Specifying the local portal server for Layer 2 portal authentication
Configuring the local portal server
Customizing authentication pages
Configuring the local portal server
Controlling access of portal
Configuring a portal-free rule
Setting the maximum number of online portal
Specifying an authentication domain for portal
Adding a web proxy server port number
Enabling support for portal user moving
Specifying the Auth-Fail VLAN for portal authentication
Specifying the auto redirection URL for authenticated portal users
Configuration prerequisites
The portal feature provides a solution for user identity authentication and security check. However, the
portal feature cannot implement this solution by itself. RADIUS authentication needs to be configured on
the access device to cooperate with the portal feature to complete user authentication.
Before you configure portal authentication, complete the following tasks:
The portal server and the RADIUS server have been installed and configured properly. Local portal
authentication requires no independent portal server be installed.
The portal client, access device, and servers are routable to each other.
With RADIUS authentication, usernames and passwords of the users are configured on the RADIUS
server, and the RADIUS client configurations are performed on the access device. For information
about RADIUS client configuration, see the chapter ―AAA configuration.‖
To implement extended portal functions, install and configure iMC EAD, and ensure that the ACLs
configured on the access device correspond to those specified for resources in the quarantined area
and restricted resources on the security policy server respectively. For information about security
policy server configuration on the access device, see the chapter ―AAA configuration.‖
For installation and configuration about the security policy server, see
iMC EAD Security Policy Help
The ACL for resources in the quarantined area and that for restricted resources correspond to isolation ACL and
security ACL on the security policy server respectively.
You can modify the authorized ACLs on the access device. However, your changes take effect only for portal
users logging on after the modification.