It is important to know that a 3dB increase will double the sound level. The human hearing only recognizes a
doubling of the sound level when the noise level is increased by 10dB. Hearing loss does not depend on the
sound level but on the noise level and starts way before than the pain level.
Many a one deceives himself by thinking that noise is something you can get accustomed to. Nothing is further
form the truth!
The reason why some people have got accustomed to a certain noise level and are no longer disturbed, is that
they have already suffered hearing loss. The damage makes the hearing insensitive to the frequencies forming
the loudest part of the noise. Getting accustomed to noise does not mean anything other than trying to get along
with hearing loss in everyday life. Hearing loss cannot be recovered and can only be compensated with hearing
aids. Subjectively, hearing loss feels like having dampened ears. This effect weakens with time but loss in hearing
sensitivity is permanent.
In order to relax your hearing sufficiently, the noise level should not exceed 70dB for 10 hours. Higher noise levels
during this relaxing period can prevent relaxation and promote permanent hearing damage or hearing loss.
Protect your ears if you want to prevent hearing damage!
7. Description
enormous power with exceptional brilliance
ground-lift switch
operation modes controllable via LEDs
protection circuits
adjustable limiter
rugged 19” housing
Front Panel (fig. 1)
Power Switch
Press this button to switch the amplifier on or off.
Gain Control
Volume adjustment.
Bridge LED
Lights in bridge mode.
Stereo LED
Lights in stereo mode.
Parallel LED
Lights in parallel mode.