General Definitions of Safety Symbols Used On Equipment or In Manuals.
m OR...L
Instruction manual symbol: the product will be marked with this
symbol when it is necessary for the user to refer to the instruction
manual in order to protect against damage to the instrument.
Indicates dangerous voltage (terminals fed from the interior by
voltage exceeding
volts must be so marked).
Protective conductor terminal. For protection against electrical
shock in case of a fault. Used with field wiring terminals to in
dicate the terminal which must be connected to ground before
operating equipment.
Low-noise or noiseless, clean ground (earth) terminal. Used for a
signal common, as well as providing protection against electrical
shock in case of a fault. A terminal marked with this symbol must
be connected to ground in the manner described in the installation
(operating) manual, and before operating the equipment.
Frame or chassis terminal. A connection to the frame (chassis) of
the equipment which normally includes all exposed metal struc
Alternating current (power line).
Direct current (power line).
Alternating or direct current (power line).
The WARNING sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a pro
cedure, practice, condition or the like, which, if not correctly per
formed or adhered to, could result in injury or death to personnel.
N O T E:
The CAUTION sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an
operating procedure, practice, condition or the like, which,if not
correctly performed or adhered to, could result in damage to or
destruction of part or all of the product.
The NOTE sign denotes important information. It calls attention
to procedure, practice, condition or the like, which is essential to