HP 13255 Technical Information Download Page 60

Summary of Contents for 13255


Page 2: ...he two CTU Transport Assemblies is provided by a Motor cable Assembly and two CTU ribbon cable assemblies 2 0 OPERATING PARAMETERS A summary of operating parameters for the Cartridge Tape Module Is contained in tables 1 0 through 5 3 Table 1 0 Physical Parameters part Size L x W x D Weight Number Nomenclature 0 100 Inches Pounds _ _ _ _ O 640 60021 CTU Top Planp Assembly 4 4 x 1 1 x 0 7 0 10 02640...

Page 3: ...OS Hewlett Packard shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or Consequential damaqes in connection with the turnishing performance or use of tnis material Tnis document contains proprietary information which is protected by copyright All rights are reserved o part of this document may be Photocopied or reproduced without the orior written consent ot He lett Pa ckard Compan...

Page 4: ...A and the two CTU Transport Assemblies is provided by a Motor Cable Assembly and two CTU ribbon cable assemblies 2 0 OPERATING PARAMETERS A summary of operating parameters for the Cartridge Tape Module Is contained in tables 1 0 through 5 3 Table 1 0 Physical Parameters part Number 0 l640 60021 02640 60032 02640 60033 02640 60034 02640 60050 02640 60054 02640 60055 02640 60056 02640 60057 02640 60...

Page 5: ...e Rate percent per 1000 hours of Major Assemblies CTU Interface PCA Read Write peA CTU Top Plane Assembly Motor Cable Assembly CTU Transport Assembly 0 82340 4 04199 0 000R8 0 00060 4 17800 Lite expectancy tor components of the CTU Transport Assembly the maximum insertion rate 1 per second Data for the head motor and motor capstan apply to start stop motion at 10 inches per second E ject Insert Me...

Page 6: ...pply and Clock Requirements Measured While Accelerating to 60 ips At 5 Unless otherwise Specified 5 VOlt supply 12 Volt supply 1350 rnA 1630 rnA 12 Volt Supply 1580 rnA 42 Volt SupplY rnA NOT APPLICABLE 1 115 volts ac 220 volts ac A A NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE Clock Frequency 4 915 MHz ...

Page 7: ...eturn Power and Signal 4 915 MHz System Clock 12 Volt Power Supply Negative True Address Ait 0 Negative True Address Bit 1 Negative True Address Bit 2 Negative True Address Bit 3 Negative True Address Bit 4 Negative True Address Bit 5 Negative True Address Bit 6 Negative True Address Bit 7 Negative True Address Bit 8 Negntive True Address Bit 9 Negative True Address 8it 10 Negative True Address Bi...

Page 8: ...st 12 Volt Power Supply System Power On Negative True Data Bus Bit 0 Negative True Data Bus Bit 1 Neqative True Data Bus Bit 2 Negative True Data Bus Bit 3 Negative True Data Bus Bit 4 Negative True Data Bus Bit 5 Neqative True Data Bus Bit 6 Negative True Data Bus Bit 1 Negative frue write Read Type Cycle Negative True CTU and Polled Interrupt Request Negative True wait Control Line Bus Controlle...

Page 9: ...ed Negative True Lamp Unit I Negative True Hole Unit 1 Detected 5V Supply Negative True Record Enable Read E nable Unit Select 0 select left unit Negative True rite Data high writes flux in north seeking pole direction Two Times Tachometer Frequency Running 1 ips forward or reverse Tachometer frequency Data Zero Crossing testing purposes onlY Gap Detector Cartridge Inserted in Unit 0 Cartridge Ins...

Page 10: ...EAD TGND T Signal Description Tacnometer coil common D C Level 2 5V Not Used Head AC Signal Data Dependent Head Ground Neqatlve True Cartridge Inserted Negative True Hole 5V Supply 5V Return Negative True Lamp Head Center Tap AC Signal Data Dependent Active on Write Only Head AC Signal Oata Dependent Tachometer Ground Not Used Tachometer Coil AC Signal Frequency Depends on Motor Speed J6 1 Motor 0...

