HP 1652B Getting Started Manual Download Page 3

Summary of Contents for 1652B

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Page 76: ...HP 1652B HP 1653B Logic Analyzers Front Panel Operation Reference Volume 1 of 2 a HEWLETT PACKARD ...

Page 77: ...Front Panel Operation Reference Volume 1 of 2 HP 1652B HP 1653B Logic Analyzers HEWLETT PACKARD CopyrightHewlett Packard Company1989 Manual SetPart Number 0165240902 Printed in the U S A November 1989 ...

Page 78: ...ew edition or a newupdate is published A softwarecodemaybe printed before the date this indicatesthe version level of the softwareproduct at the time of the manualor update was issued Many product updatesandfixesdo not require manualchanges and conversely manualcorrectionsmaybe donewithout accompanying product changes Therefore do not expecta oneto one correspondence betweenproduct updatesandmanua...

Page 79: ...l anypage changedsincethe lastedition is indicated by printing the date the changes weremadeon the bottom of the page If an update is incorporated when a newedition of the manualisprinted the changedatesare removedfrom the bottom of the pagesand the newedition dateis listed in Printing History and on the title page Pages EffectiveDate All November 1989 ...

Page 80: ...ty service the Buyer shall prepayshippingchargesto Hewlett Packard and Hewlett Packard shallpayshippingchargesto return the product to the Buyer However the Buyer shallpayall shipping charges duties and taxesfor products returned to Hewlett Packard from another COUlltry Hewlett Packard warrantsthat its softwareand firmware designatedby Hewlett Packard for usewith aninstrument will executeits progr...

Page 81: ...ice Addressesareprovided at the backof this manual Hewlett Packard Companycertifies that this product met its published specificationsat the time of shipmentfrom the factory Hewlett Packard further certifies that its calibration measurementsare traceableto the United StatesNational Bureau of Standards to the extentallowedby the Bureau scalibration facility and to the calibration facilities of othe...

Page 82: ...edmode operation timing state scope is included Located in the backof volume two is the appendiceswhich contain the seldomusedinformation Information in both volumesis accessedeasilyby major tabs All menu and field definitions are arrangedby major function within each measurementtype In addition both volumeshavea masterindex The userinterface of the HP 1652B 1653B wasdesignedfor the most intuitive...

Page 83: ...lloscopesvaluable reading It will eliminate anymisconceptionsor confusionyou may haveabouttheir application andwill showyou how to get the mostout of the measurementfuntions Pleasetaketime to fill out the Your CommentsPlease questionaire If it hasalreadybeenusedand you haveanycomments addressthem to Hewlett Packard Atten PublicationsDept P O Box 2197 Colorado Springs CO 80901 2197 ...

Page 84: ...rposeProbe Interface 2 2 General PurposeProbing 23 The Termination Adapter 23 The HP1652B 53BProbing System 2 4 ProbePodAssemblies 2 4 Pod Grounding 25 Probes 25 Probe Grounding 2 6 Grabbers 2 6 Probe Cable 26 OscihoscopeProbes 217 ProbeInputs 2 7 External Trigger Inputs 27 CompensationSignalOutput 2 7 SignalLine Loading 2 8 Maximum Probe Input Voltage 2 8 Pod Thresholds 28 Connectingthe Logic Ana...

Page 85: ... 3 8 How to SelectFields 3 9 Pop up Menus 3 9 How to ClosePop up Menus 3 9 How to SelectOptions 3 10 ToggleFields 3 11 How to Enter Numeric Data 3 11 How to Enter Alpha Data 3 14 ChangingAlpha Entries 3 15 How to Roll Data 3 16 Assignment SpecificationMenus 3 17 AssigningPod Bits to Labels 3 17 SpecifyingPatterns 3 18 SpecifyingEdges 3 19 Chapter 4 System Configuration Menu Introduction 4 l System...

Page 86: ...ace 5 14 External BNC Configuration 5 17 SelfTest 5 18 Chapter 6 Disk Drive Operations Introduction 6 l The Disk OperationsAvailable 6 l Accessingthe Disk Menu 6 3 Selectinga Disk Operation 6 4 Disk Operation Parameters 6 5 Installing a Blank Disk 66 Formatting aDisk 617 Storing to a Disk 69 The Load Operation 6 11 Renaminga File 6 12 The Autoload Operation 6 13 PurgingaFile 6 14 CopyingaFile 6 15...

Page 87: ...r 7 S SettingPaperWidth 7 6 RS 232CDefault Configuration 7 6 RecommendedProtocol 7 6 Starting the Printout 7 7 Print Screen 7 7 Print All 7 7 What Happensduring a Printout 7 8 Connectingto Other HP Printers 7 9 Chapter 8 The State Analyzer Introduction 8 l The StateAnalyzer An Overview 8 l StateAnalyzer Menu Maps 8 1 StateFormat Menu Map 8 2 StateTrace Menu Map 8 3 StateListing Menu Map 8 5 StateC...

Page 88: ...T vv v7v 000000000 Flrl r l i l 4l i s a E ...

Page 89: ... 21 Qualifier andPattern Fields 10 22 Label 10 22 Base 10 22 Qualifier Field 10 23 Patterns 10 23 Ranges lo 24 Pattern Fields 10 24 Chapter 11 State Listing Menu Introduction 11 l Accessingthe StateListing Menu 11 2 StateListing Menu Fields 11 3 Markers 11 3 Markers Off 114 Markers Patterns 11 4 Stop Measurement 11 S Markers Time 11 6 Markers Statistics 11 6 Pattern Field 11 7 Contents 6 HP 16528 ...

Page 90: ...mpare Images 12 8 I Chapter 13 State Chart Menu Introduction 13 l Accessingthe StateChart Menu 13 l Selectingthe Axes for the Chart 13 l Scalingthe Axes 13 2 The Label Value vs StatesChart 13 3 The Label Value vs Label Value Chart l3 4 X 0 Markers and Readoutsfor Chart l 3 5 Marker Options 13 6 Chapter 14 State Waveforms Menu Introduction 14 l Accessingthe StateWaveformsMenu 14 l SelectingaWavefor...

Page 91: ... I Going to Measure x5 2 HowDoIConfiguretheLogicAnalyzer l5 4 Connectingthe Probes U 6 Activity Indicators U 6 Configuring the StateAnalyzer l5 7 Specifyingthe J Clock 15 9 SpecifyingaTriggel ConditioIl 15 10 Acquiring the Data l 5 12 The StateListing l5 13 Finding the Answer 514 summary 35 16 Index Contents 8 HP 16528 1653B ...

Page 92: ...25MHz stateanalysison 32channels You will usethe same manualsetregardlessof whether you havean HP 1652Bor an HP 1653B Bothanalyzershavethe same2 channel 400 megasample second 100MHz single shotandrepetitive single shotdigitizing oscilloscope measurementcapabilities user IntW faCe First time and casualusersaswell asexperiencedlogic analyzerusers will find the userinterface easierto usethan in previ...

Page 93: ...nd up to two channelsoscilloscope Two statemachineswith multiples of 16 channelsper machine with a combinedmaximumof 80channelsand up to two channels oscilloscope One stateand onetiming machinewith multiples of 16 channels per machine with a combinedmaximumof 80channelsand up to two channelsoscilloscope Up to two channelsof oscilloscope I 1 1 1 OR I I X s MJNEL 80 X 1 CHANNEL STATE AND I OR I X CH...

Page 94: ...and up to two channels oscilloscope One stateandonetiming machinewith multiples of 16channels per machine with a combinedmaximumof 32channelsand up to two channelsoscilloscope Up to two channelsof oscilloscope OR I 16 CHANNEL 16 CHANNEL STATE STATE AND OR I 16 CHANNEL 16 CHANNEL STATE TIMING AND r c 01650807 Figure l 2 HP 16538 Configuration Capabilities HP 16528 1653B Front Panel Reference Genera...

Page 95: ...scanbe usedfor stateor timing An externaltrigger BNC connector Transitional or glitch timing modes 1 k deepmemoryon all channels Glitch detection Marker measurements Triggering and pattern qualification Overlapping of timing waveforms Eight sequencelevels Eight pattern recognizers Onerangerecognizer Time and number of statestagging Pre store Autoscale Programmability Cross domaintriggering Interac...

Page 96: ...ring Delayedtrigger by eventsand or time Trigger point marker displayed Normal average or cumulativeacquisitions Connect the dots Chan Chan Chan Chan andwaveformoverlay Accessories Supplied Table 1 1liststhe accessories supplied with your HP 1652B 53B If any of theseaccessories were missingwhenyou receivedthe logic analyzer from the factory contactyour nearestHewlett Packard office HP 16528 l 653B...

Page 97: ... Operating systemdisk Cdl 2 2 Operating and Programming manualset 01652 90902 1 1 ServiceManual 01652 90905 1 1 Table l 1 Accessories Supplied Notes 1 Package of 20 per part number The quantity in the table only indicates what is shipped with the instrument 2 Package of 5 per part number These items are shipped assembled as a 0165061608 The part numbers are provided for replacement orders The quan...

Page 98: ... for newand casualusers HP 1652Bl1653BFront Panel Operation ReferenceMbnual A completeoperating manual HP 1652Bf1653BProgramming Reference A completereference to programmingcommands ServiceManual A guide to troubleshootingand module level repair Turning On the Before you turn your logic analyzeron refer to Appendix D for Logic Analyzer information coveringinstallation andsetup of your logic analyz...

Page 99: ...r HP part number 01650 63201 The HP 1032OC The optional HP 1O32OC User Definable Interface module combined User Definable with the optional HP 10269CGeneralPurposeProbe Interface allows Interface Y ou to connectthe HP 1652B 1653Blogic analyzersto the microprocessorin your target system The HP 1032OC includesa breadboard HP 64651B which you customwire for your system Another option for usewith the ...

Page 100: ...u will havea direct connectionbetweenthe logic analyzerand the microprocessor under test Seefigure 2 l for abasicblock diagram There are a number of microprocessorspecificpreprocessorsavailable asoptional accessories which are listed in theAccessoriesfor HP Logic Analjzem data sheet Appendix A of this manualalsointroducesyou to preprocessorsand inverseassemblers HP 16528 Pod 1 HP10269C HP 1653B PR...

Page 101: ...syou to connectthe logic analyzerprobe cablesdirectly to test ports on your target systemwithout the probes However sincethe probescontain the proper termination for the logic analyzerinputs a termination mustbe provided The termination adapter shownbelow is designedto covet to a20 2x10 position 4wall low profile headerconnector 3M Series3592 or equivalent To hook up the adapter connectthe termina...

Page 102: ... probe tip and a shieldedresistive transmissionline The advantagesof this systeminclude the following l 2 nsrisetimewith 25 perturbations l 8 pF input capacitanceat the probe tip l Signalground at the probe tip for higher speedtiming signals l Inexpensiveremovableprobe tip assemblies Probe Pod Probesandprobe pod assembliesallow you to connectthe logic Assemblies analyzerto your systemunder testwit...

Page 103: ...meter of 0 66mm 0 026 in to 0 84mm 0 033in Probes The probe consistsof a l2 inch twisted pair cableand onegrabber The probe tip which connectsto the target system hasan integrated R C network with aninput impedanceof 100kS in parallel with approximately8 pF Seefigure 24 below R C NETWORK EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT I I PROBE CABLE LOGIC ANALYZER I I I I SIGNAL GROUND I 0166OBOQ I 90 9K Figure 2 4 Probe Inp...

Page 104: ...nt leadsand connectsto the probesand the ground leads The grabbers havebeendesignedto fit on adjacentIC pins The probe cablecontains17signallines 17chassisground lines and two power lines for preprocessoruse that arewoventogether into a flat ribbon that is 4 5feet long The probe cableconnectsthe logic analyzerto the pods termination adapter or the HP 10269CGeneral PurposeProbe Interface Both endso...

Page 105: ...nal Trigger Input allows the analyzer scopetrigger BNCs to be armed from an externalTI L compatible source Arming occurs whenthe normally activehigh statusof the BNC is pulled low Outputs The External Trigger Output providesthe useraccessto the analyzer scopetrigger output pulse The output pulseis aTTL compatible positivegoingpulse that remainshigh from the time of trigger until the acquisition cy...

Page 106: ...9volts and 9 9volts in 0 1volt increments The pod thresholdsof pods 1and 2 in the HP 1653Band of pods 1 2 and3 in the HP 1652Bcanbe setindependently The pod thresholdsof pods4 and5 in the HP 1652Bare slavedtogether Therefore when you setthe threshold on either pod 4 or 5 both thresholdswill be the same Connecting the There are four waysyou canconnectthe logic analyzerto your target Logic Analyzer ...

Page 107: ... Cables the rear panel of the logic analyzer The probe cableconnectorsare to the Logic keyedfor proper orientation You canconnecteither end of the cable to the rear panel sinceboth endsof the cablesare alike Analyzer Figure 2 6 Probe Cable to Analyzer Connection HP 1652B l653B Probing 2 9 ...

Page 108: ...activecircuits at the outer end of the cable The pods are the connectorbodies asshown below that the probesareinstalled in whenyou receiveyour logic analyzer Figure 2 7 Connecting Pods to Probe Cables To connectapod to a cable align the keyon the cableconnectorwith the slot on the pod connectorandpresstogether Probing 2 10 HP 16528 1653B ...

Page 109: ...rt the tip of aball point pen into the latch opening Pushon the latch while gentlypulling the probe out of the pod connector asshownbelow Figure 2 8 Disconnecting Probes From Pods 0166OEll You connectthe probesto the podsby inserting the double pin endof the probe into the pod The probesandpod connectorbody areboth keyed beveled sothat theywill fit together only oneway HP 16528 1653B Probing 2 11 ...

Page 110: ... connectthe grabbersto the ground leadsin the samemanner Figure 2 Q Connecting Grabbers to Probes Connecting the The grabbershavea hook that fits around the IC pins and component Grabbers t6 the leads Connectthe grabberto the testpoint by pushingthe rear of the Test Points grabber to exposethe hook Hook the lead and releaseyour thumb as shownbelow Probing HP 1652B 16536 2 12 Front Panel Reference ...

Page 111: ...of labelsfor identification Cables Each sethaslabelsfor eachend of the cable a label for the probe housing a label for the clock probe and l5 labelsfor eachof the channels The figure below showsthe correct placementof the labels Figure 2 l 1 Labeling Pods Probes and Cables HP 1652B 1653B Probing Front Panel Reference 243 ...

Page 112: ...lloscopeand eachanalyzer machine within the logic analyzer It alsodisplaysacquired dataand measurementresults Using the front panel userinterface involvesthe following processes l Selectingthe desiredmenuwith the menu keys l Placingthe cursor on the desiredfield within the menuby rotating the KNOB l Displaying the field options or current databy pressingthe SELECT key l Selectingthe desiredoption ...

Page 113: ...isplayedor what you did in the SystemConfiguration menu Format Channel Menu Key The FORMAT CHAN menukeyallows you to accesseither the Timing Format Specification StateFormat Specification or OscilloscopeChannelmenus You exit the Format Channelmenuby pressinganother menukeyor by returning to the SystemConfiguration menufrom this menu Trace Trigger Menu Key The TRACE TRIG menukeyallowsyou to accesse...

Page 114: ...he trace mode or run modeyou select in the Trace Trigger menu determineswhether a singleor multiple repetitive run occurs Stop key The STOPkeyallowsyou to stop data acquisition or printing A singlepressalwaysstopsthe data acquisition The data displayedon screendependson which acquisition mode singleor repetitive wasusedto acquirethe data In the repetitive mode STOP causesthe old displayto remain u...

Page 115: ...view off screendata Knob The KNOB hasfour major functions dependingon what menu or pop up menuyou are in The KNOB allowsyou to do the following Move the cursor from field to field within the System Configuration and main menus Roll the displayleft or right andup or down Position the cursor on optionswithin pop up menus Increment decrementnumeric valuesin numeric pop up menus SelectKey The SELECT k...

Page 116: ...e and pressingSELECT 0 11 Disk Drive A 3 5inch double sided double densitydrive Besides loading the operating system it allowsyou to store and load logic analyzerconfigurations and inverseassemblerfiles 0 52 Disk Eject Button Pressthisbutton to ejecta flexible disk from the disk drive 0 I3 Indicator Light This light is illuminated whenthe disk drive is operating Wait until this light is out before...

Page 117: ...h is alsopart of the module External Trigger BNCs Provide arm out and arm in connections Intensity Control Allows you to setthe displayintensityto a comfortable level PodCable Connectors Keyedconnectorsfor connectingthe pod cables The HP 1653Brear panel hasconnectorsfor pods 1and2 only RS 232CInterface Connector StandardDB 25 type connectorfor connectinganRS 232Cprinter or controller Using the Fro...

Page 118: ...yed you canaccessfields within the menus The FORMAT CHAN TRACE TRIG and DISPLAY menukeys provide accessto their respectivemenus If more than oneanalyzer machine is on or the oscilloscopeis on you seethe selectedmenuof either analyzer1 analyzer2 or the oscilloscopedependingon what type menuwaslast displayed analyzeror scope or whatyou did in the SystemConfiguration menu To switchfrom the machine1me...

Page 119: ... i e format trace etc in the other analyzer machine or the scopemenu For example if youwerein theTRACE menuof machine 1 youwill now seethe TRIGGER menuof the scopeor the TRACE menuof machine2 Returning to the System Configuration You canreturn to the SystemConfiguration menudirectly from the FORMAT TRACE or DISPLAY menus To return to the System Configuration menu placethe cursor on the field in th...

Page 120: ...cribedin How to Select Options in this chapter How to Close Pop up menuswithout the Done option automaticallyclosewhenyou Pop up Menus place the cursor on anoption and pressSELECT After closing the logic analyzerplacesyour choicein the main menufield from which you openedthe pop up Pop up menusthat contain the Done option do not automaticallyclose whenyou makeyour selection To closethe pop up you ...

Page 121: ...enyou placethe cursor on oneof the options andpressSELECT another pop up will appear An exampleof one of theseis the clockfield in the StateFormat Specificationmenu When you selectthe clock field in this menuit will pop up and showyou all five clocks J K L M and N for an HP 1652Bor both clocks J and K for anHP 1653B Clock field pTziiEq Stoto Formt Spaelf lcrtion Clock Label 1 Specify clock pop up ...

Page 122: ...he cursor on oneof thesefields and pressSELECT the displayedoption togglesto the other choiceand no additional pop up appears How to Enter There are anumber of pop up menusin which you enter numeric data Numeric Data The two major typesare asfollows l Numeric entry with fixed units i e volts l Numeric entry with variable units i e ms ps etc An exampleof a numeric entry menuin which you only enter ...

Page 123: ...lon Lab 1 PO1 I5 I 87 0 Figure 3 5 Pod Threshold Selectthe User defined option and anotherpop up appearsfor you to specifythe pod threshold voltage Actlvlty Lsbol PO1 15 I 87 I 0 POD I oIf xl f err off xlff ot1 4rJff off xlff ilff 4ff aIf Userdefined pod threshold entry pop up off J Using the Front Panel User Interface 3 12 Figure 3 6 User Defined Pop up HP 16528 16538 Front Panel Reference ...

Page 124: ...ld In another type of numeric entry pop up menuyou must specifythe units aswell asthe numeric value The pattern duration specificationin the Timing Trace Specificationmenuis an example When you place the cursor on the valuein the present for field and press SELECT you will seethe following pop up Tiring frrce Speclf lcstlon Acqulsltlon mode 1Tmstttonal Lab 1 Bate Find Pat tern pf 080 Than 1Ind Ecl...

Page 125: ...our current value To closethe pop up and return the original value pressthe CLEAR ENTRY key How to Enter Alpha Data You cancustomizeyour analyzerconfiguration by giving namesto severalitems l The nameof eachanalyzer l Labels l Symbols l Filenames l File descriptions For example you cangiveeachanalyzera namethat is representative of your measurement The default namesfor the analyzerswithin the logi...

Page 126: ...ou want to placea newcharacterin the bracketsat a location not marked by the underscoremarker movethe underscoremarker to whereyou want the newcharacterto beplaced Moving the underscoremarker is explainedin ChangingAlpha Entries Note II 3 You canalsomakedirect keypadentries Your selectionwill be placed wherethe underscoremarker is in the box Changing Alpha Entries To makechangesor correctionsin th...

Page 127: ...at characterandpressthe DON T CARE keyon the front panel How to Roll Data To roll data you presseither the left right or up down ROLL keysand rotate the KNOB The roll function is only availablewhenthere is more data in the menuthan canfit on screen If there is off screendata pressingthe ROLL keyscausesan indicator to appearin the upper left corner of the displayandactivatesthe roll function of the...

Page 128: ...ting Menu Assignment Specification Menus Assigning Pod The bit assignmentfields in both stateandtiming analyzerswork Bits to Labels identically The conventionfor bit assignmentis asfollows HP 16528 1653B Front Panel Reference There are a number of pop up menusin which you assignor specify what youwant the logic analyzerto do The basicmenusof this type are asfollows l Assigningpod bits to labels 0 ...

Page 129: ...of what it waswhenthe pop up first opened Move the cursor onebit to the right Holding the SELECT key repeatsthe bit assignment You closethe pop up by placing the cursor on Done and pressingSELECT SpeCifying The SpecifyPatternsfields appearin severalmenusin both the timing Patterns and stateanalyzers Patternscanbe specifiedin oneof the available numberbases exceptASCII The conventionfor don t cares...

Page 130: ...r on the Then find Edge field under the desiredlabel and pressingSELECT You will seethe following menu HP 16528 1653B Front Panel Reference Figure 13 Edge Pop up You will notice anumber of periods in the pop up menu Each period representsan unassignedbit for eachbit assignedto the label Don t be alarmed if you seea different number of unassignedbits it merely meansthe number of bits in your label ...

Page 131: ...usethis menuto do the following l Turn analyzermachinesand scopeon or off l Specifyanalyzertype timing and state l Assign podsto the individual machineswithin the logic analyzer l Initiate Autoscalein both the oscilloscopeandtiming analyzer l Name eachanalyzer In this menu you con ure your logic analyzerin oneof nine ways HP 16528 16538 System Configuation Menu Front Panel Reference 44 Timing anal...

Page 132: ...zeror scopeis on andyou are in a menuother than the SystemConfiguration menu you accessthe SystemConfiguration menuby placing the cursor in the systema s field in the upper left corner andpressSELECT This field will be displayingeither the scope Machine 1 Machine 2 or a user definednamefor the current analyzermachinebefore you pressSELECT You then placethe cursor on Systemin the pop up menuandpres...

Page 133: ...he bottom of the menuin which the nameappears In the name box is an underscoremarker This marker indicatesin what spaceyour next selectionwill be placed You cannamethe analyzerin oneof two ways The first wayis to position the cursor overthe desiredcharacterin the pop up usingthe KNOB then pressSELECT The character appearsin the namebox The secondmethod is to usethe keypadon the front panel With th...

Page 134: ...two ways Position the cursor over the spacein the pop up and pressSELECT or press the DON T CARE keyon the front panel If youwant to erasethe entire entry and placethe underscoremarker at the beginningof the namebox pressthe CLEAR ENTRY keyon the front panel When you haveenteredthe correct name position the cursor over Done and pressSELECT The Typefield definesthe machineaseither a stateanalyzeror...

Page 135: ...cancelledand control is returned to the System Configuration menu HP 16528 16538 Front Panel Reference Syr tr Coal lQrr8 urn I aro1ytor 2 Nemo I 1 Autoscale Popup Figure 4 d Autoscale Pop up Menu If you chooseContinue autoscaleconfiguresthe Timing Format Trace Specification and the Timing Waveformsmenus Autoscale searches for channelswith activity on the assignedpods and displaysthem in the Wavefo...

Page 136: ...Pod 1is assignedto AnaIyzer 1andPod 5 is assignedto Analyzer 2 When the HP 1653Bis powered up Pod 1 is assignedto Analyzer 1and Pod 2 is assignedto Analyzer 2 To assigna pod position the cursor on oneof the pod fields and press SELECT With the pop up that appears you canass the pod to Analyzer 1 Analyzer 2 or Unassignit Pressingthe SELECT key closesthe pop up System Configuation Menu 4 6 aMlyt r 2...

Page 137: ...To configure an individual analyzeryouwill normally configure the Format menufirst and then the Trace menu For the scopeyou configure the Channel menufirst and then the Trigger menu Configuration menusfor the timing analyzerstart at chapter 16 For the stateanalyzer menusstart at chapter 8 and for the scope start at chapter 22 HP 16528 1653B System Configuation Menu Front Panel Reference 4 7 ...

Page 138: ...face l Enable the analyzerto perform externaltriggering l Run self testson the analyzer Accessing the You canaccessthe I O menufrom anyother menuin the systemby I O Menu pressingthe I O keyon the front panel Use the KNOB to roll the cursor through the menu When the cursor is positioned over the option you desire pressSELECT It liststhe following options a Done 0 Print Screen 0 PrintAll l Disk Oper...

Page 139: ...to print is on screenwhenyou select Print All Lines abovescreenwill not print Use this option whenyouwant to print all the datain menuslike l Timing Format Specification l StateFormat Specification l StateTrace Specification 0 StateListing l Disk Directory l Symbols If there is information below the screen the information will be printed on multiple pages In Timing andStateFormat Specifications th...

Page 140: ...yed Filp Field Operations FielY Files on Disc Disc DDrtmtlons _DPnr CHnRllA 021xonf Ig CHARTll 16Wl conftg CHARl2 6 02lronflg CHART21 16Wl onflg CHARTU 02l conflg CHMTU 16SOLconf tg e cm1rr 16Wl Acmf im tlULTIS IN A 02lAonf Ig IlULTISIN9 Oll conftg llULfISIN1 16S0 l onflg HtJLlISIN oooAionf I g S1NAS D 02lronftg SIN I 0 6 02l conftg SIN 1 01 16SOlt onf Ig SYSTEL 16SOOCl syt tan mlFllRo4 T uPCaml W...

Page 141: ... is taken preventing anydatafrom beinglost mistakenly Continue executesthe operation If you selectthe operationsfield youwill seea pop up menuwith nine options for disk operations asshown Each operation will nowbe discussedin detail CHART31 l Cep IfI WLTISINwB flULTISIND tIULTfS1N E tlULlISIN S 1NJX B SIN IO3 SIN 101 SYS rEtL 021 config 1650 l COnf lg 021 conf 10 1650 l conf ig 021 conf ig 16SO l ...

Page 142: ...cannotstoreinformation for only oneof the internal analyzers The information and datapresentin the logic analyzerat the time the Store is initiated is stored on the disk When you selectStorefrom the operationspop up menu the top sectionof the Disk Operations menulooks similar to that shownin figure 5 4 In addition to the operationsand file fields there is a File description field You canwrite an o...

Page 143: ...e automaticallyloaded at power up Disablepreventsanyfde from beingloaded at power up Figure 5 5 Autoload Operation The file namein the file field canbe changedwith oneof two methods One method is to pressthe up down ROLL keyand rotate the KNOB to scroll through the list of files until the nameof the desiredfile appearsin the file field The other method is to selectthe file field and usethe Alpha E...

Page 144: ...file field youwill get anAlpha Entry pop up menu You canusethis menuand the keypadon the front panel to enter the nameof the file For the file that you are copyingfrom it is usuallyeasierto usethe up down ROLL keyand the KNOB to selectone of the files on the disk rather than to usethe Alpha Entry menu When you selectExecuteyouwill seea pop up that tells you to insert the disk onto which youwant to...

Page 145: ...it selectwhenready Insert the disk you want to duplicate and pressSELECT After the logic analyzerreads the disk it displaysthe message Insert destinationdisk hit select whenready Insert the disk to which youwant to copyand press SELECT The analyzerwill tell you that it s writing to the disk Figure 5 8 Duplicate Disk Pop up Menu The processof duplicating a disk is aniterative one i e more than one ...

Page 146: ...ttom of the disk memory When you selectPackDisk the top sectionof the Disk Operations menulooks similar to that shownbelow SelectingExecutestartsthe process After the packingis completed the message Disk packing complete appearsat the top of the screen Dl c oparatlmnr CD 4 t Pack Disc 1 Figure 5 9 Pack Disk Operation Rename The Renameoperation letsyou renamea file When you selectthis option the di...

Page 147: ...hat shownbelow The file field containsthe nameof the file to be purged You can changethe file in this field either by positioning the cursor on the field and selectingit to accessanAlpha Entry pop up menu or by usingthe up down ROLL keyand the KNOB to moveamongthe files When you selectExecuteyouwill seeapop up with the choices Canceland Continue Cancelletsyou stopthe Purgeoperation and returns you...

Page 148: ...and returns you to the Disk Operation menu If you selectContinue the disk will be formatted The message Disk format in progress will appear at the top of the screen When the formatting is complete all the files will be deleted Note Formatting a disk purgesall the files on the disk Make surethe disk is the correct one to be formatted becausepurged files cannotbe recovered Format Disc GEEa Figure 5 ...

Page 149: ...lmn Prtntar lILesorJet Paper uiclth vj Figure 5 13 External I O Port Configuration Menu The HP 1652B 53Bis equipped with a standardRS 232Cinterface and anHP IB interface that allowsyou to connectto a printer or controller Connectinga controller givesyou remoteaccessfor running measurements up loading and down loadingconfigurationsand data and outputting to a printer The controller interface is exp...

Page 150: ...addressingis necessary There are two fields at the bottom of the menuthat allow you to selectthe printer type andpaper width The Hewlett Packard Interface Bus HP IB is Hewlett Packard s implementation of IEEE Standard48 lW8 StandardDigital Interface for ProgrammableInstrumentation The HP IB is a carefully defined interface that simplifies the integration of various instruments and computersinto sy...

Page 151: ...he addresswill default to 31whenyou selectDone 3 Whenyou are finished enteringthe HP IB address selectDone The pop up closes placingyour selectionin the appropriate field The RS 232C Interface The RS 232Cinterface is Hewlett Packard simplementation of EIA RecommendedStandardRS 232C Interface BetweenData Terminal Equipment andData CommunicationsEquipment Employing Serial Binary Data Interchange Wit...

Page 152: ...ueststhat the senderdisablesdatatransmission A subsequent XON ASCII decimal 17 allowsthe sendingdeviceto resumedata transmission Data Bits Data bits arethe number of bits sentand receivedper characterthat representthe binary code of that character The HP 1652B 53BsupportsS bit only Stop Bits Stop bits are usedto identify the end of the character The number of stop bits mustbe the samefor both the ...

Page 153: ...e and the peripheral The baud rate mustbe setto transmit and receiveat the samerate asthe peripheral or data cannot be successfullytransferred The availablebaud ratesare 110to 19 2k The default settingis 9600 Figure 5 19 Baud Rate Popup Menu Printer You canspecifywhich printer you areusingby selectingthe Printer attribute field and choosingoneof the options in the pop up The options areThinkJet Qu...

Page 154: ...manualto seewhich sizeis required External BNC On the rear panel of the logic analyzerare two BNC connectors One Configuration BNC is an input for an externaltrigger source The other is usedto output a trigger source The External BNC Configuration option in the I O menuidentifies oneof the two internal machinesor scopeto be the trigger sourcefor an externalinstrument When you selectthis option you...

