is the IP address to assign the network interface.
is a mandatory keyword.
is the netmask for the IP address.
Run the HCA Self-Test
The HCA Self-test verifies the state of the HCA component, the state of each port on the HCA, as well
as the connectivity to the fabric.
1. Log into the InfiniBand-enabled host.
2. Run the
Figure 9-2:
Running the HCA Self-Test
Figure 9-3:
HCA Self-Test with Port Error
3. View the output of the HCA Self-test. In the example shown in
Figure 9-3
, port #1 of the HCA is
not properly connected.
4. View another example of the HCA Self-test. In the example shown in
Figure 9-4
, both ports on the
HCA appear to be disconnected, or are not connected properly.
The following errors appear:
Port State of Port #0 on HCA #0 is Down
Error Counters Failure
[root@1750]# /usr/local/topspin/sbin/hca_self_test
---- Performing InfiniBand HCA Self Test ----
Number of HCAs Detected ................ 1
PCI Device Check ....................... PASS
Host Driver Version .................... rhel3-2.4.21-4.ELsmp-2.0.0-530
Host Driver RPM Check .................. PASS
HCA Type of HCA #0 ..................... Cougar
HCA Firmware on HCA #0 ................. v3.01.0000
HCA Firmware Check on HCA #0 ........... PASS
Host Driver Initialization ............. PASS
Number of HCA Ports Active ............. 1
Port State of Port #0 on HCA #0 ........ UP
Port State of Port #1 on HCA #0 ........ DOWN
Error Counter Check .................... PASS
Kernel Syslog Check .................... PASS
------------------ DONE ---------------------