Lift & Shift
A portable, petrol powered capstan
winch for use over man holes and
similar locations.
Operating & Safety Guide LS59
To start the engine, firstly re-set the red emergency
STOP button if necessary. Turn the engine’s
ON/OFF switch to the ON position, open the fuel
tap, then set the choke -
fully closed if starting from
cold, half closed if the engine has warmed up.
Set the engine’s throttle half way then a few brisk
pulls on the starter cord should now start the engine.
Once started,
let the engine warm up for a few
minutes before opening the choke and setting the
throttle to idle.
Once warmed up, set the engine’s ON/OFF switch
to OFF.
Lower the end of a suitable rope
(Sisal or Hemp, do
not use rope constructed of man made material)
into the manhole until it touches the bottom.
Slot the rope onto one of the three ‘U’ shaped
guides, whichever one is closest to the load’s
at the bottom of the manhole. The idea being
that the rope is
set as close to the vertical as possible.
Wind the rope onto the capstan, working from the
‘U’ guide. The rope should be wound on
(over the top and back under)
feed the
rope from the inside of the capstan, a maximum of
three turns, with the rope exiting from the top and
towards the engine end of the unit
(see illustration).
Securely attach the load to the rope making sure
that it will be safe to lift.
Start the engine and set the throttle to
approximately half way, if the capstan’s speed is
too fast or slow reset the throttle to suit.
Before continuing, make sure that you are wearing
suitable protective gloves, failure to wear gloves
may result in severe rope burns.
To raise the load,
take a firm hold of the rope
at the rear of the unit and exert a slight pulling
force, the rope will tighten up on the capstan and
the capstan will take up the load.
Note that the rope will only move if you are
applying a pulling force.
Practice a few times with a dummy load
until you
get used to its operation.
Where a load is to be lowered, stop the engine
and lower the rope manually using the capstan to
create the drag forces required for slowing the
ropes speed of descent.
Take your time and don’t overdo it.
You are more
likely to have an accident if you are tired or rushing.
Never push the equipment beyond its design
If it will not do what you want with reasonable
ease and speed, assume you have the wrong tool for the
job. Contact your local HSS Lift & Shift Depot for advice.
Regularly check the fuel level and top up as
with unleaded petrol
Regularly check the oil level
- when the engine is cold
and on level ground. Withdraw the dipstick, wipe it
clean, then replace it, remove it a second time and verify
that the oil level is between the Min and Max lines,
up as necessary.
Keep the equipment clean,
you will find this less of a
chore if you clean it regularly, rather than wait until the
end of the hire period.
When not in use
, store the equipment somewhere
clean, dry and safe
from thieves and unauthorised users.
lower any raised load, then switch the
engine OFF.
Remove the rope from the capstan, neatly coil the
rope and place somewhere safe.
Move the unit clear of the manhole opening
then refit the cross bar into its transport
stowage position.
Give the unit a final clean up ready for return,
your local Lift & Shift Depot.
Code 70756
©HSS Hire Service Group Plc 1999 No. LS59/01
Group Office: 25 Willow Lane, Mitcham, Surrey CR4 4TS
Web Site: http://www.hss-liftandshift.co.uk
Contact your local
0845 704 5116
Lift & Shift
…any comments?
If you have any suggestions to enable us to improve
the information within this guide please fax your
comments or write to the Product Manager at the
address below
Fax: 020 8687 5001
‘U’ Guide
Three Turns
of Rope
Rope Feeding