HP TouchSmart IQ506 Manual Download Page 21






















Summary of Contents for TouchSmart IQ506

Page 1: ...升級與維護手冊 Upgrading and Servicing Guide ...

Page 2: ......

Page 3: ...升級與維護手冊 ...

Page 4: ...文件之任何部份 或將其翻譯成其他語言 Hewlett Packard Company P O Box 4010 Cupertino CA 95015 4010 USA Copyright 2008 Hewlett Packard Development Company L P 可能授權使用一或二個美國專利號碼 4 930 158 與 4 930 160 使用期限為 2008 年 8 月 28 日 Microsoft 和 Windows 為 Microsoft Corporation 的美國註冊商標 Windows Vista 是 Microsoft Corporation 在美國和 或其他國家 地區的註冊商標或商標 HP 支持您合法使用科技 但不認可或鼓勵在違反著作權法的情況下使用我方產品 本文件所包含之資訊可隨時更改 恕不另行通知 ...

Page 5: ...目錄 iii 目錄 安全資訊 1 開始之前 1 找出 HP TouchSmart PC 的組件 2 拆開 HP TouchSmart PC 3 新增記憶體 7 開始之前 7 拆卸記憶體模組 8 安裝記憶體模組 10 拆卸並安裝硬碟 12 拆卸硬碟 12 安裝硬碟 18 裝回 HP TouchSmart PC 23 ...

Page 6: ...iv 升級與維護手冊 ...

Page 7: ...系統 連接的評估 開始之前 請您參閱產品規格了解系統升級可能性的資訊 再決定是否為電腦升級或進行維護 請到 http www hp com support 參閱產品資訊 在嘗試升級或維護 HP TouchSmart PC 之前 請閱讀下列事項 這些程序是假設您已熟悉與個人電腦相關的一般術語 熟悉使用和修改電子設備的安全操作並確實遵 守這些法規 請記錄並妥善保存電腦的型號和序號 所有安裝選項 以及關於電腦的其他資訊 這麼一來需要時就 可以隨時查閱這些資訊 而不需再打開電腦查看 警告 在安裝及將系統接上電源系統之前 請先參閱 有限保固 支援及系統復原手冊 中的 其他安全資 訊 一節 警告 請避免碰觸電腦內部銳利的邊緣 ...

Page 8: ...ett Packard 建議您使用尖端帶有磁性的螺絲起子 以更簡易 地拆卸與鎖回螺絲 找出 HP TouchSmart PC 的組件 請參閱下列圖示找出 HP TouchSmart PC 的組件 警告 拆卸記憶體外蓋或背板時 請務必中斷 HP TouchSmart PC 與電源的連接 若沒有執行這些動作就拆開 HP TouchSmart PC 或進行任何程序 可能會導致人身傷害或裝備的損壞 A B C G E D F A 光碟機外蓋 D 電源變壓器接頭 G 接頭外蓋 B 背板 E 無線鍵盤和滑鼠接收器 C 電腦底座 F 記憶體外蓋 ...

Page 9: ...下列步驟 1 移除 HP TouchSmart PC 的所有媒體 CD DVD 記憶卡 USB 裝置以及外接式硬碟 2 拔除任何與電腦連接的外接式裝置 3 點選 Windows Vista 開始 按鈕 然後點選 關機 4 系統完全關閉後 自 HP TouchSmart PC 的背部中斷電源變壓器 A 的連接 警告事項 靜電會損壞 HP TouchSmart PC 或選購設備的電子組件 請碰觸一下接地金屬物體 確保您已釋放出 靜電 警告 為了降低電擊或觸及過熱表面等人身傷害的風險 請務必從牆上電源插座拔下電源線 並讓內部系統組 件先冷卻一下再觸碰 A A ...

Page 10: ...4 升級與維護手冊 5 用您的手指伸進外蓋 A 左下角的間隔 然後輕拉拆卸接頭外蓋 6 拔除所有連接在 HP TouchSmart PC 背部的連接線 A ...

Page 11: ...升級與維護手冊 5 7 將電腦面朝下放置在柔軟 平坦的表面 若要保護觸控螢幕面板避免刮傷或其他損壞 HP 建議您在 電腦下鋪一條毯子 毛巾或其他軟布 A 8 稍微施壓拉起電腦底座直到與電腦成為大約 90 度 B 角的筆直位置 然後將閂鎖往左移動直到鎖定 位置 C 9 利用無線鍵盤與滑鼠接收器上的凹口 將接收器拉出電腦背部 B C A ...

