HP 8511A Test Set Operating and Service Manual
Service and Replaceable Parts
Replaceable Parts
Replaceable Parts
This chapter contains information for ordering parts. “Exchange Assemblies
Available” describes how to order assemblies which are available on an
exchange basis. Figure 1-1 on page 1-2 and Figure 1-2 on page 1-5 identify
the parts of a standard HP 8511A. Figure 3-2 on page 3-3 identifies the parts
unique to Option 001 and Figure 3-3 on page 3-5 is a component location
diagram of the motherboard.
Exchange Assemblies
The assemblies below are replaceable on a rebuilt exchange basis at a cost
saving. They are not field-repairable. Defective assemblies must be returned
for credit to realize the cost savings. Thus, assemblies required for spare
parts stock should be ordered by the new assembly part number which is
included in the replaceable parts list of this section. See the parts list for the
orderable part numbers.
A2 = IF multiplexer board assembly (option 001 only)
A3 = VTO summing amplifier board assembly
A4 = GPIB board assembly
A10, A11, A12, 13 = sampler assembly (inputs bl, b2, a1, a2)
A14 = VTO driver
A15 = regulator board assembly
Replaceable Parts List
Accompanying each replaceable parts illustration is a replaceable parts list.
Each list is arranged in alpha-numerical order by reference designator. The
reference designator keys the part listed to the illustration. Quantity refers to
the total number of the part in the instrument. The description is a brief
written description of the part and may be used for ordering purposes.
A = assembly
B = fan
C = capacitor
W = cable, wire
T = transformer