Nonoperating Temperature, Humidity, and Altitude Specifications for NS7 Systems
Up to 72-hour storage: - 40° to 151° F (-40° to 66° C)
Up to 6-month storage: -20° to 131° F (-29° to 55° C)
Reasonable rate of change with noncondensing relative humidity during the transition
from warm to cold
Relative humidity: 10% to 80%, noncondensing
Altitude: 0 to 40,000 feet (0 to 12,192 meters)
NS7 Cooling Airflow Direction
Because the front door of the enclosure must be adequately ventilated to allow air to
enter the enclosure and the rear door must be adequately ventilated to allow air to escape, do
not block the ventilation apertures of a system.
Each NS7 system includes 10 Active Cool fans that provide high-volume, high pressure airflow
at even the slowest fan speeds. Air flow for each system enters through a slot in the front of the
c7000 enclosure and is pulled into the interconnect bays. Ducts allow the air to move from the
front to the rear of the enclosure where it is pulled into the interconnects and the center plenum.
The air is then exhausted out the rear of the enclosure.
NS7 Blanking Panels
If the NS7 system is not completely filled with components, the gaps between these components
can cause adverse changes in the airflow, negatively impacting cooling within the rack. You must
cover any gaps with blanking panels. In high density environments, air gaps in the enclosure
and between adjacent enclosures should be sealed to prevent recirculation of hot-air from the
rear of the enclosure to the front.
NS7 Typical Acoustic Noise Emissions
84 dB(A) (sound pressure level at operator position)
Tested Electrostatic Immunity for NS7 Systems
Contact discharge: 8 KV
Air discharge: 20 KV
Calculating Specifications for NS7 Enclosure Combinations
Power and thermal calculations assume that each enclosure in the rack is fully populated. The
power and heat load is less when enclosures are not fully populated, such as a SAS disk enclosure
with fewer disk drives.
AC power calculations assume that the power feed(s) on one side of the rack (left or right) deliver
all power to the rack. In normal operation, the power is split equally between the two sides.
However, calculate the power load to assume delivery from only one side to allow the system to
continue to operate if power to one of the sides fails.
“Example of Rack Load Calculations ” (page 58)
lists the weight, power, and thermal calculations
for an example NS7 system.
Calculating Specifications for NS7 Enclosure Combinations