Page 155: ...ds Cancel and Start Self Test Cancel letsyou changeyour mind about running the self test Selectingthis field returns you to the I O menu Selectingthe Start Self Test field causesyour logic analyzerto load the self testfrom the disk andrun through it Before selectingthis field you mustinsert the masterdisk with the selfteston it Running the selftestdestroysall current configurations and data Make s...

Page 156: ...pied from one disk to another or to the samedisk Duplicate Disk All files from one disk are copied to another disk The directory and all files on the destination disk will be destroyedwith this operation The copied files are packed on the newdisk astheyare copied PackDisk This function packsfiles on a disk Packingremoves all emptyor unusedsectorsbetweenfiles on a disk sothat more spaceis available...

Page 157: ...gthe Executefield If there is a problem or additional information is neededto executean operation an advisoryappearsnear the top centerof the screendisplayingthe statusof the operation an error message prompts to swapdisks etc If executinga disk operation could destroyor damagea file another pop up appearswith the options Canceland Continue whenyou select Execute If you don t want to completethe o...

Page 158: ...e cursor on Disk Operations and pressSELECT You will seethe Disk Operations menu HP 16528 1653B Disk Drive Operations Front Panel Reference 63 Olsc opsrslloar EiiT from 1110 DR nTEsrl CEnscuts Fllenaare DesllriDtlon l DRlltllES1 165 l smr 10 TInIw6 ml0 4 n IXEmEtm 16SO l config HIXED rWM DEnO Figure l Disk Operation Menu ...

Page 159: ...e 6 2 Disk Operations Popup Menu When the pop up appears placethe cursor on the operation you want and pressSELECT After you selectan option the pop up closesand displaysthe fields required for your operation For example select Store The Disk Operationsmenunow lookslike this Disk Drive Operations 6 4 I l DRDllTELl 1650 l zonf 10 llI EDDEflo 16SO l conflg ion lI U lE DEIUI l MIXED IlDDE DEI UJ Figu...

Page 160: ...peration function you haveselected placethe cursor on Execute A pop up appearswith Continue and Cancel To continue place the cursor on Continue and pressSELECT To cancel place the cursor on CancelandpressSELECT The Autoload Pack Disk and Renamefunctionsimmediatelyexecutebecausetheyare not destructiveto the files Thesefunctions do not giveyou the Canceland Continue options HP 1652B l653B Front Pane...

Page 161: ...eris away from you Pushthe disk gently but firmly into the front disk drive until it clicks into place I IIC Note d The HP 1652Bl53Bdisk drivesusethe grayHewlett Packard double sideddisks which canbe ordered in a packageof ten with the Hewlett Packard part number92192A DO NOT usesingle sideddisks with the HP 1652Bl53B Disk Drive Operations HP 16528 16538 6 6 Front Panel Reference Figure 6 5 Instal...

Page 162: ...ewherewith track sparing the HP 1652B 53Bwill only read up to the fist sparedtrack Selectthe Format Disk operation HP 1652B 1653B Disk Drive Operations Front Panel Reference 6 7 Disc Oeors tAam8 Format DISC 1 ai Fllrnarnr e rrctlPtlO m fllo Figure 6 6 Format Disk Operation After the Format Disk operation menu appears the instrument reads the disk and showsits condition One of three conditions cane...

Page 163: ...ion To initiate the Format Disk function selectExecute When the pop up appears selectContinue and the instrumentwill format the disk Otherwise selectCancelto cancelthe Format Disk operation Once you pressContinue the Format Disk operation startsand permanentlyerasesall the existinginformation from the disk After that there is no wayto retrieve the original information Disk Drive Operations HP 1652...

Page 164: ...e field to the right of to file andpressSELECT The Alpha Entry pop up appears Enter a filename that startswith a letter and containsup to ten characters It canbe anycombination of letters and numbers but there canbe no blank spacesbetweenanyof the characters Entering a file description is the sameprocessasnaminga file except you canenter up to 32 characters start the description with a number and ...

Page 165: ...pearswith Continue and Cancel To continue placethe cursor on Continue and pressSELECT To cancel placethe cursor on Canceland pressSELECT Caution If youstore a newconfiguration anddata to anexistingfile they are written overthe original information DESTROYING the original information in that file Disk Drive Operations HP 16528116538 6 10 Front Panel Reference ...

Page 166: ... 16SO l conflg STATE lItlING FORtWiT SETUP2 lbSO l conflg STNE SWlBOLS DEFINED Figure 8 The Load Operation Note tt 3 The Load operation is type dependent This meansthat you cannot load a systemfile For example if you try to load the file SYSTEM an advisory warning Invalid file type appearsin the top centerof the display HP 1652B l6538 Front Panel Reference To load the desiredfile pressthe up down ...

Page 167: ...ISlBLED l LOCI0 THIS FILE TO DEFWLT THE LA ACQUIRE HP 1650 CHARACTERS 68000 I I FOR INTERFACE 1 O 66020 INVERSE CISSEfWLER 1 O 80386 IA HITH bOXb7 1 O 260 ICI FOR INTERFKE 1 O STATE TItlING FORMAT STATE SVRBOLS DEFINED Figure 6 9 Renaming a File Use either the KNOB or the Alpha Entry pop up to enter the filename youwish to changein the field to the right of file Move the cursor to the field to the...

Page 168: ...f is determinedby the presenceof an enabledautoload file on the disk If anenabledautoload file is presenton the disk the logic analyerwill load this configuration fde insteadof the standard configuration fde Dire Oeorotims EK LEnral file plm L0 Currmnl outolood ttrtur 1 Enabled Currant butoload I1 lo 1 AUTDLOAD Wj rllrnsnrr DlrcrtalfO l w1u0nD DEFMJLT HP 16SOlTR fmoo0 I 168020 IP IBOSB6J37 1280 X ...

Page 169: ...he orginal information Disk Drive Operations HP 1652B l653B 6 14 Front Panel Reference Disc opmrstlnt Purge J fila piiKGq I filrnalnr l nuIoLonD OEFWLT HP16SOLTR 168000 I 16802OJP 100586 87 IZbOA SETUP 1 SETUP2 rutolood lilr 1650 l conf Ig 1650 l conf tg inver8o a8rm invars ascon lnv rso as8rr Invrrs assm I650 l conf fig 1650 l conf lg on rtmtrs OISnbLEb l Loci0 THIS FILE TO DEFWLT THE LFI hCOUIRE...

Page 170: ...d selectContinue to continue l When Insert the sourcedisk appears removethe sourcedisk and insert the destinationdisk into the disk drive if you are copyingthe file to another disk The cursor is located on Continue soto continue pressSELECT otherwise placethe cursor on Stop andpressSELECT If you are copyingto the samedisk press Continue without moving the disk If the fde cannotbe copied in asingle...

Page 171: ...S FILE TU DEFWLT THE LFI HP16501TR lfSSD l conf la ACOUIRE HP 1650 CHARACTERS I I6woOJ invrr rr srs 6WOO IA FOR INTERFACE 1 O 168020 IP invwse rssem 68020 IMVERSECISSEHBLER 1 O I I8oftJ6 7 inverss asswn eose6 IA nrlH etoxe7 1 O I IZ8O I lnvrrsr ossn ZOO ICI FOR INTERFKE 1 O SETUP 1 16SO l conf lg ST4iTE fIHING FORM1 sElw3 16SO l conf I g STATE SVtibDLS DEFINED Figure 642 Copy File Operation HP 165...

Page 172: ...o packthe disk selectExecute HP 16528 1653B Front Panel Reference 1 Pack Disc 1 Ewecute l AulOLOAD DEFAULT HPI65OITR 16I5ODO I 168020 IP 180386 67 12 0 1 SETUP 1 SEW2 omtolorLfi1o 165O l conf ig 165O l conf tg Inverse ersan 1nvor se esmm invorso essom 1nverse es8em 165O l conf ig 165O l conf ig rtcltmr BISfiOLED 4 LOhD THIS FILE TO DEFAULT THE LA MXNJIRE HP1650 CHCIRACIERS 68000 ICI FOR INTERFACE ...

Page 173: ...4 Duplicate Disk Popup Caution The original directory and files on the destination disk are destroyedby the DUPLICATE DISK operation To continue selectContinue The instruction Insert disk to be copied hit selectwhenready will bedisplayed Insert the sourcedisk and pressSELECT The logic analyzerreadsthe sourcedisk and displays Readingfrom sourcedisk Pleasewait When the logic analyzerhasfilled memory...

Page 174: ... destination disk Follow the directions on screenuntil the entire disk is duplicated When the entire disk is duplicated youwill see Hit FORMAT keyto copyanother disk or insert systemdisk and hit SELECT to reboot If you are finished duplicating disks insert the systemdisk and press SELECT The logic analyzerwill load the systemfile and return you to the SystemConfiguration menu HP 16528 1653B Front ...

Page 175: ......

Page 176: ...inter with the RS 232C interface the RS 232Cinterface is alreadysetup for youwith the exceptionof the printer type and pagewidth If you haveanother kind of printer refer to your printer manualfor its interface requirements and changethe logic analyzer sinterface configuration asinstructed Supported Printers The HP 1652B 1653Blogic analyzerswill support the fohowing printers with HP IB or R 23X cap...

Page 177: ...rk with the HP 1652B 1653Blogic analyzers Hooking Up Your Printer If your printer is alreadyconnectedto the logic analyzer skip to Settingthe RS 232Cfor HP Printers or Settingthe HP IB for HP Printers in this chapter Otherwisehooking up your HP printer isjust a matter of havingthe correct HP IB or RS 232Cinterface cable Refer to the figure below Figure 7 l Logic Analyzer to Printer Hook up The typ...

Page 178: ...hardware handshake or XON XOFF HP 132426 Cable The HP 132426cablehasstandardDB 25 connectorson eachend and is wired for hardwarehandshake The cableschematicis shownbelow PRINTER LOGIC ANALYZER CHASSIS GROUND 1 1 CHASSIS GROUND TD 2 TD RD 3 RD SIGNAL GROUND 7 1 7 SIGNAL GROUND DTR 20 1 7 5 CTS CTS 5 4 6 DSR DSR 6 A 1 20 DTR 165WBL82 Figure 7 2 HP 1342G Cable Schematic Note HP 132426 cableendsare th...

Page 179: ...ers currently availablefrom Hewlett Packard with thesefeaturesinclude l HP2225AThinkJet l HP 2227BQuietJet l HP 363OAoption 002PaintJet Id Note d The printer mustbe in Listen Always whenHP IB is the printer interface The HP 1652B 53BHP IB port doesnot respondto service requests SRQ whencontrolling a printer The SRQ enablesettingfor the HP IB printer hasno effect on the HP 1652B 53Boperation Making...

Page 180: ...t accessingthe I O menu then the I O Port Configuration Listed below are the changesyou needto makefor other HP printers l Printer type for the HP LaserJetandHP QuietJet l Paperwidth for the HP QuietJet You accessthe printer type and pagewidth fields by first accessingthe I O menu then the I O Port Configuration menu Setting RSm232Cfor Your Non HP The following attributes of the RS 232Cinterface m...

Page 181: ...per line 13 5inches on an HP QuietJet it will print a full 132charactersper line l If you select80charactersper line for anyprinter a maximumof 80charactersare printed per line RS 232C You canusethe logic analyzer sdefault configuration exceptfor Default Configuration printer type and paper width for all supported printers if you haven t changedthe printer s RS 232Cconfiguration The logic analyzer...

Page 182: ...ewhether youwantjust the datathat is on screenor all the data 7 I O MENU l Done 0 Print Screen 0 Print All l Disk Operations 0 I O Port Configuration l External BNC Configuration 0 Self tests Figure 7 4 I O Menu The Print Screenoption prints onlywhat is displayedon screenat the time you initiate the printout In the Print Screenmode the printer usesits graphicscapabilitiesand the printout will look...

Page 183: ...T in progress appearsin the top centerof the display While the datais transferred to the printer the only useablekeyis the STOPkey When the logic analyzerhas completedthe data transfer to the printer the advisory PRINT complete appearsand the keyboardbecomesuseableagain The PRINT in progressadvisorywon t appearin your printout If you pressSTOPwhile the datais beingtransferred to the printer the tr...

Page 184: ...n of the HP 1652B 53B Table 7 l HP Printer Selection For this HP Printer HP 2631 HP 2671 HP 2673 I Selectthis Printer in I O Port Configuration menu QuietJet ThinkJet ThinkJet I The aboveprinters shouldwork with the HP 1652B 53Blogic analyzers However no testshavebeenmadeto verify that theywill work completely Therefore proper operation is neither promised nor supportedby Hewlett Packard HP 16528 ...

Page 185: ...d datais An Overview displayedin a list form in the StateListing menu and in waveformform in the StateWaveform menu The stateanalyzerdiffers from the timing analyzerin that the acquisition clock is provided by the system under testinsteadof the internal acquisition clock usedby the timing analyzer Therefore the StateWaveform menu displaysthe state waveformsreferencedby statesper division and not s...

Page 186: ... Front Panel Reference 7 Clock 60ns Per iod 60ns Clock Base Symbol Width Pattern Range Pod Clock Norma I r TTL f I ECL 1 Labels Turn Label On ttlUser Modi fy Label Turn Label Off Bit Field Assignment Polarity positive negative 016m32 Figure 6 I State Format Menu Map A Off 1 t z Low High ...

Page 187: ...el Reference 4 Insert Level Delete Level Cance I Execute While storing H no state H range range 1 q Combination 1 Conce I H Before After Enable on Store I Find onystate no state a h a fh range range Combination nurneric Keypod Elntry f range Combination 01650833 Figure 8 2 State Trace Menu Map The State Analyzer 6 3 ...

Page 188: ...nce Armed by I Run BNC Input Machine 1 or 2 Off t Restart anystate Per Level no state H a h I States anystate H no state Off On 1 Binary Octal Decimal b Hex H ASCII Symbo I Combination 4 Combination I data entry keypad data entry keypad 016soe34 Figure 8 2 State Trace Menu Map continued ...

Page 189: ...e Spt Pattern Time Statistics X pattern O pattern nurner i c en try keypad Tr i gger Start Specify Stop Measurement Stop measurement when X O I I H x 0 AaT Count Time or v Relative States Absou lute data entry keypad data entry keypad Pattern doto entry keypad Binary HP 16528 1653B Front Panel Reference cification menu Figure 8 3 State Listing Menu Map The State Analyzer 8 5 ...

Page 190: ... Cornpar e I I I State WF 1 Chart Compare Listin g Cance I Difference Listing Continue 4 data entry Ful I qz l Fk data keypad entry q x data entry keypad 1 I 11 I Specify Stop Stop measurement x o Measurement when I I I 1 Mask Assignment Base Binary I 01650836 Compare Figure 8 4 State Compare Menu Map ...

Page 191: ...Compare data entry keypad data entry keypad Pattern L Statistics 4 1 X pattern O pattern from trigger Specify Patterns Lobe I Trigger X marker 9 1 Start 01650837 HP 16528 1653B The State Analyzer Front Panel Reference 8 7 Figure 6 5 State Waveform Menu Map ...

Page 192: ...Not Equal Off Less than data entry Greater than In range data entry not in range keypad keypad Insert waveform Waveform on Modify waveform Waveform off Delete waveform Bit select XX data entry keypad 01650838 Figure 8 5 State Waveform Menu Map continued The State Analyzer HP 1652Bj1653B 8 8 Front Panel Reference ...

Page 193: ... Marker Control To Range Control Time Statistics 1 data entry keypad from Tr i gger Trigger Specify Patterns 7 Only available when Find Pattern set to 0 marker 1 01650839 is Figure 6 6 State Chart Menu Map HP 16528 16536 The State Analyzer Front Panel Reference 6 S ...

Page 194: ...mpare Greater than Not in range b to tXY Chart of TVS I Ymax j FFFF t data entry keypad Ymin ha doto entry keypad Xmax Xmin FFFF f lzEl data entry keypad data entry keypad The State Analyzer 8 10 dot 0 entry k ewad dot a entry k ewod data entry keypad Figure 6 6 State Chart Menu Map continued HP 16528 1653B Front Panel Reference ...

Page 195: ...med in the SystemConfiguration Menu wason the timing analyzer State Format Specification Menu The StateFormat Specificationmenuletsyou configure the logic analyzerto group channelsfrom your microprocessorinto labelsyou assignfor your measurements You cansetthe threshold levelsof the pods assignedto the stateanalyzer assignlabelsand channels specify symbols andsetclocksfor triggering At power up th...

Page 196: ...5 This menushowsonly onepod assignedto eachanalyzer which is the caseat power up Any number of podscanbe assignedto oneanalyzer from noneto ail five for the HP 1652B andfrom noneto two for the HP 1653B In the StateFormat Specificationmenu only three pods appearat a time in the display To viewanypodsthat are off screen pressthe left right ROLL keyand rotate the KNOB The podsare alwayspositioned sot...

Page 197: ...lthat hasactivity Thesetell you that the signalson the channelsare transitioning The fields in the Format menusare describedin the following sections Label The label column contains20Label fields that you candefine Of the 20labels the stateanalyzerdisplaysonly 11labelsat one time To view the labelsthat are off screen pressthe up down ROLL keyand rotate the KNOB The labelsscroll up and down To deac...

Page 198: ...ingthe bit assignments if you needthem The waveformsandstatelistingsare alsosaved You cangivethe samenameto a label in the stateanalyzerasin the timing analyzerwithout causinganerror The logic analyzer distinguishesbetweenthem An exampleof this appearsin the Getting StartedGuide andin chapter l5 of this manual POhrit POl Each label hasapolarity assignedto it The default for all the labelsis positi...

Page 199: ...ne and pressSELECT This closesthe pop up and displaysthe newbit assignment Assigningone channelper label maybe handyin someapplications This is illustrated in chapter8 of the Getting Started Guide Also you canassigna channelto more than onelabel but this usuallyisn t desired Labels mayhavefrom 1 to 32channelsassignedto them If you try to assignmore than 32channelsto a label the logic analyzerwill ...

Page 200: ...hold levelsmaybe defined for Pods1and 2 individually For the HP 1652BLogic Analyzer threshold levelsmaybe defined for Pods1 2 and3 individually and onethreshold for Pods4 and5 It does not matter if Pods4 and5 are assignedto different analyzers Changing the threshold of onewill changethe threshold of the other If you placethe cursor on oneof the pod threshold fields and press SELECT youwill seethe ...

Page 201: ...displaysa completemenuinsteadof a pop up The complete description of the SpecifySymbolsMenu follows the StateFormat SpecificationMenu fields later in this chapter Clock The Clock field in the Format Specificationmenudisplaysthe clocks for clocking your system The displaywill be referred to asthe clocking arrangement The HP 1652BLogic Analyzer hasfive clock channels eachof which is on a pod The clo...

Page 202: ... negativeedgeof the clock the positive edge either edge a high level a low level or the clock to be off The clocksarecombinedby ORing andANDing them Clock edges are ORed to clock edges clock levelsare ORed to clock levels and clock edgesareANDed to clock levels For example if you select for theJ clock t for the K clock for the M clock and for the N clock the resulting clocking arrangiment will app...

Page 203: ... waysyou want to clock the data Each pod assignedto the stateanalyzerhasa pod Clock field associatedwith it Selectingoneof the pod Clock fields givesyou the following pop up menu Figure 940 Pod clock Field Pop Up Menu Normal This option specifiesthat clockingwill be done in singlephase That is the clocking arrangementlocatedin the Clock field abovethe pods in the StateFormat Specificationmenuwill ...

Page 204: ...d Slave Clock Demultiplexing is doneon the datalinesof the specifiedpod to read only the lower eight bits This is two phaseclocking with the Master Clock following the SlaveClock The analyzerfirst looks for the clocking arrangementthat you specifyin the SlaveClock When it sees this arrangement the analyzerclocksthe data presenton bits O 7of the pod then waitsfor the clocking arrangementthat you sp...

Page 205: ...te Format Specification Menu Front Panel Reference 9 11 I InCICHfNE state fomt Speclf lcstlon Hester Clock Jk 1 Clock PW tad I 6kttvtty LOtJt l Pal Pod 5 I 1 Hester I Slave 1 w J Speclf y Symeolr Slave Clock 1 Kt 1 Figure S 13 Master and Slave Clock Bit Assignments The Master and SlaveClockscanhavethe sameclocking arrangements The clockingis still done the sameway with the lower eight bits being c...

Page 206: ...ut clock period is lessthan60ns you should select 60ns This disablesthe Count field in the StateTrace Specification menubecausethe maximumclock rate whencounting is 16 67MHz 60 nsclock period This alsoturns Prestoreoff Specify The logic analyzersuppliesTiming andStateSymbolTablesin which Symbols Menu you candefmea mnemonicfor a specificbit pattern of a label When measurementsare madeby the statean...

Page 207: ...view size l Symbolname Label The Label field identifies the label for which you are specifying symbols If you selectthis field you will get a pop up that lists all the labelsturned on for that analyzer RS LDS UDS DTACK R W fbDDR El DATA Figure 945 Lable Pop Up Menu HP 16528 16538 Front Panel Reference State Format Specification Menu s 13 ...

Page 208: ...y option is not offered in the pop up The reasonfor this is that when a symbolis specifiedasarange there is only enoughroom for 20bits to be displayedon the screen Decide which baseyouwant to work in and choosethat option from the numeric Basepop up menu If you choosethe ASCII option you canseewhat ASCII charactersthe patternsandrangesdefinedbyyour symbolsrepresent ASCII charactersrepresentedby th...

Page 209: ...ame When you first accessthe SymbolTable there are no symbols specified The symbolnamefield reads NewSymbol If you selectthis field youwill seeanAlpha Entry pop up menuon the display Use the pop up menuand the keypadon the front panelto enter the nameof your symbol A maximumof 16 characterscanbe usedin a symbol name HP 1652Bl1653B State Format Specification Menu Front Panel Reference 9 15 When you...

Page 210: ... the numeric basethat you specifiedin the Basefield yt ify Pattern Figure 949 Specify Pattern Pop Up Menu If the symbolis defined asa range two fields appearin which you specifythe upper and lower boundariesof the range tmCHIW 1 S ml Table Dkne Label 1 Base Hexadecimal 1 SymboI vteu size T Figure 9 20 Symbol Defined as a Range Selectingeither of thesefields givesyou a pop up with which you can spe...

Page 211: ...panel to enter the nameof your newsymbol Whenyou select Done your newsymbol will appearin the SymbolTable The third option in the pop up is Delete symbol If you selectthis option the symbolwill be deleted from the SymbolTable Leaving the When you havespecified all your symbols you canleavethe Symbol Symbol Table Table menuin one of two ways One method is to place the cursor on Menu the Done field ...

Page 212: ...rement In the stateanalyzeryou canconfigure the analyzerto trigger on a sequenceof states The default settingis shownin figure 10 l below For an exampleof settingup a trace configuration for a Stateanalyzer refer to your GeftingStartedGuide or StateAnalyzer Measuement Example in Chapter 15of this manual WJJ sI8I8 fr8co spoclflc8tlon Trace mod 1 ssqumce LOvalS Aramd bg 8 Hhilo storing e my ststo 1 ...

Page 213: ...attern of bits 0 1 or X in eachlabel There are eightrecognizersavailablewhenonestateanalyzeris on Four are availableto eachanalyzerwhentwo stateanalyzersare on The pattern recognizersaregiventhe namesa through h and arepartitioned into groupsof four a d and e h RangeRecognizer recognizesdatawhich is numericallybetweenor on two specifiedpatterns One rangeterm is availableand is assignedto the first...

Page 214: ...e W 2 Qualifier PopUp Menu If you selectthe Combination option in the pop up you will seea pop up similar to that shownbelow 1 8 2 HP 16526 16538 State Trace Menu Front Panel Reference lo 3 a b C d range Qua1 if ier Specification 1 Figure 10 3 Full Qualifier Specification PopUp ...

Page 215: ...tate Trace Menu HP 16528 1653B lo 4 Front Panel Reference With this Full Qualifier Specificationpop up you specifya logical combination of patternsor rangesasthe qualifier The pattern recognizersare alwayspartitioned into the groupsof four shown Only oneoperator is allowedbetweenthe patternsin agroup Patternsin uncomplimentedform a b etc canonlybe ORed The complementsof patterns a b etc canonly be...

Page 216: ...e ORed together and e andg areANDed together Full Qua1if ier Specification a b c d range Figure 10 5 Patterns Assigned for Logical Combinations shownin the previousfigures the rangeis included with the first group of patterns a d If you selectthe rangefield you will seethe following pop up menu 1 x 2 I Full Qualifier Specification Done 6 b C d range Figure 10 6 Range Specification Pop Up Menu HP 1...

Page 217: ...toring Cb c d rangel e gl Figure W 7 Boolean Expression for Qualifier Sequence Levels There are eight trigger sequencelevelsavailablein the stateanalyzer You canadd and deletelevelssothat youhavefrom two to eight levels at a time Only three levelsappearin the SequenceLevelsdisplayat onetime To displayother levelssothat theycanbe accessed pressthe up down ROLL keyandrotate the KNOB If you selectlev...

Page 218: ...fter the presentlevel If there are eight levels the Insert Level field doesn tappearin the sequencelevel pop ups Delete Level If youwant to deletethe presentlevel selectthe field labeled Delete Level You will seea pop up menuwith the choicesCanceland Execute Cancelreturns you to the sequencelevelpop up without deleting the level Executedeletesthe presentleveland returns you to the StateTrace Speci...

Page 219: ...elevelexceptthe lasthasa primary branching qualifier Qualifier With the branchingqualifier you tell the analyzerto look for a specific stateor states The primary branching qualifier advancesthe sequencer to the nextlevelif its qualifier is satisfied In the exampleof figure 10 8 the branching qualifier tells the analyzer whento trigger In other sequencelevels the qualifier maysimply specifya statet...

Page 220: ...hevalueby either rotating the KNOB or pressingthe appropriate numeric keys The qualifier canbe specified to occur from oneto 65535times storage Macro Your logic analyzerhasthe capability of post trigger storagethrough a storagemacro The storagemacrois availableonly in the secondto last level andit consumesboth that level andthe lastlevel The field in figure 10 8allowsyou to configure the stateanal...

Page 221: ...acro Sequence Level Example Enable on canonly be the nextto lastterm andwhenon the lastterm is combinedwith the Enable term You specifyqualifiers for the stateson which you want the macroto enable the statesyouwant to store andthe stateson which youwant the macroto disable The storagemacrois a loop that keepsrepeating itself until memoryis full The loop is repeatedwhenthe disable qualifier is sati...

Page 222: ...displaylooks like that shownbelow SequenceLevels Hhile storing cI any state Find a S times Hhile storing b Trigger on c 1 times I o Store no state 3 Figure 1045 Sequence Level Display Example In level 1 anystateis storedwhile the logic analyzersearchesfor five occurrencesof the pattern givenby pattern recognizera When the five occurrencesare found the sequencermoveson to level2 In level2 the state...

Page 223: ...PF 0022 6730 0021 4887 0020 4E75 0019 3000 0018 0000 0017 8930 0016 B03C 0015 OOPF 0014 67F8 0013 BO3C 0012 61FA 0011 BO3C 0010 0000 0009 8930 0008 4EPA 0007 FF9A 0006 61E6 0005 603C 0004 0000 0003 0000 0002 0000 0001 0000 oooo 8930 Figure 1046 State Listing Example Anystatewasstoredwhile the analyzerlooked for five occurrencesof the stateB03C After the fifth occurrencewasfound only state0000 wass...

Page 224: ...petitive If you place the cursor on the field and pressSELECT the field togglesfrom onemodeto the other SingleTrace mode acquiresdataonceper trace Repetitive Trace mode repeatssingleacquisitionsuntil the STOP keyon the front panel is pressed or if Stop measurementis on until conditions specifiedwith the X and 0 markersin the StateListing menuare met If both analyzersare on only onetrace mode canbe...

Page 225: ...otherwith secondary branchingqualifiers or to restartwhena certain condition is met Selectingthis field givesyou the following pop up menu Branches Figure W 19 Branches Pop Up Menu State Trace Menu 10 14 If you selectOff all secondarybranchingqualifiers are deleted from the sequencelevels Only the primary branchesremain The Restart option allowsyouto start overfrom sequencelevel 1when a specifiedc...

Page 226: ...tis addedin eachlevel sothat you canconfigure the analyzerto moveto a different levelwhen a specified condition is met An exampleof a sequencelevel with a secondarybranching qualifier is shownin the figure below Sequence Level 2 Done Insert Level Delete Level Whll Then find Else on I 4 c JI lltime f got0 level S cl 4 Figure 1O 20 Secondary Branching Qualifier With this configuration the stateanaly...

Page 227: ...saboundary for branchingbetween levels This level andthe levelsthat occurbefore it cannotbranch to levelsthat occur after the trigger level andviceversa Therefore if there are eight sequencelevelsand level5 is the trigger sequencelevel then levels1through 5 canbranch to levels1through 5 only andlevels 6 through 8 canbranch to levels6 through 8 only You cantell if secondarybranch qualifiers havebee...

Page 228: ...hedis limited only by the number of levelspresent A level can haveonly onearrow pointing awayfrom it but it canhavetwo pointing to it if more than one other levelis branching to it An exampleof this is shownin the figure below The arrow with two tails indicatesthat a level aboveand a levelbelow branch to this level Sequence Levels Hhile storing any state Find any state 1 times Else on b go to leve...

Page 229: ... Selectingthis field givesyou the following pop up menu Count Off Et Time States Figure 10 24 Count Pop Up Menu Off If you selectOff the statesare not countedin the nextmeasurement Time If you selectTime counting the time betweenstored statesis measured and displayed after the nextrun in the StateListing under the label Time The time displayedcanbe either relative to the previousstateor to the tri...

Page 230: ...o7 8930 1 52 us oooe PEFCI 1 24 us Figure 10 25 Relative Time Tagging An exampleof a statelisting with time taggingrelative to the trigger 1s shownbelow ml State Listing J nerkors Off 1 0007 OOFF 9 24 us 4006 6730 7 96 us 4005 48E7 6 72 us 4004 4E7S 5 00 us 6003 3000 3 72 us 0002 0000 2 48 us 8930 1 24 us 803C 0 8 OOOl OOFF 1 24 us woo2 67F8 2 52 us 0003 b03C 3 76 us 0004 61FA 5 40 us OOOS 80X 6 7...

Page 231: ...statecount is displayed after the next run under the label States The count canbe relative to the previousstored stateor to the trigger The maximumcount is 4 4X lOEl2 V i An exampleof a statelisting with statetaggingrelative to the previous stateis shownbelow Lab 1 60s OOOO ooo 1 002 0003 OOOd ooos 0006 t 6oofJ 0006 a009 0010 0011 00 2 Ml013 Old oOlS 056 1 0564 OS6E 0570 0576 0570 0566 0567 0564 0...

Page 232: ...electingOn givesyou a qualifier pop up menu like that in figure 10 2 from which you choosethe pattern rangeor combinationof patternsand rangesthat youwant to prestore Prestoreis only availablewhenclock period is 6011s If you select Prestore the clock period automaticallychangesto 601 if it was previouslysetto 60ns HP 16528 1653B Front Panel Reference During ameasurement the stateanalyzerstoresin p...

Page 233: ...ds andyou will seea pop up menuwith all the labels Decide which label youwant to appearin the label field and selectthat label The label that wasthere previouslyswitchespositionswith the label you selectedfrom the pop up The base fields allow you to specifythe numeric basein which youwant to defke a pattern for a label The basefields alsolet you usea symbol that wasspecifiedin the StateSymbolTable...

