Service processor user accounts have a specific login name, password, and access level.
The three user account access levels are:
Administrator Account
Provides access to all commands, and access to all nPartition consoles
and Virtual Front Panels.
Can manage user accounts (using the Command menu
command) and can reconfigure
various service processor settings.
Operator Account
Provides access to a subset of commands, and access to all nPartition
consoles and Virtual Front Panels.
Single Partition User Account
Provides access to a restricted subset of commands and
provides access to the nPartition console for a single nPartition. However, allows the user
to view the Virtual Front Panel for any nPartition.
Can only execute commands that affect the assigned nPartition.
Cannot execute commands that could potentially affect multiple nPartitions or affect the
service processor configuration.
Each user account can either permit repeated login sessions (if it is a "multiple use" account), or
restrict the account to only login once (for "single use" accounts).
nPartition Console Features
The service processor Console menu provides access to all nPartition consoles within the server
from the service processor Main menu to access an nPartition console. To exit the
nPartition console, type
) to return to the Main menu.
Each nPartition in a complex has a single console. However, multiple connections to the console
are supported, allowing multiple users to simultaneously view the console output. Only one
connection per console permits write-access.
To force (gain) console write access for an nPartition console, type
Control-e c f
Using Management Interfaces and Tools