Hotpoint RGB744GEJ Use And Care Manual Download Page 5

Summary of Contents for RGB744GEJ

Page 1: ...ling 5 CookwareTips 8 Lift Up Cooktop 16 Drip Pans 16 20 Minute Timer 10 Flame Size 8 Model and Serial Numbers 2 LightingInstructions 8 Oven 9 10 Warranty Back Cover Air Adjustment 21 Baking BakingGuide 11 12 Broiler Pan and Rack 16 20 Broiling Broiling Guide 14 Control Settings 9 Door Removal 17 Light Bulb Replacement 10 17 Oven BottomRemoval 17 Oven Timer 10 Preheating 11 12 Roasting Roasting Gu...

Page 2: ...iately contactthe dealer or builder that soldyouthe range i mOn Ye Before you request service e Check the Problem Solver on page23 It listscauses ofminor operating problems that youcan corret tyourself The California SafeDrinking Water and ToxicEnforcement Act requires the GOvernorOf California to publisl alistof substartces hOW to the state tocausecancer birthdefects or otherreproductive harmand ...

Page 3: ...p Theycould damage therangeandeventipit overcausing severe personal injury CAUTION ITEMSOF mTEwsT To CHILDMN SHOULD NmBEsmm IN cABImm mow A MNGE OR ON Tm BAcmPLmH OF AmGG CHILDREN CLIMBING ON T14E MNGE m REACH ITEMS COULD BE SENOUSLY INJURED Q tit burner grates and other surfacesCool beforetoueting themor leavingthemwhere childrenCanreach them oN ever wearloosefittingor hanginggarlmenkwlli e using...

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Page 5: ...sheetof l 4 inch thickplywoodbetween therangeandcarpeting men theJoor coveting endsat the front o therange thearea thatthe rangewillreston shouldbebuiltup withplywoodor similarmaterialto thesamelevelor higherthanthe floor covering This willallowthe rangetobe movedforcleaningor servicing bveling theRange LevelingIegsare locatedoneach corner ofthebaseofthe range Removethe bottomdrawer on modelsso eq...

Page 6: ...b ModelRGB744GEJ 6 ...

Page 7: ...eaning Indicator 18 I 12 Cooktop Light Switch 8 13 Oven Vent 9 14 Oven Interior Light 9 e i 15 Oven Light Switch Lsr m l lets you turn interior oven light on and of 9 16 Oven Shelves 9 17 2 easily removedor repositioned on shelf supports 2 I17 Oven Shelf Supports 9 I 17 20 I I 18 Broiler Pan and Rack Q 19 RemovableOven Door 17 e easily removed for ovencleaning 20 Lift Up CooktoP locks n up positio...

Page 8: ...ol for cookingmethods Glass There are two types of glass cookware those for ovenuse only and those for top of rangecooking saucepans coffeeand teapots Glass conductsheat very slowly When using aluminum or aluminum clad s inless steel pok and pans adjust the flame so the circle it makesis about 1 2inch smaller than the bottomof the cookware ToLight a surface Burner Heatproof Glass Ceramic Can be us...

Page 9: ... SET and OVEN TEMP controls should be turned to OFF wheneverthe ovenis not in use The O N TEW control maintainsthe temperature you set for normal ovenoperation as well as for broiling For normal oven operation push in and turn the knob to the desired temperature which is marked in 25 increments It will normally take 30 to 60 seconds before the flame comes on After the oven reaches the selected tem...

Page 10: ...the center knob clockwise withou pushi zg irz untilthepointerreaches the number of minutes you want to time up to 60 At the end of the set time a buzzer sounds to tell you time is up Turn the knob withoutpushingin until the pointer reaches OFF and the buzzer stops This Timer will automaticallystart and stopyour ovenfor you Here s what YOU do 1 Make sure bothyour rangeclock andthe STARTdialshowthec...

Page 11: ...dgesofcrust toothin Incorrect bating temperature Bottom crust soggyand unbaked AIIOW crust and or fillingto COO1 sufficientlybeforefillingpie shell Fillingmaybe too thinorjuicy Fillingallowedto standin pie shell beforebaking Fillpieshelisand bakeimmediately Ingredientsand proper measuring affectthe quality ofthe crust Usea tested recipe and goodtechnique Make surethere are notinyholesor tears in a...

Page 12: ...ans A B B A Cakes withoutShofiening 4nge1food fellyroll sponge Zakes lundt cakes upcakes ruitcakes Twopiece pan is convenient Line pan with waxedpaper 41uminum be Pan WetalJelly Roll Pan Metalor Ceramic Pan 30 55 10 15 45 60 A B A 325 3500 350 375 275 3000 350 3750 350 3750 350 325 3500 350 400 400 4250 375 4000 350 4000 300 3500 325 45 65 20 25 2 4 hrs 20 35 5 30 40 60 25 35 10 20 6 12 7 12 tieta...

