Different localities and countries have different laws governing riding
on public roads, and you should check with local officials to ensure
you are complying with these laws.
Hover-1 is not liable for tickets or violations given to riders who do not
follow local laws and regulations.
• For your safety, always wear a helmet that meets CPSC or CE
safety standards. In the event of an accident, a helmet can protect
you from serious injury and in some cases, even death.
• Obey all local traffic laws. Obey red and green lights, one-way
streets, stop signs, pedestrian crosswalks, etc.
• Ride with traffic, not against it.
• Ride defensively; expect the unexpected.
• Give pedestrians the right-of-way.
• Do not ride too close to pedestrians and alert them if you intend to
pass them from behind.
• Slow down at all street intersections and look to the left and right
before crossing.
Your Superstar is not equipped with reflectors. It is not recommended
that you ride in conditions of low visibility.
Think about safety when you ride. You can prevent many
accidents if you think about safety. Below is a helpful checklist for
Compact riders.
When you ride in low-visibility conditions
such as fog, dusk, or night, you might be
difficult to see, which could lead to a
collision. In addition to keeping your
headlight on, wear bright, reflective
clothing when riding in poor lighting