Page 11: ... 12 Volt Power Supply Pin 5 tl lrOugh Pin 22 Not Used 11 Pin A ttl rough Pin B c Pin tJ1rol gh Pin s 1 u Pin v tJ1rough Pin z 12V PRIOR IN PRIOR OUT Not Used 12 Volt Power SupplY Not Used Bus Controller Priority In Bus Controller Priority Out Not Used Table 4 4 Connector Information for Read Write PCA cunnector Signal ane Pin NO I Name t P3 Pin 1 I ti1rough f Pin 6 I I 1 I GND t Pin R t tllrouQh I...

Page 12: ...ve True Lamp Unit 1 Negative True Hole Unit 1 oetect d 5V Supply Negative True Record Enable Read Enable Unit select 0 select left unit Negative True Write Data nigh writes flux in north seeking pOle direction Two Times Tachometer Frequency Running 1 ips forward or reverse TaChometer Frequency Data zero Crossing testing purposes only Gap Detector Cartridge Inserted in Unit 0 Cartridge Inserted in ...

Page 13: ...r Coil Common DC Level 2 5V _ J2 1 TCOM 2 3 HEAD 4 HEAD GNU 5 CI 6 HULE 7 5V 8 SV RET 9 L to HEADCT 11 HEAD 12 TGND 13 14 Tachometer Coil Common DC Level 2 5V Not Used Head AC Slgnal Data Dependent Head Ground Neqative True Cartridge Inserted Negative True Hole 5V Supply 5V Return Negative True Lamp Head Center Tap AC Signal Data Dependent Actlve on Write nnly Head AC Signal Data Dependent Tachom ...

Page 14: ...OR 10 1 ADOR 9 unction Specifier ADDR5 1 X AllOR R X ADDR 7 X ADDR 6 Data Bus Bit Interpretation 1 ADDR 5 1 ADOR 4 X ADOR 3 B7 Data Bit 7 X ADOR 2 Most significant bit of data X ADOR 1 X AODR 0 _ _ _ _ Ab Data Bit 6 87 BUS 7 86 BUS 6 85 BUS 5 8 Data Ait 5 84 BUS 4 83 RUS 3 82 BUS 2 64 Data Bit 4 1 1 BUS 1 BO BUS 0 BJ Data Bit 3 I Logical l BUS Low O Logical O Bus High IX Don t Care 82 Data Bit 2 B...

Page 15: ...0 1 ADOR 9 Function Specifier AOORS 1 X ADDR 8 X ADDR 1 X ADOR 6 Ol3ta Bus bit Interpretation 1 AD DR 5 1 ADOR 4 X ADDR 3 B7 Data Bit 1 X ADOR 2 Most significant bit of data X ADDR 1 X ADDR 0 ____ __ _ r __ BIt Data 8it 6 87 BUS 1 86 BUS 6 B5 BUS 5 B Data Bit 5 B4 BUS 4 83 BUS 3 62 BUS 2 84 Data Bit 4 bl BUS 1 80 BUS 0 B 3 Data Bit 3 l Loqical l Bns LOW t O Logical O Bus High X Don t Care B l Data...

Page 16: ...X AODR 15 I X ADDH 14 I X ADDF 13 X ADDR 12 I 1 ADDR 11 I o ADDR 10 I 1 ADDR 9 X ADDF 8 I X ADDR 7 X ADDR 6 o ADDR 5 1 ADDR 4 X ADDR 3 X ADDR 2 X AODR 1 X ADOR 0 87 BUS 7 86 BUS 6 tl5 BUS 5 84 FHJS 4 83 BUS 3 82 BUS 2 Bl BUS 1 BO BUS 0 l Logical l Bus LOW O Logical O Bus High X Don t Care Bi RIP indicates the presence of head current while recording a gap The state of this signal Is not defined du...

Page 17: ...g 1 Record gap on tape Bit 3 must also be 84 USL o Houte command to right drive 1 Route command to left drive BJ REC o Read mode 1 Record mode enable write circuit Bi FST o Run tape at slow speed 10 ips 1 Run tape at high speed 60 ips 81 FWD o Forward 1 Reverse au RUN o stop tape 1 Move tape according to FST and FWD Bus Value Signal _ _ X ADDR 15 X ADDR 14 X AODR 13 X ADDR 12 1 AUOR 11 0 ADDR 10 1...

