Service Reference Guide, dc5100
Removal and Replacement Procedures— Microtower (MT) Chassis
6.4 Front
1. Prepare the computer for disassembly (
Section 6.1, “Preparation for Disassembly”
2. Remove the access panel (
3. To remove the front bezel, press in on the two bottom tabs on the left side of the bezel
that they release from the chassis. Then press in on the upper tab on the left side of the bezel
so that it releases from the chassis. The bezel will rotate out slightly from left to right.
Do not over-rotate or try to pull the bezel off at this point, otherwise you may break the
remaining hooks on the inside of the bezel.
4. Press down on the upper right corner of the bezel to release the hook that secures the top of
the bezel to the chassis. Continue to rotate the bezel, then push the bezel to the left to release
the right side latches and rotate the bezel off the chassis from left to right.