• Consider your current and future requirements for Image Streamer and Golden Images, including the space that is
required for all the artifacts. With this consideration, there is sufficient space in the repository partition to allow for this
and other applications in the Golden Image.
• The application is tightly coupled with the OS or hypervisor.
• The application or applet is lightweight.
Option 2: As part of Image Streamer OS volume
If the application meets any or all the following requirements, it is recommended to be installed during the OS volume
composing process:
• The proposed application install is part of the OS volume personalization process. Hence, the application will be
duplicated across the multiple OS volumes. As a result, the OS volumes require more capacity. There is sufficient space
in the 600 GB server volume storage partition for such large OS volumes along with other OS volumes.
• The application installation, including the personalization, can be scripted using Guestfish Plan Scripts.
NOTE: Applications that were installed as part of Image Streamer Golden Image might require personalization as part of
the OS volume composing.
Unless Hewlett Packard Enterprise already provides Plan Scripts for the application installation and personalization, you
are required to create the Plan Scripts.
Option 3: Compute module local storage
The recommendation for application installation varies depending on the type of storage that is configured for the
compute module in HPE OneView server profile.
• In a stateless server environment, any existing local storage must be used only for temporary files such as swap files,
page files, and as a location for support dumps. If only internal storage is configured, the installation of new
applications and configuration of existing ones must be performed manually or by using scripts. The reason is that the
storage allocation for the compute module does not occur until after the OS volume is composed. Any scripts used for
installing and configuring the application can be included in the Golden Image or created with the OS volume
NOTE: All files used for application installation or configuration that are stored in local storage will be lost when the
current server profile is deleted. Hence, Hewlett Packard Enterprise does not recommend using local storage for
application data.
• If no storage is configured, only applications installed and configured in the OS volume are available for use with the
compute module.
• If only external storage is configured, use
• If both internal and external storage are configured:
If you want the application and the configuration files to be available for future Golden Image deployments that
are configured with access to the current external storage, use
Otherwise, use the internal storage only configuration option.
Application installation on stateless servers