Page 18: ...BUS FUNCTION DECODE AND TIMING LOGIC CTU IN1 RFACE PCA 3 0 1 1 The bus tunction decoder and timing logic generates signals based upon inputs from the terminal bUS which control the flow of commands sta tus and data bytes to and from the terminal bus 3 0 1 2 The bUS function decoder UI6 generates one ot four command signals by decoding wRITE and ADUR5 The commands are enabled by I O for an 1 0 mOdu...

Page 19: ... The CLRINT signal is present for one cycle of SYS eLK after STATUS EN goes low 3 0 1 DATA PATH CONTROL CTU INTERFACE PCA 3 0 3 1 The data path control circuitry transfers data to and from the terminal bUS It also converts serial bits from the tape into bytes and con verts bytes tram the terminal bus into serial bits 3 0 3 2 The data 1 0 buffer U13 and U33 is an 8 bit register with a 2 port input ...

Page 20: ...ector U28 Pin 15 in Read mode The code rules state that there is always a data transition at mid cell a 1 bit is a transition towards gap level while a O bit Is a transition away from gap level and a phase transition occurs at a cell boundary if adjacent data transitions are the same gap level__ ______ ____ ______ ___ ______ I t I I I I I I 1__ 1 1____ 1 1__ 1 I_I 1____ 1 1__ 1 o 1 1 o o 1 o Indic...

Page 21: ...iod microsecond microsecond 4 9150 4 9150 8 In Read mOde the up down counter is initialized to the same value Then based on tne actual frequency of the phase data transitions the up down counter is incremented or decremented Note that incrementing the up down counter decrements the modulus ot the counter The cell decode counter is decoded as follows when 1n Record mode U212 Pins A B C 0 CIN f UNCT...

Page 22: ... is turned off and the last preamble byte is loaded into the data 1 0 buffer When REC GAP is set the preset Signals on the variable modulus bit and cell decode counters are removed and the encoder is no longer forced to record in the gap direction Each bit is recorded encoded as follows 1 The variable modulus CDunter counts up and generates a carry output CIN every 77 system ClOCKS The carry outpu...

Page 23: ... transition detector it Is decoded usinq the cell decode counter and results In one of three possiole actions 1 Transition occurs In the illegal zone the cell decode and variable modulus counters are initialized The process continues waiting for the next transition 2 transition occurs in the phase zone the mOdulus of the variable modulus connter is incremented or decremented see 3 0 4 2 and the ce...

Page 24: ...ectlvely when the signal Is low When Unit 1 is selected and a hole is detected U22 Pin 11 will be high When Unit 0 is selected USO at U35 Pin 4 is high a hole is detected and U22 Pin 8 is high Pins 8 and 11 of U22 are wire ORed into U28 Pin 6 where they ar synchronized to s s eLK and provide the DHOL signal at U28 Pin 7 DHOt at U29 Pin 4 is exclusive ORed with DHOL delayed by one cycle ot SYS CLK ...

Page 25: ...f data must be received or sent from the processor 3 0 8 2 The DTACH 2 signal sets flip flop U25 causing Pin 9 to be low wnen a transition occurs in TACB 2 The CLRINT Signal from tne command logic resets U25 causing Pin 9 to go high The DHOL signal s ts flip flop U25 causing Pin 7 to be low and indicates the presence of a hole 1n the tape The CLRINT signal resets U2 causing Pin 7 to go high When U...

Page 26: ...ODF k R AD WRITE PCA 3 1 1 1 The unit function decoder U3 1s a 1 of 10 decoder which determines whether the Read write peA is in Read or Write mode It also deter mines the CTU Transport from which flux transitions are received or to which flux transitions are sent 3 1 1 2 When RE and line usa are low yO and Ql are active outputs and Head 1 is driven by DATA as shown In the truth taole below When R...

Page 27: ...upplying current to the head i e the file protect switch is open or the head leads are broken the collector of Qlb is then connected to a high resistance path CR12 R44 R49 and Q16 saturates causing most of its emitter current to flow out its base into 015 and CR13 to ground Then the collector voltage ot Q16 which is now about the same as the emitter voltage drives 017 on through CR12 and R44 The t...

Page 28: ...in is 40dB R38 and C36 on one side and R39 and C39 on the other side roll off the response starting at 30 kHZ C40 resonates the head at approximately 50 kHz effectively compensating for some loss in the head output 3 1 4 3 Differentiator U4 is also a differential input differential output op amp Its differentiating characteristics are determined by C21 R46 C16 and R34 in one leg and by R41 C22 C19...

