Returns the time at which the absolute value of the measured voltage first exceeds level, with the
following qualifications: The behavior of the signal before start_ time is ignored, and the absolute value
of the voltage must remain above level for at least the specified min_ pulse_ width.
Both start_ time and the return value are with respect to the start of the measurement buffer. If no point
on the waveform satisfies the specified conditions, the return value is 9.37.
Query Syntax
MEASure:[SCALar]:TVOLt:ABSolute? <level>, <start_time>,
FETCh:[SCALar]:TVOLt:ABSolute? <level>, <start_time>,
0 to 1E6 (for level)
0 to 1E6 (for start time in seconds)
0 to 1E6 (for minimum pulse width in seconds)
MEAS:TVOL:ABS? 50, 0, 0.001
FETC:TVOL:ABS? 100, 0.005, 0
Returned Parameters
Related Commands
Scans through the buffer of 4096 instantaneous voltage measurements, and returns the voltage value that
corresponds to the percentile rank given. Specifying a percentile of 0 returns the lowest value in the
buffer. A percentile of 100 returns the highest value in the buffer. A percentile of 50 returns the median
value of the buffer. Stated another way, if you specify a percentile of 60, 60 percent of the voltage
readings in the buffer are less that the returned value, and 40 percent of the readings in the buffer are
greater than the returned value.
If the voltage waveform consists of rectangular pulses that have narrow overshoots, using percentiles of
approximately 5 and 95 (depending on the width of the pulses and the width of the overshoots) is a good
way to determine the voltages at the flat portions of the pulses.
Query Syntax
MEASure:[SCALar]:VOLTage:RANKed? <percentile>
FETCh:[SCALar]:VOLTage:RANKed? <percentile>
0 to 100
Returned Parameters