C2 General
Bandwidth requirements
broadband speed needs to be at least 1Mbit/s to support this phone
If you need more than one IP phone for your home site, we would recommend another 500Kbps per
phone. Home sites with more than four IP phones require dedicated access and therefore only four
One Net IP phones are recommend. Please contact your Company Administrator and confirm that
your home site is suitable for Homeworker services.
Our IP Phone service works with the majority of routers and broadband providers. However, if you do
have any problems or want to check before installing a new broadband service, just get in touch with
your ISP via their contact pages to confirm that their service supports SIP for IP Voice.
It is unusual, but some ISPs may restrict SIP traffic. If your IP Phone fails to connect and you have
contacted your Company Administrator, please contact your ISP to ensure that they allow SIP traffic.
If you are considering installing a new broadband service for the One Net Business service, check with
your provider that they allow SIP traffic.
If you are operating as a
Homeworker on a “home” network, the router/gateway needs to be non
aware, e.g
. disable ALG (Application Layer Gateway), and/or any other VOIP settings on the
If you are operating as a
Homeworker on an “enterprise” network, the router/gateway needs to be
non-SIP aware, e.g.
disable ALG (Application Layer Gateway), and/or any other VOIP settings on
the router. The firewall needs to be SIP aware, e.g. the 5060 and RTP ports need to be open.
Any other QOS needs SIP and RTP as a priority.
To enable the service on your router
, UDP port 5060 needs to be open
to the specified IP phone.
Please contact your ISP and/or equipment vendor for specific instructions on how to check and
amend the router/firewall
The IP Phone will not work with satellite broadband,
as there is high latency on this type of
connection, which prevents the device from talking to the network. WiMax, bonded lines and secure
firewalls may also not work with a One Net Business IP Phone.
Port ranges needed opening:
1024- 65535- UDP