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Single-phase Microinverter HMS-350/400/450/500-1T-NA
3. About Product
3.1 About PV Inverter System
A typical grid-tied PV inverter system includes PV modules, PV inverter, meter and power grid, as shown
below. PV inverter converts the DC power generated by PV modules into AC power that meets the require-
ments of the power grid. The AC power is then fed into the grid via meter.
PV module
PV inverter
Grid-connected metering device
Power grid
3.2 About Microinverter
PV Microinverter is a module-level solar inverter that tracks the maximum DC power point of each PV module,
which is known as Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT).
This function of module-level MPPT means that when a PV module fails or is shaded, other modules will not
be affected, boosting the overall power production of the system.
Microinverter can monitor the current, voltage and power of each module to realize module-level data moni-
Moreover, microinverter only carries a few dozen volts of DC voltage (less than 80 volts), which reduces safety
hazards to the greatest extent.
Hoymiles microinverters feature module-level monitoring. Microinverter data are collected by DTU via wire-
less transmission and are sent to Hoymiles motoring platform S-Miles Cloud.