Page 234: ...u to usea symbolthat hasbeenspecifiedin the StateSymbolTablesasa pattern In the pattern fields you specifythe symbolsyou want to use Qualifier Field If you selectthe qualifier field youwill seethe following pop up menu Label Base Figure W 31 Qualifier Field Pop Up Menu Patterns The pattern recognizersare in two groupsof four a d and e h If you selectoneof thesetwo options the qualifier field will ...

Page 235: ...han two pods cannotbe selectedfor rangedefinition If all the labelshavechannelsassignedunder more than two pods the rangeoption is not offered in the qualifier field pop up menu However in the HP 1653B the rangeoption will always be offered sincethe analyzerhasonly two pods Pattern Fields The pattern fields allow you to specifythe statesthat youwant the state analyzerto searchfor and store Eachlab...

Page 236: ...ta is displayedin a listing format asshownbelow Time X to Tr lgger IO Time 0 to Tr lgger 1 1 Tlmo x to 0 0 9 0007 0068CA OOFF I 24 us 0006 oomcc 6730 I 28 us 400s OOMCE 46E7 1 24 us 0004 OOMFE 4EtS 1 72 us 6003 008900 3000 1 28 us 0002 0004F4 0000 1 24 us 000 1 0004F6 6930 1 24 us 006930 bO3C 1 24 us 000932 OOFF I 24 us 002 008934 67F8 I 28 us a003 008936 603c I 24 us MOO4 00692E 6lFCI I 72 us ooo...

Page 237: ...he acquired datawill be displayedwith time or statetags The Time column displayseither the Rel ative time time from one stateto the next or Abs olute time time from eachstateto the trigger The Statescolumn displaysthe number of qualified statesRel ative to the previouslystored stateor the trigger absolute Accessing the The StateListing Menu is accessed by pressingthe DISPLAY keyon State Listing Me...

Page 238: ...enu Fields Markers The Markers field allowsyou to specifyhow the X and 0 markerswill be positioned on the statelisting The StateTrace Specificationsmenu options are If Count in the StateTrace menuis Off the marker options are 0 off 0 Pattern If Count in the StateTrace menuis setto Time the marker options are 0 off 0 Pattern l Time 0 Statistics If Count in the StateTrace menuis setto State the mark...

Page 239: ...ote Listing 1 flark r Pattern 1 Find 1 o pattern j ft om 1 Trigger I Pattern 1 1 Figure 11 3 Markers Set to Patterns Patternsfor eachmarker X and0 canbe specified They canbe specifiedfor both markersin eachlabel The logic analyzersearches for the logical and of patternsin all labels In the Find X O pattern 0 from Trigger field you specifyhow many occurrencesof the marked pattern from a referencepo...

Page 240: ...a file on the disk that exceptionscanbe storedin The default filename is EXCEPTION When the trace modeis repetitive andStore exception to disk is on the following processtakesplace datais acquired until the stop criteria is met dataacquisitionwill stop datain the acquisition memorywill be stored on the disk and data acquisition will resumewhen the data is stored This processcontinuesuntil the disk...

Page 241: ...to Trigger 6 76 us Time 0 to Trigger 3 76 us 1 Time X to 0 3 00 us Figure 11 6 Markers Set to Time The Time X to 0 field will changeaccordingto the position of the X and 0 markers It displaysthe total time betweenthe statesmarkedby the X and 0 markers Markers Statistics When statisticsare specifiedfor markers the logic analyzerwill display the followinz Number of total runs Number of valid runs ru...

Page 242: ...ach1abel r field to specifythe patternsfor the X and 0 I j oooo ooo 1 8930 8932 BOX OOFF 1 I 24 24 us us mO2 EEEI QoO4 0005 0006 0007 Moo8 woo9 oOlO oOll 8934 67F8 I 26 us 6936 BO3c 1 24 us 892E 61FA 1 72 us 8930 BOX I 28 us 04F4 0000 1 96 us 04F6 8930 I 52 us 892R 4EFCI I 24 us B92C FF9A I 24 us WC6 6lE6 1 76 US 88138 80X I 24 us Figure 1l 8 Pattern Field Pop Up Menu When x pattern is specifiedin...

Page 243: ...Don t compare bits canbe specifiedindividually for a givenlabel and staterow or specifiedby channelacrossall state rows A rangeof statescanbe selectedfor a comparison When arange is selected only the bits in stateson or betweenthe specified boundariesare compared The comparisonbetweenthe acquired statelisting dataand the compareimagedatais donerelative to the trigger points This means that the two...

Page 244: ...nt The boundariesof the image or sizeof the template canbe controlled by usingthe channelmaskingand comparerangefunctions described below Any bits inside the imagedisplayedas X havebeensetto don t comparebits The Difference Listing highhghtsthe entire row with inversevideo if any in the acquired data that differs from thosein the compareimage In addition whenthe baseis hexadecimal octal or binary ...

Page 245: ...its that do not match Sincetime tagsare not required to perform the compare they do not appearin either the compareimageor difference displays However correlation is possiblesincethe displaysare locked together To movebetweenthe StateListing and CompareListing in the HP 1652B 53B selectthe field directly to the right of your state machine slabel in the upper left mostpart of the screenand press SE...

Page 246: ...embledsymbols You canaccessanydata in the Compare Listing by rolling the desiredrow vertically until it is located in the bit editing field for that label column When you selectoneof the bit editing fields apop up appearsin which you enter your desiredpattern or don t comparefor eachbit Lab 1 Boss 0065 0066 0067 MO68 0069 0070 0404 02 z 0404 03 3 0404 02 2 007 1 0404 03 3 t 6072j a404 Qo73 0404 82...

Page 247: ...s at the top of both the Compare and Difference listings seefgurel2 2 When you selectoneof these fields a pop up appearsin which you specifywhich channelsare to be compared andwhich channelsare to be masked A period indicates a don t comparemaskfor that channeland an asterisk indicatesthat channelis to be compared Label Ba o pFll 006S 04 0066 IS 0067 c2 0066 36 MO69 0070 8X 007 1 c2 fz5q 0073 ii 0...

Page 248: ...paremodeis accessedby selectingthe Full Compare Partial Compare field in either the Compareor Difference listing menus When selected a pop up appearsin which you selecteither the Full or Partial option When you selectthe Partial option fields for settingthe start stateand stop statevaluesappear seefigure 12 3 State Compare Menu 12 6 MO69 I MO70 h h 0073 074 Qo75 MI076 0077 MO76 0079 a080 ii c2 34 ...

Page 249: ...he Stop MeasurementParameters pop up appears seefigure 12 4 The first field in this pop up just to the right of Stop measurementcontainseither Off X O or Compare When this field is selected a pop up appearsin which you select Compare When you selectthe Compareoption you canaccessand selecteither the Equal or Not Equal option in the next field to the right 7 ZiSl State Caqare 1 Speclf y Stop Heasur...

Page 250: ...ime X to 0 will changeto run until CompareEqual or Compare Not Equal in the other statedisplaymenus i e StateListing Locating The Find Differencefeature dews you to easilylocateanypatterns Mismatches in that did not matchin the lastcomparison Occurrencesof differences I tne 1 m Yff erence Listing arefound in numerical ascendingorder from the start of the listing The first occurrenceof an error has...

Page 251: ...enu Chart menuplace the cursor on the field StateListing and press SELECT A pop up appearswith the following options l StateListing 0 StateWaveforms l StateChart 0 StateCompare Placethe cursor on StateChart andpressSELECT The pop up will closeand display the StateChart menu Selecting the Axes for the Chart When usingthe StateChart display youfirst selectwhat datayouwant plotted on eachaxis To assi...

Page 252: ... Menu HP 1652B l653B 13 2 Front Panel Reference J l jstats Chsrt 1 CTo ttorker Control XV Ctisrt of Label Lpoopir1 vorrus pzq cclJmJlat lorr Figure 13 l Axis Scaling Popup Menu When Stateis selectedfor the X axis stateacquisitionmemory locationsare plotted on the X axis The minimum and maximumvalues canrangefrom 1023to 1023dependingon the trace point location The minimum and maximumvaluesfor label...

Page 253: ... The label valueis plotted againstsuccessive analyzermemorylocations For example in the following figure label activity of POD 1is plotted on the Y axisand the memorylocations State are plotted on the X axis HP 16528 1653B State Chart Menu Front Panel Reference 13 3 1 j lstste Chart 1 XV Chef t Of Lab 1 I Vor sus 1 1 Figure 13 2 Label vs State Chart ...

Page 254: ...he top of the chart and in ascendingorder from left to right acrossthe chart Chart Plotting a label againstitself will result in a diagonalline from the lower left to upper right comer X 0 markersare disabledwhenoperating inthis mode State Chart Menu HP 16528 16538 13 4 Front Panel Reference lnFItHfNE1 State Chart 1 XV Chart of Lab01 lpool Versus m FETi j rlsx Ilc Vert tlln 001 nax pJ Horz pi J Fi...

Page 255: ...ressSELECT This field wiil toggleto To RangeControl and the marker fields will be displayed seefigure 13 4 I stat CRart To eanae Contra1 xv cnert of Laba 1 lpoo VWSUS EzEq Spmctf y Pattern Harkerr 1 Pattern Find x pa ternvlfrm 1 Tripper Figure 13 4 Marker Fields When a marker is positioned in the StateChart menu it is also positioned in the StateListing menuandvice versa The Chart marker operation...

Page 256: ...g menu When Count is setto Off the Chart markerscanbe setto 0 off 0 Pattern When Count is setto Time the Chart markerscanbe setto 0 off l Pattern l Time 0 Statistics When Count is setto States the Chart markerscanbe setto State Chart Menu 13 6 0 Pattern 0 States 0 off HP 16528 1653B Front Panel Reference ...

Page 257: ...s a result the horizontal axisof the displayis scaledby States Divand Delay in terms of samplesfrom trigger Marker features are the sameasfor StateList in that Time or Stateswill only be availablewhenCount is setto Time or States The SampleRate display is not availablein StateWaveform evenwhenmarkersare off Accessing the The StateWaveformsmenuis accessed from the StateListing menu State Waveforms ...

Page 258: ...the right of eachlabel nameis a two digit number or the word all The number indicateswhich bit of the label the waveform represents or all the bits of the label when all is displayed seefigure 14 1 State Waveforms Menu HP 16528 1653B 14 2 Front Panel Reference m State lmvsforms 1 tlarkors 1 Find x psttrrnlfrom 1 Trlggcr 1 Mcumulato orrl Ststor Div 1 001s IT Figure 14 l State Waveforms Menu In the ...

Page 259: ...waveforms labels To replace one waveform with another placethe cursor on the waveformyou wish to replace and pressSELECT A pop up appearsin which you selectModify Waveform asshownin the following figure HP 16528 1653B State Waveforms Menu Front Panel Reference 14 3 Figure 14 2 Waveform Selection Pop up Menu ...

Page 260: ...Deleting Waveforms You candelete anyof the currently displayedwaveformsby placing the cursor on the waveformyouwishto deleteand pressingSELECT When the pop up appearsplacethe cursor on Deletewaveformand pressSELECT kCth lg states You canspecifythe statesper divisionby placing the cursor on the per Division field just to the right of States Div pressingSELECT and either entering the number of state...

Page 261: ... below threshold arerepresentedby darker line Dotted linesrepresentingthe X and 0 markers Inverted triangle representingthe trigger point Accumulate Mode Graticule frame with 10horizontal divisions X and 0 Markers canbe placed on the waveformdisplayby specifyingthe Markers for number of statesfrom trigger in the caseof the X marker or number of State Waveform statesfrom either the trigger or X mar...

Page 262: ...eachstepobjective There is alsoan exampleof eachmenuafter it hasbeenproperly setup How you usethe stepsdependson how muchyou rememberfrom chapters1through 4 of the GettingstartedGuide If you cansetup eachmenubyjust looking at the menupicture go aheadand do so If you needareminder of what stepsto perform follow the numbered steps If you still needmore information about how usethe lettered steps To ...

Page 263: ... start where the microprocessorstartswhenpower is Going to Measure applied We will describea68000microprocessor however every processorhassimiliar start up routines When youpower up a68000microprocessor it is held in resetfor a specificlength of time before it startsdoing anythingto stabilizethe power supplies The time the microprocessoris held in resetensures stablelevels states on all the device...

Page 264: ...t for the addresswhere its first instruction is stored in ROM and is the instruction correct 3 Doesthe microprocessorthen go to the addresswhere its frost instruction is stored 4 Is the executableinstruction stored in the first instruction location correct Your measurement then requiresverification of the sequential addressesthe microprocessorlooks at and of the data in ROM at theseaddresses If th...

Page 265: ...he display get the SystemConfiguration menu on screen a Placethe cursor on the field in the upper left corner of the displayand pressSELECT b Placethe cursor on Systemand pressSELECT 2 In the SystemConfiguration menu changethe Analyzer 1type to State If Analyzer 1is alreadya stateanalyzer go on to step3 Change to a State Analyzer Eystn Conftqurrtion nnr1yr r 1 n Nom811 1 Type1 1 1 ks Pa0 I m Pod 2...

Page 266: ...a Entry pop up changethe nameto 68000STATE 4 Assign pods 1 2 and3 to the stateanalyzer a Placethe cursor on the Pod 1field and pressSELECT b In the Pod 1pop up place the cursor on Analyzer 1and press SELECT c Repeat stepsa andb for pods2 and 3 HP 16528 1653B Front Panel Reference State Analyzer Measurement Example 15 5 ...

Page 267: ...rough Al5 l Pod 3 probes0 through 7 to the addressbuslinesAl6 through A23 l Pod 1 CLK J clock to the addressstrobe LAS Activity Indicators When the logicanalyzeris connectedandyour target systemis running you will seeActivity Indicators in the Pod 1 2 and3 fields of the SystemConfiguration menu This indicateswhich signallines are Activity transitioning Egrla Configuration Analyzer 1 Name1 EiEMiiFl...

Page 268: ...s Specifyingthe State J clock Specifyinga trigger condition Display the StateFormat Specificationmenu a Pressthe FORMAT keyon the front panel EIOOOSTAEI st0 t0 0 1 Speclf lcs tlon Clock clock Period 1 60nr Pod 3 Activr Label Pal E Figure 15 3 State Format Specification Menu a Placethe cursor on the top field in the label column and press SELECT b Placethe cursor on Modify label and pressSELECT HP ...

Page 269: ... CLEAR ENTRY key to un assignanyassignedbits beforeyou start c Placethe cursor on the period under the 15in the bit assignmentpop up and pressSELECT This will placean asteriskin the pop up for bit 15 indicating Pod 1 bit l5 is now assignedto the DATA label Repeatthis procedure until all 16 bits havean asteriskunder eachbit number Placethe cursor on Done and pressSELECT to closethe pop up d Repeats...

Page 270: ...1 1 Selectthe StateFormat Specificationmenuby pressingthe FORMAT key 2 SettheJ Clock to sampleon a negative goingedge HP 1652B l653B State Analyzer Measurement Example Front Panel Reference 15 B speclf Its tlon Spectf y Spbol s Clock Clock Pariocl Pod 2 Pod 1 tY Pal El a J 15 J a lK dIldXlN Il I o oL C4 Lt 7 Figure 15 4 Specifying the J Clock a Placethe cursor on the CLOCK field and pressSELECT b ...

Page 271: ... alreadyaperform stepsathrough d If the option is a skip to stepe a Placethe cursor on the 1in the SequenceLevelsfield of the menuand pressSELECT b Placethe cursor on the field to the right of the Trigger on field Label piEzzEq State Trsce Speciflcstlon Trace mode ISinqlel Sequence Levml 1 Inoer t Level Delete Level nhlle storing any state I lfrlggerl 1 J times oun t b Off store I Off Figure 15 5 ...

Page 272: ...l8 I 0 While storing eng ststo 1 Trigger on en I t mos 6 store 2 ony state Armed by 1 Run 1 Brsnchrs I 1 Off J Count Off Pros tore 1 Off 1 Lob 1 pGTiirlADMZ1 ear 0 rl b C Figure 15 6 State Trace Specification Your trigger specificationnow states While storing anystatetrigger on a onceand then storeanystate When the stateanalyzeris connectedto your circuit and is acquiring data it continuouslystore...

Page 273: ...in the exerciseunto the end wewill giveyou the measurementresults This way youwill not haveto obtain and usean identical circuit I IState Listing 1 tlarkoft 1 Off 1 Lab 1 Bars 0007 4006 QWS 4004 0063 0002 000 1 r ooool ooo 1 0002 ows OOO4 WOOS 0006 0007 owe 0084C4 4E75 DOMC6 6lE6 OOCMFO 0000 0004f2 MC8 oomxl BOX WMCA OOFF OOMCC 6730 ooww woo ooDOo2 04FC Dow04 woo l Reset Vector Fetch Routine wwo6 ...

Page 274: ...State Analyzer Measurement Example Front Panel Reference 15 13 Figure 15 8 State Locations The first column of numbersare the stateline number locationsasthey relate to the trigger point The trigger stateis on line 0000in the vertical centerof the list area The negativenu bers indicate states occurring before the trigger and the positivenumbersindicate states occurring after the trigger The second...

Page 275: ...tthe stack pointer to 04FCand read memoryaddresslocation 8048for its first instruction fetch you are interestedin what is on both the addressbus and the databusin states0 through 3 The statelisting below liststhe codesresetvector search in states0 through 3 and the correct frostmicroprocessorinstruction in state4 0ooooooooOoooo 000100000204FC 00020000040ooo ooo30oooo68048 00040080483E7C You seetha...

Page 276: ...incorrect data stored in ROM for the microprocessor sfirst instruction 0000 OOOOO0000 high word of stackpointer location 0001 00000204FC low word of stackpointer location 0002 oOOOO4 0000 high word of instruction fetch location OOO3000006 8048 low word of instuction fetch location 0004 008048 2E7C first microprocessor instruction I lbB000STATEJ Stste Llstlng 1 llsrlcors 1 Of1 1 0007 008OC4 QOO6 OO...

Page 277: ...robelines You arenot limited to usingthis techniqueon microprocessors You canusethis techniqueanytime you needto capture dataon multiple linesand needto samplethe datarelative to a systemclock Chapter 21showsyou how to usethe logic analyzerasaninteractive timing and stateanalyzer You will seea simplemeasurementthat showsyou both timing waveformsand statelistingsand how theyare correlated If you ha...

Page 278: ...18 4 20 5 7 2 24 4 24 4 24 4 lo l3 18 3 24 3 17 9 3 17 3 17 3 19 SpecifyingPatterns Auto Measure Width and Width Fall Time MeasurementExample Period and Frequency Preshootand Overshoot RiseTime Top and BaseVoltages VP P Auto Measure Field Auto Trig Field Autoload disable enable autoloadinga file Automatic Measurement Algolithms Autoscale AutoscaleField Axes StateChart Scalingthe Selectingthe B bas...

Page 279: ...2 4 12 3 12 5 12 8 12 2 12 6 12 6 2 7 Configuration Capabilities HP 1652Bcapabilities HP 1653Bcapabilities ConnectdotsField Connecting analyzerto target system Grabbersto probes Grabbersto testpoints Labelsto pods probes cables Other HP Printers Podsto probe cables probe cablesto analyzer Continue field COPY CopyingaFile count States Time Cursor D data bits time correlating Delay from Trigger Stat...

Page 280: ...nu Key Formatting a Disk 20 12 Front Panel Controls CHS Key Clear Entry Key Display Menu Key Don t CareKey Format ChannelMenu Key Hex adecimaI Keypad I O Menu Key Knob Menu Keys Roil Keys Run Key SelectKey StopKey Trace Trigger Menu Key Full Qualifier Specification Fuse Auto Trig Field Level Field SourceField edges Then Find Entering Alpha Data Entering Numeric Data Error Messages Executefield Ext...

Page 281: ... Inputs 1and2 Installation Installing aBlank Disk IntensityControl interface Configuring HP IB RS 232C Setting HP IB for HP Printers Knob 3 4 7 2 L 7 3 5 1 51 313 5 12 24 3 23 5 3 5 20 5 23 l 2 8 3 5 D l 6 6 D 10 5 13 5 13 7 l 5 14 7 l 7 4 Label VaIuevs Label Value StateChart Label Value vs States StateChart labels StateFormat menu StateTrace symbols Timing Format menu Timing Trace menu Level Fiel...

Page 282: ...4 18 5 943 17 8 14 4 93 1 3 10 2 17 3 18 2 19 3 3 2 22 2 22 5 8 l StateChart StateCompare StateFormat StateListing StateTrace StateWaveform timing analyzer Timing Format Timing Trace Timing Waveform Trigger Menu WaveformSelection WaveformsMenu menus Disk Operations VO I O Port Configuration SpecifySymbols state SpecifySymbols timing StateChart StateCompare StateFormat Specification StateListing St...

Page 283: ...d Grounding pod threshold ECL user defined Pod Thresholds Pods clock threshold Polarity Pol Pop up Menus Power Cord Configurations preprocessors PresetField prestore print All Screen Starting the Printout Print All Print Screen printer printers alternate Hooking Up Other HP Printers supported Probe Cables Probe Connecting Analyzer to Target System 18 7 99 4 6 2 5 17 6 17 6 17 6 2 8 99 916 1706 994...

Page 284: ...eld state 10 23 qualifier 10 2 branching 10 8 fields 10 22 storage 10 8 R range recognizers 10 2 ranges lo 24 Rear PanelControls and Connectors External Trigger BNCs 3 6 Fail 3 7 HP IB Interface Connector 37 Intensity Control 3 6 Line PowerModule 3 6 Pod Cable Connectors 3 6 Probe CompensationSignal 3 7 RS 232CInterface Connector 3 6 RecommendedProtocol RS 232C 7 6 Rename 5 9 6 l repetitive tracem...

Page 285: ...4 7 9 10 246 24 4 F 1 1 1 A _I 25 20 25 21 25 19 25 17 25 17 3 19 3 18 141 144 8 l An Overview menumaps StateChart menu Accessingthe s stateclock StateComparemenu Accessingthe StateFormat Specificationmenu Accessingthe fields StateListing menu Accessingthe fields statetagging StateTrace menu Accessingthe fields StateWaveformsmenu Accessingthe State StateMixed Mode Display Statistics Stop bits Stop...

Page 286: ...iming Trace mode timing analyzer An Overview menumaps 4 3 Timing ScopeMixed Mode Display 26 4 4 5 Timing State MixedMode Display 26 2 Toggle Fields 3 11 Top and BaskVoltagesdefined B 2 Trace Trigger Menu Key 32 Transitional Acquisition mode 18 4 I r lo 18 Trigger Marker 24 2 10 20 Trigger Menu 24 1 10 19 96 2 3 Type Field 4 4 18 11 U 9 6 174 10 19 21 11 27X User Interface ChangingAlpha Entries 3 l...

Page 287: ...formsMenu Auto Measure Field ConnectdotsField Description DisplayField Marker Measurements Markers Field ScopeField SearchMarker Measurement Example X X and0 markers StateChart StateWaveform Timing Waveforms X to Trig ger Index l 0 23 6 23 9 2342 23 10 23 11 23 8 25 l 2531 25 l 25 29 25 12 2543 25 l 25 24 13 5 144 20 10 19 4 HP 16528 1653B Evrrn Danal Ddarnrrma ...

Page 288: ...w will the instrument be controlled Front Panel HP IB RS 232C Controller Type 6 What do you like most about the instrument 7 What would you like to seechanged or improved 8 Which manuals have you used Getting Started Guide Front Panel Reference Programming Reference Service Manual 9 Please rate the manuals on the following 4 Excellent 3 Good 2 Adequate l Poor Breadth and depth of information Abili...


Page 290: ...HEWLETT PACKARD Printed in U S A ...

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Page 292: ...HP 1652B HP 1653B Logic Analyzers Front Panel Operation Reference Volume 2 of 2 HEWLETT PACKARD ...

Page 293: ...ront Panel Operation Reference Volume 2 of 2 HP 1652B HP 1653B Logic Analyzers HEWLETT PACKARD Copyright Hewlett Packard Company 1989 Manual Set Part Number 01652 90902 Printed in the U S A November 1989 ...

Page 294: ...t Specification Menu Fields 17 3 Label l7 3 Turn Label On 17 3 ModifyLabel 17 4 Turn Label Off l7 4 Polarity Pol 17 4 Bit Assignment 17 4 Pod Threshold 17 6 Specify Symbols Menu 17 7 Specify Symbols Menu Fields 17 Label l7 8 Base 17 8 Symbol View Size 17 10 SymbolName 17 10 Leaving the Symbol Table Menu 17 12 Chapter 18 Timing Trace Specification Menu Introduction 18 l Accessing the Timing Trace S...

Page 295: ...late Mode 19 6 At Marker Time Div time per division Field 19 7 19 8 Delay Field 19 9 Chapter 20 Timing Analyzer Measurement Example Introduction 20 l Problem Solving with the Timing Analyzer 20 2 What Am I Going to Measure 20 2 How Do I Configure the Logic Analyzer 20 3 Connecting the Probes 20 5 Activity Indicators 20 5 Configuring the Timing Analyzer 20 6 Specifying a Trigger Condition 20 8 Acqu...

Page 296: ... the Logic Analyzer 21 8 Connecting the Timing Analyzer Probes 21 8 Configuring the Timing Analyzer 21 9 Setting the Timing Analyzer Trigger 21 10 Time Correlating the Data 21 11 Re acquiring the Data 21 12 Mixed Mode Display 21 12 Interpreting the Display 21 13 Overlapping Timing Waveforms 21 14 Finding the Answer 21 U Summary 21 16 Chapter 22 The Oscilloscope Introduction 22 l The Scope An Overv...

Page 297: ...rms 23 9 Modify Waveforms 23 10 Overlay Cl C2 23 11 Waveform Math Cl C2 ClC2 23 12 Timebase Functions 23 13 Instrument Setup 23 13 s DivField 23 14 Zoom Acquisition Stopped 23 15 Zoom Example 23 15 Delay Field 23 17 Scrolling Acquisition Stopped 23 17 Scroll Example 23 B Autoscale Field 23 19 WhenaSignalisFound 23 20 If No Signal is Found 23 21 Chapter 24 Trigger Menu Introduction 24 l Calibration...

Page 298: ...ent 25 4 SettingUp the Oscilloscope 25 4 RiseTime Measurement 25 5 Fall Time Measurement 25 6 Vp p Measurement 25 7 Period andFrequencyMeasurements 25 8 Width and Width Measurements 25 9 Preshootand OvershootMeasurements 25 10 Marker Measurements 25 12 Markers Field 2543 SamplePeriod Display 25 14 Time 25 14 XtoOField 25 14 Trig to X Field 25 15 TrigtoOField 25 15 Search 25 16 SpecifjSearchMarkers...

Page 299: ...Mode Display 26 3 Timing Scope Mixed Mode Display 26 4 Arming the Oscilloscope 26 4 Displaying Timing Waveforms 26 5 State Timing And Scope Mixed Mode Display 26 8 Time Correlated Displays 26 9 Chapter 27 Timing State Oscilloscope Measurement Example Introduction 27 l Problem Solving with the Timing State Scope Analyzer 27 l What Am I Going to Measure 27 2 How Do I Configure the Logic Analyzer 27 ...

Page 300: ...19 Appendix A Microprocessor Specific Measurements Introduction A l Microprocessor Measurements A l Microprocessors Supported by Preprocessors A 2 280 A 3 NSC800 A 4 8085 A 5 8086or8088 A 6 80186or80C186 A 7 80286 A 8 80386 A 9 6800or6802 A 10 6809or6809E A 1 1 68008 A 12 68000and 68010 64 pin DIP A 13 68000and 68010 68 pin PGA A 14 68020 A 15 68030 A 16 68HCll A 1 7 Loading Inverse Assembler File...

Page 301: ... 6 rms Voltage B 6 Average Voltage B 6 Appendix C Error Messages Introduction C l Appendix D Installation Maintenance and Calibration Introduction D l Initial Inspection D l Operating Environment D 2 Ventilation D 2 Storage and Shipping D 2 Tagging for Service D 2 Original Packaging D 2 Other Packaging D 3 Power Requirements D 3 Power Cable D 4 Removing Yellow Shipping Disc D 6 Selecting the Line ...

Page 302: ...elf Tests Introduction E l SelfTests E l Power up Self Test E l Selectable Self Tests E 2 Appendix F Specifications and Operating Characteristics Introduction F 1 Logic Analyzer Specifications F 1 Probes F 1 StateMode F 1 Timing Mode F 2 Logic Analyzer Operating Characteristics F 2 Probes F 2 Measurement Configurations F 3 State Analysis F 3 Memory F 3 Trace Specification F 3 Tagging F 4 Symbols F...

Page 303: ... Specifications F 11 Vertical at BNC F 11 Horizontal F 11 Trigger F 11 Oscilloscope Operating Characteristics F 11 Vertical F 11 Horizontal F 13 Trigger F 13 WaveformDisplay F 14 MeasurementAids F l5 SetupAids F 15 Interactive Measurements F 16 Acquisition F l6 MixedDisplay F 16 Time Correlation F 16 Time Interval Accuracy Between Modules F 16 General Characteristics F 17 Operating Environment F 1...

Page 304: ... acquires data asynchronously using an internal sample clock This asynchronous data acquisition technique is similar An Overview to a digitizing oscilloscope The acquired data is displayed in the form of one or more waveforms The timing waveforms differ from a digitizing oscilloscope in that the timing analyzer only stores and displays two levels one above and one below threshold Timing The Timing...

Page 305: ...p Timing Analyzer ti Format 1 Trace The Timing Analyzer 16 2 Specify Symbols Labe I Base Symbol Width Symbol Type Polarity positive L negative 01650841 Figure 16 l Timing Format Menu Map HP 16528 16538 Front Panel Reference ...

Page 306: ...e allows off screen labels to be placed on screen k Base I Binary I r I Find Pattern Data Entry Keypad it Only avai lable when greater than is specified in present for field trt Only avoi lable when then find edge is present and in Gl itch mode HP 16528 16538 Front Panel Reference Figure 16 Z Timing Trace Menu Map The Timing Analyzer 16 3 ...

Page 307: ...28 1653B 16 4 Front Panel Reference I Timing Analyzer 1 _L Waveform Accumu iate On Off 1 Time Div x xxxs 1 data entry keypad 10ns to 100s Delay x xxxs data entry keypad 2500s to 2500s Continued on next page Figure 16 3 Timing Waveform Menu Map 01650843 ...

Page 308: ...try keypad 0 marker pattern L data entry Stop measurement when X O Off data entry Greater than In range data entry not in range x xxxs keypad keypad Labels Insert waveform Waveform on Modify waveform Waveform off data entry keypa d q Gelete waveform1 keypad 01650844 data entry Figure 8 3 Timing Waveform Menu Map Continued HP 16528 1653B Front Panel Reference The Timing Analyzer 16 5 ...

Page 309: ...action you performed in the System Configuration Menu was on the state analyzer Timing Format The Timing Format Specification menu lets you configure the timing Specification analyzer to group channels from your microprocessor into labels you Menu assign for your measurements You can set the threshold levels of the pods assigned to the analyzer assignlabels and channels and specify symbols At powe...

