Chapter 1
General Information
Manual Overview
course: “Understanding Connectors Used with Network Analyzers.”
The courses available are:
• HP 24A (on-site)
• HP 24D (at HP sales office)
Compatible Vector Network Analyzers
The ECal modules are supported by the following vector network
analyzers (VNAs):
Table 1-1
Supported Vector Network Analyzers
Vector Network Analyzer
Firmware Revision
HP 8753C
HP 8753D
6.14 or higher
HP 8753E
7.12 or higher
HP 8510B
HP 8510C
7.00 or higher
HP 8719C
HP 8719D
6.14 or higher
HP 8720C
HP 8720D
6.14 or higher
HP 8722C
HP 8722D
6.14 or higher
HP 8753ES
7.60 or higher
HP 8753ET
1. ET model analyzers do not have the capability to accommodate full 2-port
calibrations. Therefore, the only ECal calibration selection valid for these
analyzers is “S11 1-Port” which is equivalent to selecting “Reflection
1-Port” on an ET analyzer.
7.60 or higher
HP 8719ES
7.60 or higher
7.60 or higher
HP 8720ES
7.60 or higher
7.60 or higher
HP 8722ES
7.60 or higher
7.60 or higher