Compact CAT5 Audio/Video Splitters and Receiver
This effect gets worse at high resolutions, high refresh rates, long
cables (in excess of 200-300 feet), and depends on the cable
construction itself. Hall Research recommends standard Cat5 rather
than Cat5e or Cat6, since the twist ratio match is worse in Cat6 cable.
To compensate for this skew, the Model URA-SC provides “skew-
compensation” pots. The pots are adjusted by a screwdriver and need
to be only set once per installation (adjustment is independent of
resolution and refresh rate).
3 pots are provided, one for each color. Turn all the pots CCW (no
delay), and then turn the pots for the colors arriving early, pushing its
image to the right, to lineup with the slowest color.
This effect is very subtle as you can only move each color component
only by a few pixels. But with a steady hand and good eyes you should
be able to improve the image quality. To help you with the alignment
you can download test patterns especially designed for skew
compensation from our website.
4. Troubleshooting
4.1 Problem Solving FAQ
1. Fuzzy, blurry, or ghosting image at remote location
If you have a stable image but it looks somewhat blurry (object or
character edges are not sharp), make sure that you have set the receiver
unit’s compensation switches correctly. Also check table 3.2 to see that
you have not exceeded the maximum cable length recommendation. If
you still have a fuzzy image, try reducing the refresh rate and/or
resolution of the PC. You may also wish to purchase a URA-SC to
adjust lack of convergence among the red, green, and blue colors.
If too much compensation is applied at the receiver, a bright and
ghosting image may result. In this case try reducing the amount of