SAS Disk Enclosure CG
The SAS disk enclosure CG provides the storage capacity for the Storage CLIM CG. This
enclosure holds 24 2.5” SAS common carrier or universal carrier drive with redundant power and
More information
“System Installation Specifications for NS7 CG Systems” (page 70)
CLuster I/O Module (CLIM) Installation and Configuration Manual (L15.02+)
(service providers
Enterprise Storage System (ESS) Optional
Like the NS7 AC system, the NS7 CG system supports connecting to ESS; however, ESS is not
intended for a CG power environment.
Maintenance Switch CG
The NonStop X Maintenance Switch CG provides the communication network between system
components. NS7 CG systems use the GarrettCom Magnum 6K25 Fiber Switch with two DC
power inputs, 24 Ethernet ports labeled A1 through A8, B1 through B8, and C1 through C8, and
a ground connection between the rack and the switch chassis.
More information
NonStop X System Hardware Installation Manual
“System Installation Specifications for NS7 CG Systems” (page 70)
System Console
The NS7 CG uses an AC power
“NonStop System Console” (page 17)
that is supported in a
separate rack or in the desktop model. An AC power system console cannot be mounted in the
seismic rack.
The NonStop system console must be configured with some ports open. For more
information, see the
NonStop System Console Installer Guide
HPE Integrity NonStop X NS7 CG X2 System