Page 12: ...6 升級與維護手冊 10 拆卸將記憶體外蓋固定在電腦背部的螺絲 A 11 輕輕拿起記憶體外蓋的底部邊緣以退出外蓋 B 然後將外蓋輕推到電腦底部 C 再完全拆卸外蓋 若要升級您的硬碟 請參閱第 12 頁的 拆卸並安裝硬碟 警告 請小心 機殼內部的邊緣非常尖銳 A B C ...

Page 13: ...憶體 RAM 可以暫時儲存電腦上的資料和指令 HP TouchSmart PC 隨附一或兩個記憶體模組供您替換 開始之前 請留意下列要求再進行拆卸與替換記憶體模組 主機板含有 SO DIMM 小型雙插入式記憶體模組 專用的插槽 下列圖示中圓圈位置即為記憶體模組配 對插槽 若要判定您 HP TouchSmart PC 使用的記憶體模組之類型和速度 以及取得特定記憶體模組的資訊和規 格 請到 http www hp com support 警告事項 使用錯誤的記憶體模組類型可能會使電腦受損 ...

Page 14: ... 拆卸記憶體模組 1 完成準備為 HP TouchSmart PC 升級的程序 請參閱第 3 頁的 拆開 HP TouchSmart PC 2 將固定夾的兩個閂鎖從記憶體模組往外扳開 一次推一個可能比較不費力 記憶體模組會以某個角度 彈起 兩個記憶體模組都可使用相同程序進行拆卸 警告事項 處理記憶體模組時 請小心不要碰到任何接點 碰觸接點可能會損壞模組 警告事項 請勿將記憶體模組從插槽中拔出 請使用固定夾閂鎖移除模組 ...

Page 15: ...升級與維護手冊 9 3 從記憶體插槽中拿起記憶體模組 請記住配對插槽在接頭邊緣的位置 4 將記憶體模組存放在防靜電包裝袋中 ...

Page 16: ...chSmart PC 所使用的記憶體 必須和電腦原廠安裝的記憶體類型 速度相同 兩個記憶體 模組的容量必須相同 才能達到最佳效能 兩個記憶體模組都可使用下列的相同程序進行安裝 1 拆卸記憶體模組 請參閱第 8 頁的 拆卸記憶體模組 2 將記憶體模組與插槽對齊 接頭邊緣的配對插槽才會與您剛才拆卸的模組位於相同位置 警告事項 處理記憶體模組時 請小心不要碰到任何接點 碰觸接點可能會損壞模組 注意事項 插槽是有配對的 如果模組凹槽與插槽無法吻合 請將記憶體模組翻面 ...

Page 17: ...槽的底部 直到金色邊緣幾乎完全沒入凹槽裡 然後再壓下記憶體模組外 緣讓固定夾卡入鎖定位置 4 裝回 HP TouchSmart PC 請參閱第 23 頁的 裝回 HP TouchSmart PC 警告事項 記憶體模組必須完全插入凹槽才能卡入鎖定位置 否則無法正常運作 在下列圖示中 記憶體模組 的安裝方式不正確 A 因為仍可看見金色邊緣 注意事項 如果替換或新增記憶體模組後 螢幕顯示為空白 表示記憶體安裝方式或類型錯誤 請拆卸 並重新安裝記憶體模組 A ...

Page 18: ...P TouchSmart PC 升級的程序 請參閱第 3 頁的 拆開 HP TouchSmart PC 2 拆卸四顆將電腦底座固定在電腦背部的螺絲 以拆卸底座 警告事項 請將您硬碟上的個人檔案備份至某外接式的儲存裝置 如 DVD 然後再拆卸硬碟 否則資料可能 會遺失 在替換硬碟後 您必須使用復原光碟執行 系統復原 以載入原廠安裝的檔案 如需更多關於復原程序 的資訊 請參閱 HP TouchSmart PC 隨附的 有限保固 支援及系統復原手冊 警告 為了降低電擊或觸及過熱表面等人身傷害的風險 請務必從牆上電源插座拔下電源線 並讓內部系統組件 先冷卻一下再觸碰 ...

