10. Place another small amount of conductive grease onto the
metal drum axle.
: If you are replacing the drum, the gears will need to be changed over from the OEM to the new. There are two methods
of removing the gears from OPC drums: The first and easiest method is to place the drum in a metal vice approximately 2" back
from the gear, and slowly tighten the vice. The gear should pop out easily. This is the only method you can use on the OPC drums,
which have a weighted slug in the center. If you use this method go on to step #3. The other method is as follows…
1. A 1/4" x 15" metal rod
2. A 1" x 15" wooden dowel
3. A tube of super glue
4. A small piece of Emory-cloth or sand paper
Step #1 - Removal of the drive gear:
The drive gear is the gear that has no metal electrical contacts in it. These gears are usually larger than the contact gear.
A. Carefully insert the 1/4" metal rod into the center of the gear that has the contacts, or the contact gear.
B. Angle the rod so that the rod presses against the edge of the opposite gear.
The rod should be touching both the inside of the OPC drum and the edge of the gear.
C. Tap the end of the rod with a hammer, working the rod around the entire edge of the gear, until the gear comes loose.
: Gently heating the ends of the drum with a hair dryer or heat gun on low may cause the glue to soften and ease in the
removal process. Just be careful not to use too much heat and melt the gear!
Step #2 - Removal of the "contact" gear:
A. Insert the 1" wooden dowel into the gearless end of the drum.
B. Tap the dowel with a hammer until the gear comes loose.
Step #3 - Remove any old adhesive from the gears, straighten out any damage done to the contact gears' metal contacts
Removing the adhesive can be done with a small sharp common screwdriver. The glue comes off easily.
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