Install 16500C Operating System:
Power up the HP 16500C. The mainframe self-test screen comes on. The flexible disk drive
test will yield a "No Disk" error message. The hard disk drive may fail the power-up self test
if the hard drive is not pre-formatted. See that the other power-up self tests pass.
Note: The hard disk drive delivered with the HP E2479A upgrade kit should be
pre-loaded with the operating system software. Proceed with steps 2-9 only if the
hard disk drive power-up self test fails.
2. Turn off the HP 16500C. Get Disk 1 of the operating system flexible disks from the disk
pouch that was included with the HP E2479A kit. Insert Disk 1 in the mainframe flexible
disk drive.
3. Again, power up the HP 16500C. The hard disk drive will fail the power-up self test because
the hard drive is not formatted. This time the HP 16500C System Configuration menu should
appear. For safety, push the flexible disk drive eject button to pop the flexible disk from the
drive mechanism.
4. Select Configuration, then at the pop-up menu select Hard Disk. Select Load, then at the
pop-up menu select Format Disk. Select Execute and Continue to begin formatting the hard
disk drive.
5. When formatting is complete, select Format Disk, then at the pop-up menu select Make
Directory. Then select the directory name field, and using the pop-up keypad type in the
directory name
. Select Execute.
6. Select Make Directory, then at the pop-up menu select Change Directory. The
subdirectory appears in the directory name field. Select Execute.
7. Re-insert Disk 1 in the flexible disk drive. Select Hard Disk, then at the pop-up menu select
Flexible Disk.
8. Select Load, then at the pop-up menu select Copy. Enter *.* in the filename field. Select the
field on Flexible Disk, then at the pop-up menu select Hard Disk. Select Execute.
9. All of the files on each of the disks (operating system disks and PV system disk) in the disk
pouch are to be copied onto the hard disk drive in the
Run Performance Verification procedures found in the HP16500C Service Guide.
HP E2479A Upgrade Procedures