Page 19: ...升級與維護手冊 13 3 用手指或螺絲起子掀起光碟機外蓋的下緣 然後轉動外蓋 將它從電腦上拆卸下來 外蓋由一些卡榫 與兩個導梢固定 請小心不要過度施力導致外蓋破裂 4 請確定無線鍵盤與滑鼠接收器 A 已經移除 請參閱第 3 頁的 拆開 HP TouchSmart PC 拆卸將背 板固定在機殼上的九顆螺絲 四顆螺絲位於背板下緣 兩顆位於光碟機兩邊 另外三顆則位於接頭區 A ...

Page 20: ...14 升級與維護手冊 5 從記憶體外蓋區的內側下緣掀起背板 將雙手置於背板底部拿起背板 然後往上轉動到最大角度 6 將背板拿離電腦 ...

Page 21: ...升級與維護手冊 15 7 拆卸將光碟機固定到機殼的螺絲 然後將光碟機推向電腦中央以免阻礙硬碟拆卸 您不需拆卸光碟機 連接線 8 取下將硬碟架固定到機殼的螺絲 ...

Page 22: ...16 升級與維護手冊 9 將硬碟架往電腦上方推動 然後將架子從電腦主體拉開 10 按下連接線閂鎖 以將電源線與資料連接線從硬碟上拔除 ...

Page 23: ...升級與維護手冊 17 11 拆下將硬碟固定到硬碟架的四顆螺絲 接著將硬碟從硬碟架中推出 ...

Page 24: ...18 升級與維護手冊 安裝硬碟 1 如有需要 請拆卸硬碟機 請參閱第 12 頁的 拆卸硬碟 2 將硬碟推進硬碟架 然後裝回四顆螺絲 3 將電源線和資料連接線接到硬碟 ...

Page 25: ...升級與維護手冊 19 4 筆直放下硬碟架 將架上的四個鉤對齊機殼背面的四個孔 然後將硬碟架推向電腦底端直到進入機殼 托架裡 5 裝回將硬碟架固定到機殼的螺絲 ...

Page 26: ...20 升級與維護手冊 6 將光碟機鉤與機殼上的孔對齊 然後把光碟機推向電腦的外緣 7 裝回將光碟機固定到機殼的螺絲 ...

Page 27: ...升級與維護手冊 21 8 裝回背板 將背板上方的鉤與電腦上方的孔對齊 背板上的螺絲孔應該與電腦背部的螺絲孔對齊 9 按下上方 側邊以及下緣 將蓋板卡進定位 ...

Page 28: ...22 升級與維護手冊 10 裝回將背板固定在電腦上的九顆螺絲 四顆螺絲位於背板下緣 兩顆位於光碟機兩邊 另外三顆則位 於接頭區 11 裝回光碟機外蓋時 請將光碟機外蓋底端邊緣的卡榫對齊電腦的孔 然後將上緣卡進定位 12 請按照第 23 頁的 裝回 HP TouchSmart PC 所述步驟 警告事項 您必須裝回光碟機四周的螺絲 確保光碟機插槽正確地對齊背板 ...

Page 29: ...uchSmart PC 為了避免人身傷害及設備損壞 在裝回 HP TouchSmart PC 之後 請務必依照順序完成下列步驟 1 若先前已移除 請裝回電腦底座 將底座的四個螺絲孔對齊於電腦背部的四個孔上 然後裝回將底座 固定在電腦上的螺絲 2 裝回記憶體外蓋 將記憶體外蓋對齊於電腦底座兩支架與螺絲孔的上方 並將外蓋推向底座進入定位 A 將記憶體外蓋下緣的兩邊往下壓 並卡進定位 B 按壓下緣的中間部份 確定所有的外蓋都已 推到底 A B ...

Page 30: ...24 升級與維護手冊 3 裝回將記憶體外蓋固定在電腦上的螺絲 4 稍微將電腦底座推至鎖定的位置之後 A 用一隻手扶著避免開鎖之後底座彈回 然後以另一隻手打 開電腦底座上的鎖 B A B ...

Page 31: ...升級與維護手冊 25 5 裝回鍵盤與滑鼠接收器 6 請將電腦直立放置在平坦表面上 底座則置於安全與開放的位置 ...