Page 29: ...nsitions if GAP is low Whenever flux transitions begin or ter minate the GAP signal reflects this change after a delay of eight bit times 3 1 5 2 A single output US Pin 4 is also ac coupled to U1 at Pin 10 used here as a threshold detector The two inputs of this comparator are referenced to 6 volts through R30 and F37 The threshold level is set by RI03E and R37 and is nominally 0 057 volts whiCh I...

Page 30: ...te PCA The signal has a 0 027 microfarad C2 and C4 fil ter capacitor shunting it to roll off the output of the tachometer above the frequencies of interest 4 kHZ A tach signal then drives a comparator Ul Pin b or Ul Pin 4 with positive hysteresis 33 milli volts NAND gates U11 select the siqnal TACH FREQ from the selected CTU Transport This signal drives a delay circuit producing the DELAYED fACH s...

Page 31: ...gh gain 19 K divided by 1 kilOhm 196 voltage driver which supplies bias current to a bidrectional voltage reference composed of CR5 and CRb This reference voltage approximately 1 6 9 volts is supplied to the second op amp operated as a Miller integrator and has a slew rate of 6 9 volts divided by R23 all divided by C21 31 volts per second R22 feeds back the output of the integrator which sets the ...

Page 32: ...vert the Ramp Voltages RAMP VOLTAG to command currents into the power amp summing junction In addition FDBK VOLTAGE is changed to a feedback current by R24 into the power amp summing junction The second FET 05 or Q9 clamps the unused power amp off so that leakage currents cannot cause the non selected motor to turn The power amps are op amps U9 with high gain bipolar emitter followers 07 and Q8 or...

Page 33: ...A Refer to the block diagram figure 7 sch matic diagram figure 8 component location diagram figure 9 and parts lists 02640 60034 and 02640 60066 located in the appendix The Cartridge Electronics PCA is a small peA part Of the head bridge assembly of the CTU Transport mounted to the tape meChanism s head mount This assembly includes a 14 conductor ribbon cable Which Plugs into the Read Write PCA Th...

Page 34: ...igh state lamp oft R3 allows approxi matelv 40 rnA to flow through OS1 This current keeps the filament hot so that the lamp turn on surge current 155 mAl is less than twice the nominal current When J2 Pin 9 is grounded the output of Ul goes low applying approximately 3 5 volts across the lamp R12 limits the current throuqh DS1 to achieve longer lamp life 3 2 4 HOLE DETECT CARTRIDGE ELECTRONICS PCA...

Page 35: ... The peak current through infrared emittinq diode CRt is approximately 200 rnA and should provide a beam power output minimum peak of 2 5 milliwatts 3 2 4 4 The detection circuit conSists of Ql Q2 Q3 CR2 U3 R4 R5 R8 R9 RIO and C4 Irradiance striKing its base reqion causes current to flow through Ql Most of this current flows through Q3 and into the base of Q2 02 saturates prOViding a negative tran...

Page 36: ...Y CTU TRANSPORT ASSEMBLY 3 3 1 1 The base assembly provides the support structure for the drive 3 3 1 2 lhe base assembly is mounted to the terminal using two 5 16 inch well nuts and two number 6 32 screws The wall thickness at the mounting surface should be 12 gauge for metal or other material The well nuts with associated screws provide convenient captive fasteners More importantly they attenuat...

Page 37: ...s Is required to insert the cartridge The retention force is over 3 pounds Pressing the button releases the latch taking the pressure off the four rollers and allowing the cartridge to pop out to a detent position for easy removal The cartridge Is ejected part way by the motor assembly swinginQ forward At this point the ejector rises out of the base and continues the cartridge motion out to the de...

Page 38: ...osition Of two switches Fixed contact pads for these switches are on the circuit board while the moveable contacts with their plunger actuators are enclosed within the head bridge giving inexpensive reliable enclosed switches 3 3 2 4 The indicator lamp previously mentioned is also located on this peA and is enclosed bV a Shield molded of titanium dioxide filled plastic for maximum reflectivity Thi...

Page 39: ...for fur ther adjustment 3 4 FUNCTIONAL OESCRIPTION TAPE CARTRIDGE Refer to the tape cartridge diagram figure 13 hole status format figure 14 and valid record ing area figure 15 located in the appendix The tape cartridge shown in figUre 13 provides 120 000 bytes of storage in 256 byte record single track 0 30 1 0 005 inches 800 BPI 1600 rRPI 1 60 BPI standard format At 10 ips this gives a typical b...

