• For regulatory identification purposes, the HPE 5920AF-24XG and HPE 5920AF-24XG TAA products are assigned
Regulatory Model Numbers (RMNs). The RMNs for these products are listed in the following table. These regulatory
numbers should not be confused with the marketing name HPE 5920AF, or product codes JG296A and JG555A.
Product code
HPE description
BJNGA-AC0007 HPE 5920AF 24XG Switch
BJNGA-AC0007 HPE 5920AF 24XG TAA-compliant Switch
• For regulatory identification purposes, the HPE 5900AF-48XG-4QSFP+ and HPE 5900AF-48XG-4QSFP+ TAA products
are assigned Regulatory Model Numbers (RMNs). The RMNs for these products are listed in the following table. These
regulatory numbers should not be confused with the marketing name HPE 5900AF, or product codes JC772A and
Product code
HPE description
BJNGA-AD0016 HPE 5900AF 48XG 4QSFP+ Switch
BJNGA-AD0016 HPE 5900AF 48XG 4QSFP+ TAA-compliant Switch
• For regulatory identification purposes, the HPE FlexFabric 5900CP-48XG-4QSFP+ Switch and HPE StoreFabric
5900CP-48XG-4QSFP+ 8Gb FC B-fan Trays Converged Switch products are assigned Regulatory Model Numbers (RMNs).
The RMNs for these products are listed in the following table. These regulatory numbers should not be confused with the
marketing names HPE FlexFabric 5900CP and HPE StoreFabric 5900CP, or product codes JG838A and E7W29A.
Product code
HPE description
BJNGA-AD0023 HPE FlexFabric 5900CP 48XG 4QSFP+ Switch
BJNGA-AD0023 HPE StoreFabric 5900CP-48XG-4QSFP+ 8Gb FC B-fan Trays Converged
• For regulatory identification purposes, the HPE 5900AF-48XGT-4QSFP+ Switch is assigned a regulatory model number
(RMN) BJNGA-AD0018. This regulatory number should not be confused with the marketing name HPE 5900AF, or
product code JG336A.
• For regulatory identification purposes, the HPE 5900AF-48G-4XG-2QSFP+ Switch is assigned a regulatory model number
(RMN) BJNGA-AD0017. This regulatory number should not be confused with the marketing name HPE 5900AF, or
product code JG510A.
• For regulatory identification purposes, the HPE 5900CP-48XG-4QSFP+ TAA-compliant Switch, HPE
5900AF-48XGT-4QSFP+ TAA-compliant Switch, and HPE 5900AF-48G-4XG-2QSFP+ TAA-compliant Switch products are
assigned Regulatory Model Numbers (RMNs). The RMNs for these products are listed in the following table. These
regulatory numbers should not be confused with the marketing names HPE 5900CP and HPE 5900AF, or product codes
JH036A, JH037A, and JH038.
Product code
HPE description
BJNGA-AD0023 HPE 5900CP 48XG 4QSFP+ TAA-compliant Switch
BJNGA-AD0018 HPE 5900AF 48XGT 4QSFP+ TAA-compliant Switch
BJNGA-AD0017 HPE 5900AF 48G 4XG 2QSFP+ TAA-compliant Switch
Safety recommendations
To avoid any equipment damage or bodily injury, read the following safety recommendations before installation. Note that
these recommendations do not cover every possible hazardous condition.
Preparation for installation