Page 310: ... This menu shows only one pod assignedto each analyzer which is the caseat power up Any number of pods can be assigned to one analyzer from none to all five for the HP 1652B and from none to two for the HP 1653B In the Timing Format Specification menu only three pods appear at a time in the display To view any pods that are off screen press the left right ROLL key and rotate the KNOB The pods are ...

Page 311: ...label column contains 20 Label fields that you can define Of the 20 labels the logic analyzer displays only 14 in the Timing Format Specification menu at one time To view the labels that are off screen press the up down ROLL key and rotate the KNOB The labels scroll up and down To deactivate the scrolling press the ROLL key again To accessone of the Label fields place the cursor on the field and p...

Page 312: ... distinguishes between them An example of this appears in Using the Timing State Analyzer in chapter 7 of the GettirtgStarted Guide Polarity POI Each label has a polarity assignedto it The default for all the labels is positive polarity You can change the polarity of a label by placing the cursor on the polarity field and pressing SELECT This toggles the polarity between positive and negative In t...

Page 313: ...s This is illustrated in Using the Timing State Analyzer in chapter 7 of the Getting Started Guide and chapter 21 of this manual In addition you can assigna channel to more than one label Labels may have from 1 to 32 channels assignedto them If you try to assignmore than 32 channels to a label the logic analyzer will beep indicating an error and a messagewill appear at the top of the screen tellin...

Page 314: ...old for Pods 4 and 5 It does not matter if Pods 4 and 5 are assignedto different analyzers Changing the threshold of one will change the threshold of the other If you place the cursor on one of the pod threshold fields and press SELECT you will seethe following pop up menu Figure 17 5 Pod Threshold Pop Up Menu TTL setsthe threshold at 1 6volts and ECL setsthe threshold at 1 3volts The User defined...

Page 315: ...alyzer the mnemonic is displayed where the bit pattern occurs if the Symbol base is selected It is possible for you to specify up to 200 symbols in the logic analyzer If you have only one of the internal analyzers on all 200 symbols can be defined in it If both analyzers are on the 200 symbols are split between the two For example analyzer 1may have 150 leaving 50 available for analyzer 2 To acces...

Page 316: ... LDS Figure 17 8 Label Pop Up Menu Each label has a separate symbol table This allows you to give the samename to symbols defined under different labels In the Label pop up select the label for which you wish to specify symbols Base The Base field tells you the numeric base in which the pattern will be specified The baseyou choose here will affect the Find Pattern field of the Timing Trace Specifi...

Page 317: ...ose that option from the numeric Base pop up menu If you choose the ASCII option you can seewhat ASCII characters the patterns and ranges defined by your symbols represent ASCII characters represented by the decimal numbers 0 to 127 hex 00 to 7F are offered on your logic analyzer Specifying patterns and ranges for symbols is discussed in the next section llE Note r r l You cannot specify a pattern...

Page 318: ...fication Menu in Chapter 18and the Timing Waveforms Menu in Chapter 19 Symbol Name When you first accessthe Symbol Table there are no symbols specified The symbol name field reads New Symbol If you select this field you will seean Alpha Entry pop up menu on the display Use the pop up menu and the keypad on the front panel to enter the name of your symbol A maximum of 16characters can be used in a ...

Page 319: ...nd the DON T CARE key on the front panel to enter the pattern Be sure to enter the pattern in the numeric basethat you specified in the Base field HP 16526 16538 Front Panel Reference I Specify Pattern 85C4 I Figure 17 12 Specify Pattern Pop Up If the symbol is defined asa range two fields appear in which you specify the upper and lower boundaries of the range rmCHINE 1 Sjpbol Table Done Symbol La...

Page 320: ... seean Alpha Entry pop up menu Use the menu and the keypad on the front panel to enter the name of your new symbol When you select Done your new symbol will appear in the Symbol Table The third option in the pop up is Delete symbol If you select this option the symbol will be deleted from the Symbol Table When you have specified all your symbols you can leave the Symbol Table menu in one of two wa...

Page 321: ... Specification menus allow you to configure the logic analyzer to capture only the data of interest in your measurement In the timing analyzer you can configure the analyzer to trigger on specific patterns edges or glitches The Timing Trace Specification menu lets you specify the trigger point for the logic analyzer to start capturing data and the manner in which the analyzer will capture data You...

Page 322: ...o sections by a horizontal line The top section contains the fields that you use to specify the data acquisition The bottom section contains the fields for setting the trigger point Timing Trace The fields in the Timing Trace Specification menu are asfollows Specification l Trace mode Menu Fields l Armed by l Acquisition mode l Label l Base l Find Pattern l Pattern Duration present for l Then find...

Page 323: ...me trace mode for the other analyzer Armed By The Armed by field lets you specify how your timing analyzer is to be armed The analyzer can be armed by the RUN key the other analyzer the scope or an external instrument through the BNC Input port When you select the Armed by field a pop up menu appears like that shown below Use this menu to select the arming option for your analyzer Armed by Figurel...

Page 324: ...tion in your logic analyzer insures that data will be captured and displayed between the left side of the screen and the trigger point Figure 18 3illustrates Transitional acquisition comparing it to Traditional acquisition I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CHANNEL 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I...

Page 325: ...all the data that occurred before it The glitch must have a width of at least 5 ns at threshold in order for the analyzer to detect it If you want your timing analyzer to trigger on a glitch in the data set the Acquisition mode to Glitch This causesseveral changesin the analyzer One change is that a field for glitch detection in each label is added to the Timing Trace Specification menu as shown T...

Page 326: ...e Timing Format Specification menu If there are more labels than can fit on screen use the left right ROLL key and the KNOB to view those that are not displayed Base The Base fields allow you to specify the numeric basein which you want to define a pattern for a label The Base fields also let you use a symbol that was specified in the Timing Symbol Table for the pattern Each label has its own base...

Page 327: ...tern With the Find Pattern fields you configure your timing analyzer to look for a certain pattern in the data Each label has its own pattern field that you use to specify a pattern for that label During a run the logic analyzer looks for a pattern in your data which is the logical AND of all the labels patterns That is it looks for a simultaneous occurrence of the specified patterns When it finds...

Page 328: ...ntioned previously in Base if you specify ASCII asthe base for the label you won t be able to enter a pattern You must specify one of the other numeric basesto enter the pattern Then you can switch the base to ASCII and seewhat ASCII characters the pattern represents If you choose Symbols in the Base field you can use one of the symbols specified in the Timing Symbol Tables asthe pattern The Find ...

Page 329: ...under the label When you specify symbols in the Timing Symbol Tables you also specify the number of characters in the symbol name that are to be displayed If you specify only three characters of a symbol name in the Symbol menu only REA of READ and WRI of WRITE would be displayed in the Find Pattern Field In addition only the first three letters of absolute would be displayed Pattern Duration Ther...

Page 330: ...or on the second field and either press SELECT to get a pop up menu or just press one of the numeric keys on the front panel keypad Both methods give you a Numeric Entry pop up similar to that shown Numeric Entry I 401 0 S 0ms 0 us 0 ns Figure 1641 Pattern Duration present for Pop Up With the front panel keypad enter the desired pattern duration Use the KNOB to place the cursor on the correct timi...

Page 331: ...a period less than 100ns The pattern must also be valid for at least 20 ns Then Find Edge With the Then find Edge fields you can specify the edges transitions of the data on which your timing analyzer triggers You can specify a positive edge a negative edge or either edge Each label has its own edge trigger specification field so that you can specify an edge on any channel When you specify an edge...

Page 332: ...ECT once The period changesto 4 as shown Figure 18 l 5 Negative Edge Specified To specify a positive edge place the cursor on one of the periods and press SELECT twice The period changesto t asshown Specify Edge I K LT l 1 Figure 18 16 Positive Edge Specified If you want the analyzer to trigger on either a positive or a negative edge place the cursor on a period and press SELECT three times The pe...

Page 333: ...el Reference When you set the Acquisition mode on Glitch a glitch detection field for each label is added to the screen These fields allow you to specify glitch triggering on your timing analyzer Selecting one of these fields displays the following pop up menu e ISpecify Glitch Done Figure 18 18 Specify Glitch Pop Up for Then Find Glitch Your pop up may look different depending on the number of ch...

Page 334: ...alyzer logically ORs them together In addition the logic analyzer dRs the glitch specifications with the edge specifications then ANDs the result with the pattern you specified in the Find Pattern fields in order to find the trigger point A boolean expression illustrating this is glitch glitch edge edge pattern Note I 81 t If you select c less than in the present for field edge and glitch d trigge...

Page 335: ...canfind your measurementanswers There aretwo different areasof the timing waveformsdisplay the menuareaand thewaveformsarea The menuareais in the top one fourth of the screenand the waveformsareais the bottom three fourths of the screen LDRCI TEST flming Navel ems barkers 71 Clccumulate F Tlme Dlv v Delay 71 Sample perlod 10 ns I 1 iEYii f 3TizT5j HP 1652B l653B Timing Waveforms Menu Front Panel R...

Page 336: ...s above threshold and lows below threshold Also the waveform lows are represented by a thicker line for easydifferentiation p575TFK liming Mavsfams tlarkers I 1 X to Trig i 1 1Time X to 0 0 9 Accumulate Ofll o to Trig I 1 It X pEq Time D Iv 1 Delay OS I k Figure 19 2 Timing Waveforms Menu with 24 Waveforms Accessing the The Timing Waveforms Menu is accessedby the pressing the Timing Waveforms Menu...

Page 337: ...he sample period is displayed In transitional timing mode the sample period will alwaysbe 10ns In Glitch mode the sample period is controlled by the Time Div setting and can be monitored by turning the markers off Note lel d The sample period displayed is the sample period of the last acquisition If you change the Time Div setting you must press RUN to initiate another acquisition before the sampl...

Page 338: ...so enter a value directly from the keypad without pressing SELECT Timing Waveforms Menu 19 4 i lining flarkers 1 Time Accumulo te IpiT 1 Tlme Dlv 500 70 ns IC OCK Figure 19 5 Markers Time The Time X to 0 field will change according to the position of the X and 0 markers If you place the cursor on the Time X to 0 field and press SELECT another pop up will appear showing you all three times X to Tri...

Page 339: ...atterns for all labels even though only one label can be displayed at a time You can also specify whether the marker is placed on the pattern at the beginning of its occurrence entering or at the end of its occurrence leaving asshown in figure 19 8 tlarker Patterns Label I j Base 1Hexadec ime 11 Done3 X tlarker I pattern 1 0 f larker 1entering 1 pattern lxXXXXXXX1 Stop meesurement 1 Lx 0 1 Less th...

Page 340: ...ch are placed on specific patterns If a marker pattern is not specified the marker will be placed on the trigger point by the logic analyzer In this casethe statistical measurement will be the time from the trigger to the specified marker How the statistics will be updated depends on the timing trace mode repetitive or single In repetitive statistics will be updated each time a valid run occurs un...

Page 341: ...s on the waveforms of any label and have the logic analyzer tell you what the pattern is For example in the timing waveforms display figure 19 9 the number 35 to the right of the Delay field is the pattern in hexadecimal that is marked by the 0 mark base of the displayed field is determined by the base of the specified label you selected in the Timing Trace menu HP 16528 16538 Front Panel Referenc...

Page 342: ...ivision by rotating the KNOB or entering a numeric value from the keypad When you rotate the KNOB the time per division increments or decrements in l 2 5 sequence from 10ns div to 50 ms div Sample period is fixed at 10ns in the Transitional acquisition mode When you enter a value from the keypad the time per division does not have to be a l 2 5 sequence Note I In Glitch mode changing the Time Div ...

Page 343: ... trigger point see figure 19 11 liming Mwcf ofms I narkers I Accumulate fort flme Dlv 1 1 x to Trig 0 to Trig Delay I 9001 16301 i 1Time X to 0 J fit WJ 0 1 530 us CLOCK Figure 19 11 Trigger and Trace Points If you want to trace after the trigger point enter a positive delay If you want to trace before the trigger point similar to negative time enter a negative delay The logic analyzer is capable ...

Page 344: ... the delay setting It is represented by the following formula if delay c 20 ns Hwdelay 20 ns this is an instrument constant if delay 10ms Hwdelay 10ms else Hwdelay delay delay setting in timing waveforms menu Sample period larger Of Time Div t 25 or absolute value delay Hwdelay t 2561 If sample period 50 ms Then sample period 50 ms HP 16528 1653B Front Panel Reference ...

Page 345: ...ep objective There is also an example of each menu after it has been properly set up How you use the steps depends on how much you remember from chapters 1 through 4 of the Getting Started Guide If you can set up each menu by just looking at the menu picture go ahead and do so If you need a reminder of what steps you need to perform follow the numbered steps If you still need more information abou...

Page 346: ...s no longer asserted goeshigh is 250ns You could useanoscilloscopebut since the timing analyzerwill dojust fmewhenyou don t needvoltage parametricsyou decideto go aheadandusethe logic analyzer What Am I Going to Measure After configuring the logic analyzerandhooking it up to your circuit under test youwill be measuringthe time x from whenthe RAS goes low to whenthe CAS goeshigh asshownbelow RAS I ...

Page 347: ...y get the System Configuration menuon screen a Placethe cursoron the field in the upper left corner of the display and pressSELECT b Placethe cursor on Systemand pressSELECT HP 16528 1653B Front Panel Reference 2 In the SystemConfiguration menu changeAnalyzer 1typeto Timing If analyzer1is alreadya timing analyzer go on to step 3 a Placethe cursoron theType field and pressSELECT b Placethe cursoron...

Page 348: ...p change the name to DRAM TEST see How to Enter Alpha Data in chapter 3 if you need a reminder 4 Assign pod 1 to the timing analyzer a Place the cursor on the Pod 1 field and press SELECT b In the Pod 1 pop up place the cursor on Analyzer 1 and press SELECT Timing Analyzer Measurement Example HP 16528 16538 20 4 Front Panel Reference ...

Page 349: ...pin connected to the CAS signal Activity Indicators When the logic analyzer is connected and your target system is running you will seeactivity indicators asshown below at the right most end least significant bits of the Pod 1 field in the System Configuration menu This indicates the RAS and CAS signals are transitioning HP 16528 1653B Front Panel Reference System Configuration I Activity indicato...

Page 350: ...e FORM AT key on the front panel 2 Name two labels one RAS and one CAS a Place the cursor on the top field in the label column and press SELECT b Place the cursor on Modify label and press SELECT DRAfl TEST Tlmlng Format Speclficetion Pod 1 I lTL I fictkvity _____ Label Pal 15 II I 87 0 orr a1f lrr Off 1 err b off off i off Gff El I Gff Figure 20 4 Timing Format Specification Menu c With the Alpha...

Page 351: ...s pod however you will want only bit 0 assignedto the RAS label The easiestway to assignbits is to press the CLEAR ENTRY key to un assign any assigned bits before you start c Place the cursor on the period under the 0 in the bit assignment pop up and press SELECT This will place an asterisk in the pop up for bit 0 indicating Pod 1bit 0 is now assigned to the RAS label Place cursor on Done and pres...

Page 352: ... the RAS a Place the cursor on the Then find Edge field under the label RAS then press SELECT b Place the cursor on the period in the pop up and press SELECT once Pressing SELECT once in this pop up changes a period to J which indicates a negative going edge c Place the cursor on Done and press SELECT The pop up closes and a will be located in this field The indicates an edge has been specified ev...

Page 353: ...to the Timing Waveforms menu I Note From this point in the exercise unto the end we will give you the measurement results This way you will not have to obtain and usean identical circuit HP 16528 16538 Timing Analyzer Measurement Example Front Panel Reference 20 9 Figure 20 6 Timing Waveforms Menu The FZASlabel showsyou the RAS signal and the CAS label shows you the CAS signal Notice the RAS signa...

Page 354: ...e l TheXandO l The V l The vertical dotted line The X and 0 The X and 0 are markersyouuseto find your answer You placethem on the points of interestonyour waveforms andthe logic analyzer displaysthe time betweenthe markers The X and0 markerswill be in the center of the displaywhenX to trig ger and0 to trig ger are both 0 000s seeexamplebelow pEzzxq Timing Wsvef ems barkers Time X to Trig 1 1 Time ...

Page 355: ...ou specifiedin the Dotted Line Timing Trace Specificationmenu The vertical dotted line is at center screenunder the inverted triangle and is superimposedon the negative goingedgeof the RAS signal HP 16528 1653B Front Panel Reference I pEcEEF l lirrlng Naval ems tlarkers Time J X to Trig 1 1 Tome x to 0 1 160 nr Plccumulate I 0 to Trig v At pzTzGq pFq Tlme Dlv L 1 Delay o I Figure 20 8 Inverted Tri...

Page 356: ...e 20 g RAS and CAS Signals 1 Place the cursor on Time Div and press SELECT The Time Div pop up appears showing you the current setting 2 While the pop up is present rotate the KNOB until your waveform shows you only one negative going edge of the RAS waveform and one positive going edge of the CAS waveform seeabove In this example 200 ns is best pEFEq Tlmlng Msvefoms tIar kers Time X to Trlg I 1 T...

Page 357: ...X marker to the trigger however you don t need to worry about this number now 2 Rotate the KNOB to place the X marker on the negative going edge of the RAS waveform and press SELECT The pop up closes and displays X to Trig 0 000s HP 16528 1653B Timing Analyzer Measurement Example Front Panel Reference 2043 3 Place the cursor on 0 to Trig and press SELECT Repeat step 2 except place the 0 marker on ...

Page 358: ...me X to 0 field This example indicates the time is 710ns Since the data book specifies a minimum of 250 ns it appears your DRAM controller circuit is desired properly TEsT 1Iming Wavef ems barkers Time X to Trig 1 1 1Time x to 0 710 ns FIccumulats orrl 0 toTrig v At narker RAS Time D Iv 1 1 Delay 0 Timing Analyzer Measurement Example HP 16528 l 6538 20 I 4 Front Panel Reference Figure 20 12 Time X...

Page 359: ...quired the data Configured the display Set the Time Div for best resolution Positioned the markers for the measurement answer HP 1652B 1653B Timing Analyzer Measurement Example Front Panel Reference 20 M You have seen how easyit is to use the timing analyzer to make timing measurements that you could have made with a scope You can usethe timing analyzer for any timing measurement that doesn t requ...

Page 360: ...ou havealreadysetup both the timing and stateanalyzers you shouldbe readyto setthem up for this simulatedmeasurementbyjust looking at the menupictures Any newset upsin this exercisewill be explainedin taskformat steps like the previouschapters To gain confidenceusingyour logic analyzer werecommendthat you configure the menusasyoufollow the simulatedmeasurementexample up to section Acquiring the Da...

Page 361: ...lso notice the circuit fails intermittently More specifically it only fails when the microprocessor attempts to address a routine that starts at address 8930 What Am I To seewhat might be causing the failure you decide to start where the Going to Measure microprocessor goesto the routine that starts at address 8930 The first thing you check is whether the microprocessor actually addresses address ...

Page 362: ...state analyzer becauseyou want to trigger on a specific Logic Analyzer state 8930 You also want to verify that the addresses and data are correct in the statesof this routine Configure the logic analyzer so that Analyzer 1 is a state analyzer as shown below HP 16528 16538 Front Panel Reference I System Conf lgurstlon r Analyzer 1 Name1 1 1 Type I Unassl llnalyzer 4zT Pod 5 I Figure 21 1 System Con...

Page 363: ...y Symbol b lock Period Figure 21 2 State Format Specification Menu Configure the State Trace Specification menu as shown m State Trace Speclf lcallon Trace mode I 1 Sequence Levels While storing any state Trigger on a I times b Store y any s to te 2 firmed by Run 1 Branches 1 Off Count Time 1 Pres tore Off J Figure 21 3 State Trace Specification Menu Timing State Measurement Example HP 16528 1653B...

Page 364: ... to the address bus lines Al6 through A23 l Pod 1 CLK J clock to the address strobe LAS Acquiring the Data Since you want to capture the data when the microprocessor sends address 8930on the bus you press the RUN key to arm the state analyzer If the microprocessor sends address 8930 it will trigger the state analyzer and switch the display to the State Listing menu I Note From this point in the ex...

Page 365: ...00892E 61FA As you compare the state listing shown below with the above data you notice the data at address 8932is incorrect Now you need to find out why I 1 State Listing 7 1 Off Label 6ase 0007 0006 0005 0004 4003 0002 coo 1 ooo 1 0088CA OOFF 0088CC 6730 0088CE 48E7 0086FE 4E75 008900 3000 0004F4 0000 0004F6 8930 008930 803C 008932 OOFF Incorrect Data Ooc2 008934 67FB 0003 008936 BOX iooo4 OOB92...

Page 366: ... order to seethe time domain you need the timing analyzer What Since the problem exists during the routine that starts at address 8930 Additional you decide you want to seethe timing waveforms on the address and Measurements data bus when the routine is running You also want to seethe control signals that control the read cycle You will then compare the Must I Make waveforms with the timing diagra...

Page 367: ...2 Figure 21 5 System Configuration Menu Connecting the At this point you would connect the probes of pods 4 and 5 asfollows Timing Analyzer Probes l Pod 4 bit 0 to address strobe AS l Pod 4 bit 1 to the system clock I l Pod 4 bit 2 to low data strobe LDS l Pod 4 bit 3 to upper data strobe UDS l Pod 4 bit 4 to the read write R W l Pod 4 bit 5 to data transfer acknowledge DTACK l Pod 5 bits 0 throug...

Page 368: ...eclf Its tlon Spcclf y Symbols Pod 5 Pod 4 t i r e 1 1 I IL I L I IL I CIctivity _____ _ Label Pal IS 87 0 15 87 0 off I off 13ff Figure 21 6 Timing Format Specification Menu Configure the Timing Trace Specification as shown pEijsfS Tlmlng Trace Speclflcatlon Trace mocle T FIrmed bu I 1 Requisition mode Transltional Label IcLozc ilFIsmi lDSllDTCICKmllADDRm Base LHexjiHexIIHex iHerjIl Find Pattern ...

Page 369: ...e steps 1 Display the Timing Trace Specification menu 2 Place the cursor on the Armed by field and press SELECT 3 Place the cursor on the 68000STATE option in the pop up and press SELECT Your timing trace specification should match the menu shown State Analyzer Arms Timing Analyzer piiZEK Tlmlng Trace Speclflcatlon Trace mode firmed by 1 1 flcquisition mode Transitional 1 Label lCLoCKllFlSI LDSllU...

Page 370: ... the State Trace Specification menu The following steps show you how 1 Display the State Trace Specification menu 2 Place the cursor in the field just below Count on the right side of the display and press SELECT HP 16528 1653B Timing State Measurement Example Front Panel Reference 21 11 3 Place the cursor on the Time option and press SELECT The counter will now be able to keep track of time for t...

Page 371: ... Display Waveforms menus simultaneously To change the display to the Mixed Mode 1 Place the cursor on the field in the upper left corner of the display and press SELECT 2 Place the cursor on Mixed Mode and press SELECT You will now seethe mixed display asshown Inl ea note Display 6eOOOST lE State Ustug I 0004F4 I 24 us I8 I ooooJ ooc2 woo3 000 ooo 1 I 0004F6 008930 008932 008934 008936 803C 8930 O...

Page 372: ...of the timing waveform is the vertical dotted line As you look at the mixed display you notice nothing wrong except the data at address 8932is incorrect However you are seeing only one bit each of the address and the data To seeall the data and addressesin the timing waveform part of the display you must overlap them HP 16528 1653B Timing State Measurement Example Front Panel Reference 21 13 ml Dl...

Page 373: ...press SELECT The following pop up opens in which you specify the bit or bits of the address bus you want to overlap 0001 0004F6 8930 1 24 us jjl oooo 008930 803C 1 24 us NO0 1 008932 OOFF I 24 us Qoo2 008934 67F8 I 28 us MOO3 008936 803C I 24 us 6b000TIllNG Timing naveforms X tcj Trigger 0 s Tlme Div 71 Delay of 0 to 0 s Trigger h I 1 1 i I Figure 21 12 Overlapping Timing Waveforms 2 Rotate the KN...

Page 374: ...rdware will identify the actual cause HP 16528 1653B Timing State Measurement Example Front Panel Reference 21 l 5 ml Display 68000STll1E State Listing 0003 ooe900 3000 I 28 us 0002 OOOdFC 0000 I 24 us Qoo 1 0004F6 8930 I 24 us iggG ij 008930 803C 1 24 US ooo I 008932 OOFF I 24 US 0002 008934 67F8 I 28 us Ooo3 008936 BO3C I 24 US 6800OTItlNG Timing mvef arms X to Trigger 0 s Tlme Dtv SO0 ns Delay ...

Page 375: ...ime correlate measurement data l Interpret the Mixed mode display 0 Overlap timing waveforms If you have an HP 1653B you do not have enough channels to simultaneously capture all the data for a 68000 But since you probably aren t working with 16 bit microprocessors this exercise is still valuable becauseit showsyou how to make the same kind of measurement on an eight bit microprocessor Timing Stat...

Page 376: ...need an introduction to oscilloscopes refer to Feeling Comfortable with Digitizing Oscilloscopes The Scope The oscilloscope in the HP 1652B 1653BLogic Analyzer is a An Overview 2 channel 400 megasample second 100MHz single shot and repetitive repetitive single shot bandwidth scope It is turned on off from the System Configuration menu with the Channel Trigger and Waveforms menus accessedfrom front...

Page 377: ...The Channel Menu Map Oscilloscope The Oscilloscope 22 2 I I I I Waveform Selection Menu Map 01652802 HP 16528 1653B Front Panel Reference ...

Page 378: ...Trigger Menu Map HP 16528116538 The Oscilloscope Front Panel Reference 22 3 i r Cal ibr i I at ion 1 Offset Attenuot ion Gain Trigger level Delay Set to Default PDe I ay Waveform Selection Menu Map 01652803 ...

Page 379: ...ms Menu Map I I l j searct Specify Markers Menu Map J X pattern from star O pattern from start L__f Accumulate 1 i L Wavefc rm Selection Menu Map The Oscilloscope 22 4 01652801 HP 16528 1653B Front Panel Reference ...

Page 380: ...528 1653B Front Panel Reference 01652804 1 Specify Markers I Waveform off 1 FLi CZ Mcrke type i J Percent I 4 Absolute 1 i Negative 1 j Less than H Greater than 1 t In range v Not in range j 1 I OFF File ame 01652605 q FI me aescr Iption t The Oscilloscope 22 5 ...

Page 381: ...in identifying the field being discussed The Channel menu CHAN key controls the vertical sensitivity offset probe attenuation and input impedance of both input channels In addition the timebase functions of seconds division s Div and delay are controlled in this menu The s Div and delay can be controlled in the other main menus aswell but will be defined in the Channel Menu chapter Like the timeba...

Page 382: ...nus will appear that guide you through the calibration process The calibration procedure is found in Appendix D The Waveforms menu DISPLAY key controls the display mode connect the dots and grid on off Also included in this menu is the Auto measure function and Marker measurement criterion set up At power up the System Configuration menu defaults the oscilloscope to on All main oscilloscope menus ...

Page 383: ...el menu is shown below Channel Menu Fields IT Channel Input CH V Dlv 1 500 V 1 Offset 2 500 V 1 Probe 10 Impedance I Preset IT s Dlv 10 00 US j Delay 0 b CH 1 Figure 23 l Channel Menu hIput Field The Input field is located on the left side of the top row of fields It selects the input source for the channel parameters displayed on the Channel Specification menu The default Input field selection is...

Page 384: ...cal sensitivity is changed the signal expands and compresses in both directions vertically from the center of the display When probe field is set to lO l the vertical sensitivity will change in a l 2 5 sequence from 150mV div to 100V div Vertical sensitivity can also be entered from the keypad A Numeric Entry pop up will appear when the first numeric key is touched See lower pop up in figure 23 2 ...

Page 385: ...n the Offset field is selected a pop up will appear and the offset value of the channel selected in the Input field can be changed by turning the knob Seethe upper pop up in figure 23 3 As offset is changed and after a run the position of the waveform moves up or down on the waveform display Offset works similar to the vertical position control of an analog oscilloscope but offset is calibrated Va...

Page 386: ... selected a pop up will appear and the probe attenuation factor can be changed by turning the knob Seethe upper pop up in figure 23 4 Probe attenuation can also be entered by using the keypad An Integer Entry pop up will appear when the first key is touched Seethe lower pop up in figure 23 4 Keypad entry pop up jcape Channel c In trgar Entry Done Figure 23 4 Probe Attenuation Entry Pop ups When yo...

Page 387: ...lay TTL and ECL logic levels When you select the Preset field a pop up will appear as shown in figure 23 5 Rotate the knob until the proper field is highlighted then touch the select key TTL bEI ECL USER Figure 234 Preset Field Pop up When you select TTL or ECL the following values are set PRESET VALUE PARAMETER ECL TTL V DIV 500MV 1 5v OFFSET 1 0v 2 5v TRIG LEVEL 1 300V 1 620V 0165ZM0l Table 23 l...

Page 388: ...ny of the oscilloscope main menus The channel label fields to the left of the waveform display shows the input channels that are being displayed Figure 23 6 shows the default setting which displays CH 1and CH 2 selected Channel Menu HP 1652B 1653B 23 6 Front Panel Reference IJ Channel fiutoscale Input ProbE 6 0lv pi q 1101 iEGq V DLV r Txrq 1 Impedance L 1 HOhm Ottset Preset 2 500 v I Figure 23 6 ...

Page 389: ...ignal Hookup Setting Up the Oscilloscope 1 Turn the power on to the instrument 2 From the System Configuration menu turn the oscilloscope on HP 16528 1653B Front Panel Reference and all analyzers off Touch CHAN key From the default oscilloscope Channel menu make the following changes CH 1 Probe field to 1 l CH 1 Impedance field to 50 Ohms CH 2 Probe field to 1 l CH 2 Impedance field to 50 Ohms Sel...

Page 390: ...vsf oras tiarkers Off Display 1 Normal Connect dolslr Sample period 1 000 us s Dlv i2oo 01 Delay I Grid or l r Figure 23 8 Compensation Signal Waveforms The waveform selection defaults to Waveform on for channel 1 and channel 2 1 Select the CH 1input label A waveform selection pop up appears asshown in figure 23 9 Figure 23 9 Waveform Selection Pop up menu Channel Menu 23 8 HP 1652B 1653B Front Pa...

Page 391: ... Delay I GrlcI Icrr Figure 2340 Channel 1 Turned Off 3 To turn channel 1 waveform back on select the channel label field then select Waveform on Insert Delete When a signal is inserted into the waveform display its label field and Waveforms waveform will alwaysbe displayed directly below the highlighted label and corresponding waveform 1 Select CH 1 label field then select Insert waveform A channe...

Page 392: ...art Modify NaWfOWlS When you modify a waveform you select the channel label to be modified and replace it with a selection from the channel mode pop up 1 Select CH 1 label field then select Modify waveform 2 Select CH 2 from the channel mode pop up then touch the RUN key Notice that CH 1 hasbeen replaced with CH 2 Channel 2 is now being displayed twice 3 Select CH 2 label field the sameonejust mod...

Page 393: ...Cl C2 then touch the RUN key CH 2 is now overlayed on CH 1 in the top waveform display 2 Select the s Div field and change the sweep speed to 5 ns div This will allow us to seethe overlayed waveforms easier The display should now look like the figure below tI Note u To get a better display of the two waveforms overlayed use an extra 1 ong cable on one of the inputs This will delay one waveform HP ...

