Table 12 Interpreting battery pack LEDs
LED 4 State
LED 3 State
An alternating green and amber flash pattern indicates that the cache
microcontroller is executing from within its boot loader and receiving new flash
code from the host controller.
One flash per
One flash per
There is a short circuit across the battery terminals or in the battery pack. BBWC
features are disabled until the battery pack is replaced. The life expectancy of a
battery pack is typically more than three years.
Steady glow
There is an open circuit across the battery terminals or in the battery pack. BBWC
features are disabled until the battery pack is replaced. The life expectancy of a
battery pack is typically more than three years.
One flash per
Flash-Backed Write Cache (FBWC) LEDs
The FBWC module has two single-color LEDs (green and amber). The LEDs are duplicated on the
reverse side of the cache module to facilitate status viewing.
Table 13 Flash-Backed Write Cache LEDs
Amber LED
Green LED
A backup is in progress.
A restore is in progress.
Flashing (1 Hz)
The capacitor pack is charging.
Flashing (1 Hz)
The capacitor pack has completed charging.
One of the following conditions exists:
Flashing (2 Hz)
Alternating with
green LED
Flashing (2 Hz)
Alternating with
amber LED
The charging process has timed out.
The capacitor pack is not connected.
The flash code image failed to load.
The flash code is corrupt.
Fault management features
The Smart Array Controllers and the HP-UX operating system support the following fault management
and data reliability features that minimize the impact of disk drive defects on your systems:
Auto-Reliability Monitoring (ARM)
A firmware process that operates in the background,
scanning physical disks for bad sectors in fault-tolerant
logical drives. ARM also verifies the consistency of parity
data in logical drives that use RAID 5 or RAID ADG. This
process assures that you can recover data successfully if a
disk fails. ARM operates when you select a fault-tolerant
Dynamic sector repair
Automatically remaps any sectors that have media faults
detected during normal operation or by Auto-Reliability
An industry-standard diagnostic and failure prediction
feature of physical disks, developed by HP in collaboration
with the disk drive industry. S.M.A.R.T. monitors factors that
predict imminent physical disk failure due to mechanical
causes, including the condition of the read/write head, the
seek error rate, and the spin-up time. When a threshold
value is exceeded for a factor, the disk sends an alert to the
Flash-Backed Write Cache (FBWC) LEDs