Command Line Interface 21
Command Line Interface
Connecting to the switch console
To connect to the switch console, use one of the following methods:
To connect locally, use the serial console port ("
" on page
To connect remotely, be sure the management network is connected to the iLO CM management port
" on page
To connect using iLO, use the virtual serial port from the iLO CLI ("
" on page
Default user name and password
No user name or password is required to login to the switch by default.
Terminal settings
Use the following terminal settings when connecting to the serial console port ("
" on page
115200 baud rate
8 data bits
No parity
1 stop bit
No flow control
Accessing the CLI locally
If using a PC with a terminal emulator, be sure a terminal emulator is installed before communicating with the
Use a console cable to connect a PC or terminal to the serial console port on the uplink module.
Moonshot-4QSFP uplink module components
" on page
Configure the terminal settings (on page
Start the terminal.
The switch prompt appears.