Hardware Guide
Battery Packs
When to Calibrate
Calibrate an in-use battery pack whenever battery status displays
seem inaccurate or whenever the battery pack has not been used
for one month or more. It should not be necessary to calibrate any
battery pack, even if it is heavily used, more than once a month,
unless usage patterns change significantly. It is not necessary to
calibrate a new battery pack before first use.
How to Calibrate
To manually calibrate a battery pack:
1. Fully charge the battery pack.
2. Fully discharge the battery pack.
While discharging the battery pack, be sure that your power
settings are not configured to initiated Hibernation. For more
information on power settings, refer on this CD to the
“Power” chapter.
3. Fully recharge the battery pack.
Conserving Battery Power
Using the following battery conservation procedures and settings
extends the time that a battery pack can run the notebook from a
single charge.
Conserving Power as You Work
To conserve power as you use the notebook:
Turn off wireless and LAN connections and exit modem
applications when you are not using them.
Disconnect external devices you are not using that are not
connected to an external power source.