use the folders in the selected directory. WARNING! Default directory for the RS app
is the folder RuhunSehbali in the device. Changing directory to any other folder that
may disable the application.)
Personal Images Folder: Pick the folder created for personal images. If no file exists,
the screensaver function will be inactive.
Prayer Times: Adjustments in this section is designed to allow users to add or deduct
minutes to the prayer times for the closest location in case their location is not listed.
Users can also change the settings for tahajjud reminder.
Reset Settings: Allows user to reset the application
IMPORTANT: If your ADF is connected to WiFi, image files and video files are automatically
downloaded. For best results, it is suggested to keep the device to connected to a WiFi
and select automatic update for time settings in the Settings for the ADF.
Wireless Settings
Enable/disable WiFi to your DPF by tapping on the toggle button.
When enabled a list of available WiFi connections are listed. Select your local WiFi from the
list and enter the password when prompted.
Frame Settings
Select the operating system language.
Enable/disable ‘Touch Sound’ using the toggle, and use the on-screen controls to
adjust system and alert sounds volume.
Display Settings : Enable adjust display brightness.
Bulundugum sehir listeli degil
Listede size en yakin sehir bulup secin, gelismis ayarlardan her vakit icin dakika far-
kini ekleyin ya da cikarin.
Date & Time
• Enable/disable ‘Automatic Date & Time’ for your ADF to use the network-provided
time when connected to WiFi.
• Alternatively, with Automatic Date & Time disabled, manually adjust Date and Time
settings using the on-screen controls.
View your DPF’s total available internal storage.