Page 394: ...the signal from CH 1 Let s try subtracting CH 2 from CH 1 1 Select Cl C2 label field then select Modify waveform 2 Select Cl C2 field With the s Div still set at 5 ns the waveform display should look like the figure below Channel Menu 2342 Figure 2343 Cl C2 Waveform Display HP 16528 1653B Front Panel Reference ...

Page 395: ...e instrument should already be set up from the previous exercise If you need to reset the menu fields refer to that exercise or select the Autoscale field and set to Continue Your screen should look like the figure below HP 16528 1653B Front Panel Reference Scope bbwef oras Au to tieasure flarkers 1 Off 1 Display Normal Connect dotsl Sample perfoe 1 000 us r Dlv 2oo o Delay I tr1e I t t Figure 23 ...

Page 396: ... CH 1 7 1 Mumeric Entry 0 E to g US 0 nc Figure 23 15 s Div Entry Pop ups As the sweep speed is changed the signal expands and compresses in both directions from the center of the display As you turn the knob the sweep speed changesin a l 2 5 sequencefrom 5 ns Div to 5 s Div Sweep speed can also be entered from the Numeric Entry pop up The pop up will appear when the first numeric key is touched S...

Page 397: ...ata The default value for the s Div field is 10ps If acquisitions have been stopped the oscilloscope usesthe 2048 sample points stored in acquisition memory to display the new data on screen when the sweep speed is changed This function would normally be used to zoom in or zoom out on a waveform acquired in Single single shot mode Zooming either expands or compresses the waveform horizontally and ...

Page 398: ...rioa 1 000 us prEq Delay I Grid pF 1 1 Figure 2346 Compressed Waveform Now change the sweep speed to 2 us Div At 200 us Div 500 points were displayed at 2 us Div only 20 points are displayed When the waveform is expanded the oscilloscope usesa reconstruction filter to fill in the waveform points to provide a more useable display When used in conjunction with scrolling see Delay Field paragraph zoo...

Page 399: ... trigger point is moved to the left side of the screen the delay time is positive and what you are viewing at center screen is after the trigger point Delay time resolution is equal to 2 of the sweep speed setting when using the knob When using the pop up keypad resolution is 100ps at sweep speedsof 99 9ns Div and faster and can be set to 4digit resolution at sweep speedsof 100ns div and slower SC...

Page 400: ...nd turn the knob to change delay time to approximately 1 ms As shown in figure 23 17 you are now looking at the beginning of the waveform record You can now scroll through the entire 2k waveform record both before and after the trigger point When used in conjunction with zooming see s Div Field paragraph scrolling is very useful in displaying single shot waveforms Scopej bbvef or cluto heasure Uar...

Page 401: ...gure 2348 Autoscale Pop up If you have inadvertently selected autoscale or wish to abort the autoscale select Cancel If the Continue field is touched the autoscale function is started and the advisory Autoscale is in progress is displayed The oscilloscope automatically sets V Div vertical sensitivity channel Offset s Div sweep speed and trigger Level so that the input signals are displayed on scre...

Page 402: ...complete cycles of the waveform If a signal is present at more than one input the trigger source is always assigned to the signal input on channel 1 This input is also used to scale the sweep speed If only one vertical input has a signal present that signal is the trigger source If No Signal is Found If no signal is found on any of the vertical inputs the oscilloscope displays the advisory No sign...

Page 403: ... Trigger tlode Edge 1 Level 1 620 s Dlv 10 source p T 1 Run mode Single Slope Delay 1Positive J 1 0 s I Cluto Trig 1 On 1 FIrmed by r unJ Figure 24 l Trigger Specification Menu Calibration When the Calibration field is selected a pop up will appear showing the calibration menu Information on when and how to calibrate the oscilloscope is found in Appendix D HP 16528 16538 Front Panel Reference Trig...

Page 404: ... 1 Level 1 620 Slope f E Ez J Cluto Trig onJ s Dtv pcKq Delay I Wmed by j CH m i t fi Trigger level Figure 24 2 Trigger Point Mode Field Immediate Trigger Mode The Mode field is located on the left side of the top row of fields and selects the trigger mode for the oscilloscope When you select the Mode field it will toggle between Edge and Immediate The default selection for the Mode field is Edge ...

Page 405: ...de Default Menu Armed by Field The Armed by field is located on the right side of the bottom row of fields When selected a pop up will appear that is used to set any arming requirements Seefigure 24 4 I iScope Trigger tlode Imfnedlate Run mode Single Figure 24 4 Arming Selection Pop up HP 16528 l 6538 Front Panel Reference Trigger Menu 24 3 ...

Page 406: ...n asit is armed by an internal signal from the appropriate analyzer The default selection for the Armed by field is Run Edge Trigger Edge trigger is the type of triggering found in all oscilloscopes In edge Mode trigger mode the oscilloscope triggers at a specified voltage level on a rising or falling edge of one of the input channels In this mode you can specify which inplut is t hetrigger source...

Page 407: ... waveform trigger is lost and the waveform display will be unsynchronized The trigger level when set with the knob can be any voltage value contained within the waveform display window in increments of 1 of full scale vertical voltage range V Div X 4 For example if full scale voltage range were 500 mV trigger level could be set in increments of 20mV Trigger level can also be entered from the keypa...

Page 408: ...you specify whether or not the acquisitions should wait for the specified trigger condition to occur When the Auto Trig field is touched the field will toggle between On and Off On When auto trigger is set to on the oscilloscope waits for approximately 1sec for a trigger to occur If a trigger does not occur within that time whatever is in the acquisition memory is displayed and Auto triggered is d...

Page 409: ...set to Single you start the oscilloscope running in the single acquisition mode by pressing the RUN key on the front panel In this mode the oscilloscope makes a single acquisition displays the results then waits until the RUN key is touched again before making another acquisition Repetitive Mode Run After the Run mode field is set to Repetitive you start the oscilloscope running in the Repetitive ...

Page 410: ...13 s Dlv 11 Delay I Grid 1 j Figure 25 l Waveforms Display Menu Scope Field The Scope field located in the upper left corner of the menu is used for accessingthe SystemConfiguration menu any assignedanalyzers and the mixed mode display operation More information on mixed mode displays and the system configuration menu is found in the appropriate chapters Auto Measure Field Automatic parametric mea...

Page 411: ...upper right corner of the pop up will toggle between channel 1 and channel 2 when selected The default selection for this field is channel 1 There are nine automatic measurements made from the data that is displayed in the waveform display Period Risetime Falltime Frequency Width Width VP lJ Preshoot Overshoot Keep the following in mind when making measurements l At least one full cycle of the wav...

Page 412: ...lated by adding the number of occurrences of each quantization level of the displayed data point sets on the displayed waveform The quantization level with the greatest number of occurrences in the top half of the waveform corresponds to the Vtop level The quantization level with the greatest number of occurrences in the bottom half of the waveform corresponds to the Vbase level If Vtop and Vbase ...

Page 413: ...MPENSATION SIGNAL OUTPUT 0165ZM01 BNC TEE Figure 25 3 Equipment Setup Setting Up the Oscilloscope Turn the instrument on From the System Configuration menu turn the oscilloscope on and all analyzers off Touch CHAN key and from the default Channel Specification menu make the following changes Input CH 1Probe field to 1 l Input CH 1 Impedance field to 50 Ohms Input CH 2 Probe field to 19 Input CH 2 ...

Page 414: ...Autoscaled Waveform Rise Time Measurement l Risetime is measured on the positive going edge of the waveform and is the time it takes the waveform to transition between the 10 voltage point and the 90 voltage point 1 Select the s Div field and change the sweep speed to 5 ns div The expanded waveform should look like the figure below Scope bbvef armi Auto Measure flerker s Off 1 Display 1 hOfInal 1 ...

Page 415: ...ent is the time it takes the waveform to transition between the 90 voltage point and 10 voltage point You are currently displaying the positive going edge of the waveform so you need to change it to the negative going edge 4 Touch the TRIG key and toggle the Slope field in the Trigger Specification menu to Negative Notice the negative going edge of the waveform is now displayed asshown in figure 2...

Page 416: ... CH 2 VP P The peak to peak voltage measurement usesthe maximum voltage and Measurement the minimum voltage values found in the data displayed on screen VP P Vmaximum Vminimum 8 Notice the Vp_p measurement displayed in the Automatic Measurements listing pop up This reading is for the channel currently selected 9 Select Done to exit the Automatic Measurements listing pop up HP 16528 1653B Front Pan...

Page 417: ...iod b king edge2 king edge1 Freq l king edge2 hising edge1 If the first edge on the display is falling then Period tfalling edge2 tfalling edge1 Freq l tfalling edge2 tfalling edge1 Re scale the waveform to display at least one full cycle of the waveform then make a Period and Freq measurement on CH 1 1 From the Waveform menu select s Div and change s Div field to 100 sto display only one full cyc...

Page 418: ...he auto measure field will be blank If the first edge on the display is rising then Width tfalling edge1 trising edge1 Width king edge2 tfalling edgeI If the first edge on the display is falling then Width tfalling edge2 h king edge1 Width king edge1 tfalling edge1 HP 16528 1653B Front Panel Reference 3 Be sure the displayed waveform is at least one full cycle If not touch TRIG key then select s D...

Page 419: ...you want to measure the maximum preshoot and overshoot on a waveform then display several cycles of the waveform Preshoot is a perturbation before a rising or a falling edge and is measured asa percentage of the top base voltage Overshoot is a perturbation after a rising or a falling edge and is measured as a percentage of the top base voltage If the measured edge is rising then Preshoot r 1 X 100...

Page 420: ...e on the waveform Seefigure 25 8 2 Select Auto Measure Notice the Preshoot and Overshoot measurements displayed in the Automatic Measurement listing POP UP Scope Hevef orm5 Au to hensure Markers Off J Dlsplsy J Connect dots on Sample perioc 2 5 ns s Dlv 5 0 Delay pTxiq GrlC 75 J Figure 25 8 Rising Edge on Waveform HP 16528 1653B Front Panel Reference Waveforms Menu 25 11 ...

Page 421: ...e 25 3 and reset the oscilloscope as described below Turn the instrument on From the System Configuration menu turn the oscilloscope on and all analyzers off Touch CHAN key then from the default Channel Specification menu make the following changes Waveforms Menu 25 12 Input CH 1 Probe field to 1 l Input CH 1 Impedance field to 50 Ohms Input CH 2 Probe field to 1 l Input CH 2 Impedance field to 50...

Page 422: ...q t Dlv pzr ziq Delay 1 Rrmed by I t Figure 25 9 Marker Measurement Setup Display Markers Field In the Waveforms menu the Markers field is located on the left side of the top row of fields and can only be accessedfrom the Oscilloscope s Waveforms menu When the Markers field is selected a pop up appears as shown in figure 2540 Marker field pop up fScope bhwef orls Autoscsle flu to tkesur e Figure 2...

Page 423: ...m the Markers pop up the Sample period disappears and a new middle row of fields appear Waveforms Menu 25 14 in the Waveforms menu Seefigure 25 11 Figure 2541 Time Markers Field Pop up X to 0 Field The X to 0 field is located on the left side of the middle row of fields and displays the time delta time between the X marker and the 0 marker When the X to 0 field is selected turning the knob will mo...

Page 424: ...ys time 0 When the Trig to X field is selected the time value can be changed by turning the knob or by entering a time value from the Numeric Entry pop up The Numeric Entry pop up will appear when any key is touched on the keypad Resolution for the Trig to X time values is 2 of the sweep speed setting The default value for the Trig to X field is 0 s Trig to 0 Field The Trig to 0 field is located o...

Page 425: ...ms menu When selected a Search Markers pop up will appear After Search Markers criteria is set the X and 0 markers will be positioned on the waveform asspecifed with voltage values displayed below the waveform label Seefigure 25 13 Waveforms Menu HP 16526 16538 25 I 6 Front Panel Reference iScope kvef ems Specify llarkers l tlarkers Search j Display rJormalj Connec t dots on t 1 I Search tbrkers i...

Page 426: ...top and bottom of the waveform Seefigure 25 14 The top and basevalues do not typically include preshoot or overshoot of the waveform The peak to peak voltage is the difference between the minimum and maximum voltage found on the waveform The Absolute type allows you to set an exact voltage level to the X or 0 marker 541111WF01 Figure 25 14 Top And Base Levels X Marker set on O Marker set on The X ...

Page 427: ...ker on either the positive or negative edge of the selected occurrence of a waveform When the slope field is selected the slope will toggle between Positive and Negative The default selection for the Slope field is Positive Stop measurement when X O This field lets you set up a stop condition for the time interval between the X marker and 0 marker When this field is selected a pop up will appear a...

Page 428: ...set on I at the I level uith 1 1 slope O tlarker set on I at the m level uith 1 slope Stop measurement uhen X II 1 Less than 1 51 I Stop time field y Figure 25 16 Stop Measurement Time Field When the time value field is selected the time value can be entered by the keypad Seefigure 25 17 Keypad entry pop up q HP 16528 1653B Waveforms Menu Front Panel Reference 25 l 9 Scope bwef arms fiutoscsle Spe...

Page 429: ...il the X O time interval is less than the value entered for the Less Than time field When the condition is met the oscilloscope will stop acquisitions and display the message Stop condition satisfied Greater than When the Greater than field is selected from the pop up a time value field appears to the right of the Greater Than field When the time value field is selected the time and scale can be e...

Page 430: ...rch tbrkers Done I I Rarke Type X arker sel on 1x1 at the pGKiT slope Marker set on 11 at the T 50 level uith level ui th I I 1 slooe Stop measurefnent uher X 3 Ir raw9 Ob tO L 1 Store exceptlon to disk I 1 Figure 2548 Range Fields Not in range to When the Not in range to field is selected from the pop up two time value fields appear next to the Not In Range field The time range for the stop condi...

Page 431: ...tern from 1st displayed up to the 1024th displayed The count of edge start occurrences is made starting with the first edge displayed on screen either partial or full 1 Note b Auto marker measurements are made with data that is displayed on screen Make sure the data of interest is fully displayed on screen For example if only part of a positive edge is displayed the 0 point and 100 point of the ed...

Page 432: ...6Kr j Connect dotsI Figure 25 19 Statistics Fields The Statistics field allows you to make minimum maximum and mean time interval measurements from marker X to marker 0 Minimum maximum and mean average X O marker time interval data is accumulated and displayed until one of the following happens 1 Autoscale is executed 2 Auto marker parameters are changed 3 Statistics is set to Off 4 Repetitive Run...

Page 433: ...l to the 90 point on CH 2 Connecting the Equipment Connect the equipment asshown in figure 25 20 I Note m An extra long BNC cable is used on channel 2 so the signal is delayed Waveforms Menu 25 24 BACK FRONT VIEW VIEW EXTRA LONG CABLE Figure 25 20 Equipment Setup For Search Marker Example Making the Measurement 1 In the Waveforms menu select Markers field When the pop up appears select the Search ...

Page 434: ...s Menu 2 Select Specify Search Markers Set the Search Markers pop up as shown in figure 25 22 Scope mver orlIE Specify Markers tlarkersi Search 1 D spia 1 Normal 1 Connect dots I r 1 1 a M Search tbrkers ijx narkef Type 1 PerCen t T X Rarker set on 1x21 at the 17 level ulth jj slope O Iarker set on lx at the 1 1 level uith IJ slope Stop measurement uneq X C 3 f I Store exceptlon to aisle m I ik Fi...

Page 435: ...y I Grla Iar x 0 I 8 K 144mV 144mV Figure 25 23 Search Marker Measurement Waveform 4 Select the Markers field and switch from Search to Statistics Notice the statistical minimum maximum and mean time interval measurements between the X and the 0 markers are also displayed The voltage measurements of where the markers intersect the waveforms are displayed under the CH 1 and CH 2 channel labels 5 Se...

Page 436: ...P 16528 1653B Waveforms Menu Front Panel Reference 25 27 Smcifu l larkers Search 1 Display rTGzr 1 Connect dots I t r 1 a___ _ __ Search tbrkers Done Rarker Type Percent X flarker Set an I 1 al the 1 1 level uith 1 elope O fIarker Set on I at the 17 level uith I slope I I Stop measurement uhen X D 1 0 1 I w Store exceptlon to disk E tl Figure 25 24 Specify Search Markers Pop up 5 Select Stop measu...

Page 437: ...ef OfmE Specify brkers flarkers Search Dlspla X pattern I from start s Dlv 1 Delay 1 Rormal 1 G pat tern 1 14 0 ns J Connect i II GrlC x_ 0 zz 22emv 0 134mV r Figure 25 26 Waveform Display The time interval from X O in this example is 6 5 ns Your results may be different because of the different length of BNC cable used to delay channel 2 The oscilloscope was instructed to run until the time inter...

Page 438: ...larker s Off Display Sample perloc 1 000 us S DlV 2oo o Delay Connect dots I Figure 25 27 Display Field Pop up The default selection for the Mode field is Normal Normal Mode In Normal mode the oscilloscope acquires waveform data and then displays the waveform When the oscilloscope makes a new acquisition the previously acquired waveform is erased from the display and replaced by the newly acquired...

Page 439: ... integer you want and pressing the SELECT key As an example assumethe Average integer field is set to 16 If the Run mode is set to Repetitive the oscilloscope will immediately start acquiringwaveformdata and averagethem together When the initial 16 waveforms have been acquired the oscilloscope will momentarily display the advisory Number of averageshave been met Once the initial 16 waveforms have ...

Page 440: ...the display to change such ass Div or V Div Connect Dots Field The Connect dots field is located on the right side of the top row of fields When Connect dots field is selected it will toggle between on and off When Connect dots is On each displayed dot will be connected to the adjacent dot by a straight line A waveform with Connect Dots set to On will be well defined and easier to see The default ...

Page 441: ...f the mixed mode displays are given here Mixed Mode field The Mixed Mode field is located in the same pop up that is used to accessthe System Configuration menu analyzers and the scope See figure 26 l The Mixed Mode field will only be available from the Waveform and Listing menus Before mixed mode displays can be displayed the appropriate analyzers and or scope must be turned on and the appropriat...

Page 442: ...ORY REhD 2 00 u9 0555 DECR HEMORY RECID 2 00 us 0557 OUT TO P tiEflORV HRITE 1 48 us Of58 t OVE IlEflORY READ 2 00 us 0559 DECR flEflORY RECID 1 52 us 0541 DECR tlEtlORY REFID 1 48 us I PORTS limmg nsvef arms X to Trigger Tlme Div 1 1 Delay I 0 to Trigger I Figure 2 2 Timing State Mixed Mode Display The markers for the State Listing and the Timing Waveform in time correlated Mixed Mode are differe...

Page 443: ...78 680 920 ns ns UPCODE I O READ FETCH wo2 1 03c5 ED 7 24 us OPCODE FETCH MO22 OX6 79 600 ns OPCODE FETCH I I OO23 1 oooq 6008 62 920 ns I O HRITE 0024 0396 ED 469 2 us OPCODE FETCH I 0026 0025 6006 0397 8D 78 640 920 ns ns OPCODE T O READ FETCH MO27 03c5 ED 7 28 us OPCODE FETCH 0028 OX6 79 640 ns OPCODE FETCH I I 0029 0006 wo30 I I Figure 26 3 State State Mixed Mode Display To time correlate data...

Page 444: ...scilloscope Both the state and timing analyzers can arm the oscilloscope However to display scope and timing waveforms together in the same display one either scope or timing must arm the other In addition after proper arming the scope and timing waveforms can be time correlated by setting the scope to trigger Immediately From the Trigger Specification menu select the Armed by field A pop up will ...

Page 445: ...choose 2 From the waveform selection pop up shown in figure 26 5 select Insert waveform field Waveform selection V b POP UP Scope mvef bms Autoscale Aulo tlessure markers I Off 1 Display Normal Connect dotsl Sample period 100 0 ns 6 ClV ipYEGq Delay 0 s Grid piiF CH 1 2 5c v Insert waveform I Llevelom on nodlfy wavef arm Wavelom of I Delete woveform HP 1652Bl53B Front Panel Reference Figure 26 5 W...

Page 446: ...rence Sco e Tirin 7 Pod label e iScope fr igger Calibretion Mode Leve 1 s DLv Source Slope Delay 1 0 91 Run mode 1 Single 1 Fluto Trig 1 On 1 farmed by 1 1 1 1 I 1 8 I 933 Figure 2 7 Pod Label Field 5 Touch the Select key again and POD 1 will be inserted 6 Each pod that is inserted will have the bit number incremented by one starting from WY To modify the bit number select the Bit select field whi...

Page 447: ...26 8 IScOpe Trigger POP UP Tmsr I I PODij I HP 165281538 Front Panel Reference Figure 26 8 Knob And Keypad Entry Pop ups The markers for the oscilloscope in time correlated Mixed Mode are different from the markers in the individual waveforms display You will need to place the markers on your points of interest in the time correlated Mixed Mode even though you have placed them in the individual di...

Page 448: ...f Y REF D 1 52 us PORTS Tinmg llaveforms Tlme Div I Delay X to Trigger 0 5 0 to Trigger 0 s Figure 26 9 State Timing Scope Mixed Mode Display The arming requirements for the oscilloscope are the same asin timing scope mixed mode displays The procedure for inserting waveforms in the timing waveforms display is the same asin timing scope mixed mode displays The markers for the state analvzer timing ...

Page 449: ...ck of the time between the triggering of one analyzer and the triggering of the second It usesthis count in the mixed mode displays to reconstruct time correlated data To summarize time correlation remember the following between the different displays To time correlate the state analyzer display to the timing analyzer display arm the timing analyzer with the state analyzer then set the state analy...

Page 450: ...the timing and state analyzers in previous examples you should be able to setup the analyzer menus by looking at the pictures If you can set up each menu by just looking at the menu pictures go ahead and do so If you need a reminder of what steps to perform follow the numbered steps Problem SOIVhg In this example assumeyou have a microprocessor controlled circuit with the Timing that sequentially ...

Page 451: ...dition you can use the state analyzer to control through arming and triggering the starting point of all other measurements 2 Your timing analyzer can verify the hardware has correctly translated the code in ROM into the five sequential enable signals with the required timing relationships 3 Your oscilloscope can then look at any signal lines for closer examination of such thing asnoise spikes slo...

Page 452: ...o do Configure the System Configuration menu as shown below so Analyzer 1 is a state analyzer For this example the label INIT was chosen for you to discribe the INITialization routine HP 16528 1653B Timing State Scope Measurement Example Front Panel Reference 27 3 Sys tern Conf rgura tion Figure 27 2 Set System Configuration Menu 1 Select Type field in Analner 1 d 2 Select the State field 3 Select...

Page 453: ... Ilock P rlod j 6 1 Activity Off Of I Off Of t Of f Off Of I I Off J Pocl 2 Pod 1 f TTL I Clock 1M I Bit Assignment Fields Figure 27 3 Configure the State Format Menu 1 PressFORMAT key on front panel 2 Select Pod 2 ADDR bit assignment field and turn bits 0 through 15on These are the address lines 3 Select Pod 1 DATA bit assignment field and turn bits 0 through 7 on These are the data lines 4 Selec...

Page 454: ... mode ISlngle Sequence Levels 0 Hnlle storing any state I Tr lgger on 0 1 times store any stete v Label m DFlTA 1 STAT Base FiEq Sqrnbol Sumtol BbSOl U te XX Xh iXX ODSO 1 U tF x j jObsOlUte XXXXXXXX abSO UtF x I 1 XXY jLabso1 u te xXxXXXXXj 8DSO i L1tF Xl Firmed by f ur Br enches Off Count Off Prestore Off 1 Figure 27 4 Configure the State Trace Menu 1 PressTRACE key on front panel 2 Select the p...

Page 455: ...e configured the State Trace Specification menu to start acquiring data when the microprocessor sends address 0550on the bus When you press the RUN key the state analyzer waits until it sees address 0550 then triggers itself and completes the state data acquisition The display will then switch automatically to the State Listing menu IIt I Note d We have assignedsymbols for DATA and STAT in the Sta...

Page 456: ...VE MEMORY READ 0559 DECR MEMORY READ 0541 DECR MEMORY READ 0182 OUT TO PORT MEMORY WRITE 0542 MOVE MEMORY READ 0543 DECR MEMORY READ 0544 OUT TO PORT MEMORY WRITE INIT State Listing 1 Harkers 1 Off Lobe 1 Base F 0003 ooo I 0002 0003 0004 ooos 0005 fzizFj oooe 0009 0010 OS 50 055 1 0552 0553 0554 0555 0557 0558 0559 054 I we2 0011 OS42 OOl 0543 0013 c544 0014 0545 0015 089 OUT TO P l7EtlORY WRITE 1...

Page 457: ...signals you need the timing analyzer What Since the problem exists during the routine that starts at address 0550 Additional you decide to look at the timing waveforms on the enable lines when Measurements the routine is running Must I Make Your measurement then requires verification of 0 actual response of enable lines from the five ports 0 correct timing of the responding enable lines Timing Sta...

Page 458: ...you to describe the output ports Sys tern Conf rgura t on e I POC I I POC 5 Unassr B tvv Analyzer f Foe 3 j Fad i 1 __ __ j Figure 27 6 k configure System Configuration Menu 1 Select Type field in Analyzer 2 2 Select the Timing field Connecting the At this point you would connect the probes of pod 5 asfollows Timing Analyzer l Pod 5 bit 1 to enable line LINPT Probes l Pod 5 bit 2 to enable line LO...

Page 459: ...tion menu asshown below ORE liming FormI Specification Pad 5 I 2 t CIct1v1ty v Label Pol I5 87 0 011 i Off I Off Bit Selection Field Figure 27 7 Configure the Timing Format Menu 1 Select the bit selection field 2 Place the cursor on the appropriate bit and turn it on asterisk Timing State Scope Measurement Example 27 10 HP 1652B 1653B Front Panel Reference ...

Page 460: ...he same time Configure the Timing Trace Specification menu asshown below U Armed by field HP 16528 1653B Timing State Scope Measurement Example Front Panel Reference 2741 I Timing Trace Specification Trace modes t firmed tty 1 1 Rcqulsltion moee Transltfo 1 Label 1 llLOUTPfljLDISPI llLKEYBDj Base IHexjlHexI Find Pat tern pF TT XliX present f or l i 30 ns 1 Then I lna Eege I Figure 27 8 Set Armed B...

Page 461: ...mode 1 SeQuence Levels Hnlle storing anq state Tr lgger on 0 1 times store l any state Count Field I Label 1 w DFTF STFIT Base w j Symbol Symbol _ W labsol ute KXXXXXXX ebsc 1c1 te X mXXX jlabsolute XXXXXXXX 133solute X XXXXllabsolute XXXXXXXXiabsolute x firmed by 1 Rur 1 Branches Off 1 Count T fW Prestore 1 Off Figure 27 9 Set Count to Time 1 Display the State Trace Specification menu 2 Select th...

Page 462: ...display showsyou both the State Listing and Timing Waveforms menus simultaneously To change the display to the Mixed Mode 1 Select the field in the upper left corner of the displav and press the 4 SELECT key 2 Select the Mixed mode field You will now seethe Mixed Mode display as shown below HP 16528 1653B Front Panel Reference Lflixed Rode Display INXI Ststc Listing I ooo1 055 I DECR tIEtlORY READ...

Page 463: ...missing on the timing waveforms display This is the problem you are looking for but you still don t have enough information about what might be causing these two enable lines to be inactive This is where a closer look with the scope may help Re configure the Analyzer with Scope The two missing enable signals from the Timing Waveforms display show you where to look next Before a pulse can be displa...

Page 464: ...Name Type _ 7 ____ ______ Scope On Figure 2741 Re configure with Scope Connecting the Connect the scope probes to the two enable lines that show missing Scope Probes signals Channel one is connected to LOUTPT Channel two is connected to LDISP HP 16526 16538 Timing State Scope Measurement Example Front Panel Reference 27 15 ...

Page 465: ...un mode s Dlv pzGq Delay 1 j firmed by IPoRTs 1 Figure 27 12 Set Armed by Field to PORTS 1 From the System Configuration menu press the TRIG key If you don t go to the scope Trigger menu just select the upper left most field and from there you can select the Scopefield 2 From the scope Trigger menu select the Armed by field 3 From the pop up select the PORTS field 4 Select the Mode field and toggl...

Page 466: ...lse and the voltage levels in the figure below HP 16528 1653B Timing State Scope Measurement Example Front Panel Reference 27 17 I Scope lbvef arms clu to Hessure fiarker s Time 1 Display riTza Connect dots IF x to 0 f BOOj Trlg to X 1 5 000 us 1 Trig to O 10 60 us 1 s Dlv Delay I GrlC I x 1 47 v L_L c1 47v I II i I c I 1 I r q A 0 2 50 v x 1 75 V _ Gl 7SV I I I 8 8 I I L 1 I Figure 2743 Scope Wav...

Page 467: ...0 us ooo 3 0553 tlOVE tlEflORV READ 1 s2 us ptzz 0554 DECR tlEtlORV READ 2 00 us 0005 0555 DECR IlEtlOR r WRITE 2 00 us o 0006 0557 OUT TO P tlEtlORV RECID I 48 us 0007 0556 CALL UEflORk WRITE 2 00 us PORTS Timing Heveforrs X to Trigger 5 000 UC Tlme Dlv 10 00 us Delay 0 s 0 to Trigger 11 60 us Insert scope signals here Figure 27 14 Mixed Mode Display 1 Select the upper left most field and press t...

Page 468: ...signals together Summary You havejust learned how to use the timing and state analyzers interactively with the oscilloscope to find a problem that was not easily determined whether it was a software or hardware problem You have learned to do the following l Trigger one analyzer with the other l Time correlate measurement data l Interpret the Mixed mode display With three different measurements tim...

Page 469: ...eprocessors require it Included with each preprocessor module is a 3 5 h disk which contains a configuration file and an inverse assembler file When you load the configuration file it configures the logic analyzer for making state measurements on the microprocessor for which the preprocessor is designed It also loads in the inverse assembler file The inverse assembler file is a software routine th...

Page 470: ...ed pref e tch 1 26 us 30 Figure A 1 State Listing with Mnemonics Microprocessors This section lists the microprocessors that are supported by Supported by Hewlett Packard preprocessors and the logic analyzer model that each Preprocessors preprocessor requires Most of the preprocessors require the HP 10269CGeneral Purpose Probe Interface The HP 10269Caccepts the specific preprocessor PC board and c...

Page 471: ...put Signal Line Loading Maximum of one 74LS TTL load 35 pF on any line Microprocessor Cycles Identified Memory read write I O read write Opcode fetch Interrupt acknowledge RAM refresh cycles Maximum Power Required 0 3 A at 5 Vdc supplied by logic analyzer Logic Analyzer Required HP 1652B or HP 1653B Number of Probes Used Two 16 channel probes Microprocessor Specific Measurements A 3 ...

Page 472: ...CMOS load 35 pF on any line Microprocessor Cycles Identified Memory read write I O read write Opcode fetch Interrupt acknowledge RAM refresh cycles DMA cycles Maximum Power Required O lA at 5 Vdc supplied by logic analyzer Logic Analyzer Required HP 1652B or HP 1653B Number of Probes Used Two 16 channel probes Microprocessor Specific Measurements A 4 HP 16528 1653B Front Panel Reference ...

