RouterB and RouterC sense the broadcast packets respectively on Eth 1/0/0 of them.
Figure 5-4
Networking diagram of the NTP broadcast mode
R o u te rA
R o u te rB
R o u te rC
E th 1 /0 /0
1 /2 4
E th 1/0/0
1 0 .1 .1 .2 //2 4
E th 1 /0 /0
1 4
Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
Configure RouterA as an NTP broadcast server.
Configure RouterB and RouterC as the NTP broadcast clients.
Configure NTP authentication on RouterA, RouterB, and RouterC.
Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
IP addresses of RouterA, RouterB,andRouterC
Stratum of the NTP primary clock
Authentication key and its ID
Step 1
Configure an IP address for each Router.
Configure IP addresses based on
. The detailed procedures are not mentioned here.
Step 2
Configure an NTP broadcast server and enable NTP authentication on it.
# Set the local clock of RouterA as a primary clock with stratum being 3.
ntp-service refclock-master 3
# Enable NTP authentication.
ntp-service authentication enable
ntp-service authentication-keyid 16 authentication-mode md5 Hello
ntp-service reliable authentication-keyid 16
# Configure RouterA to be an NTP broadcast server. Broadcast packets are encrypted by using
the authentication key ID 16 and then sent from Eth 1/0/0.
interface ethernet 1/0/0
ntp-service broadcast-server authentication-keyid 16
Huawei AR150&200 Series Enterprise Routers
Configuration Guide - Network Management
5 NTP Configuration
Issue 02 (2012-03-30)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.