1. Press UP button or DOWN button until the
CLOCK displays in LCD.
2. Press SET button 2 seconds at least, the SET
will display in LCD.and flash, the "WEEK DAY" will
flash at same time. The time change to SET mode.
You can set the current time now.
3. Press UP button or DOWN button to set the
4. Press SET button once time and release, the
"HOUR" will flash. The "WEEK DAY" will stop
flashing and keep display.
5. Press UP button or DOWN button to set the
6. Press SET button once time and release, the
"MINUTE" will flash. The "HOUR" will stop flashing
and keep display.
7. Press UP button or DOWN button to set the
8. Press SET button once time and release, the
time change to CLOCK mode.
9. To reset incorrect time, repeat above steps.
TIP: When verifying your programs ensure that the
settings do not overlap, especially when using the
block option. If there are program settings
overlapping, the timer ON or OFF will be executed
according to program time, not by program
number. Program OFF has the priority over
program ON. Please verify the timer's operation
mode, if you want to arm the programs, the timer
must be in AUTO mode, and the RANDOM and CD
function must be canceled.
1. Press UP button or DOWN button untill LCD
shows ON _1. The first ON setting can be made
2. Press SET button once and release, the SET will
display in LCD and flash. The "WEEK DAY" will
flash at same time.
3. Press UP button or DOWN button to set the
4. Press SET button once time and release, the
"HOUR"will flash. The "WEEK DAY" will stop
flashing and keep display.
5. Press UP button or DOWN button to set the
6. Press SET button once time and release. The
"MINUTE" will flash, the "HOUR" will stop flashing
and keep display.
7. Press UP button or DOWN button to set the
EXAMPLE; Timer ON at 17:15 and OFF at 22:30
a. Press UP button or DOWN button untill LCD
shows ON_1.
b. Press SET button once and release, the SET will
display in LCD.and flash.The "WEEK DAY" will flash
at same time.
c. Press UP button or DOWN button till the LCD
displays "MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA, SU".
d. Press SET button once time and release, the
"HOUR" will flash the "WEEK DAY" will stop
flashing and keep display.
e. Press UP button or DOWN button till LCD
displays 5:00 PM or 17:00.
f. Press SET button once time and release. The
"MINUTE" will flash, the "HOUR" will stop flashing
and keep display.
g. Press UP button or DOWN button till LCD
displays 5:15 PM or 17:15.
h. Press UP button once and release. LCD displays
i. Repeat the above b, c, d, e, f, and g till LCD
displays 10:30 PM or 22:30.
j. Press MANUAL button till LCD displays AUTO.