Console Redirection Settings
To open the Console Redirection Settings page, select
Serial Port Console Redirection
Console Redirection Settings
from the Aptio Setup Utility.
Terminal Type
ANSI: Extended ASCII char set.
VT100: ASCII char set.
VT100+: Extends VT100 to support color.
Bits per second
: Selects serial port transmission speed. The speed must be matched on the other side.
Long or noisy lines may require lower speeds.
Data Bits
: Data Bits
: Sent with the data bits to detect some transmission errors.
Even: parity bit is 0 if the number of 1's in the data bits is even.
Odd: parity bit is 1 if the number of 1's in the data bits is odd.
Stop Bits
: Stop bits indicate the end of a serial data packet. (A start bit indicates the beginning). The
standard setting is 1 stop bit.
Flow Control
: Prevents data loss from buffer overflow. When sending data.
VT-UTF8 Combo Key Support
: Enable VT-UTF8 Combination Key Support for ANSI/VT100 terminals.
Recorder Mode
: Enable so that only text is sent. This is used to capture Terminal data.
Resolution 100x31
: Enables or disables extended terminal resolution
Putty KeyPad
: Select FunctionKey and KeyPad on Putty.