Hotpoint RVM115J Use And Care Manual Download Page 28

Summary of Contents for RVM115J

Page 1: ...s 2 5 CookingCompleteReminder 8 ProblemSolver 30 CookingGuide 21 D QuickSet 12 13 CooktopLight 28 SafetyInstructions 2 5 Defrosting 11 TimeCook 10 DefrostingGuide 19 20 TimeDefrost 11 ExhaustFan 6 29 Warranty BackCover ExtensionCords 29 Features 8 GlossaryofMicrowave Terms 15 GreaseFilter 29 GroundingInstructions 29 Heatingor ReheatingGuide 17 18 GEAnswerCenter HoldTime 9 800 626 2000 Use andCare ...

Page 2: ... aroundthedoor e Lightreflectionarounddooror outercase Dimmingovenlightandchange in blowersoundmayoccurwhile operatingatpowerlevelsother thanhigh Dullthumpingsoundwhileoven is operating SomeTV Radio interference mightbe noticedwhileusingyour microwave oven It ssimilartothe interferencecausedbyothersmall appliancesanddoesnotindicatea problemwithyouroven 1 youneedservice Toobtainservice seethe Consu...

Page 3: ...oratory orindustrial use Seedoorsurface cleaning instructions onpage28 TMS appliance shouldbe serviced onlybyquaWled service personnel Contactnearest authorized servicefacilityfor examination repairoradjustment ith anyappliance close supervision isnecessary when wedbychildren Toreducetheriskoffirein theoven cavity W notovercook food CarefiUy attend appliance ifpaper plastic orothercombustible mate...

Page 4: ...ofovercooking conditions asare glassorceramicmaterials and maysoftenorcharifsubjected to shortperiodsofovercooking In longerexposures toovercooking thefoodandcookware could ignite Forthesereasons 1 Use microwave safe plasticsonlyand usetheminstrictcompliance withthecookware manufacturer s recommendations 2 Donot subjectemptycookware to microwaving 3 Donotpermit childrentouseplasticcookware without...

Page 5: ...iteandspread if efiaust fan is operating To minimizeautomaticfanoperation useadequatesizedcookwareand usehighheatonlywhennecessary ln the event of a greasefirey smotherflaming panonsurface unitbycovering pancompletely withweH fitting lid cookiesheet orfiattray Never flamefoodsunder theovenwiththe exhaustfan operatingbecauseitmayspread theflames Keep hoodand greasefilters c1a according toinstructio...

Page 6: ...ECT ER Thisfeatureusesno microwave energy It functionsas eithera kitchentimer asaholding periodafterdefrostor asatimerbeforetimecooking Seepage9 8 CLEAR OFF Whentouched itshutsofftheoven anderasesall settings excepttimeofday 9 EXHAUST FAN PressHI LOor OFF forthe differentfanspeeds 10 NU ER PADS Touchthesepadstoentercooking time defrostingtime timeofdayorpowerlevel U QUICKSETCONTROL Usethispad asa ...

Page 7: ... o e o 7 ...

Page 8: ...enallowscookingto beviewed whilekeepingmicrowaves confined in oven 4 NIodeI andSerialNumbeH 5 OvenVent 6 OvenLight Lightcomeson whendooris openedor whenoven isoperatingin anyfunction 7 TouchControl ne and DigitalDisplay Fordetailed informationoneachfeature seepages6 and7 Thisistocertifythat C F M SONES thtis unithasbeentested at0 10WG 5 5Vert in conformance withAMCA 230Vert 6 7Her BulletinNo 210 2...

Page 9: ...or holdtime bytouchingMIN SECTIMERpad Thedisplayshows O and ENTERTIME flashes Step5 Touch1 0 0 andOtohold for 10minutes 10 00 appearson displayand TIME flashes Step 6 TouchTIMECOOK1 2 pad Thedisplayshows O and POWER10 ENTERCOOK TIMEI flashes 9 StepZ Touch2 5 0 andOfor25 minutesofcookingtime COOK TIME flashesand 25 00 and POWER 10 appearondisplay Step8 TouchSTART pad DEF TIME and 15 00 counting dow...

Page 10: duringyourcookingoperations Here showtodoit Step1 Placefoodinovenin microwave safe containerandclose thedoor Step Displayshows POWER 10 and COOKTIMEI countingdown Step8 Attheendof COOK TIME1 the secondpowerlevelis displayed and COOKTIMEII is showncountingdown Step9 Whentimeisup theoven signalsanddisplayflashes End Theoven lightandfanshutoff Step10 Openthedoor OOk Watch TheCook91 d Watchfeaturei...

Page 11: ...ed If thefoodisin a foilcontainer transferit to a microwave safe dish Checkthe DefrostingGuidefor otherdefrostingtips Howto change PowerUvel Aftersettingdefrostingtime touchPOWERLEVELpad thentouchdesirednumberfor newpowerlevel QuestiomandAmwers Q WhenI touchSTMT pad I heara dullthumpingnoise Whatisit A Thissoundisnormal It is lettingyouknowtheovenisusinga powerlevellowerthan 10 High Q CanI defrost...

