Some features that need to connect to the Internet such as
location-based services and auto-sync of your online accounts
may incur extra data fees. Don’t worry. You can enable or disable
them in settings later on.
Ways of getting contacts into HTC Rhyme
There are several ways you can add contacts to HTC Rhyme. You can sync
HTC Rhyme with contacts from your Google Account, computer,
Facebook, and more.
HTC Sync
Sync the contacts from your old phone to your
computer, and then use HTC Sync to sync HTC Rhyme
with your computer's Microsoft
, Outlook
Express or Windows
Google contacts are imported to HTC Rhyme after you
sign in to your Google Account. You can also create
more Google contacts right from HTC Rhyme.
Log in to your Facebook account to import your
Facebook friends' contact information.
Phone contacts
You can choose to create and store contacts directly in
HTC Rhyme or transfer existing ones from your old
HTC Rhyme syncs your work contacts from the
Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync Server in your
Getting started