Page 40: ...to 344 files per cartridge Recording is bit serial eight bits to a byte LSB to MSB Records are variable 1n length and may contain from 12 to 267 bytes There may be 444 to 517 records of ot maximum length per cartridge 3 bytes octal zero followed by 1 byte octal 200 2 bytes to define binary length Of record roost significant byte first 1 to 256 data bytes 1 byte binary addition modulo 256 The posta...

Page 41: ...of belt capstan to maintain constant operating speed Total equivalent inertial mass of all cartridge moving elements Radial load to belt capstan Dynamic tape tension measured at constant drive speed o to 90 inches per second maximum 0 78 1 0 02 1 4 maximum with head inserted and excluding drive system variations 2 2000 in sec from 0 to 90 ips 1 0 to 4 0 ounces 4 2 6 x 10 oz sec lin in linear units...

Page 42: ... 1 I 11 SEI CT EN CoLI lISt I t I _Df lI I Re I p IHtCDIQ ENC I I DP T A 0 READ I pp 5 DE CODE I OL LO C I DFI I SJ I c rl OL 1 I D ETaT I I 7 Bn L OGIC I o INT r I 18 I I I 8 I I _DT hl I I TE UPT _ I l JTN Z I I LO C 5 4 I I D STJIifUS O o Z D I IER I WR lTE PCA US tOLi HOLCl Tp CH eiN CoiN l POLL L _____________________________ J RIP P Figure t CTU Interface peA Block Diagram AUG Ol 16 13255 91...

Page 43: ... Lt o 2 I 3__ II_____ K ______________ ov I I IS _ I I I ua II I I SIO I I I I f I r un 1 I 1 50 I ri l I I L121 I I lin I Sloq I Sk I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Figure 2 CTU Interface peA SChematic 01aqram AUG Ol 76 13255 91032 ...

Page 44: ...r7J 02640 60033 CTU IIF lu 8 1508 22 C6 o00 0 mmIT C2 C9 C12 Cll ow00 0 0 00 fm0c c r C1 R1 W1 3 tl n Diagram i U terface PCA Component Loca 1 255 91032 AUG Ol 16 ...

Page 45: ... cfJHrH c A1III I D i l FROM CTU It rrERf a cE PC UNIT _ r U lrrl r t i_woe c T J T ItT 1 D1tM to 2 r l TeaM 5fJ7 I lEV I COMMANO RI M N lO av C 1 c urrs TI _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ J_ 1 JI ut I _ _ _ _ _ LO C I I I T H I I I I I Figure 4 Read Write peA BloCK Diagram AUG Ol 16 13255 91032 ...

Page 46: ...I P R E IoI P r I L_ J5 UNIT J4 UNIT o0 p 5 J I P 1 J Figure 5 Read Write peA Schematic Diagram AUG Ol 7b 13255 91032 ...

Page 47: ...103 C2 R59 R44 R36 R37 R1 r 015 N 1 __ R_10_1_ 1 I If CR13 c ROO C1 R3 01 R2 fB It 0 0 018 P 3 c 017 R65 5 5 f to r 0 C47 N 0 o 0 0 U2 C6 R55 R25 014 013 C27 ru Jf3 R23 R12 R13 R11 R10 R14 R15 R7 a o oo 5 C26 09 I CR81 t Q _ R27 L 0 010 R20 R60 C25 It CR9 If CR6 R107 co B 0 o R26 05 M a 0 0 0 l Q4 l B ii 0 03 0 R28 06 C35 R29 C34 Figure 6 Read Write peA Component Location Diagram AUG Ol 76 13255 9...

Page 48: ... RTR E ELE C RON C S PCP R OU 4 RE AD WR TE PCf O CTU NIE RFPo C E pc p EAD JIJR lt OLE L H peA 4_EP _O_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ GND T T COM Figure 7 Cartridge Electronics peA BloCK Diagram AUG 01 76 13255 91032 ...