Page 12: ... It salsoeasyto makecodesformanyotherrecipes Justselectoneor twodigits representingthelengthofcooking timedesired andafinaldigitfor thepowerlevelrequired The codesgivenontheguiderepresent theminimumtimeneededtoavoid overcooking whichcandry out foodandmakeit tastelessand tough Ifyoufeelthatmore cookingisneeded addadditional timebychangingthefirstdigitof thecode Youcannotaddseconds tothecycletime co...

Page 13: ...old Cheese Bread Yeast 1loaf Chocolate ChipBars NutBreadMix 1loa 60 27 60 110 105 50 w Pudding Mix 3 oz pkg 60 Beverages Coffee Soup 1cup 10 MilkBases 1CUP 28 FrozenFoods Defrost Note Times given below areforentiredefrost cycle Usuallyfoodmustberotated brokenuporturnedover whiledefrosting CheckCookingGuideforspecific information Cake WholeIced 23 Chicken Cut up 2 3 lbs 123 DessertTopping Whipped 1...

Page 14: ...stopreventover browning When inicrowaving youusesmallstripsoffoiltoshieldthin parts suchasthetipsofwingsandlegsonpoultry which ould cookbeforelargerparts Arcing Sparkscausedbytoomuchmetalinthe microwave ovenormetaltouchingthesideoftheovenor foilthatisnotmoldedtofood PrickFoodstoReleasePressure Steambuildsup pressureinfoodsthataretightlycovered byaskinor membrane Prickfoods suchaspotatoes asyoudo c...

Page 15: donotheat babyfoodinjars evenwithoutlids becausefoodwillheatunevenly Do notwarmfoodsinnarrow necked bottlesbecausepressurecanbuildup Cookingandheating Heatingandservingoffoodsandbeverages Styrofoam willmeltif food is toohotor if foodiscookedfora longtime Cookingandheating Heatingandsomecooking Followdinnerwaremanufacturer s recommendations Avoidusingdisheswithmetaltrim Absorbingmoisture andprev...

Page 16: ...withplasticwrap Microwave pastrybitesuncovered toretaintheircrispness BakeryFoom Cake coffeecake doughnuts sweetrolls nut or fruit bread Dinnerrolls muffins J Pie fruit nutor custard 1slice of9 in pie useminimumtimeforcustard 1piece 2 pieces 4 pieces 9 in cakeor 12rollsor doughnuts 1 2 4 6t08 1slice 2 slices 4 slices 9 in pie Low 3 Low 3 Low 3 Low 3 Medium 5 Medium 5 Medium 5 Medium 5 High 10 High...

Page 17: ... ofmeatslicesorpieces rotatedish1 2turnafterhalfofcookingtime PlateOfhftovers Meat plus2 vegetables 1plate High 10 3to4 min Tip Coverplateoffoodwithwaxpaperorplasticwrap Sandwiches Meat cheesefilling with2 slicesofbread 1to 2servings 3to4 servings Meal High 7 Meal High 7 1to3 min 3 to4 min Moistfilling Sloppy Joes barbecue hamsalad 1to2 servings Meal High 7 1to2 min etc inbun cupperserving 3to4 se...

Page 18: ...irsthalfoftime 2 to 1 lto2 2 7ta9 2t04 2t03 none lto2 1 none none 2t03 4to6j French toast 2slices Nruitor nut pie 8in Poundcake 11 Moz Turnoverafterfirsthalfoftime Letstand5minutesbeforeserving Rearrange afterfirsthalfoftime Sweetroils 8 to 12OZ h f d Power Level Defrost 3 Fillets Pre packaged 1lb 4t05 5t07 Placeunopened packageinoven Iffishis frozeninwater placein Freshlyfrozen 1lb 4t05 5t07 cook...

Page 19: ...toverafterfirsthalfof time Defrostforsecondhalfoftime Letstandfor30minutesto1hour Turnoverafierfirsthalfoftime Letstand5minutes Turnoverafterfirsthalfoftime Letstand15minutes Rotatepackage1 4turnafierfirsthalfoftime Letstand5minutes Turnoverandseparateafterfirsthalfoftime Remove pattiesas theythaw Placeunwrapped ribsincooking dish Turnoverafterfirsthalfoftime Aftersecondhalfoftime separatepieceswi...

Page 20: ...esserts 1 Always usemicrowave safe cookware 4 Coolcakeindishsetdirectlyonheat proof surfaceor wooden 2 Beforeaddingmeasuredamountofbatter greasedishesorline board10to 15minutesbeforeinverting themwithwaxpaper Donotflour 5 Crustoncakeswillbesoft If cakeistobefrosted refrigerate 3 Cakesaredonewhentoothpickor longskewerinsertedinto cakeforanhourtofirmexteriorsurface centercomesoutclean 6 ChiffonandAn...

Page 21: ...cup wholetoastedalmonds Spreadoverwax paperoncookiesheet Chilluntilfirm Inlargeglassbowl melt1 4cupbutter Add 1O OZ packagemarshmallows coverwith waxpaperandmicrowave tomelt Stirin5 cupscrispyricecereal Pressfirmlyinto buttereddish Covergrahamcrackerwithchocolateand marshmallow Coverpastaandricewhilemicrowaving Whenusingplastic wrap turnbackonecornertovent Stirorrearrangeafterhalfofcookingtime Dra...