Page 473: ...tput 12 MHz clock input Signal Line Loading Maximum of one 74LS TTL load 35 pF on any line Microprocessor Cycle Identified Memory read write I O read write Opcode fetch Interrupt acknowledge Maximum Power Required 0 8 A at 5 Vdc supplied by logic analyzer Logic Analyzer Required HP 1652B or HP 1653B Number of Probes Used Two 16 channel probes Microprocessor Specific Measurements A 5 ...

Page 474: ...e Transfer to 8087or 8089 co processors Additional Capabilities The 8086or 8088 can be operating in Minimum or Maximum modes The logic analyzer can capture all bus cycles including prefetches or can capture only executed instructions To capture only executed instructions the 80860r 8088 must be operating in the Maximum mode Maximum Power Required 1 0A at 5 Vdc supplied by the logic analyzer Logic ...

Page 475: ... I O read write DMA and non DMA Code fetch Interrupt acknowledge Halt acknowledge Transfer to 8087 8089 or 82586co processors Additional Capabilities The 80186can be operating in Normal or Queue Status modes The logic analyzer can capture all bus cycles including prefetches or can capture only executed instructions Maximum Power Required 0 08 A at 5 Vdc supplied system under test Logic Analyzer Re...

Page 476: ...fied Memory read write I O read write Code fetch Interrupt acknowledge Halt Hold acknowledge Lock Transfer to 80287co processor Additional Capabilities The logic analyzer captures all bus cycles including prefetches Maximum Power Required 0 66A at 5 Vdc supplied by logic analyzer 80286operating current from systemunder test Logic Analyzer Required HP 1652B Number of Probes Used Three 16 channel pr...

Page 477: ...ycles Identified Memory read write I O read write Code fetch Interrupt acknowledge type O 255 Halt Shutdown Transfer to 8087 80287 or 80387 co processors Additional Capabilities The logic analyzer captures all bus cycles including prefetches Maximum Power Required 1 0A at 5 Vdc supplied by logic analyzer Logic Analyzer Required HP 1652B Number of Probes Used Five 16 channel probes HP 16528 1653B F...

Page 478: ...line Microprocessor Cycle Identified Memory read write DMA read write Opcode fetch operand Subroutine enter exit Systemstack push pull Halt Interrupt acknowledge Interrupt or reset vector Maximum Power Required 0 8A at 5 Vdc supplied by logic analyzer Logic Analyzer Required HP 1652Bor HP 1653B Number of Probes Used Two 16 channel probes Microprocessor Specific Measurements A lo HP 1652B 1653B Fro...

Page 479: ...ied Memory read write Additional Capabilities DMA read write Opcode fetch operand Vector fetch Halt Interrupt The preprocessor can be adapted to 6809 09E systemsthat use a Memory Management Unit MMU This adaptation allows the capture of all address lines on a physical address bus up to 24 bits wide Maximum Power Required 1 0A at 5 Vdc supplied by logic analyzer Logic Analyzer Required HP 1652B or ...

Page 480: ...cles Identified User data read write User program read Supervisor read write Supervisor program read Interrupt acknowledge Bus grant 6800cycle Additional Capabilities The logic analyzer captures all bus cycles including prefetches Maximum Power Required 0 4 A at 5 Vdc supplied by logic analyzer Logic Analyzer Required HP 1652B Number of Probes Used Three 16channel probes Microprocessor Specific Me...

Page 481: ...ssor Cycles Identified User data read write User program read Supervisor read write Supervisor program read Interrupt acknowledge Bus Grant 6800 cycle Additional Capabilities The logic analyzer captures all bus cycles including prefetches Maximum Power Required 0 4 A at 5 Vdc supplied by the logic analyzer Logic Analyzer Required HP 1652B Number of Probes Used Three 16 channel probes HP 16528 1653...

Page 482: ...fied User data read write User program read Supervisor read write Supervisor program read Interrupt acknowledge Bus Grant 6800 cycle Additional Capabilities The logic analyzer captures all bus cycles including prefetches Maximum Power Required None Logic Analyzer Required HP 1652B Number of Probes Used Three 16 channel probes Microprocessor Specific Measurements A 14 HP 16528 1653B Front Panel Ref...

Page 483: ...Bus Grant CPU space accessesincluding Breakpoint acknowledge Access level control Coprocessor communication Interrupt acknowledge Additional Capabilities The logic analyzer captures all bus cycles including prefetches The 68020 microprocessor must be operating with the internal cache memory disabled for the logic analyzer to provide inverse assembly Maximum Power Required None Logic Analyzer Requi...

Page 484: ...ace accessesincluding Breakpoint acknowledge Access level control Coprocessor communication Interrupt acknowledge The logic analyzer captures all bus cycles including prefetches The 68030 microprocessor must be operating with the internal cache memory and MMU disabled for the logic analyzer to provide inverse assembly Maximum Power Required None Logic Analyzer Required HP 1652B Number of Probes Us...

Page 485: ...ditional Capabilities Irrelevant cycles The 68HCll must be operating in the expanded multiplexed mode addressing external memory and or peripheral devices for the logic analyzer to provide inverse assembly HP 16528 1653B Front Panel Reference Maximum Power Required None Logic Analyzer Required HP 1652B or HP1553B Number of Probes Used Two 16 channel probes for state analysis and one to four for ti...

Page 486: ...urpose probing Specific file descriptions and recommended usageare contained in each preprocessor operating note Loading the Desired File To load the inverse assembler file you want insert the 3 5inch disk you received with your preprocessor in the disk drive Select the I O menu In the I O menu select DISK OPERATIONS The logic analyzer will read the disk and display the disk directory Select the L...

Page 487: ...UN the logic analyzer acquires data and displays the State Listing menu The State Listing menu will display asmuch information about the captured data aspossible For some microprocessors the display will show a completely disassembled state listing Some of the preprocessors and or the microprocessors under test do not provide enough status information to disassemble the data correctly In this case...

Page 488: ... measurements l The entire pulse must be displayed for pulse width measurements l The leading rising edge of the waveform must be displayed for risetime measurements l The trailing falling edge of the waveform must be displayed for falltime measurements If more than one waveform edge or pulse is displayed the measurements are made on the first leftmost portion of the displayed waveform that can be...

Page 489: ...e greatest number of occurrences in the top half of the waveform corresponds to the Vtop level The quantization level with the greatest number of occurrences in the bottom half of the waveform corresponds to the Vbase level If Vtop and Vbase do not contain at least 5 of the minimum 500 data points displayed on screen Vtop defaults to the maximum voltage Vmaximum and Vbase defaults to the minimum v...

Page 490: ...tfalling edge 2 tfalling edge 1 Period The period is measured at the 50 voltage level of the waveform If the first edge on the display is rising then Period king edge 2 king edge 1 If the first edge on the display is falling then Period tfalling edge 2 tfalling edge 1 Peak to Peak The maximum and minimum voltages for the selected source are Voltage VP p measured Vp_P Knaximum hninimum where Vmmimu...

Page 491: ... falling then Width king edge 1 falling edge 1 Risetime The risetime of the first displayed rising edge is measured To obtain the best possible measurement accuracy set the sweep speed asfast as possible while leaving the leading edge of the waveform on the display The risetime is determined by measuring time at the 10 and 90 voltage points on the rising edge Risetime No ho Fa Mma Rl f kilEG kYcG2...

Page 492: ...o measure the maximum preshoot and overshoot on a waveform then display several cycles of the waveform HP 16528 1653B Front Panel Reference Preshoot i measured sa as Overshoot is measured as perturbation before a percentage of the t a rising op base or a falling edge and is voltage a a perturbation after a rising or a falling percentage of the top base voltage If the measured edge is rising then P...

Page 493: ...00 i3YlS VOltage The rms voltage is computed over one complete period Average voltage The averagevoltage of the first cycle of the displayed signal is measured If a complete cycle is not present the instrument will averagethe data points on screen Automatic Measurement Algorithms B6 m HP 16528 1653B Front Panel Reference ...

Page 494: ...is messageonly occurs if you turn off all edges in the state clock specification Autoload file not of proper type This messageis displayed if any file other than an HP 1652B 1653Bconfiguration file is specified for an autoload file andthe logic analyzer is powered up Autoscale aborted This messageis displayed when the STOP key is pressed or if a signal is not found 15seconds after the initiation o...

Page 495: ... disk If so set the write protect tab to the non protect position and repeat the copy operation File not copied to disc check disc The HP 1652B 1653Bdoes not support track sparing If a bad track is found the disk is considered bad If the disk hasbeen formatted elsewhere with track sparing the HP 1652B l653B will only read up to the first spared track Hardware ERROR trace point in count block Indic...

Page 496: ...ifferent disc x Occurrences Remaining in Sequence Indicatesthe logic analyzer is waiting for x number of occurrences in a sequence level of the trigger specification before it can go on to the next sequence level PRINT has beenstopped This messageappears when the print operation has been stopped x Sets Remaining in Trace Indicates the amount of time remaining until acquisition is complete in Glitc...

Page 497: ...d acquisition is complet states e Time count need to be turned on This messageappears when the logic analyzer attempts to time correlate data and Count is not set to Time Transitions Remaining to Post Store Indicates the number of transitions required until memory is filled and acquisition is cornplete Unsupported destination format file not copied Indicates the disk you have attempted to copy to ...

Page 498: ...an attempt to load an invalid file type For example the SYSTEM file can only be loaded on power up and if you attempt to load it from the I O menu this messagewill appear Warning No clock edgein other clock add clock edge This message only occurs in a state analyzer using mixed or demultiplexed clocks It indicates there is no edge specified in either the master or slave clock There must be at leas...

Page 499: ... electrically Accessories supplied with the instrument are listed under Accessories Supplied in chapter 1 of this manual An overview of the self test procedure is in Appendix E of this manual The complete details of the procedure are in Chapter 6 of the Service manual Electrical performance verification functions are also in Chapter 3 of the Service Manual HP 16528 1653B installation Maintenance a...

Page 500: ...ng for Service Original Packaging This instrument may be stored or shipped in environments within the following limitations l Temperature 40 OC to 75 OC l Humidity Up to 90 at 65 OC l Altitude Up to 15 300metres 50 000feet If the instrument is to be shipped to a Hewlett Packard office for service or repair attach a tag to the instrument identifying owner address of owner complete instrument model ...

Page 501: ...nd all sides of the instrument to firmly cushion and prevent movement inside the container Protect the control panel with cardboard d Seal the shipping container securely e Mark the shipping container FRAGILE to ensure careful handling f In any correspondence refer to the instrument by model number and full serial number Power Requirements The HP 1652B 53B requires a power source of either 115or 2...

Page 502: ...arning l P BEFORE CONNECTING THIS INSTRUMENT the protective earth terminal of the instrument must be connected to the protective conductor of the Mains power cord The Mains plug must be inserted in a socket outlet provided with a protective earth contact The protective action must not be negated by the use of an extension cord power cable without a protective conductor grounding Grounding one cond...

Page 503: ... 30 76 Jade Gray For Interconnect tnq System Cabinet UseI 961244 system component3 and perlphcrals Unl ted States and Conodo only Swi tzer lond 25civ OPT Q12 791200 Ulnt Gray Denmark 79 200 kilnt Groy Straight SW5164 9o 791200 79 tea JaOe Groy Republ ic ol South Af r ica India Stralgnt MIMI 9c Jopon Part number 3hown for plug I5 ir dustry complete cable nc iu31ng plug l Tnese cords are t rIc I url...

Page 504: ...ng system disk you must remove the yellow shipping disk Pressthe disk eject button asshown in figure D l The yellow shipping disk will pop out part way so you can pull it out of the disk drive 3 HEWLETT PACKAR 00 00 00 00 00 00 01652E06 D 1 Removing Yellow Shipping Disk Installation Maintenance and Calibration HP 16528 1653B D 6 Front Panel Reference ...

Page 505: ... procedure in the next paragraph Caution You can damage the logic analyzer if the module is not set to the correct position HP 16528 1653B Installation Maintenance and Calibration Front Panel Reference D 7 D 2 Selecting The Line Voltage You change the proper line voltage by pulling the fuse module out and reinserting it with the proper arrows aligned To remove the fuse module carefully pry at the ...

Page 506: ...lly For information on the power up self test refer to Appendix E and Section 3 of the Service Manual Loading the Operating System Before you can operate the instrument you must load the operating system from the operating systemdisk You received two identical operating system disk You should mark one of them Master and store it in a safe place Mark the other one Work and use only the work copy Th...

Page 507: ...sk snaps into place the disk eject button pops out and you are ready to turn on the logic analyzer HP 1652B l653B Front Panel Reference f 01650E07 D 4 Installing The Operating System Disk The logic analyer will read the disk and load the operating system It will also run self tests before it is ready for you to operate Installation Maintenance and Calibration D 9 ...

Page 508: ...ly have to repeat the turn on procedure with the disk in the drive D 5 Line Switch Intensity Control Once you have turned the instrument on you may want to set the display intensity to a level that s more comfortable for you You do this by turning the INTENSITY control on the rear panel I c b d A high intensity level setting may shorten the life of the CRT in your instrument 0165ZE09 Installation ...

Page 509: ...es are performed from the front panel and without need to accessinternal circuits Calibration Interval Software calibration should be performed if one of the following occurs l Oscilloscope board is installed replaced or repaired l Ambient temperature changesmore than 10 C l 6 months or 1000hours of operation Calibration Calibration constants are stored in system memory and not on the Integrity Op...

Page 510: ...lect the Cancel field then press the SELECT key 1 In the System Configuration menu turn both State Timing analyzers Off and turn the oscilloscope On 2 Press the TRACE TRIG key and select the Calibration field using the front panel knob and SELECT key Offset calibration should be the default Calibration menu setting If not select the Calibration choice field and when the pop up appears select Offse...

Page 511: ... 7 Select the Start field with the front panel knob and SELECT key The calibration screen will prompt you to connect the appropriate channel and set the DC voltage asspecified 8 Adjust the power supply to within 20 1 of the specified voltage If the measured voltage displayed on the voltmeter is greater than 20 1 from the specified voltage in step 7 you will have to compensate the oscilloscope assh...

Page 512: ...updated calibration status screen will appear Delay Calibration 17 Select the Calibration choice field When the pop up appears _ select Delay then select Start 18 Connect a BNC cable from the Probe Compensation output on the rear panel to the channel 1 input The instrument will prompt you when you need to switch to channel 2 I Note You have the option of using the 1O l scope probe in place of the ...

Page 513: ...ibration is now complete Select Done with the front panel knob and SELECT key to exit the Calibration menu II I Note 4 Do not execute Set to Default after calibrating the instrument 0 h t erwise your calibration factors will be replaced by default calibration factors HP 16528 1653B Installation Maintenance and Calibration Front Panel Reference D 15 ...

Page 514: ...l appearif anyproblem is encounteredduring a test The individual selftestsarelisted in the selftestmenuwhich is accessed via the I O menu The HP 1652B 1653B selftestsare on the operating systemdisk andthe diskis required to run the tests POWer Up Self The power up selftestis automaticallyinitiated at power upby the Test HP 1652B 1653B Logic Analyzers The revisionnumberof the operating systemfirmwa...

Page 515: ...lfTest Tests menu l Analyzer Data Acquisition l ScopeData Acquisition l RS 232C a BNC l Keyboard 0 RAM l ROM l Disk Drive 0 Cyclethrough tests To selecta test placethe cursoron the testnameandpressSELECT A pop up menuappearswith adescription of the test The selftest doesnot beginuntil the cursorisplacedon Singleor RepetitiveTest andthe SELECT keyis pressed When the testis complete either Passed Fa...

Page 516: ...150mV 3OOmV 3OOmV State Mode Clock Repetition Rate Single phase is 35 MHz maximum 25 MHz on the HP 1653B With time or state counting minimum time between states is 60 ns 16 67 MHz Both mixed and demultiplexed clocking use master slave clock timing master clock must follow slave clock by at least 10ns andprecede the next slave clock by 150 ns Clock Pulse Width 10 ns at threshold Setup Time Data mus...

Page 517: ...r the user Probes Input RC 100KQ t 2 shunted by approximately 8 pF at the probe tip ITL Threshold Preset 1 6 volts ECL Threshold Preset 1 3 volts Threshold Range 9 9 to 9 9 volts in 0 1 volt increments Threshold Setting Threshold levels may be defined for pods 1 and 2 individually HP 1653B Threshold levels may be defined for pods 1 2 and 3 on an individual basis and one threshold may be defined fo...

Page 518: ...Specification Clocks Five clocks HP 1652B or two clocks HP 1653B are available and can be used by either one or two state analyzers at any time Clock edges can be ORed together and operate in single phase two phase demultiplexing or two phase mixed mode Clock edge is selectable as positive negative or both edgesfor each clock Clock Qualifier The high or low level of four ORed clocks HP 1652B or on...

Page 519: ...f events required for trigger The trigger term can occur anywhere in the first sevensequence levels Branching Each sequence level has a branching qualifier When satisfied the analyzer will restart the sequence or branch to another sequence level Occurrence Counter Sequence qualifier may be to 65535times before advancing to the next level specified to occur up Storage Qualification Each sequence le...

Page 520: ...nic offset from base of the range Number of Pattern and Range Symbols 200 per HP 1652B l653B Symbols can be down loaded over RS 232C and HP IB State Compare Mode Performs post processing bit by bit data and compare data image comparison of the acquired state Compare Image Created by copying a state acquisition into the compare image buffer Allows editing of any bit in the compare image to a zero o...

Page 521: ...e counting on Accumulate acquisitions Chart display is not erased between successive State Waveform Display Displays a state acquisition in a waveform format States div 1 to 104 states Delay 0 to 1024states Accumulate Waveform display is not erased between successive acquisitions Overlay Mode Multiple channels can be displayed on one waveform display line Primary use is to view a summary of bus ac...

Page 522: ...sampleperiod Sample Period 20nsto 50msin a l 2 5 sequencedependenton secldivand delaysettings Memory Depth 512 samples channel Time Covered by Data Sampleperiod X 512 Waveform Display Sec div 10nsto 100s 0 01 resolution Screen Delay 2500sto 2500s presenceof datais dependenton the number of transitionsin databetweentrigger andtrigger plus delay transitional timing Accumulate Waveformdisplayis not e...

Page 523: ...ccurs at pattern duration Less Than Duration Maximum duration is 40 ns to 10ms with 10ns or 0 01 resolution whichever is greater Pattern must be valid for at least 20 ns Accuracy is 20 ns to 0 ns Trigger occurs at the end of the pattern Glitch Edge Triggering Trigger on a glitch or edge following a valid duration of an asynchronous pattern while the pattern is still present Edge can be specified a...

Page 524: ...nging stateson the inputs Markers Two markers X and 0 are shown as dashed lines on the display Trigger Displayed as a vertical dashed line in the timing waveform display and as line 0 in the state listing display Marker Functions Time Interval The X and 0 markers measure the time interval between one point on a timing waveform and trigger two points on the sametiming waveform two points on differe...

Page 525: ...acquisition and displays the current acquisition data For subsequent runs in repetitive mode STOP halts the acquisition of data and does not change current display Data Display Entry Display Modes State listing timing waveforms interleaved time correlated listing of two state analyzers time tagging on time correlated state listing and timing waveform display state listing in upper half timing wave...

Page 526: ...delta t 500ps Trigger Sensitivity 10 of full screen Oscilloscope The following operatingcharacteristicsarenot specifications but are Operating typical operating characteristicsfor the oscilloscopein the HP 1652B 1653B Theseareincluded asadditional information for the Characteristics user Vertical Transition Time 109bto W s 3 5fls at BNC Number of Channels 2 Vertical Sensitivity Range 15mV div to 1...

Page 527: ...V div 200 mV div t10V 500 mV div 1 V div t50 v 2 Vldiv t125 V 5 V max if input impedance is at 50 Q DC Offset Resolution 1 l Probe Vertical Sensitivitv Resolution 5 50 mV div 200 uv 100mV div 200 mV div 1mV 500 mV div 1 V div 5mV r2 Vfdiv 25mV or 4 digits of resolution whichever is greater Probe Factors Any integerratio from 1 l to 1OOO l Channel Isolation 40 dB dc to 50 MHz 30 dB 50 MHz to 100MHz...

Page 528: ...riggering on either input channel rising or falling edge Trigger Level Range dc Offset 25 divisions Trigger Level Resolution 1 1 Probe r Level S50 mV div 400 PV 100mV div 200mV div 2mV 500 mV div 1 V div 10mV r2Vldiv 50 mV Arming Armed by the Run key external BNC low input or by Analyzer 1 or 2 Trigger Modes Immediate Triggers immediately after the arming condition is met Edge Triggers on the risi...

Page 529: ...hangedand a new acquisition is made Average New acquisitionsareaveragedwith older acquisitionsand displayed Maximum numberof averagesis 256 Overlay Channel1 and2 canbe overlayedin the samedisplayarea Connect the dots Providesa displayof the samplepoints connected by straightlines Waveform Reconstruction A reconstructionfalterfills in missingdata points whentimebaseis s 100ns Div or whentimebaseis ...

Page 530: ...marker displayed in Trace Trigger menu only Automatic Measurements The following pulse parameter measurements can be performed automatically HP 16528 1653B Front Panel Reference Frequency Period v P P Rise time Fall time Preshoot Overshoot pulse width pulse width Grid May be turned on or off Setup Aids Autoscale Auto setsthe vertical and horizontal ranges offset and trigger levels to display the i...

Page 531: ...gs can be displayed with time tags on the same screen Timing channels can be displayed with a state listing with Time Tags turned on State listings with time tags timing channels and oscilloscope channels can be displayed on the same screen All modules are time correlated with the exception of when the oscilloscope is being armed by the logic analyzer and when the oscilloscope is not in trigger im...

Page 532: ...ting Up to 95 relative humidity non condensing at 40 C 104 F Non operating Up to 90 relative humidity at 65 C 149 F Disk Media 8 to 80 relative humidity at 40 C MM F HP 16528 1653B Front Panel Reference Operating Up to 4600meters 15 000ft Non operating Up to 15 300meters 50 000ft Vibration Operating Random vibration 5 500 Hz 10minutes per axis 0 3 g bms Non operating Random vibration 5 500 Hz 10mi...

Page 533: ...wingbelow NOTES 1 Dimensions are for general information only If dimensions are required for building special enclosures contact your HP field engineer 2 Dimension ore in millimetres and inches 545olfIl3 425 4 16 75 Figure F l HP 1652B 1653B Dimensions Specifications and Operating Characteristics F 18 HP 16528 l 6538 Front Panel Reference ...

Page 534: ...ference 18 9 4 2 l 7 l 7 l 5 l 5 19 6 10 13 18 5 10 13 18 3 18 4 20 5 7 2 24 4 24 4 24 4 10 13 18 3 24 3 17 9 3 17 3 17 3 19 Auto Measure Width and Width Fall Time MeasurementExample Period andFrequency PreshootandOvershoot RiseTime Top andBaseVoltages P P Auto Measure Field Auto Trig Field Autoload disable enable autoloadinga file Automatic Measurement Algorithms Autoscale AutoscaleField Axes Sta...

Page 535: ...8 12 2 12 6 12 6 2 7 Configuration Capabilities HP 1652Bcapabilities HP 1653Bcapabilities Connect dots Field Connecting analyzer to target system Grabbers to probes Grabbers to test points Labels to pods probes cables Other HP Printers Pods to probe cables probe cables to analyzer Continue field COPY Copying a File count States Time Cursor D data b ts i time correlating Delay from Trigger State De...

Page 536: ...ld Source Field edges Then Find Entering Alpha Data Entering Numeric Data Error Messages Execute field External Trigger arming for Scope external trigger BNCs configuration F Features of HP 1652B 1653B file description filename Find Pattern Format Disk 21012 27 13 Format Channel Menu Key Formatting a Disk 20 12 Front Panel Controls CHS Key Clear Entry Key Display Menu Key Don t Care Key Format Cha...

Page 537: ...Inputs 1 and 2 Installation Installing a Blank Disk Intensity Control interface Configuring HP IB RS 232C Setting HP IB for HP Printers 5 l 5 l 3 3 5 12 24 3 23 5 3 5 20 5 23 l 2 8 3 5 D l 6 6 D 10 5 13 5 13 7 l 5 14 7 l 7 4 Knob 3 4 L Label Value vs Label Value State Chart Label Value vs States State Chart labels State Format menu State Trace symbols Timing Format menu Timing Trace menu Level Fie...

Page 538: ...8 5 9 13 17 8 14 4 93 G 3 10 Z 17 3 18 2 19 3 3 2 22 2 22 5 8 l StateChart 8 9 8 10 StateCompare 8 6 StateFormat 8 2 StateListing 8 5 StateTrace 8 3 StateWaveform 8 7 8 8 timing analyzer 16 l Timing Format 16 2 Timing Trace 16 3 Timing Waveform 16 4 Trigger Menu 22 3 WaveformSelection 22 5 WaveformsMenu 22 4 menus Disk Operations I O I O Port Configuration SpecifySymbols state SpecifySymbols timin...

Page 539: ...Grounding pod threshold ECL TTL user defined Pod Thresholds pods clock threshold Polarity Pol Pop up Menus Power Cord Configurations preprocessors Preset Field prestore print All Screen Starting the Printout Print All Print Screen printer printers alternate Hooking Up Other HP Printers supported Probe Cables Probe Connecting Analyzer to Target System Disconnecting Probes from Pods Grabbers to Prob...

Page 540: ... 2 6 28 2 5 2 6 26 2 4 2 5 2 8 2 7 2 7 2 7 2 8 2 7 5 14 5 10 6 l 6 14 R range recognizers 10 2 ranges lo 24 Rear PanelControls and Connectors External Trigger BNCs 3 6 Fan 3 7 HP IB Interface Connector 37 Intensity Control 3 6 Line PowerModule 3 6 Pod CableConnectors 36 Probe CompensationSignal 317 RS 232CInterface Connector 3 6 RecommendedProtocol RS 232C 7 6 Rename 5 9 6 l repetitive trace mode ...

Page 541: ...3 24 7 9 10 24 6 24 4 F l 25 20 25 21 25 19 25 17 25 17 3 19 3 18 14 1 14 4 8 1 An Overview menu maps State Chart menu Accessing the state clock State Compare menu Accessing the State Format Specification menu Accessing the fields State Listing menu Accessing the fields state tagging State Trace menu Accessing the fields State Waveforms menu Accessing the State State Mixed Mode Display Statistics ...

Page 542: ...ing Scope Mixed Mode Display 26 4 4 5 Timing State Mixed Mode Display 26 2 Toggle Fields 3 11 Top and Base Voltages defined B 2 Trace Trigger Menu Key 3 2 Transitional Acquisition mode 18 4 10 18 Trigger Marker 24 2 10 20 Trigger Menu 24 1 10 19 TTL 9 6 2 3 Type Field 4 4 18 11 U 9 6 1706 10 19 21 11 27 12 User Interface Changing Alpha Entries 3 15 19 8 Closing Pop up Menus 3 9 23 13 Cursor 3 7 23...

Page 543: ...to Measure Field Connect dots Field Description Display Field Marker Measurements Markers Field ScopeField SearchMarker Measurement Example X X and 0 markers State Chart StateWaveform Timing Waveforms X to Trig ger Index 10 23 2 17 10 23 6 23 9 23 12 23 10 23 11 23 8 25 l 25 31 25 1 25 29 25 12 25 13 25 l 25 24 13 5 14 5 20 10 19 4 HP 16528 1653B Front Panel Reference ...

Page 544: ...Printed in U S A ...

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Page 547: ...DEN OF THE GODS ROAD COLORADO SPRINGS COLORADO U S A This manual applies directly to instruments prefixed with serial number For Additional Information about serial numbers see INSTRUMENTS COVERED BY THIS MANUAL in Section 1 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Manual Part No 01652 90905 Microfiche Part No 01652 90805 Printed in U S A February 1990 ...

Page 548: ... that its software and firmware designated by HP for use with an instrument will execute its programming instructions when properly installed on that instrument HP does not warrant that the operation of the instrument or software or firmware will be uninterrupted or error free LIMITATION OF WARRANTY The foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from improper or inadequate maintenance...

Page 549: ...time delay etc should be used Do not use repaired fuses or short circuited fuseholders To do so could cause a shock or fire hazard Do not operate the instrument in the presence of flammable gasses or fumes Operation of any electrical instrument in such an environment constitutes adefinite safetyhazard Do not install substitute parts or perform any unauthorized modification to the instrument Adjust...

Page 550: ...ftware and or firmware code may be printed before the date this indicates the version level of the software and or firmware of this product at the time of the manual or update was issued Many product updates and fixes do not require manual changes and conversely manual corrections may be done without accompanying product changes Therefore do not expect a one to one correspondence between product u...

Page 551: ...page changed since the last edition is indicated by printing the date the changes were made on the bottom of the page If an update is incorporated when a new edition of the manual is printed the change dates are removed from the bottom of the pages and the new edition date is listed in Printing History and on the title page Pages Effective Date all February 1990 V ...

Page 552: ...loscope Operating Characteristics l 15 Vertical at BNC l 15 Horizontal 1 16 Trigger l l 7 Waveform Display 1 17 MeasurementAids 1 18 Interactive Measurements 1 19 Acquisition 1 19 Mixed Displays 1 19 Time Correlation 1 19 Time Interval Accuracy between Modules 1 19 General Characteristics 1 19 Operating Environment l 19 Power Requirements l 20 Weight 1 2 0 Dimensions 1 2 0 Recommended Test Equipme...

Page 553: ...Data Inputs Test 5 3 21 Clock Qualifier and Data Inputs Test 6 3 24 Glitch Test 3 27 Threshold Accuracy Test 3 31 Oscilloscope Performance Tests 3 35 Input Resistance Test 3 35 Voltage Measurement Accuracy Test 3 37 DC Offset Accuracy Test 3 42 Bandwidth Test 3 45 Time Measurement Accuracy Test 3 48 Trigger Sensitivity Test 3 51 Section 4 Adjustments and Calibration Introduction 4 1 Equipment Requ...

Page 554: ... Assembly 6A 5 Disk Controher 6A 5 RS 232 C Interface 6A 5 HP IB Interface 6A 5 Logic AnaIyzer Theory of Operation 6A 7 Data Acquisition 6A 7 Arming Control 6A 7 Memory 6A 8 Oscilloscope Theory of Operation 6A 9 Attenuator Preamps 6A 9 PostAmpIifier 6A 9 ADCandFISOMemory 6A 9 Triggering 6A 9 TimeBase 6A l 0 Fine Interpolator 6A 10 Probe Compensation 6A 10 DigitalInterface 6A l 0 AnalogInterface 6A...

Page 555: ... Removal and Replacement of the Rear Panel Assembly 6D 3 Removal and Replacement of the Disk Drive 6D 4 Removal and Replacement of the Power Supply Assembly 6D 5 Removal and Replacement of the Oscilloscope Assembly 6D 5 Removal and Replacement of the Attenuators 6D 7 Removal and Replacement of the Keyboard Assembly 6D 8 Disassembling the Keyboard Assembly 6D 9 Removal and Replacement of the Fan 6D...