Page 49: ... IIrI 1D J 1f D S6LDI1t F jrHR Q N r I I I I J r J f NL II61f W Sti Pt c IFI O L J 12 S 4rI 9Hea IN JH I ILL Ifi S S 1C f t W II1 L CAPl le 1lJ G N MICIGC IfI qJ S S I S if pc tII S g t fen AI Y Figure 8 Cartridge Electronics peA SChematic Diagram AUG 01 76 13255 91032 ...

Page 50: ...r7h 6 l 02640 60034 CTU ELECTRONICS U W 8 1632 22 R1 R2 C1 B R12 R3 Figure 9 C3 B N CD u a a J G N a Q2 u AIn m 0 G a U3 a R8 C4 Cartridge Electronics PCA Compnent Locat1on Diagram AUG Ol 76 13255 91032 ...


Page 52: ...1 850 I J f I I 1 f I II h_J t 3 280 c AK 7 i D AO 1 oj Alz rp IO J 7 J2 t 1 r 40 I C T U MOUNTII JcS PROVISIONS Figure 11 CTU Mounting Provisions Diagram AUG Ol 7b 13255 91032 ...

Page 53: ...1 29ce I _L 004 2 T C 3 oi 0 3 T 0 3 Figure 12 Cartridge Outline Diagram AUG 01 76 13255 91032 ...

Page 54: ......

Page 55: ... N 2I 1 HOl EO NO OF l o E OT HO ES l USlt l T t 4 OLE STP l JS fROM T t c TU n J NS O A SEN Ol Y E HOLE I M NGt IS A S FDL LOWS SPEED T1 Tz MIN MI X Mlt J 9 11 IPS 2 S3mS 8 S7ms 2 ms 56 CCA I PS O S7 mS 4 3 toos 3 2 mE MPo Y 2S 2 mc Wlc MIN T3 M 1 2 1 2 sec 2 7 sec 353 rn 450 WI I l lgure 14 Hole Status Format Diagram AUG Ol 7b 13255 91032 ...

Page 56: ...NC HES SE 4 ND E W M K E VD sEND QrVAUDD GJ NO fE T R EAD WR 4 t AO S D1SPLAC e o O l E OLE DE TE roIi BY PPRD IMp L S INC ES 8 A ot t 11 E C LEANk l B Po PPROXIMPrt EL 2 5 NC H S F 1gure 15 valid Record1ng Area Diagram AUG Ol 7b 13255 91032 ...

Page 57: ...Description Mfr Mfr Part Number Designation Number Code 0 tlt0 60021 1 CONNECTOR ASSEMBLY 281t80 02 0 60021 ReVISION DATE 03 26 16 OItCl 031t7 2 BUMPER fOOT 0 25 W 13862 9668 12 1 1881 2 CONNECTOR PC EDGE 22 CONT ROW ROWS 71785 252 22 30 340 ...

Page 58: ...D POll STL 28480 0624 0331 Uto U82 2 wlREFORM 16 IN W 1 42 IN lG MUW 28480 14600 1382 Hto Hll 1 SPRING EXT 12 IH OD 1S IN lG MUW to 28480 1460 1411 1 tt0 1 55 1 SPRING TilSN MUai CD 28480 1460 1455 t040 0998 1 BUTTOH R flEASE 00315 C 0W 4o 1 l98 1 4040 1012 1 BASE 28480 W 40 1012 4040 1095 1 LEVER RELEASE 28480 404G I0g5 02t to 2000o t ROllER LATCH 28480 02660 20006 02t40 40011 1 CLAMP 811110111 2...

Page 59: ...SSEM8LY 28 80 0260 0 60051 REVISION DATE 05 19 16 03tc 0505 1 TER INAL ta TNG R 2 26 22 AWG 28480 0362 0 505 12 1 0610 3 tUNTACT O U W POST TYPE FE tRP U2 08 50 0105 12 l 3201 1 tONNEtTO IN F POST TYPE 2126 09 50 1031 8J 0 2353 _IRE 24AWG W 300V pvt 1X32 80C 28480 8150 2353 91to OOlt8 1 tOIL TACM 2400 100 TURNS 28984 HO 1t3 AWG ...