Page 22: ...waterwithspoon andslipineggsgently Cover Microwave at Medium 5 Y2 to 1minuteper egg Let standinwaterafewminutes Pourfillingintoprecooked 9 inchpieshell Scrambleeggswith1teaspoonbutterand 1tablespoon milkper egg Placeinovenand microwave forhalfoftotaltime Stirset portions fromtheoutside tothecenter Allow tostand1or2 minutestofinishcooking Fishand seafood 1 Fishisdonewhenitflakeseasilywhentestedwith...

Page 23: ...eameatthermometer whilecooking makesureitis safeforuseinmicrowave ovens a Powerhvel Time Food ontiiner cover orlnte gnal Temp ommenh e Beef Ground crumbled forcasseroles or soup 1lb 1 lbs Meatballs 1lb 2lbs Meatloaf Roundloa Loafshape Wtties 4pattiesperlb 1to2patties 3 to4 patties Pot roasts Simmeredbeef cornedbeefor brisket Casserole Roundor oblongdish Pieplateor loafdish Oblongglass dish withtri...

Page 24: ...axpaper Cooking bag Waxpaper Plasticwrap Cooking bag Waxpaper Waxpaper High 10 High 10 Medium 5 High 10 Medium 5 Medium 5 High 10 High 10 to1min 1to1 min 2t02 min 2 to3 min 15to19min perlb 10to 15min 10to 13min 13to16min 16to19min 15to19min perlb 1 2 to min perlink 3t05min Arrangeinsinglelayeronpapertowelsoron trivetsetindish Coverwithapapertowel To microwave morethan1layerofbacon usean oblongdish...

Page 25: ...rushwithbrowning sauce or broiltopsurfaceofcookedbirduntil brownandcrisp rkey breast Oblongdish Cookingbag Medium 5 13to 15min Tieribstobreastcavity Placebreastin perlb cookingbag Closesecurelywithplastictie Placebreast side down indish Slashbag onundersidenearclosuretovent Turnover afterhalfofcookingtime Vegewbles 1 Always usemicrowave safe cookware 4 Covervegetables whencooking Ifusingplasticwra...

Page 26: ...14min 3to5 min 6t08min 6to8 min 5 to7 min 8to 11min In2 qt casserole place1 2cupwater In2 qt oblongglassbakingdish place 1 4cupwater Rotatedishafterhalfoftime In I qt casserole In l qt casserole place3tablespoons water In 1 or2 qt casserole place1 4cup water In2 or 3 qt casserole place1 4cupwater In 1 qt casserole place1 4cupwater In l qt casserole place2 tablespoons water In2 qt casserole place1 ...

Page 27: ...randcleanser onthepaintedsurfacessuchasthe walls It mayscratchthepaint HowtoCleantheOubide Case Cleantheoutsideofyour ovenwithsoapanda dampcloth rinsewitha dampclothandthen dry Wipethewindowcleanwitha dampcloth Chrometrimis best wipedwitha dampclothandthen witha drytowel ControlRnel Wipewitha damp cloth Dry thoroughly Do notuse cleaningsprays largeamountsof soapandwater abrasivesor sharp objectson...

Page 28: the frame slot on the back of tileopening useofthegroundingplug an esult in ariskofelectricshock TheEfiaust Feature INSUREPROPER GROUND EXISTS Fig 1 BEFORE USE Consulta qualifiedelectricianor servicetechnicianifthegrounding instructionsarenotcompletely understood or ifdoubtexistiasto whethertheapplianceis properly grounded Pullfilterupwardandtothefront tolockintoplace Tocleangreasefilter soak t...

Page 29: ...oven Touch TIMECOOK1 2padandadditional cooking timeforcompletion eIncorrectpowerlevelentered Checkcooking Guide forrecommended powerlevel Dishwasnotrotated turnedorstirred Somedishesrequirespecificinstructions CheckCookingGuideorrecipeforinstructions Toomanydishesinovenatsametime Cookingtimemustbeincreasedwhencooking morethanonefooditem CheckCookingGuidetimerecommendations IncorrectQuickSetCodesen...

Page 30: ...rchase a GE contract while your warranty is still in effect and you llreceive a substantial discount With a multipleyear con tract you re assured of future service at tociay sprices Telecommunication Device fortheDeaf Parts gndAccessories fif10 626 2QD2 hdvidu qu ed to service their own appliances can have needed parts or accessories sent directly to their home free of shipping charge Our parts sy...

Page 31: ...ACTORYSERV CE GENERAL ELECTRiC HOTPOiNT FACTORYSERViCE or HOTPOiNT CUSTOMERCARE SERViCE WHAT Is No COVERED eservice trips 0your home 0 teach you how to use the product Read your Useand Care material if you then have any questicns about operating the product piease contact your deaier or our Consumer Affairs office at the address beiow or caii toii free GE Answer Center 800 626 2000 consumer inform...
