1. Overview
Battery low monitoring gives audible and visual warning at the
GX32CIE. Turning GX32CIE keyswitch to TEST MODE enable location
of low battery to be determined by bleeping the sounder in the defective
Cable link towards end of line is monitored. If cut or severed this is
relayed to GX32CIE to give audible and visual indication. Turning
GX32CIE keyswitch to TEST MODE enables the fault to be located by
bleeping the sounder in the last serviceable unit.
Cable from GX32CIE is constantly monitored for FIRE, SILENCE and
TEST MODE signals
GX32Smi Ionisation Interlinkable Smoke Alarm
Housed in a beige plastic enclosure
Dimensions 110 dia x 35 (mm)
Control and indication:
Red re-assurance LED flashes once every 45 secs.
Piezo sounder approx 2Khz pulsed 96 db at 1m on detection of smoke.
Piezo sounder bleeps periodically to warn of low battery.
Test button to test, battery and functionality of the complete unit
Two way terminal block on smoke alarms to connect via GX32S/1 to
GX32 wiring
2. Specifications.
Power Supply
GX32CIE Control Panel
PP3 Alkaline battery (supplied)
The unit is housed in a plastic enclosure. IP51
Battery low monitor bleeps the piezo sounder. This does NOT signal to
Dimensions 156 x 120 x (55-65) mm.
the GX32CIE.
The control and indication:-
GX32Smi Optical Interlinkable Smoke Alarm
Break glass call point (KAC Type)
Twin Red FIRE LEDs
Housed in a beige plastic enclosure
Single Amber FAULT LED
Dimensions 110 dia x 35 (mm)
Single Green SYSTEM HEALTHY LED (Flashing)
Control and indication:
Integral audible warning device 80db at 1m
Red re-assurance LED flashes once every 45 secs.
Piezo sounder approx 2Khz pulsed 96 db at 1m on detection of smoke.
Two way I/P O/P terminals for connection to first GX32MCP or smoke
Piezo sounder bleeps periodically to warn of low battery.
alarm. 1.0sqmm
Test button to test, battery and functionality of the complete unit
Power Supply:
6 x AA alkaline cells (supplied)
Two way terminal block on smoke alarms to connect via GX32S/1 to
GX32 wiring
Battery low monitor gives audible warning (two bleeps every 15 secs.)
Power Supply
and visual FAULT LED flashing (1 sec. on 15 secs. off) Green SYSTEM
PP3 Alkaline battery (supplied)
HEALTHY LED ceases to flash.
Cable short circuited gives audible warning (two bleeps every 15 secs.)
Battery low monitor bleeps the piezo sounder. This does
signal to
and visual FAULT LED flashing (1 sec. on 15 secs. off) Green SYSTEM
the GX32CIE.
HEALTHY LED ceases to flash.
Cable severed gives audible warning (two bleeps every 15 secs.) and
GX32CAB140 Twin Cable
visual FAULT LED flashing (1 sec. on 15 secs. off) Green SYSTEM
140 metres twin 0.5sqmm hard drawn PVC insulated (yellow & blue)
HEALTHY LED ceases to flash.
and sheathed with hardened red PVC to give a finished diameter of 5mm.
Callpoint/sounder battery low gives both audible warning (two bleeps
Outer sheath is printed with the words FIRE ALARM in black at 215mm
every 15 secs.) and visual FAULT LED flashing (1 sec. on 15 secs. off)
intervals. This is NOT a fire resistant cable.
Green SYSTEM HEALTHY LED ceases to flash.
If the keyswitch is inadvertantly left in the SILENCE position an audible
The GX32 system parts are available individually or in kit form. Two kits
(rapid bleeps) and visual FAULT LED warning is given. Green SYSTEM
are currently available:
HEALTHY LED ceases to flash.
If the keyswitch is inadvertently left in the TEST position an audible
warning is given by a single bleep every 5 secs. and the green SYSTEM
HEALTHY LED ceases to flash.
1 x GX32CIE Control Panel
4 x GX32MCP Call Point / Sounders
1 x GX32CAB140 140metres twin red cable
GX32MCP Callpoint / Sounder
4 x CABCLIP5RBK boxes of 100 5mm black clips
The unit is housed in a red plastic enclosure. IP51 (KAC World Series
1 x GX32CIE Control Panel
Dimensions 90 x 90 x 65 (mm)
4 x GX32MCP Call Point / Sounders
Control and indication:
2 x GX32SMi interlinkable smoke alarms
Breakglass (or deformable element) to active alarm
1 x GX32CAB140 140metres twin red cable
Plastic reset key
4 x CABCLIP5RBK boxes of 100 5mm black clips
Piezo sounder approx 2Khz pulsed 96 db at 1m
Facility to select end of line unit
Both the above kits include batteries and fixing screws etc…
4 way terminal 1.0sqmm. Two for cable from direction of panel, two for
cable leading towards end of line.
2 way terminal for link to select end of line EOL
Power Supply:
1 x PP3 Alkaline battery.
The GX32 fire alarm system has been designed to meet the
requirements of the Work Place regulations for electrically powered fire
alarm systems. As a manual system the GX32 complies with BS5839
Pt.1 AppG and also BS5839 Pt.6 Grade C for battery powered smoke
alarms when used with the optional interlinkable smoke alarms.
Because each Callpoint/Sounder has its own battery and
comprehensive cable monitoring between all units, the system sections
will continue to function individually even if the cables are cut or short-
circuited. For this reason more economical cable can be used than is
possible with conventional fire alarm systems.
Battery life is approximately 12 months but will depend upon usage. A
battery fault monitor is incorporated in each Callpoint/Sounder and the
Control Panel.
Up to 32 GX32MCP Callpoint/Sounders can be connected to a
GX32CIE. The system must be connected as shown in the
accompanying wiring diagram. It is
possible to use spur wiring. The
polarity of the wiring is important.
A battery fault in any callpoint/sounder will be reported as a fault to the
GX32CIE. However although the GX32SMi smoke alarms have a battery
fault this will only give local warning it will
be reported to the
GX32 Fire Alarm System
W:\Tech\Gemini GX32\Common\Installation Instructions\60074.cdr Page 2 Sep 2009 Iss 2
T. 01744 886600 E. [email protected]
F. 01744 886607 W. www.hoyles.com
Hoyles Electronic Developments Ltd