Page 60: ...N DAH 03 13 16 06 03 H 3 SCREW TP 2 56 5 IN LG PAN HD TORX STL 93907 235 02020 012 lItCo O 49 1 CA8LE TIE 062 625 DIA 09l WC NYL 59730 TY8 23M a l ttO 1383 2 SPRING CPRSN l8 IN OD 312 IN LG MUW CD U830 LC 0268 2 JO 0 1Jo15 1 WASHER fl M LC NO 2 089 IN IG 16921 5712 156 32 40lto lOU 1 HEAD MOUNT 281taO 0 10U 9Hlt OOOl 1 HEAo CART T APE 281t80 916 0061 ...

Page 61: ...on Mfr Mfr Part Number Designation Number Code 02t 0 6001 1 MAGNET ASSEMILY 28 80 02 O OO01 REVISION DATE 03 13 16 O 10 0515 ADHESIVE A8lESTlK 293 lT EPOXY 1 PART 21109 293 lT 1520 1180 2 POl f PIECE 28 IO 1 530 1180 91to 02 Q 1 MAGNET 28 80 9160 020 0 ...

Page 62: ... Part Number Designation Number Code 02t 0 60076 1 DISC CAPSTAN ASSEH8lY l8 80 OZ640 60016 REVISICN DATE 03 1 76 15 0 1781 1 MOTOR CAPST AH 28 O 153er1l81 16 0 0491 1 DISC TACH 872 DIA 28 ao 16GO OU1 0 0 01 2 2 SCREW SET 2 56 125 IN lG SMALL CUP PT 2nao 303O 01 ...

Page 63: ...ACJ CO N U POST TYPE fEM CRP 27264 08 50 0105 1251 2505 2 CONNECTOR 2 PIN fUTILITY 27264 03 09 1022 12 1 2600 4 CONTACT CONN FEM CRP 093 IN CCNT Sl 27264 02 09 1116 1251 3271 1 CONNECTOR PIN F POST TYPE 2721M 09 50 7041 8150 1540 IRE 22A G Bl 300V PVC 7X30 aoc 28480 8150 1540 8150 1542 WIRE 22AWG R 300V PY 7X30 80C 28480 8150 1542 8l o 1550 IRE 22AIIG W SK 300Y PVC 7X30 80C 28480 8150 1550 8 BO 15...


Page 65: ...To Z152 F 61 _zo 0157 01t62 RESISTOR nK 11 125 f lC 0 100 2 51t6 CIt 1 8 T0 7502 F KU 0157 0462 RE iISTOR 75K 11 1Z5111 F TC 0 l00 24546 CIt 1 8 T0 7502 f k_Z 06 8 3453 2 RESISHIR 196K l 125111 F TC 0 100 24546 CIt 1 8 To 1963 f 1t 9 06S8 3158 2 RESISTOR 23 7K l 125111 F TC 0 100 Z1t546 C4 1 8 To Z312 F R u 0157 031t6 2 RESISTOR 10 l 125111 f TCs O I00 21t51t6 CIt 1 8 TO 1oao F It u 0811 1552 1 RE...

Page 66: ...SNllt2bN T1L QUAD 2 NAND 01295 SN7426N Ull 18 0 1208 1 IC DIGITAl SN11tlS32N TTL lS QUAD 2 OR 01295 SN14lS32N uu 18 0 11tlb 1 IC DIGITAL SN14lSIitN TTL lS HEX 1 INY 01295 SNHLSUN U14 IB 0 li02 1 IC DIGITAl SN14lS10N TTL lS TPL 3 NAND 01295 SN14lSlIN Ul 1B41o 1It25 1 lC DIGlTAl SM11tlS132N TTL lS QUAD 2 NAND fU295 SN71tlS1J2N U1u 1 8 0 09B1 1 IC DIGITAl CDlt016AY MOS QUAD 81lATl 02135 CO QI6AV Ull ...

Page 67: ...2 3 IC DIGITAL SN74LS109 TTL LS DUAL 01295 SN74LSI09N IJld 18 0 1 01 1 Ie DIGITAL SN7 tLSQ8N TTL lS QUAD 2 AND 01295 SN7ltLSOSN 1J1 18 0 1203 3 IC DIGITAL SN7ltLS11N TTL LS TPl 3 AND 01295 SN7ltLSllN 1J21 18 0 1112 Z It DIGITAL SN7 tLS7 tN TTL LS DUAL 01295 SN74LS7ottN IJ 1d 0 1 09 Ie DIGITAL SN7 tLS38N TTL lS QUAD 2 NAND 01295 SN74LS 38N 1J2 j 1820 1203 It DIGITAL SN7ltLSllN TTL lS TPL 3 AND 0129...

