This field shows how the route was calculated. It either displays the ‘Route’ or the
‘Vehicle’ field from the Route parameter settings. If you have chosen Car, Taxi, Bus or
Lorry, the type of the route (Fast, Short or Economical) will be displayed here; if you
have selected Emergency, Bicycle or Pedestrian, this information will be displayed
Time Left
This is an estimated value that can also be displayed in one of the Route data fields on
the Cockpit screen as ‘Time to destination’. It shows the time needed to reach the final
destination of the route based on information available for the remaining segments of
the route. The calculation cannot take into account traffic jams and other possible
If via points exist, tap and tap again any of the fields to see the time needed to reach
the first, second, etc. via point.
Estimated Arrival
This is an estimated value that can also be displayed in one of the Route data fields on
the Cockpit screen as ‘ETA to destination’. It shows the estimated arrival time at the
final destination of the route based on information available for the remaining
segments of the route. The calculation cannot take into account traffic jams and other
possible delays.
If via points exist, tap and tap again any of the fields to see the estimated arrival at
the first, second, etc. via point.
Destination / Via point
This field shows the exact address (or its coordinates if the address is not available) of
the final destination.
If via points exist, tap and tap again any of the fields to see the address or
coordinates of the first, second, etc. via point.