DstAS: 0 SrcAS: 0
NextHop: 2001::2
BGPNextHop: 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0
InVRF: 10
SamplerMode: 0 SamplerInt: 0
Active: 120 Bytes/Pkt: 152
MPLS LDP( 1:18-6-0 GE1/0/2(O) 291
SamplerMode: 0 SamplerInt: 0
Active: 660 Bytes/Pkt: 100
IP 2003::1(2048) 2008::1(0) 1 0 0x0 0x0 GE1/0/2(O) 10
IP& 2010::1(1024) 2020::1(67) 17 255 0x12345 0x0 GE1/0/3(I) 1848
MPLS LDP( 1:55-6-0
TcpFlag: 0
DstMask: 24 SrcMask: 24
DstAS: 0 SrcAS: 0
NextHop: 2020::2
BGPNextHop: 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0
InVRF: 0
SamplerMode: 0 SamplerInt: 0
Active: 382 Bytes/Pkt: 1426
Table 85 Command output
Field Description
Active flow timeout
Aging timer for active flows, in minutes.
Inactive flow timeout
Aging timer for inactive flows, in seconds.
Max number of entries
Maximum number of IPv6 flows allowed in the cache.
IPv6 active flow entries
Number of active IPv6 flows in the cache.
MPLS active flow entries
Number of active IPv6 MPLS flows in the cache.
IPL2 active flow entries
Number of active Layer 2 flows with IPv6 protocol information.
IPv6 flow entries counted
Number of IPv6 flows that have been counted.
MPLS flow entries counted
Number of MPLS flows that have been counted.
IPL2 flow entries counted
Number of Layer 2 flows (with IPv6 protocol information) that
have been counted.
Last statistics resetting time
Last time the
reset ipv6 netstream statistics
command was
executed. This field displays
if you have never executed
this command.
IPv6 packet size distribution
(1103746packets in total):
Distribution of IPv6 packets by packet size, and the bracketed
number is the total number of IPv6 packets.
The value is displayed in the proportion of the number of IPv6
packets of the specified sizes to the total number of IPv6
packets. The value is displayed with three decimal places.