Page 32: ...26 升級與維護手冊 7 請將電源變壓器連接到電腦背部 然後將電源線重新連接到電源上 8 重新連接所有連接線 然後將外蓋邊緣的三個卡榫對齊電腦上的孔來裝回接頭外蓋 然後往內轉動將 外蓋卡回定位 9 重新連接外接式裝置 10 開啟 HP TouchSmart PC 以及連接的所有裝置 警告 為了降低電擊 火災或設備損壞的風險 請勿將電信或電話連接線插入至網路介面卡 NIC 標示為區域 網路 ...

Page 33: ...Upgrading and Servicing Guide ...

Page 34: ... reproduced or translated to another language without the prior written consent of HP Hewlett Packard Company P O Box 4010 Cupertino CA 95015 4010 USA Copyright 2008 Hewlett Packard Development Company L P May be licensed in the United States by one or both of U S Patents Nos 4 930 158 and 4 930 160 until August 28 2008 Microsoft and Windows are U S registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation T...

Page 35: ...ents of the HP TouchSmart PC 2 Opening the HP TouchSmart PC 3 Adding Memory 7 Before you begin 7 Removing a memory module 8 Installing a memory module 10 Removing and Installing the Hard Disk Drive 12 Removing the hard disk drive 12 Installing a hard disk drive 18 Closing the HP TouchSmart PC 23 ...

Page 36: ...iv Upgrading and Servicing Guide ...

Page 37: ...mation Read the following items before attempting to upgrade or service the HP TouchSmart PC These procedures assume familiarity with the general terminology associated with personal computers and with the safety practices and regulatory compliance required for using and modifying electronic equipment Write down and save the computer model and serial numbers all installed options and other informa...

Page 38: ...mponents of the HP TouchSmart PC Refer to the following illustration to locate components of the HP TouchSmart PC WARNING Always disconnect the HP TouchSmart PC from the power source before removing the memory cover or the back cover Failure to do so before you open the HP TouchSmart PC or perform any procedures can result in personal injury or equipment damage A B C G E D F A Optical disc drive c...

Page 39: ...ws Vista start button and then tap Shut Down 4 After the system has completely shut down disconnect the power adapter A from the back of the HP TouchSmart PC CAUTION Static electricity can damage the electronic components of the HP TouchSmart PC or optional equipment Ensure that you are discharged of static electricity by briefly touching a grounded metal object WARNING To reduce the risk of perso...

Page 40: ...icing Guide 5 Remove the connector cover by inserting your finger under the gap on the bottom left side of the cover A and then pulling gently 6 Disconnect all other attached cables from the back of the HP TouchSmart PC A ...

Page 41: ...en surface from scratches or other damage 8 Apply additional pressure to lift the computer stand as far as it will go to an upright position about 90 degrees B from the computer and then move the latch to the left until it is in the locked position C 9 Using the notch on the wireless keyboard and mouse receiver pull the receiver out of and away from the back of the computer B C A ...

Page 42: ...ter 11 Pull up the memory cover slightly on the bottom edge to release it B then gently slide the cover down toward the bottom of the computer C and then remove it To upgrade your hard disk drive see Removing and Installing the Hard Disk Drive on page 12 WARNING Beware of sharp edges inside the chassis A B C ...

Page 43: ...llowing requirements before removing and replacing the memory module The motherboard contains sockets for SO DIMMs small outline dual in line memory modules A memory module with the key slot circled is shown in the following illustration To determine which type and speed of memory module your HP TouchSmart PC uses and for specific memory module information and specifications go to http www hp com ...

Page 44: ...s away from the memory module It may be easier to push one latch at a time The memory module pops up at an angle Both memory modules can be removed by using the same procedure CAUTION When handling a memory module be careful not to touch any of the contacts Doing so may damage the module CAUTION Do not pull the memory module out of the socket Use the latches of the retaining clips to remove the mo...

Page 45: ...Upgrading and Servicing Guide 9 3 Lift the memory module from the memory socket Note the location of the key slot on the connector edge 4 Store the memory module in antistatic packaging ...

Page 46: ...dules can be installed by using the same procedure listed below 1 Remove the memory module See Removing a memory module on page 8 2 Align the memory module with the socket so that the key slot on the connector edge is same as the module that you removed CAUTION When handling a memory module be careful not to touch any of the contacts Doing so may damage the module NOTE The sockets are keyed If the...