Page 13: ...edtemperature mozen Roasts Frozen roastsofbeef pork lamb etc can be startedwithout thawing but allow 15to 25 minutes per poundadditionaltime 15 minutesper pound for roastsunder 5 pounds more time for larger roasts Thaw most frozenpoultrybefore roastingto ensureevendoneness Some commercialfrozen poultry can be cookedsuccessfullywithout thawing Followdirectionsgiven on packer slabel Oven Approxin at...

Page 14: ...for bestbroiling results Pan broilthinner ones pierced m atlosesjuices Broiling Guide Quantity andlor Thickness IA IL about8 thin slices l lb 4patties zto in thick l in thick 1to 1X lbs l _in thick 2to2 h lbs 1whole 2t02Yz lbs split lengthwise 2 4 slices 1pkg 2 2 split 2 4 l lb fillets X to 1 in thick l in thick 2 fiin 2 1 in thick about 1lb 2 1 in about IOto 12 oz 2 l in about 1lb l lb pkg 10 she...

Page 15: ... number of precautions youcan taketo avoidmarring the surface of the rangeand to prevent it from becomingdull Don tslide heavypans across it If you spill foodswith a lot of acid tomatoes sauerkraut fruitjuices etc or foodswith high sugarcontent clean them up as soon as possible If allowedto remain these foods could cause a dull spot Also no matter how stubborn the food stain never use harsh abrasi...

Page 16: ...h the surface Instead soak the drip pans for about20 minutesin slightlydiluted liquid cleanser or mild solutionof ammoniaand water 1 2cup of ammoniato one gallon of water Afier soaking wash them in hot soapywater Rinse with clean water and polish with a clean softcloth Do not attempt to clean the drip pans in the self cleaningoven When replacing drip pans the notch on the rear pan and the notch on...

Page 17: ...oin or screwdriver I Note Care shouldbe taken not to place hands between the spring hinge and the ovendoor frame as the hingecould snap back and pinch fingers To replace the door make sure the hinges are in the out position Positionthe slotsin the bottom of the door squarely over the hinges Then lower the door slowly and To remove Hold hand under lamp buIb cover so it doesn tfall when released Wit...

Page 18: ...ome drip pans from the top of yotilrrange should never be cleanedin tile self cieaning oven How to set the oven for cleaning step 1 Set the automaticoventimer Make sure both the range clock and the STARTdial showthe correct time of day Decide on cleaning hours necessary twohours for moderate soil or three to four hours for heavy soil QAdd these hours to present time of day then push in and turn ST...

Page 19: cleaned Q can I clean the woven Gasket around the oven door A No this gasket is essential for a good ovenseal and care must be taken not to rub damage or move this gasket Q What should I do if excessive Smokingoccurs during Cleaning A This is caused by excessivesoil and you should switchthe OVEN SET knob to OFF Open windows to rid room of smoke Allow the oven to cool for at least one hour bef...

Page 20: ... fat smatterings etc washwith soap and water When cooled and then rinse Polish with a dry cloth LJsea mild solution of soap and water Do not use anyharsh abrasives or leaning powderswhich may scratch or mar surface Removeovendoor see page 17 Clean with soap and water and replace Avoidgetting ANY cleaning materials on the gasket 001 before cleaning Frequent wiping with nlild soap and water will pro...

Page 21: ...tmentshutterfor the top broil burner is in the upper right handcorner near the rear wall of the oven Toadjilstthe flowofair toeither burr er loosen thePhillipshead screwand rotatethe shutterto allowmore or lessair intothe burner tube as needed I The flame for the top roil burner should be steadywith approximatelyl inch blue cones and should not extendout overthe baffle edges The shutter for the bo...

Page 22: ...the center of the knob skirt with a series of marks oppositea pointer Loosen locking G Note position of pointer to marl s before adjustment onlythe scre vs Note to which mark thepointer is pointing Tomakean adjustment carefullyloosen approximately one turn but do notcompletely removethe two screwsthat hold the skirtto the knob Holdthe knob blade in one hand andthe outer skirt in the other hand Tor...

Page 23: a livepoweroutlet Checkforblown fuseor tripped circuitbreaker Bulb maybe locse or burned out Electrical plug mustbepluggedintoa livepoweroutlet e AutomaticTimer notsetor notsetproperly The dial mustbe setand advanced at least half anhour beyond thetime notedon the STARTdial SELF CLEAN I OVENSET knob must be setat CLEAN setting Ovendoor latch notmovedto therightas far as itwillgo I STRONG ODOR I...

Page 24: ...ct Read your Use and Care material If you then have any questions about operating the product please contact your dealer or our Consumer Affairs office at the address below or call toll free GE Answer Center 800 626 2000 consumer information service Replacement of house fuses or resetting of circuit breakers Failure of the product if it is used for other than its intended purpose or used commercia...
