinincreaseinpower consumption Asaresult thetalktimeandthestandbytimeare reduced Whileusingthedevice observethelocallawsandregulations andrespectothers privacyandlegalrights Keeptheambienttemperaturebetween 10 Cand40 Cwhile thedeviceisbeingcharged Keeptheambienttemperature between 10 Cto40 Cforusingthedevicepoweredbya battery Prevention of Hearing Damage Using a headset athigh volume can da...

Page 18: ...kinorsplashesintoyoureyes washyoureyeswithcleanwater immediatelyandconsultadoctor Ifthereisacaseofbatterydeformation colorchange or abnormalheatingwhileyouchargeorstorethebattery remove thebatteryimmediatelyandstopusingit Otherwise itmaylead tobatteryleakage overheating explosion orfire Ifthepowercableisdamaged forexample thecordisexposed orbroken ortheplugloosens stopusingthecableatonce Otherwise...

Page 19: ...magedbecauseofcollision Otherwise itmay leadtobatteryleakage devicemalfunction overheating fire or explosion Donotplacemagneticstoragemediasuchasmagneticcards andfloppydisksnearthedevice Radiationfromthedevicemay erasetheinformationstoredonthem Donotleaveyourdevice battery andchargerinaplacewithan extremehighorlowtemperature Otherwise theymaynot functionproperlyandmayleadtoafireoranexplosion When ...

Page 20: ... is a low power radio transmitter and receiver As recommendedbyinternationalguidelines thedeviceisdesignednot to exceed the limitsfor exposure to radio waves These guidelines were developed by the independentscientific organization International Commission on Non Ionizing Radiation Protection ICNIRP andincludesafetymeasuresdesignedtoensuresafetyfor all users regardless of age and health The Specif...

Page 21: ...separating WEEEand batteries from other waste is to minimize the potential environmental impacts on human health of anyhazardous substances thatmay be present Reduction of Hazardous Substances This device is compliantwith the EURegistration Evaluation Authorisation and Restriction ofChemicals REACH Regulation Regulation No 1907 2006 EC ofthe European Parliament and of the Council and the EURestric...

Page 22: ...nt possible hearing damage do notlisten athigh volume levels forlong periods Personal Information and Data Security Theuseofsomefunctionsorthird partyapplicationsonyourdevice could result in yourpersonal information and data being lost or becoming accessible to others Several measuresare recommended to help you protectpersonal and confidential information Placeyourdeviceinasafeareatopreventitfromu...

Page 23: ...themoff Installorupgradedevicesecuritysoftwareandregularlyscanfor viruses Besuretoobtainthird partyapplicationsfromalegitimate source Downloadedthird partyapplicationsshouldbescanned forviruses InstallsecuritysoftwareorpatchesreleasedbyHuaweiorthird partyapplicationproviders Someapplicationsrequireandtransmitlocationinformation As aresult athird partymaybeabletoshareyourlocation information Yourde...

Page 24: ...e trademarks or registered trademarks ofHuawei TechnologiesCo Ltd TheBluetooth word mark and logos are registered trademarks ownedbyBluetoothSIG Inc andanyuseofsuchmarksbyHuawei Technologies Co Ltd isunder license Othertrademarks product serviceandcompanynamesmentioned are the property oftheir respective owners Android is a trademark of Google Inc Notice Some featuresof the product and itsaccessor...

Page 25: applicable law itis explicitly stated that Huawei TechnologiesCo Ltd shallnotcompensateorbeliableforservices provided by third party service providers or the interruption or termination of third partycontentsor services Huawei TechnologiesCo Ltd shall not be responsible for the legality quality oranyotheraspectsofanysoftwareinstalledonthis product or for any uploaded or downloaded third partywo...


Page 27: ...AWEI U8825 1 Manufactured under license from DTS Licensing Limited DTS the Symbol DTS and the Symbol together are registered trademarks DTS Sound is a trademark of DTS Inc Product includes software DTS Inc All Rights Reserved ...