Page 556: ...teAnalysis l 8 Timing Analysis l 11 Measurement and Display Functions 1 12 Oscilloscope Specifications 1 15 Vertical 1 15 Horizontal l 15 Trigger l 15 Oscilloscope Operating Characteristics l 15 Vertical at BNC l 15 Horizontal l l 6 Trigger 1 17 Waveform Display 1 17 MeasurementAids 1 18 Interactive Measurements 1 19 Acquisition 1 19 Mixed Displays 1 19 Time Correlation 1 19 Time Interval Accuracy...

Page 557: ...nd interfacing the HP 1652BJ1653B is contained in the HP 1652B 1653B Operating and Programming manual set supplied with each instrument Section 1 General Information includes a description of the HP 1652B 1653B logic analyzer including its specifications options available accessories and recommended test equipment for maintaining the instrument Listed on the title page of this manual is a microfic...

Page 558: ...supplement may contain information for correcting errors in the manual To keep this manual as current and accurate as possible Hewlett Packard recommends that you periodically request the latest Manual Changes supplement The supplement for this manual is identified with the manual print date and part number both of which appear on the page Complimentary copies of the supplement are available from ...

Page 559: ...cilloscope measurement can be added to any configuration Some of the main features of the analyzer include the following Simultaneous state state or simultaneous state timing analysis Time interval number of states pattern search minimum maximum and average time interval statistics Transitional timing to store data only when there is a transition Clock qualifiers storage qualification time and num...

Page 560: ...e Tip Assemblies HP part number 01650 61608 that provide 16 data channels 1 clock channel and 1ground lead per pod assembly The probe input specifications are listed in the Logic Analyzer Specifications of this section Five Probe Tip Assemblies are supplied with the HP 1652B and two are supplied with the HP 1653B l Grabbers for the probe tip assemblies are supplied in packages of 20 HP part number...

Page 561: ...stive divider probe set 1 5 m HP 1002OA l BNC to BNC cable 1 2 m HP 10503A l 24 pin IC test clip HP 102llA l BNC to BNC ac coupling capacitor HP 10240B 1O l Probes l 1 MQ 7 5 pF miniprobe 1 m HP 10435A l 1 MQ 10 pF miniprobe 2 m HP 10433A 1 l Probes l 36 pF miniprobe 1m HP 10438A l 62 pF miniprobe 2 m HP 10439A l 50 S2miniprobe 2 m HP 10437A 1OO l Probes l 10 MQ 2 5 pF miniprobe 2 m HP lOWA l Soft...

Page 562: ...ust be present after the falling clock transition 0 ns HP 1653B Data must be present after the falling L clock transition 0 ns HP 1652B Data must be present after the falling J K M and N clock transition 1 ns HP 1652B Minimum Detectable Glitch 5 a wide at the tlxe L Logic Analyzer The following operating characteristics are not specifications but are typical Operating operating characteristics for...

Page 563: ...lyzers at any time Clock edges can be ORed together and operate in single phase two phase demultiplexing or two phase mixed mode The clock edge is selectable as positive negative or both edges for each clock Clock Qualifier The high or low level of four ORed clocks HP 1652B or one clock HP1653B can be ANDed with the clock specification Setup time 20 ns hold time 5 ns Pattern Recognizers Each recog...

Page 564: ...te Tagging Counts the number of qualified states between each stored state A measurement can be shown relative to the previous state or relative to trigger Maximum count is 4 4 X 10 to the 12th power Time Tagging Measures the time between stored states relative to either the previous state or to the trigger Maximum time between states is 48 hours With tagging on the acquisition memory is halved mi...

Page 565: ...e and bit masks The Difference Listing display highlights differences between the current state acquisition and the current compare image State X Y Chart Display This function plots the value of the specified label on the y axis versus states or another label on the x axis Both axes can be scaled by the user Markers The markers are correlated to state listing state compare and state waveform displ...

Page 566: ... information is stored every sample period Sample Period 20 ns to 50 ms in a l 2 5 sequence dependent on seconds division and delay settings Memory Depth 512 samples channel Time Covered by Data Sample period X 512 Waveform Display Sec div 10 ns to 100 s 0 01 resolution Screen Delay 2500 s to 2500 s The presence of data is dependent on the number of transitions in data between the trigger and trig...

Page 567: ...alid duration of an asynchronous pattern while the pattern is still present Edge can be specified as rising falling or either Less than duration forces glitch and edge triggering off Measurement Autoscale Timing Analyzer Only and Display Functions Autoscale searches for and displays channels with activity on the pods assigned to the timing analyzer General Information I 12 Acquisition Specificatio...

Page 568: ...after the X marker Statistics The X to 0 marker statistics are calculated for repetitive acquisitions Patterns must be specified for both markers and statistics are kept only when both patterns can be found in an acquisition Statistics are minimum X to 0 time maximum X to 0 time average X to 0 time and ratio of valid runs to total runs Run Stop Functions Run Starts the acquisition of data in a spe...

Page 569: ...The following operating characteristics are not specifications but are typical Operating operating characteristics for the oscilloscope in the HP 1652B 1653B These are Characteristics included as additional information for the user VefiiCai Transition Time 10 to 90 5 3 5 ns at BNC Number of Channels 2 Vertical Sensitivity Range 15 mV div to 10 V div 1 l probe Vertical Sensitivity Resolution Adjust...

Page 570: ... 1mV 500 mVfdiv 1 V div 5mV 2 Vfdiv 25 mV or 4 digits of resolution whichever is greater Probe Factors Any integer ratio from 1 l to 1OOO l Channel Isolation 40 dB dc to 50 MHz 30 dB 50 MHz to 100 MHz with channels at equal sensitivity Horizontal Timebase Range 5 ns div to 5 s div Timebase Resolution Time Division Setting Resolution t 10 ns div t 10 nsldiv 100 ps adjustable with 3digit resolution ...

Page 571: ... rising or falling edge from channel 1 or 2 Auto Trigger Self triggers if no trigger condition is found within approximately 1 second after arming Trigger Out Arms Analyzer 1 or 2 or triggers the rear panel BNC Waveform Display Formats 1 to 8 oscilloscope waveforms can be displayed Display Display Resolution 500 points horizontally 240 points vertically Display Modes Normal New acquisitions replac...

Page 572: ...ents Automatic Search Searches for a specified absolute or percentage a positive or negative edge with count adjustable from 1 to 1024 voltage level at Auto Search Statistics Displays mean maximum and minimum values for elapsed time from X to 0 markers for multiple runs The number of valid runs and total number of runs are also displayed Trigger Level Marker A horizontal trigger level marker is di...

Page 573: ... displayed with a state listing with Time Tags turned on State listings with time tags timing channels and oscilloscope channels can be displayed on the same screen Time Correlation Time Interval Accuracy between Modules All modules are time correlated with the exception of when the oscilloscope is being armed by the logic analyzer and when the oscilloscope is not in trigger immediate mode Equals ...

Page 574: ...xis 2 41 g rms Resonant search 5 to 500 Hz swept sine 1 Octave minute sweep rate 0 75 g O peak 5 minute resonant dwell at 4 resonances per axis Power Requirements 115 230 Vat 25 to 15 48 to 66 Hz 200 W max Weight 10 0 kg 22 lbs net weight 18 6 kg 41 Ibs shipping weight mensions Refer to the outline drawing below 1 2 Dimensions are in millimetres and inches NOTES Dimensions are for general informat...

Page 575: ...lse width 20 ns period 1 3 ns risetime double pulse 100 kHz Repetition Rate Overshoot 5 of Amp HP 816WO20 P Pulse Generator Signal Generator Power SUPPlY DC Power SUPPlY Digital Voltmeter Power Meter Power Sensor Power Splitter Risetime 5300 ps Picosecond Pulse A Labs 2700C Frequency 100 kHz to 300 MHz HP 8656B P Output Accuracy l dB 210 2 v output HP 6216C P current 0 to 0 4 amperes Range t 100 m...

Page 576: ...hm feedthrough Qty 2 No Substitute HP 101OOC 54503 61604 P A BNC Cable male to male 4 inch Qty 2 Cable Banana male to Banana male Qty 2 Cable Type N male 240inch BNC Tee lM 2F Qty 2 HP 10503A p A HP 11000 60001 P A HP 11500B P HP Part Number P 1250 0781 Coupler Resistor BNC male to male Qty 2 2 Ohms 25 Watts HP 1250 0216 P HP Part Number T 0811 1390 P Performance Tests A Adjustments T Troubleshoot...

Page 577: ...2 1 Line Voltage Selection 2 2 Power Cable 2 3 Applying Power 2 3 User Interface 2 5 HP IBInterfacing 2 5 HP IB AddressSelection 2 6 RS 232 CInterface 2 7 RS 232 C Configuration 2 7 Degaussing the Display 2 9 Operating Environment 2 9 Storage and Shipment 2 9 TaggingforService 2 9 OriginalPackaging 2 9 OtherPackaging 2 10 Cleaning Requirements 2 10 ...

Page 578: ...nts are incomplete if there is mechanical damage or defect or if the instrument does not operate properly notify the nearest Hewlett Packard office If the shipping container is damaged or the cushioning materials show signs of stress notify the carrier aswell as the Hewlett Packard office Keep the shipping materials for the carrier s inspection The Hewlett Packard office will arrange for repair or...

Page 579: ...rom a power source other than the one set at the factory 1 Turn the rear power switch to the OFF position and remove the power cord from the instrument 2 Remove the fuse module by carefully prying at the top center of the module until you can grasp it and pull it out by hand see figure 2 l Installation HP 16528 1653B 2 2 Service Manual 0 1650E82 LINE FILTER SWITCH ASSEMBLY Figure 2 1 Removing the ...

Page 580: ...rument is equipped with a three wire power cable When connected to an appropriate AC power outlet this cable grounds the instrument cabinet The type of power cable plug shipped with the instrument depends on the country of destination See Table 2 1 for the option numbers of available power cables and plug configurations Applying Power When power is applied to the HP 1652B 1653B a power up self tes...

Page 581: ...United States and Canada only Part number shown for plug is industry identifier for plug only Number shown for cable is HP part number for complete cable including plug c These cords are included in the CSA certification approval of the equipment E Lh Ground N3d M Installation 2 4 HP 1652B 1653B Service Manual ...

Page 582: ...integration of various instruments and computers into systems The interface makes it possible to transfer messages between two or more HP IB compatible devices HP IB is a parallel bus of 16 active signal lines divided into three functional groups according to function Eight signal lines called data lines are in the first functional group The data lines are used to transmit data in coded messages T...

Page 583: ...ress of the HP 1652B 1653B defaults at power up to decimal 07 To change the address of the HP 1652B 1653B proceed as follows 1 Press the I O key on the front panel keypad and the I O menu will appear on screen 2 Rotate the KNOB until I O Port Configuration is highlighted 3 Touch the SELECT key and the External I O Port Configuration menu will appear on screen External II0 Port Conliguration Done 1...

Page 584: ...re 2 5 To Configuration change the RS 232 C configuration 1 Press the I O key on the front panel keypad and the I O menu will appear on screen 2 Rotate the KNOB until I O Port Configuration is highlighted 3 Touch the SELECT key and the External I O Port Configuration menu will appear on screen AA External I O Port Configuration TKZ Printer connected to Rs 232 C Controller connected to IHPIBj RS 23...

Page 585: ...ignal from Mainframe High ON 12V Low OFF 12v 5 Clear to Send CTS 6 Data Set Ready DSR CB cc Signal to Mainframe High ON 3Vto 12v Low oF F 3 v to 25 v Signal to Mainframe High ON 3Vto 25v Low OFF 3 V to 25 V 7 Signal Ground 8 Data Carrier Detect DCD AI3 CF Not applicable Signal to Mainframe High ON 3Vto 25V Low OFF 3 V to 25 V 20 Data Terminal Ready DTR CD Signal from Mainframe High ON 12V Low OFF ...

Page 586: ...d or shipped in environments within the following limits Temperature 40 c to 75Oc Humidity Up to 90 at 65OC Altitude Up to 15 300 meters 50 000 feet Tagging for Service If the instrument is to be shipped to a Hewlett Packard office for service or repair attach a tag to the instrument identifying the owner address of the owner complete instrument model and serial numbers and a description of the se...

Page 587: ...3 to 4 inches thick around all sides of the instrument to provide firm cushioning and prevent movement inside the container Protect the control panel with cardboard Seal the shipping container securely Mark the shipping container FRAGILE to ensure careful handling In any correspondence refer to the instrument by model number and serial number Cleaning Requirements Use MILD SOAP AND WATER to clean ...

Page 588: ... Test 1 3 6 Clock Qualifier and Data Inputs Test 2 3 11 Clock Qualifier and Data Inputs Test 3 HP 1652B Only 3 15 Clock Qualifier and Data Inputs Test 4 3 18 Clock Qualifier and Data Inputs Test 5 3 21 Clock Qualifier and Data Inputs Test 6 3 24 Glitch Test 3 27 Threshold Accuracy Test 3 31 Oscilloscope Performance Tests 3 35 Input Resistance Test 3 35 Voltage Measurement Accuracy Test 3 37 DC Off...

Page 589: ...es an area to mark whether the test passed or failed The results recorded in the table at incoming inspection may be used for later comparisons of the tests during periodic maintenance troubleshooting and after repairs or adjustments __ Self Tests The power up self test is automatically performed upon applying power to the logic analyzer Self tests do not require test equipment and may be performe...

Page 590: ...d in front of disk test in place of passed If the message SYSTEM DISK NOT FOUND appears on screen insert the operating system disk into the disk drive and press any front panel key Selectable Self Eight self tests may be invoked individually via the Self Test menu The eight Tests selectable self tests are l Analyzer Data Acquisition l Scope Data Acquisition a RS 232 C l BNC l Keyboard ORAM l ROM l...

Page 591: ...not required for the performance verification Performance Test Procedures Au performance tests should be performed at the instrument s environmental operating temperature and after a 15 minute warm up The performance tests for the HP 1652B 1653B are separated into two sections The first section contains the performance verification tests for the logic analyzer portion of the HP 1652B 1653B and the...

Page 592: ...signal representation will degrade Test results may not be accurate if more than eight channels are connected to the test connector The Hewlet Packard part number for the BNC connector infigure 3 1 is 12504032 An equivalent part may be used in place of the HIewlett Packard part 01650E38 Figure 3 l Test Connector For quicker connection without the use of grabbers a test connector may be built as sh...

Page 593: ...tion 0 ns HP 1653B hold time Data must be present after the falling edge of the J and K clock transition 0 ns Equipment Required Pulse Generator HP 8161 A O20 Oscilloscope HP 54502A 50 Ohm Feedthrough 2 HP IOlOOC Test Connector 2 see figure 3 l and 3 2 BNC m m Coupler 2 HP 1250 0216 BNC Cable 2 HP 10503A BNCTeem f f 2 HP1250 0781 Procedure 1 Connect the HP 1652B 1653B and test equipment as in figu...

Page 594: ... V Low Level LOL ov ov Delay DEL 0 ns 0 ns Output Mode ENABLE ENABLE 3 Assign the pod under test to Analyzer 1 in the System Configuration menu as in figure 3 5 Refer to steps a through c if you are unfamiliar with menus Unassl c tkz tinal yrer Figure 3 5 System Configuration for Data Test 1 a Move the cursor to the Type field of Analyzer 1 and press SELECT b Set the analyzer Type to State using t...

Page 595: ...ith the menus L 1 State Format Speclf ica tlon Specify Symbols 1 Cl ock Period 1 1 Clctlvity Label Pal POD I q off off off Qff i off off Dff Dff dff Dff Clock LJ Pod 1 1 Figure 3 6 Format Specification for Data Test 1 a Press the front panel FORMAT CHAN key b Move the cursor to Clock field Then use the cursor and SELECT key to assign the falling edge of the appropriate clock as in figure 3 7 Stste...

Page 596: ...m a through c if vou are unfamiliar with men SJJ Sts te Trace Speclf lcation Trace mode ISingte Sequence Levels 8 While storing y any state 1 Trigger on a I times Store Y any state 2 Label 1 Base pcGT a b 0 I I C I d I l firmed by 1 Run 1 l3ranches 1 Off Count States 1 Pres tore 1 Off 1 Figure 3 9 Trace Specification for Data Test 1 a Press the front panel TRACE TRIG key b Move the cursor to Count...

Page 597: ...3 10 Service Manual 7 If you are testing the HP 1653B connect the K clock of Pod 2 to the test connector and repeat steps 4 and 6 for the falling edge of the K clock 8 Remove the probe tip assembly from the logic analyzer probe cable and attach it to the next logic analyzer probe cable to be tested Take care not to dislodge grabbers from the test connector If you are testing the HP 1653B reassign ...

Page 598: ... Generator HP 8161A O20 Oscilloscope HP 54502A 50 Ohm Feedthrough 2 HP IOlOOC Test Connector 2 see figure 3 1 and 3 2 BNC m m Coupler 2 HP 1250 0216 BNCCable 2 HP 10503A BNCTee m f f 2 HP 1250 0781 Procedure 1 Connect the HP 1652B 1653B and test equipment as in figure 3 11 FIGURE 3 l CLK BIT c 8 EB S FIGURE 3 l I 01650849 Figure 3 l 1 Test Setup for Data Test 2 lnthiss t e up only eight channels a...

Page 599: ... Low Level LOL ov ov Delay DEL 0 ns 0 ns Output Mode ENABLE ENABLE 3 Assign the pod under test to Analyzer 1in the System Configuration as in the previous test figure 3 5 4 In the State Format Specification assign the Clock Period to 60 ns and assign the rising edge of the J clock to the Clock field Also assign the lower 8 channels of the pod under test to a label as in figure 3 13 S late Form t S...

Page 600: ...gure 3 14 Trace Specification for Data Test 2 6 Press RUN The State Listing is displayed and lists all OSfor the channels under test as in figure 3 15 WI State Listing tlarkers 1 Off 1 OOOO 00 ooo 1 00 0002 00 woo3 00 MO04 00 ooos 00 0006 00 pzz5 j 00 oooe 00 0009 00 oOlO 00 OOll 00 0012 00 0013 00 MO14 00 oOlS 00 Figure 3 15 State Listing for Data Test 2 I Note b To ensure a consistent pattern of...

Page 601: ... and attach it to the next logic analyzer probe cable to be tested Take care not to dislodge grabbers from the test connector 9 Repeat steps 3 4 6 and 7 until the lower bits of all pods pods 1 through 5 have been tested with all clocks 10 Disconnect the lower eight bits bits 0 through 7 from the test connector Attach the upper eight bits bits 8 through 15 to the test connector and repeat steps 3 4...

Page 602: ... Generator HP 8161AJO20 Oscilloscope HP 54502A 50 Ohm Feedthrough 2 HP IOlOOC Test Connector 2 see figure 3 1 and 3 2 BNC m m Coupler 2 HP 1250 0216 BNC Cable 2 HP 10503A BNC Tee m f f 2 HP 1250 0781 Procedure 1 Connect the HP 1652B and test equipment asin figure 3 16 4l4l i LOGIC ANALYZER I Figure 3 16 Setup for Data Test 3 I Note m In this setup only eight channels are tested at one time to mini...

Page 603: ...in the previous figure 3 5 4 In the State Format Specification menu assign the Clock Period to 60 ns and the falling edge of J clock to the Clock field Also assign the lower 8 channels of the pod under test to a label as in the previous test figure 3 13 5 Set the State Trace Specification without sequencing levels and set Count to Off as in the previous test figure 3 14 6 Press RUN The State Listi...

Page 604: ... tested Remove the probe tip assembly from the logic analyzer probe cable and attach it to the next logic analyzer probe cable to be tested Take care not to dislodge grabbers from the test connector Repeat steps 3 4 6 and 7 until all pods have been tested pods 1 through 5 Disconnect the lower eight bits bits 0 through 7 from the test connector Attach the upper eight bits bits 8 through 15 to the t...

Page 605: ... figure 3 1 and 3 2 BNC m m Coupler 2 HP 1250 0216 BNC Cable 2 HP 10503A BNC Tee m f f 2 HP 1250 0781 Procedure 1 Connect the HP 1652B 1653B and test equipment as in figure 3 19 In order to most accurately measure the amplitude of the test signals from the pulse generator high impedance scope probes should be used to look at the signal levels at the output of the pulse generator LOGIC ANALYZER Fig...

Page 606: ...e 0 ns 0 ns 28 5 ns 40 ns ENABLE I Note The voltage levels of the waveforms must have the correct amplitude at the logic analyzer probe tips The pulse generator output may have to be increased slightly to compensate for loading by the logic analyzer 3 Assign the pod under test to Analyzer 1 in the System Configuration as in the previous figure 3 5 4 In the State Format Specification assign the Clo...

Page 607: ...xt clock to the test connector and repeat steps 4 and 6 until all clocks have been tested clocks J K L M and N 8 Remove the probe tip assembly from the logic analyzer probe cable and attach it to the next logic analyzer probe cable to be tested Take care not to dislodge grabbers from the test connector 9 Repeat steps 3 4 6 and 7 until the lower bits of all pods have been tested pods 1 through 5 10...

Page 608: ...C Test Connector 2 see figure 3 1 and 3 2 BNC m m Coupler 2 HP 1250 0216 BNC Cable 2 HP 10503A BNCTee m f f 2 HP 1250 0781 Procedure 1 Connect the HP 1652B 1653B and test equipment asin figure 3 22 by connecting channels O 3 and 8 11 of the pod under test to the test connector On the slave clock transition the four bits of the lower byte are transferred to the logic analyzer On the master clock tr...

Page 609: ...3 2 V ov 40 ns B B ENABLE m m IO ns 1 ns 1 ns 3 2 V ov 0 ns 60 ns ENABLE 3 Assign the pod under test to Analyzer 1in the System Configuration asin the previous figure 3 5 4 Set up the State Format Specification asin figure 3 24 Assign the falling J clock to the Master Clock and the rising J clock to the Slave Clock Refer to steps a through d after figure 3 24 if you are unfamiliar with menus State...

Page 610: ...State Listing for Data Test 5 IICi Note d To ensure a consistent pattern of alternating Fs and OS use the front panel ROLL field and knob to scroll through the State Listing 7 Connect the next clock to the test connector and repeat steps 4 and 6 Repeat these steps until all clocks have been tested clocks J K L M and N 8 Remove the probe tip assembly from the logic analyzer probe cable and attach i...

Page 611: ...ow the slave clock by at least 10 ns and precede the next slave clock by 50 ns Equipment Required Pulse Generator HP 8161A O20 Oscilloscope HP 54502A 50 Ohm Feedthrough 2 HP IOIOOC Test Connector 2 see figure 3 1 and 3 2 BNC m m Coupler 2 HP 1250 0216 BNC Cable 2 HP 10503A BNC Tee m f f 2 HP 1250 0781 Procedure 1 Connect the HP 1652B 1653B and test equipment asin figure 3 26 by connecting channels...

Page 612: ...l LOL ov ov Delay DEL 40 ns ns Double Pulse DBL 60 ns Output Mode ENABLE ENABLE 3 Assign the pod under test to Analyzer 1 in the System Configuration as in the previous figure 3 5 4 Set up the State Format Specification as in figure 3 28 Assign the falling J clock as the Master Clock and the rising J clock as the Slave Clock Refer to steps a through d if you are unfamiliar with the menus I I State...

Page 613: ...est as in figure 3 29 ml State Llstlng r I tlarkers Of1 j Figure 3 29 State Listing for Data Test 6 IICI Note d To ensure a consistent pattern of alternating Fs and OS use the front panel ROLL field and knob to scroll through the State Listing 7 Connect the next clock to the test connector and repeat steps 4 and 6 8 Repeat steps 4 6 and 7 until all clocks have been tested clocks J K L M and N 9 Re...

Page 614: ...P 10503A BNC Tee m f f HP 12504781 Procedure 1 Connect the test equipment as in figure 3 30 The clock inputs are not used for the glitch test since glitch detection is part of timing analysis Use the oscilloscope to make sure pulses are 5 ns wide at the threshold 1 6 V DATA BITS 7 8 E E FIGURE 0 cl 3 1 GND F s Ol6 50103 Figure 3 30 Setup for Glitch Test I Note m In this setup only eight channels a...

Page 615: ...E 3 Assign the pod under test to Analyzer 1 in the System Configuration as in figure 3 32 Refer to steps a through c if you are unfamiliar with menus I System Configuration r Analyzer 1 Name1 nCICHINE Type 1 J Autoscale Unassl izg analyzer iiT Figure 3 32 System Configuration for Glitch Test a Move the cursor to the Type field of Analyzer 1 and press SELECT b Set the analyzer Type to Timing using ...

Page 616: ...in figure 3 34 Follow steps a through d if you are unfamiliar with menus I lnACHINE I flmlng Trace Speclflcatlon Trace model 1 Armed by 1 1 Acquisition mode 1 G1 itch Lob Ba Fln P present for The n find Edge I Or Gil tch 1 30ns 1 Figure 3 34 Glitch Test Timing Trace Specification a Move the cursor to the Acquisition mode field and select the Glitch mode b Move the cursor to the Find Pattern field ...

Page 617: ... the probe tip assembly from the logic analyzer probe cable and attach it to the next logic analyzer probe cable to be tested Take care not to dislodge grabbers from the test connector 8 Repeat steps 3 4 and 6 until all pods have been tested pods 1 through 5 Make sure to assign the correct pod to be tested in the System Configuration menu 9 Disconnect the lower eight bits bits 0 through 7 from the...

Page 618: ...onnector see figure 3 l and 3 2 BNC f to Dual Banana m Adapter HP 1251 2277 BNC Cable HP 10503A Procedure 1 Connect the test equipment asin figure 3 36 LOGIC ANALYZER DATA BITS q P P 01650850 Figure 3 36 Threshold Accuracy Test Setup I Note e In this setup only eight channels are tested at one time to minimize loading The ground lead must be grounded to ensure accurate test results 2 Assign the po...

Page 619: ...e the cursor to the bit assignment field and turn on the appropriate eight bits to be tested on off 4 Set the Timing Trace Specification asin figure 3 38 Follow steps a through d if you are unfamiliar with menus Speclflcatlon IWI Tlmlng Trace Trace mode 1 Armed by 1 1 Acquisition mode 1 Glitch 1 Label Base 1 Find Pat tern prese Then f lnd Edge Of Glitch POD J 1 Hex 1 I tnt for I I El 30ns Figure 3...

Page 620: ...isplayed on the Timing Waveforms display is all low for the channels under test as in figure 3 40 l l Tlmlng Wsvef arms tlar ker9 1 1 CIccumula te Iorrj Time D iv 11 Delay IO Sample period 20 ns lpoDd I I I I I 1 Figure 3 40 Threshold Accuracy Timing Waveforms 2 9 Return to the Timing Format Specification and change the User Defined pod threshold to 9 9 V 10 Adjust the power supply output for 10 2...

Page 621: ... 18 19 20 21 22 J I AI d Press RUN Data displayed on Timing Waveforms display is all low for the pod and channels test asin the previous figure 340 Remove the probe tip assembly from the logic analyzer prob attach it to the next logic analyzer probe cable to be tested dislodge grabbers from the test connector lecab1 eand Take care nlot to Repeat steps 2 through 18 until all pods have been tested p...

Page 622: ...the user I Note The Input Resistance Test is optional The input resistance is not specified in the instrument performance specifications The values given are typical Results are not recorded in the test record Characteristic 1 MS2 21 and50 Q 1 Equipment Required Digital Multimeter HP 3478A BNC Cable 2 HP 10503A BNC Tee m f f HP 1250 0781 BNC to Banana m Adapter 2 HP 1251 2277 Procedure 1 Set up th...

Page 623: ... field of the Oscilloscope and press the SELECT key to turn the oscilloscope On 5 Press the TRACE TRIG key and use the cursor and SELECT key to set the Run Mode to Single 6 Press the FORMAT CHAN key and use the cursor and SELECT key to set Input to CH 1 7 Set the Impedance to 1 MOhm and press RUN The multimeter should read lMS2 rtlOkSZ 8 Set the Impedance to 50 Ohms and press RUN The multimeter sh...

Page 624: ... Banana m to Banana m Cable 2 HP 11000 60001 Procedure 1 Connect the HP 1652B 1653B and test equipment as in figure 3 43 l INPUT MULTIMETER O l l POWER SUPPLY LOGIC ANALYZER I 01652E14 Figure 3 43 Setup for Voltage Measurement Accuracy 2 Connect the power supply to Channel 1 of the HP 1652B 1653B oscilloscope 3 In the System Configuration menu turn both State Timing Analyzers off and turn the osci...

Page 625: ...ELECT c Repeat steps a and b for all assigned pods 5 Press the FORMAT CHAN key and turn off channel 2 by deleting the channel 2 waveform as in figure 3 45 Refer to steps a and b if you are unfamiliar with menus II Channel Input Probe s Dlv V Div 1 500 V Impedance Delay I Offset Preset pZEFTJ I rCH1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I I t I I I t 1 I I I Figure 3 45 Deleting Channel 2 a Move the cursor to CH 2 at th...

Page 626: ...le Input CH VfDiv lso oJ OffSEt p5zzcir Probe 1 1 Impedance InOhm J Preset pmq s Dlv 11o 001 Delay I 1 CH m 1 1 I 1 I L I I Figure 3 46 Channel Menu Configurktion 7 Press the TRACE TRIG key and set the Mode to Immediate and Run mode to Repetitive as in figure 3 47 IScope Trigger tlode Immediate Run mode Repetitive s Dlv j Delay Armed by IRUn Figure 3 47 Trigger Menu Configuration ...

Page 627: ...ording to the first line of the following table V Div Offset Power Supply Test Tolerance X and 0 Result 10 0 v 5 0 v 2 0 v 1 0 v 500 mV 200 mV 100 mV 50 mV 20 mV 15 mV 20 00 v 10 00 v 4 00 v 2 00 v 1 00 v 400 mV 200 mV 100 mV 40mV 30 mV 35 0 v 17 5 v 7 0 v 3 5 v 1 75 v 700 mV 350 mV 175 mV 70 mV 50 mV t3 242 V k 1 622 V 20 650 V 20 326 v 0 164 v 266 8 mV t34 4 mV t 18 2 mV t8 48 mV k6 86 mV 31 758...

Page 628: ...he display Refer to steps a through c if you are unfamiliar with menus a Move the cursor to CH 1 at the left side of the display and press SELECT b Move the cursor to Insert waveform and press SELECT c Move the cursor to CH 2 and press SELECT 15 Turn off channel 1 by deleting the channel 1 waveform 16 Set Input to CH 2 and connect the power supply to Channel 2 17 Repeat steps 6 through 13 for chan...

Page 629: ... zLYzziT T POWER SUPPLY 01652E 14 LOGIC ANALYZER 1 2 0 0 Figure 3 W Setup for DC Offset Accuracy 2 In the System Configuration menu turn both State Timing Analyzers off unassign all of the pods from the analyzers and turn the oscilloscope on as in the previous test figure 3 44 3 Press the FORMATKHAN key and turn on channel 1 by inserting the channel 1 waveform Then turn off channel 2 by deleting t...

Page 630: ...1 1 Connect dots Z j x to 0 O Tr lg to X j 01 Trig to O o s Dlv 1o 00 Delay I GritI I Figure 3 52 Waveforms Display Menu 7 Press FORMAT CM and set V Div and Offset according to the frostline of the following table V Div Offset Test Power Supply Tolerance Off set Result 1 0 v 20 0 v 20 0v 0 502V 19 50 20 50v 500mV 10 0v 10 0v to 242 V 9 758 10 242 V 200mV 5 0v 5 0v to 122 v 4 878 5 122 V 100 mV 2 0...

