Site Power Cables for NS7 CG Systems
Site cables and lugs must be provided by the customer or the installation provider for the customer.
Hewlett Packard Enterprise does not provide these items to the customer.
The power cables should be assembled by a certified electrician only.
Required Documentation
The information in this appendix assumes the customer or the customer’s installation provider
is already familiar with and has access to the National Fire Protection Associations (NFPAs)
National Electrical Code Handbook 2005 (NFPA 70)
. Specifically either of these tables
from the handbook, depending on the Cable Rating that is selected at the site (60C-90C vs.
150C-250C jacketing):
“Allowable Ampacities of Insulated Conductors Rated 0 Through 2000 Volts, 60° C Through
90° C, Not More Than Three Current-Carrying Conductors in Raceway, Cable, or Earth,
Based on Ambient Temperature of 30° C” (Table 310.16)
“Allowable Ampacities of Insulated Conductors Rated 0 Through 2000 Volts, 150° C Through
250° C (302° F Through 482° F). Not More Than Three Current-Carrying Conductors in
Raceway, Cable, or Earth, Based on Ambient Temperature of 40° C (104° F)” (Table 310.18)
Requirements for Site Power or Ground Cables
The customer must ensure the site power cables meet the ampacity requirements for a NEBS
50°C environment.
Use Table 310.16 or Table 310.18 along with Table 310.15(B)(2)(a). See
to verify the site power input cables meet the ampacity requirements
for a NEBS 50°C environment.
To ensure the site power input cables you plan to use meet the ampacity requirements for a
NEBS 50°C environment:
Depending on the site’s Cable Rating requirements, use Table 310.16 or Table 310.18
(60°C-90°C or 150°C-250°C jacketing, respectively). See
“Required Documentation” (page 77)
to determine the correct cable size, based on the type and grade of cable you plan to use.
To reach the NEBS 50°C environment, apply the correction factor within each table for the
50°C ambient temperature range (Table 310.16 is 46°C-50°C; Table 310.18 is 41°C-50°C)
to the ampacity values in the Table to obtain the corrected maximum ampacity that is
acceptable in the NEBS 50°C environment.
If more than three current-carrying conductors will be run vertically through the sides of the
rack, or lay in a site’s raceway for longer than 24 inches, apply the correction factor from
Table 310.15(B)(2)(a) to the ampacity values from Table 310.16 or Table 310.18 at 50°C.
Site Power Cables for NS7 CG Systems