Page 68: ...ANSISTDR Php SI PO 300MW FT 150MHZ 28 80 185 0020 xl 06U O t75 1 RUISTOR 4 7 5 1 25W FC TC 40C 500 01121 CB41G5 k 06S3 5b05 1 RES ISTOR 56 5l 25W FC Te 400 500 01121 C85605 j j 060 1015 1 RESISTOR 100 5l 25 FC TC 400 500 01121 C81 o15 K ObfJ 1525 1 RESISTOR 1 5K 5 25W FC TC 400 100 01121 C81525 H 5 06 3 1035 3 Rt SISIOR 10K 5 1 25W FC TC 400 100 01121 C81 o35 Xb 06 8 3159 1 RESI STaR 26 1K 1 1 12 ...

Page 69: ...o MW 14 0 1440 1 SPRING RSH 12 IN CO 25 1N LG MUW CD 84830 LC Ol4A IMW 15 o 0067 2 SHOCK MOUNT EFF WGT 31 ot 61957 WEll NU T 632 2 Ho 0020 3 WASHER LK HLCl NO S 128 1N ID 28480 2190 0020 23 0 0205 2 S RfW MACH 6 32 75 1N lG PAH HD POll 28480 2360 02OS 30 o 0227 2 WASHER fL MT C HO 6 149 1N IC 80120 AN960C 6 112 5066 1 LABEL 02 6lt0 01 1 PAWL 28UO 02640 40016 021140 600S 1 ASSY CTUBASE 28480 026 0 ...

Page 70: ...9 06 4 029b 2 SCREW TPG 2 56 375 IN LG PAN tiD POll 28480 062 0300 12 1 2 ilO 1 CONNECTOR 2 RIN UTILITY 27260 03 09 2022 141 1 2599 2 CONTACT CGNN MALE CRP 093 IN CONT Sl 27264 02 09 2116 litC Ol t9 1 CASlE TIE 062 625 0IA 091 WO NYL 59730 TY8 23M 8 1 tt l tl 2 1 WIREfOaM 699 IN W 1 032 IN LG MUW CD 28480 10 6D 1U2 21 S Ob89 2 WASHER SRR 8LVL NO 2 093 IN IO 70412 80181 001 31 0 0544 1 MOTOR DC PE ...

Page 71: ...62 0309 06 r 033l 2 SCREW TPG 4 20 25 IN LG PAH HD POll STL 28480 062 0331 19Cjlr043S 1 PHOTDTRANSISIOR VAX 20V BVECOzSV 01263 FPTl20 19Cj 92 1 LED INFRARED IF 100MA MAX BVR 2V VF l 8V 28 80 199 Q Or 92 02t4D 00012 2 SWITCH CONTACT 28UO 02640 00012 02HD 400l 2 PLUNGER 2B 80 026 0 40015 02t4D 60011t 1 ASSY CTU ELICJRONICS 28 80 02640 6 03 02 t lr60066 1 ASSY CABLE TU 28 80 026 0 60066 02 L D 60061 ...

Page 72: ... Number Designation Number Code 1 40 00bo 1 CIU CA8LE ASSEMSlY l8 O 02 0 60066 REVISION DATE 05 1 76 04W Ol JJ 1 GKOMMEt CHANNEL 0 125 W 06915 DSC 1DUROSTAIP SPEC ll 1 2499 2 CONNECTOR 14 PIN M RECTANGULAR 16381 30 06 0000 Iil o 1458 CA RBN 14 28 GA UL 16381 3365 14 ...

Page 73: ...ING 111t 10 5Eltit0 03 006 14to 1448 2 SPRING TRSN MUW CD 28480 lIt60 11t1t8 21c 0 0006 4 WASHER LK HLCL NO 6 141 1N 1 281t80 2190 0006 23t0 021 4 SCREW MACH 6 32 1 315 IN LG PA Ho POZI 281t80 2360 0219 40lo0 1ulit 2 DOOR BEZEL 28ltBO 1t04o 10l t 100100 1015 1 BEZEL 281t80 1t040 1015 02 t4io 000O 1 STIFFENER BiZEl 28 UO 0261t1t 00003 0460 1062 TAPE INDL 375W 3050 0247 4 WASHER 6 FIBER ...
