# Enable DHCP snooping.
<SwitchB> system-view
[SwitchB] dhcp-snooping
# Enable MFF in automatic mode.
[SwitchB] vlan 100
[SwitchB-vlan-100] mac-forced-forwarding auto
[SwitchB-vlan-100] quit
# Configure GigabitEthernet 1/0/6 as a network port.
[SwitchB] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/6
[SwitchB-GigabitEthernet1/0/6] mac-forced-forwarding network-port
# Configure GigabitEthernet 1/0/6 as a DHCP snooping trusted port.
[SwitchB-GigabitEthernet1/0/6] dhcp-snooping trust
Auto-mode MFF configuration example in a ring network
Network requirements
As shown in
, all the devices are in VLAN 100, and the switches form a ring. Host A, Host B,
and Host C obtain IP addresses from the DHCP server. They are isolated at Layer 2, and can
communicate with each other through the gateway. MFF automatic mode is enabled on Switch A and
Switch B.
Figure 132
Network diagram
Configuration procedure
Configure the IP address of VLAN-interface 1 on the gateway.
<Gateway> system-view
[Gateway] interface Vlan-interface 1
[Gateway-Vlan-interface1] ip address 24
Configure the DHCP server:
# Enable DHCP and configure an address pool.
<Device> system-view
[Device] dhcp enable
[Device] dhcp server ip-pool 1
[Device-dhcp-pool-1] network mask