Page 631: ...play Refer to steps a through c if you are unfamiliar with menus a Move the cursor to CH 1 at the left side of the display and press SELECT IIC I Note d Offset errors can be caused by the need for self calibration Perform the Offset Calibration see Adjustments before troubleshooting the instrument If self calibration fails to correct the problem the cause may be the attenuator or oscilloscope asse...

Page 632: ... signal generator to the power splitter input Connect the power sensor to one output of the power splitter as in figure 3 54 I SIGNAL GENERATOR POWER METER I 01652E15 v POWER SENSOR Figure 3 54 Setup for Bandwidth Test 2 Using an N to BNC adapter connect the other power splitter output to the channel 1 input of the HP 1652B 1653B oscilloscope 3 In the System Configuration menu turn both State Timi...

Page 633: ...onnect dots On and Grid On as in figure 3 56 Scope liavef arms Auto Measure tlarkersl Time 1 Display NDrmal Connect dots Ion x to 0 OJ Trlg to X 1 1 Trig to 0 0 s Dlv pmEiq Delay I Grid I Figure 3 56 Waveforms Display Menu Configuration 8 Set the signal generator for 100 kHz at 4 5 dBm and press RUN on the HP 1652B 1653B The signal on screen should be five cycles at two divisions amplitude 9 Press...

Page 634: ...enu set Display to Normal and s Div to 5 ns 14 Change the signal generator to 100 MHz and set the power meter Cal Factor to the 100 MHz value from chart 15 Adjust the signal generator amplitude for a power reading as close as possible to 0 0 dB REL 16 Set the oscilloscope Display to AVG 16 17 After the measurement settles averaging complete use Auto Measure to obtain a peak to peak voltage asin st...

Page 635: ...nctions source to check the accuracy of the time Specification t 500 ps 2 X s Div 0 01 X delta t Equipment Required Signal Generator HP 8656B BNC Cable HP 10503A Type N m to BNC 9Adapter HP 1250 0780 Procedure 1 Use a Type N to BNC adapter to connect the signal generator to the channel 1 input of the HP 1652B 1653B oscilloscope as in figure 3 58 Figure 3 58 Setup for Time Measurement Accuracy 2 In...

Page 636: ...erator to 100 MHz at approximately 150 mV 8 Press RUN and use the Level and Delay to center the rising edge of the waveform asclose aspossible to center screen asin figure 3 60 It may be necessary to use Offset to center the signal symmetrically about the horizontal axis Scapel Trigger Calibration tlode Edge 1 Source ICH Run mode ml Level ptmEiiq Sl ope PositiveI auto Trig I s Dtv 1 1 Delay 12 61 ...

Page 637: ...eference as in figure 3 61 Verify that the delay is within t he limits specified in the table IScope Waver arms tlarkers Off Di Sample period 2 5 ns s Dlv 15 01 De laylpJ Connect dots onI Figure 3 61 Waveforms Display 14 Repeat steps 12 and 13 for the other delays in the table 15 Set the signal generator to 1 MHz 16 Press DISPLAY and set Display to Normal 17 Press FORMAT CHAN and set s Div to 500 ...

Page 638: ... months or 1000 hours Specification 10 0 of full scale Equipment Required Signal Generator HP 86568 BNC Cable HP 10503A Type N m to BNC f HP 1250 0780 Procedure 1 Use the Type N to BNC adapter to connect the signal generator to channel 1 of the HP 1652B 1653B as in figure 3 62 SIGNAL GENERATOR 0 LOGIC ANALYZER 1 2 0 0 01652E16 Figure 3 62 Setup for Trigger Sensitivity 2 In the System Configuration...

Page 639: ... to Repetitive and trigger Level to ov 6 Press DISPLAY and set Display to Normal Connect dots On and Grid On as in figure 3 64 Scope Navef ems tlarkers Off 1 Display pG zq Connec t dots on Sample period 10 0 ns s Div 2 ooo Del ay I Grid I Figure 3 64 Waveforms Display Menu 7 Set the signal generator to 1 MHz and press RUN on the HP 1652B 1653B 8 Adjust the signal generator output level for 0 4 div...

Page 640: ...ely 3 dBm Press TRACE TRIG and adjust the trigger level for a stable display Auto triggered message does not appear on screen The test passes if triggering is stable Press FORMATKHAN and set V Div to 200 mV and repeat steps 4 through 13 The signal generator output should be reduced to approximately 17 dBm Press FORMATKHAN and set V Div to 20 mV and repeat steps 4 through 13 The signal generator ou...

Page 641: ...d1 Pod2 Pod3 Pod4 Pod5 Results Passed Failed Clock Qualifier and Data Inputs Test 2 Pod1 Pod2 Pod3 Pod4 Pod5 Passed Failed Clock Qualifier and Data Inputs Test 3 HP 1652B Ohly Pod1 Pod2 Pod3 Pod4 Pod5 Passed Failed Clock Qualifier and Data Inputs Test 4 Pod1 Pod2 Pod3 Pod4 Pod5 Passed Failed Clock Qualifier and Data Inputs Test 5 Pod1 Pod2 Pod3 Pod4 Pod5 Passed Failed Performance Tests 3 54 HP 165...

Page 642: ...lock Qualifier and Data Inputs Test 6 Pod1 Pod2 Pod3 Pod4 Pod5 Reqults Passed Failed Glitch Test Pod1 Pod2 Pod3 Pod4 Pod5 Passed Failed Threshold Accuracy Test Passed Failed Pod1 Pod2 pod3 Pod4 Pod5 HP 16528116538 Service Manual Performance Tests 3 55 ...

Page 643: ... Test Range 1 0 v 500 mV 200 mV 100 mV 19 50 20 50 v 9 758 10 242 V 4 878 5 122 V 1 948 2 052 v Chan 1 Ghan 2 Bandwidth Test Down 3dB at 100 MHz Chan 1 Chan 2 Time Measurement Accuracy Test 10 ns 9 4 to 10 6 ns 100 ns 99 4 to 100 6 ns 500 ns 499 4 to 500 6 ns 1 us 989 5 to 1 010 us 2 us 1 990 to 2 010 us Chan 1 Chan 2 Trigger Sensitivity Test Chan 1 Chan 2 2 V div 0 4 div at 1 MHz 0 4 div at 100 M...

Page 644: ...ustment 4 3 CRT Monitor Assembly Adjustments 4 4 Intensity Sub Bright and Contrast Adjustment 4 4 Focus Adjustment 4 5 Horizontal Phase Vertical Linearity and Height Adjustments 4 5 System Board Assembly Threshold Adjustment 4 6 Oscilloscope Assembly High Frequency Pulse Adjustment 4 9 Software Calibration 4 11 Offset Calibration 4 12 Attenuator Calibration 4 12 Gain Calibration 4 13 Trigger Calib...

Page 645: ...ies the critical specifications listed in this table may be substituted for the recommended model Equipment for individual procedures is listed with the procedure Adjustments The recommended adjustment interval for the HP 1652B 1653B is two years The and Calibration adjustments are set at the factory on assemblies when they are tested However Interval adjustments may be necessary after repairs hav...

Page 646: ...wed in its entirety and in the same sequence shown The adjustment procedures are performed with the top cover of the instrument removed Take care to avoid shorting or damaging internal parts of the instrument Read the Safety Summary at the beginning of this manual before performing any adjustment procedures Calibration The calibration procedures in this section should be followed in their entirety...

Page 647: ...e voltmeter to the COM test point on the Power Supply Assembly Connect the positive lead of the voltmeter to 5V on the Power Supply Assembly Connect the power cord to the HP 1652B 1653B and turn the instrument on The voltmeter reading should be within the range of 5 180 V to 5 220 V If the voltmeter reading is out of this range adjust the 5 2OV ADJ on the Power Supply Assembly to 5 200 V kO 020 V ...

Page 648: ...In the System Configuration menu select the Type field for Analyzer 1 MACHINE 1 and when the pop up appears select TimJng 1 Press the DISPLAY key to place the Timing Waveforms menu on the screen of the HP 1652B 1653B This menu is used because it has characters throughout the screen which are watched during the procedures Any other menu may be used however the adjustments may not be asaccurate if c...

Page 649: ...creen of the HP 1652B l653B Adjust the sweep board FOCUS control for sharp pixels in the center of the screen menu Then note the FOCUS control position Adjust the sweep board FOCUS for sharp pixels at the corners of the screen Then note the FOCUS control position Set the sweep board FOCUS control for mid position between the two positions noted in steps 3 and 4 for best over all pixel focus Refer ...

Page 650: ...mantling part of the instrument Consequently it is advisable to see if the threshold requires adjustment before dismantling the instrument Perform the Threshold Accuracy Test in section 3 to verify if adjustment is required before executing this procedure TP 1 Disconnect the power cord from HP 1652B 1653B and remove the top cover 2 Connect the negative lead of the voltmeter to TP GND Refer to figu...

Page 651: ... of 975 v to 1 0005 v 990 v to 015 v 10 If either voltage reading is not within the given range use the following procedure to adjust the threshold level a Turn off the instrument and disconnect the power cable Caution Never attempt to remove or install any assembly with the instrument ON or the power cable connected This can result in component damage b c d e f g h HP 1652B 1653B Adjustments and ...

Page 652: ... the difference in step d is halved 0 0005 V When the adjustment is complete turn off the instrument and remove the power cord Then reassemble the instrument Refer to the section Removal and Replacement of the Oscilloscope Assembly for addition information on reassembling the instrument 9900 V 20 0005 V Refer to figure 4 3 for adjustment locations EXAMPLES If the reading is 9952 V the difference i...

Page 653: ...o the HP 1652B l653B and turn on the instrument 3 Set the pulse generator for puke output Caution Attenuate the signals from the Picosecond Pulse Labs generator by at least 20 dB Setting the attenuation from 0 dB to 20 dB may result in damage to the HP 1652B 1653B attenuators 4 In the System Configuration menu turn both State Timing analyzers Off and turn the oscilloscope On 5 Press FORMATKHAN and...

Page 654: ...f either of these is out of specification adjust the appropriate capacitor The capacitor locations are shown in figure 4 6 l Capacitor Cl19 is for Channel 1 l Capacitor Cl61 is for Channel 2 These capacitors are located on the oscilloscope assembly board They can be accessed through the right side of the instrument just below the power supply assembly The optimum rise time is approximately 3 2 nS ...

Page 655: ...he Trigger menu of the oscilloscope Calibration The calibration procedures in this section should be followed in their entirety and in the same sequence shown I Note An instrument warm up of 15 minutes is recommended before starting these procedures HP 1652B 1653B Service Manual Adjustments and Calibration 4 11 ...

Page 656: ...ndicate the instrument is performing the calibration 5 When the calibration is complete the updated calibration status appears on screen and the instrument remains in the Calibration menu Equipment Required DC Power Supply HP 6114A Digital Voltmeter HP 3478A 6 Select the Calibration choice field and when the pop up appears select Attenuation 7 Connect the power supply to the HP 1652B 1653B oscillo...

Page 657: ... to proceed with the calibration A message will appear on screen to indicate the instrument is performing the calibration When the calibration is complete the updated calibration status appears on screen and the instrument remains in the Calibration menu Select the Calibration choice field and when the pop up appears select Trigger level Select Start with the front panel knob and SELECT key To abo...

Page 658: ... Set the attenuation field in the calibration menu to the appropriate setting 26 To proceed with the calibration select Continue using the front panel knob and SELECT key 27 When the calibration is complete the updated calibration status appears on screen and the instrument remains in the Calibration menu Caution Do not execute Set to Default after calibrating the instrument Otherwise your calibra...

Page 659: ...Contents Section 5 Replaceable Parts Introduction 51 Abbreviations 5 1 Replaceable Parts 51 Exchange Assemblies 5 l Ordering Information S 2 Direct Mail Order System 5 2 ...

Page 660: ... Check Digit CD O Total quantity Qty used in the instrument or on an assembly The total quantity is given once at the first appearance of the part number in the list l Description of the part l Typical manufacturer of the part in an identifying five digit code All parts in this list except hardware are manufactured by or for Hewlett Packard code 28480 No list of manufacturers is provided Exchange ...

Page 661: ...der System system There are several advantages to this system l Direct ordering and shipment from the HP Parts Center in California USA l No maximum or minimum on any mail order there is a minimum amount for parts ordered through a local HP office when the orders require billing and invoicing l Prepaid transportation there is a small handling charge for each order l No invoices In order for Hewlet...

Page 662: ...w4 H23 I 01653E09 Figure 5 l l HP jeiizB 1653B Exploded View Rep aceab e Parts 5 3 HP 16528 16538 Service Manual ...

Page 663: ...r junction field effect transistor jac ket kilo lO3 low pound latch local light emitting diode long lithium lock lockwasher low power Schottky low voltage mega lO6 megohms meter distance machine maximum MFR MICPROC MINTFI MISC MLD MM MO MTG MTLC MUX MW N NC NMOS NPN NPRN NRFR NSR NUM OBD OCTL OD OP AMP osc P P O PC PCB PD PF PI PL PLA PLST PNP POLYE POS POT POZI PP PPM PRCN PREAMP PRGMBL PRL PROG ...

Page 664: ...8 E4 5959 0288 4 2 GRABBER ASSEMBLY SET 20 1653B 28480 5959 0288 Fl 211 O 0003 0 1 FUSE 3A250V NTD FE UL 28480 21 lo 0003 Hl 0535 0113 1 10 NUT U TP M3 X 0 500 3MM THK TOP COVER 28480 0535 0113 H2 0535 0056 1 4 NUT HEX PRVLG TRQ M4 X 0 7 5MM THK CRT 28480 0535 0056 H3 2950 0001 8 3 NUT DBL CHAM 3 8 32 THDO O94 IN THK RPG BNC 28480 2950 0001 H4 2950 0072 3 1 NUT DBL CHAM l 4 32 THDO O62 IN THK INTE...

Page 665: ...80 01650 04901 TILT STAND SST 28480 1460 1345 MOLDED FOOT 28480 01650 47701 GROUND BRACKET 28480 01650 01202 IDENTIFICATION LABEL 1652B 28480 01652 94302 IDENTIFICATION LABEL 16538 28480 01653 94302 KEYBOARD LABEL 28480 01652 94301 KEYBOARD HOUSING 28480 01652 40501 ELASTOMERIC KEYPAD 28480 01652 41901 KEYBOARD SPACER 28480 01652 40502 LOCKING PIN PCB 28480 01650 46101 REAR PANEL 1652B 28480 01650...

Page 666: ...A 4 Keypad and Knob Assembly 6A 5 Disk Controller 6A 5 RS 232 C Interface 6A 5 HP IB Interface 6A 5 Logic Analyzer Theory of Operation 6A 7 Data Acquisition 6A 7 ArmingControl 6A 7 Memory 6A 8 Oscilloscope Theory of Operation 6A 9 Attenuator Preamps 6A 9 Post Amplifier 6A 9 ADCandFISOMemory 6A 9 Triggering 6A 9 TimeBase 6A 10 Fine Interpolator 6A 10 Probe Compensation 6A 10 Digital Interface 6A 10...

Page 667: ...nd timing logic analyzer with a 2 channel 100MHz 400 Msample s digitizing oscilloscope The human interface is a front panel keypad and knob for instrument control and a g inch diagonal white phosphor CRT for information display Available on the rear panel are RS 232 C and HP IB ports for communication to a printer or from a controller Also on the rear panel are two BNCs for input or output of an e...

Page 668: ... r I POD3 J3 I I I 1I J2 Ftt LI I I II POD5 I I Jl I I I II 1I 1 SYSTEM YiEy AND RAM 1 I II I ADDRESS BUS CPU J CRT CONTROLLER K m A2 AND MP13 KNOB INTERFACE Ji5 13 n KEYPAD AND KNOB ASSEMBLY Figure 6A 1 System Board Assembly Block Diagram Theory of Operation HP 16528 1653B 6A 2 Service Manual ...


Page 670: ...board RS 232C and HP IB The input to the Main Assembly is from any or all of the data acquisition pods which exit the rear panel The user interface is from the front panel keyboard or with a controller via the HP IB or RS 232C connector on the rear panel A more detailed theory of the logic analyzer circuitry follows block level theory The CPU is a 68000 PlO microprocessor with addressing capabilit...

Page 671: ...gnetics SCN2661 Enhanced Programmable Communications Interface EPCI which is a universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter USART data communications IC The SCN2661 serializes parallel data from the 68000 for transmission At the same time it also receives serial data and converts it to parallel data characters for the 68000 The SCN2661 IC contains a baud rate generator which can be prog...

Page 672: ...ble terminates at the rear panel of the logic analyzer The woven cable consists of 17 signal lines 17 signal return lines 2 chassis grounds and 2 power supply lines All are woven together with polyarmid yarn Each probe input has an input impedance of 100k ohms in parallel with approximately 8 pF The probes can be grounded in two ways with a common pod ground for state measurements or with a probe ...

Page 673: ...e acquired data from the target system Since the RAM is a volatile memory the operating system is loaded at each power up of the instrument via the built in disk drive and a mini floppy disk The display D RAM is 64K long by 4 wide and is cycle shared between the 68000 and the display refresh circuitry This is why the display bus is separate from the local bus The two buses are separated by a set o...

Page 674: ...C board where they are combined with the offset voltage The high and low frequency components of the signal are recombined and applied to the input FET of the preamp The FET provides a high input impedance for the preamp The programmable preamp adjusts the gain to suit the required sensitivity and provides two output signals One signal is the same polarity asthe input and goes to the trigger circu...

Page 675: ...st trigger delay counter When the countdown reaches zero the sample clocks are stopped and the CPU is signaled that the acquisition is complete Fine Interpolator The Fine Interpolator is a dual slope integrator that acts as a time interval stretcher When the trigger circuitry receives a signal that meets the programmed triggering requirements it signals the time base The time base then sends a pul...

Page 676: ... z ...

Page 677: ...owing manner PERFORMING POWER UP SELF TESTS passed ROM test passed RAM test passed Interrupt test passed Display test passed Keyboard test passed Acquisition test passed Threshold test passed Disk test LOADING SYSTEM FILE As indicated by the last message the HP 1652B 1653B logic analyzer will automatically load from the operating system disk in the disk drive If the operating system disk is not in...

Page 678: ...runs and failures for the selected test Press STOP to discontinue the test After the test is completed either Passed Failed or Tested will be displayed on the Self Tests menu in front of the test Selecting the Self The self tests may be invoked from any menu by pressing the front panel I O key Tests Menu The pop up I O menu appears on screen with the following choices Done Print Screen Print All D...

Page 679: ...elf Tests menu Analyzer Data Acquisition Self Test The Analyzer Data Acquisition self test verifies the functionality of key elements of the internal acquisition system 1 2 3 4 In HP 1652Bl1653B Self Tests menu move the cursor to Analyzer Data Acquisition and press SELECT A menu will appear with a description of the test the number of runs and failures for the selected test and fields to select Si...

Page 680: ...layed in the menu To return to HP 1652B 1653B Self Tests menu move the cursor to Done and press SELECT RS 232 C Self Test The RS 232 C self test verifies the functionality of the RS 232 C driver and continuity of the RS 232 C data paths Equipment Required RS 232 C Loopback Connector 01650 63202 Procedure In HP 1652B 1653B Self Tests menu move the cursor to RS 232 C and press SELECT A menu will app...

Page 681: ... to Keyboard and press SELECT A menu will appear with a description of the test and fields to Execute the test or exit the menu Done Move the cursor to Execute and press SELECT A menu displaying the front panel keys will appear on screen Press all of the keys on the front panel keypad and rotate the front panel RPG knob to verify their operation Press the front panel STOP key twice to return to th...

Page 682: ...e the cursor to Done and press SELECT Disk Drive Self The Disk Drive self test verifies the functionality of the key elements of the internal Test disk drive system 1 In HP 1652B 1653B Self Tests menu move the cursor to Disk Drive and press SELECT A menu will appear with a description of the test the number of runs and failures for the selected test and fields to select Single test Repetitive test...

Page 683: ...ts menu move the cursor to Cycle through tests and press SELECT The tests listed above will run consecutively and continually until the front panel STOP key is pressed Press the front panel STOP key to end the continuous tests To see the results of the tests for individual tests move the cursor to the appropriate test and press SELECT The number of runs and failures of the continuous test will be ...

Page 684: ...oting Introduction 6C 1 Safety 6C 1 Trouble Isolation Flowcharts 6C 1 Power Supply Voltages Check 6C 12 CRT Monitor Signals Check 6C 13 KeyboardSignalsCheck 6C l 4 Disk Drive Voltages Check 6C 35 Troubleshooting Auxiliary Power 6C 16 ...

Page 685: ...he Safety Summary at the front of this manual before servicing the instrument Before performing any procedure review it for cautions and warnings Warning Maintenance should be performed by trained service personnel aware of the hazards involved for example fire and electric shock When maintenance can be performed without power applied the power cord should be removed from the instrument Trouble Th...

Page 686: ...EST AUTOMATIC 1 DISPLAYING ANYTHING NO SUPPLY VOLTAGES NO CHART 3 YES YES 4YES NO CHART 5 4YES NO CHART 6 YES CHART YES NO CHART 8 YES NO CHART 4YES 01652810 END Figure SC l Primary Troubleshooting Flowchart Troubleshooting 6c 2 HP 16528 1653B Service Manual ...

Page 687: ...RN POWER OFF AND CHECK FUSE POSITION RATING AND OPERATION t YES TURN ON POWER AND CHECK POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGES NO 0 165OfO2 Figure 6c 2 Trouble Isolation Flowchart for Fan Fuse HP 1652B 1653B Service Manual Troubleshooting 6c 3 ...


Page 689: ...SWEEP BOARD CHECK FOR VOLTAGES AND SIGNALS IN TABLE 6C 2 AND SIGNALS YES REPLACE CRT MONITOR ASSEMBLY i NO YES REPLACE SYSTEM BOARD ASSEMBLY 01652B13 Figure 6C 4 Trouble Isolation for CRT Monitor HP 16528 1653B Service Manual Troubleshooting 6C 5 ...


Page 691: ... TEST CHART 6 YES SELF TEST REMOVE DISC DRIVE CABLE FROM DISK DRIVE CHECK FOR VOLTAGES AND SIGNALS TYES I NO DISK DRIVE HP 16528 16538 Service Manual 0165ofO6 Figure 6C 6 Trouble isolation for Disk Drive Troubleshooting 6C 7 ...


Page 693: ...SEMBLY YES VERIFY RS 232 C CONFIGo RATION EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT 016SOF08 Figure 6C 8 Trouble Isolation for RS 232C CHART 9 YES CONNECTED 4YES i YES YES I REPLACE I 1 INTERNAL 01652816 HP IB CABLE Figure SC S Trouble isolation for HP IB HP 16528 1653B Service Manual Troubleshooting SC 9 ...

Page 694: ...c CHART 70 PERFORM BNC SELF TEST YES NO SELF TEST STILL PRESENT NO 1 YES REPLACE SYSTEM ASSEMBLY Troubleshooting SC 10 Figure SC IO Trouble Isolation for BNC HP 1652B 1653B Service Manual ...


Page 696: ... POWER SUPPLY INPUT CABLE POWER SUPPLY OUTPUT CABLE Figure 6C 12 Power Supply Test Points Power Supply Isolated Isolate and check the supply with the following steps Use the figure above for reference 1 Turn off the instrument and remove the power cable 2 Disconnect the supply output cable at the supply see figure above 3 Load the 5 20 V supply with a 2 ohm 25 watt resistor a With ajumper wire con...

Page 697: ...1 Remove the instrument top cover Signals Check 2 Check the CRT Monitor input cable for the signals and supplies listed in the table below The cable is the wide ribbon cable connecting the monitor assembly to the System Assembly Board 3 Dynamic video signals FB Full bright and HB Half bright are TTL inputs Check for activity on these lines The table includes a truth table for these signals Table S...

Page 698: ...key were pressed replace the elastomeric keypad 8 If the display does not respond asif the key were pressed replace the keyboard The RPG connector has a TTL pulse on pins 1 and 3 when the knob is being turned Pin 5 of the connector is 5 V The ROW scan signal is a low duty cycle pulse at approximately 60 Hz It is continually present on pins 14 through 20 of the keyboard cable Because of the resista...

Page 699: ...19 GROUND 20 21 GROUND 22 23 GROUND 24 25 GROUND 26 27 GROUND 28 29 12 v 30 31 12 v 32 33 12 v 34 DISK CHANGE IN USE DRIVE SELECT3 5 V INDEX DRIVE SELECT0 DRIVE SELECT1 DRIVE SELECT2 5 V MOTOR ON DIRECTION STEP WRITE DATA WRITE GATE TRACK 00 WRITE PROTECT READ DATA HEAD SELECT READY Caution Do not match the arrows of the cable and connector when connecting the disk drive cable to the disk drive Th...

Page 700: ...is circuit remove all loads from pins 1and 39 and measure the voltage between these pins and ground pins 2 and 40 with a voltmeter There should be 5 volts at pins 1 and 39 after the 20 ms reset time If the 5 volts does not appear on one or both of these pins pins 1 and 39 replace the analyzer cable If the 5 volts still does not appear on these pins refer to chart 3 in figure 6C 3 2 GND 01650E67 Fi...

Page 701: ...y Assembly 6D 5 Removal and Replacement of the Oscilloscope Assembly 6D 5 Removal and Replacement of the Attenuators 6D 7 Removal and Replacement of the Keyboard Assembly 6D 8 Disassembling the Keyboard Assembly 6D 9 Removal and Replacement of the Fan 6D 10 Removal and Replacement of the Main Assembly 6D 10 Removal a Replacement of the CRT Monitor Assembly 6D 11 Removal and Replacement of the Feet...

Page 702: ... power supply the CRT and the display sweep board To avoid electrical shock adhere closely to the following procedures After disconnecting the power cable wait at least three minutes for the capacitors on the power supply and sweep boards to discharge before servicing this instrument Caution Never attempt to remove or install any assembly with the instrument ON or the power cable connected This ca...

Page 703: ...DETAIL A H23 I 10 BELOW A51 01653609 MP2 1 Figure 6D 1 HP 16526 16538 Exploded View Assembly Removal and Replacement 6D 2 HP 1652Bj1653B Service Manual ...

Page 704: ...behind the rear panel This ground spring clip is not mechanically secured to the instrument Make sure the ground spring clip does not fall off during disassembly 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Remove the two screws holding the HP IB ribbon cable connector to the rear panel Disconnect the External Trigger Input cable from connector J9 on the Main Assembly Disconnect the External Trigger Output cable from con...

Page 705: ...connector of the disk drive is marked with an arrow at pin 34 of the connector The end of the disk drive cable is marked at pin 1 of the cable Matching the arrows will result in damaging the disk drive 6 Slide the disk drive through the front panel of the instrument cabinet asin figure 6D 2 7 Replace the disk drive by reversing this procedure When you reinstall the top cover insert the four screws...

Page 706: ...evious figure 6D 2 10 Replace the power supply by reversing this procedure de I Note d When you reinstall the top cover insert the four screws on the sides of the cover fust while making sure the cover fits into the grooves of the instrument cabinet Then insert the six screws in the top of the cover Removal and Replacement of the Oscilloscope Assembly When necessary refer to other removal procedur...

Page 707: ...loscope assembly by tilting the rear of the assembly up and lifting the assembly out through the top of the instrument cabinet Make sure that the BNCs clear the front panel 13 Replace the oscilloscope assembly by reversing this procedure I Note When you reinstall the top cover insert the four screws on the sides of the cover first while making sure the cover fits into the grooves of the instrument...

Page 708: ...Assembly From the component side of the Oscilloscope Assembly remove the two screws that secure the Attenuator A 24 pin connector located at the rear of the inside of the attenuator connects the attenuator to the PC board With a gentle rocking or prying motion lift the attenuator from the PC board Note Prying at the rear of the attenuator with a small flat blade screwdriver between the attenuator ...

Page 709: ...eely 6 Remove the support panel by carefully tilting the rear of the panel up and lifting the panel out through the top of the instrument cabinet Make sure the metal tabs on the front of the support panel clear the front panel Figure 6D 4 Support Panel Removal 7 From the back side of the front panel remove the four screws securing the keyboard assembly to the front of the instrument cabinet 8 Disc...

Page 710: ...s force fitted on the RPG shaft To remove the knob pull it straight off 13 Remove the 3 8 inch nut from the RPG 14 Remove the RPG from the keyboard panel 15 The keyboard label uses a self stick adhesive If the label must be removed carefully peel it off 16 Replace the keyboard assembly by reversing this procedure When you reinstall the top cover insert the four screws on the sides of the cover fir...

Page 711: ... Then insert the six screws in the top of the cover Removal and Replacement of the Main Assembly Caution c ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE can damage electronic components Use grounded wriststraps and mats when servicing the main assembly When necessary refer to other removal procedures 1 2 Turn off the instrument and disconnect the power cable Remove the six screws from the top and the two screws from ea...

Page 712: ... number They have been adjusted asa unit and should be replaced asa unit rather than individually Do not remove the yoke from the CRT When necessary refer to other removal procedures 1 Turn off the instrument and disconnect the power cable 2 Remove the six screwsfrom the top and the two screws from each side of the instrument s top cover 3 Lift off the top cover 4 Remove the Rear Panel Power Suppl...

Page 713: ...itor Assembly perform the CRT Monitor Assembly Adjustment procedures in section 4 of this manual lC I Note d When you reinstall the top cover insert the four screws on the sides of the cover firstwhilemakin g sure the cover fits into the grooves of the instrument cabinet Then insert the six screws in the top of the cover Removal and Replacement of the Feet Tilt Stand When necessary refer to other ...

Page 714: ......

Page 715: ...ast Africa 7 ruedu Boisdu Lan P O Box364 1217Meyrin1 GENEv Switzerland Tel 41 22 7807111 Fax 41 22 7837535 CANADA Hewlett Packard Canada Ltd 9877GorewayDrive MlSSlSSAUOA OntarioL4VlM8 Tel 418 878 9430 Fax 416 673 7253 LATIN AMERICA Hewlett Packard Company LatinAm an Region MiamiOffks 7208N W 31stSt MIAMI FL33122 UnitedStates 305 59001400 1401 Fax 305 590 142711428 Telex 441603HPMIAMI UNITED STATES...

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Page 718: ...A Tel 3Q lO 54 1141 Fax 39110 59 1733 Telex 285238 Llmlto Hewlett PackardltaiianaS p A ViaNuovaRivoitana 95 200Q0 IJMTO Ml Tel 3912 75761 Fax 3912 7576230 Telex 3231 16 Napoll Hewlett Packard itaiianaS p A ViaOrazio 16 80122NAPOU Tel 39 81 7611444 Fax 39 81 680164 Telex 7106 98 Padova Hewlett PackardltaiianaS p A ViaPelllzzo 15 35128PADOVA Tel 39149 8070166 Fax 39149 773097 Telex 4303 15 Roma Eur ...

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Page 725: ...HEWLETT PACKARD I111111 111111111 II111 Ill1 llllll lllll Ill11 11111 Ill II11 5050 6031 Printed in U S A ...