Page 47: ...PC See Closing the HP TouchSmart PC on page 23 CAUTION The memory module must be inserted all the way into the slot before it is snapped down into place otherwise it will not work properly In the following illustration a memory module is installed incorrectly A with the gold edge showing NOTE If a blank screen is displayed after you replace or add a memory module the memory is installed incorrectl...

Page 48: ...mputer CAUTION Before removing the hard disk drive back up any personal files on the hard disk drive to an external storage device such as a DVD Failure to do so may result in data loss After replacing the hard disk drive you need to run System Recovery using recovery discs to load the factory installed files For details about the recovery procedure refer to the Limited Warranty Support and System...

Page 49: ...olding the cover in place so be careful not to break the cover by applying too much force 4 Make sure the wireless keyboard and mouse receiver A has been removed See Opening the HP TouchSmart PC on page 3 Remove the nine screws that secure the back cover to the chassis Four of the screws are located along the bottom edge of the back cover two are located on the sides of the optical drive and three...

Page 50: ...ack cover up from the bottom inside edge of the memory cover area to release it place both hands under the bottom edge of the cover and lift it up and then rotate the back cover up as far as it will go 6 Lift away the back cover from the computer ...

Page 51: ...at secures the optical disc drive to the chassis and then slide the drive toward the center of the computer to move it out of the way You do not need to remove the optical drive cables 8 Remove the screw that secures the hard disk drive cage to the chassis ...

Page 52: ...ervicing Guide 9 Slide the hard disk drive cage toward the top of the computer and then pull it away from the computer 10 Disconnect the power and data cables by pressing the latches and then removing them from the drive ...

Page 53: ...Upgrading and Servicing Guide 17 11 Remove the four screws that secure the hard disk drive to the cage and then slide the hard disk drive out of the cage ...

Page 54: ...ing a hard disk drive 1 If necessary remove the hard disk drive See Removing the hard disk drive on page 12 2 Slide the hard disk drive into the cage and then replace the four screws 3 Connect the power and data cables to the hard disk drive ...

Page 55: ...aight down align the four hooks on the cage with the four holes on the back of the chassis and then slide the cage toward the bottom of the computer until it rests against the bracket on the chassis 5 Replace the screw that secures the hard disk drive cage to the chassis ...

Page 56: ... Guide 6 Align the hooks on the optical disc drive with the holes on the computer and then slide the optical disc drive toward the outer edge of the computer 7 Replace the screw that secures the optical disc drive to the chassis ...

Page 57: ...ign the hooks at the top edge of the back cover with the holes on the top of the computer The screw holes on the back cover should be aligned with the screw holes on the back of the computer 9 Press the top side and then bottom edges to snap the cover into place ...

Page 58: ...d three are located in the connector area 11 Replace the optical disc drive cover by aligning the tabs on the bottom edge of the optical drive cover with the hole on the computer and then snapping the top edge into place 12 Follow the steps in Closing the HP TouchSmart PC on page 23 CAUTION You must replace the screws on each side of the optical disc drive to ensure that the drive slot is aligned ...

Page 59: ...tand over the four holes on the back of the computer and then replace the four screws that secure the stand to the computer 2 Replace the memory cover Align the memory cover over the two legs of the computer stand and the screw hole and slide toward the stand and into place A Push down on both sides of the bottom edge of the memory cover to snap it into place B Push in the middle of the bottom edg...

Page 60: ...secures the memory cover to the computer 4 Push the computer stand back slightly beyond the locked position A holding it with one hand so it does not snap back when the lock is released and then release the lock on the computer stand B with the other hand A B ...

Page 61: ...Upgrading and Servicing Guide 25 5 Replace the keyboard and mouse receiver 6 Place the computer upright on a flat surface with the stand in a safe and open position 40 max 10 min ...

Page 62: ...ver by aligning the three tabs on the side edge of the cover with the holes on the computer and then rotating inward to snap it into place 9 Reconnect external devices 10 Turn on the HP TouchSmart PC and all devices connected to it WARNING To reduce the risk of electrical shock fire or equipment damage do not plug telecommunications or telephone cables into the network interface card NIC labeled a...

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Page 64: ...Copyright 2008 Hewlett Packard Development Company L P 此處所包含之資訊可隨時更改 恕不另行通知 The information contained herein is subject to change without notice Printed in xxxxx ...
