Hotpoint RE44 Use And Care Manual Download Page 4

Summary of Contents for RE44

Page 1: ...L Features p5 Cooking p6 Defrosting p7 Use andCare of model RE44 39 4K5 ii Defrosting Heating Cooking hide p8 Questions UsetheProblem Solver p22 ...

Page 2: ...mbersarealsoonthe ConsumerProductOwnership Registration Cardthatcamewith yourMicrowave Oven Before sendinginthiscard pleasewrite thesenumbershere Model Number Serial Number Usethesenumbersin any correspondence or servicecalls concerningyourMicrowave Oven Theelectricoutputofthis microwave ovenis500watts BesureyourMicrowave hen isregistered It isimportantthatweknowthe locationofyourMicrowave Oven sh...

Page 3: ...lacethefront surface ofthedoorthree inches or morebackfromthecountertop edgetoavoidaccidental tipping oftheappliance innormal usage fusedoncountertop e Do notcover orblockany openings ontheappliance a DO notuse outdoors Donotimmerse power cordor pluginwater Keeppowercord awayfrom heated surfaces Do not letpower cordhangover edgeoftableorcounter 3 Donotoperate thisappliance ifithasadamaged power co...

Page 4: ...g recommended inamicrowave oFoods ooked inliquids such oven Pressure canbuildup aspasta maytendtoboilover inside theeggyolkandmaycause more rapidly thanf ds contai ng ittoburst resulting ininjury lessmoisture Shoddthisoccur oFoo withunbroken outer refer topage 20for instructio s on skid suchaspotatoes sausages how tockxm theinside oftheqven tomatoes apples chicken livers 0 ermometer o not andother...

Page 5: ...OvenVent 6 ModeStirrerCover Protects themicrowave energydistributing system Do notremovethiscover Youwilldamagetheoven 7 GlassCooking hay Traymust be inplacewhenusingtheoven Cookingperformancewillbe unsatisfactory withoutthetray inplace Thetraymayberemoved forcleaning 5 8 35 MinuteTimerwith expandedfirstfiveminutes Set timertodesiredcookingor defrostingtime Settingthetimer startstheoven whenthedoo...

Page 6: ...umtime testthefoodfor doneness andcookyourdisha littlelonger ifnecessary Q Whathappensif I accidentally operatethemicrowave oven withoutfoodinit Note Tosettimerlessthan2minutes A Accidental useforshort turntheTimerControlpast2 and periodsoftimedoesnotdamage themagnetronbutit isnot thenbacktothedesiredtime recommended Step4 Whentimeisup theoven Q Can 1interrupt the cooking sounds ovenlightandfanshu...

Page 7: ...tingtimeto startoven Step4 Whenoventurnsoff turn packageover closedoor andset timerforremainingdefrosting time 7 Q WhenI turntheTimer Controlandstarttheoven I hear a dullthumpingnoise Whatis it A Thissoundisnormal Itisletting youknowtheovenisusinga Power LevellowerthanHIGH Q Whydon tthedefrosting timesintheDefrostingGuide seemrightformyfood A Thesetimesareaverage Defrostingtimecanvaryaccording tot...

Page 8: ...continue microwaving 3 5minutes ifnecessary Spareribs 2 4 2 3 Placewrappedpackageinmicrowave oven lhrn over Pork 2lbs per pound perpound afterfirsthalfoftime Aftersecondhalfoftimeseparate pieceswithtableknife Letstandtocompletedefrosting w Steaks 4 6 4 5 Placeunwrapped meatinsinglelayerincookingdish Chops per pound perpound inoven Tbrnoverafterfirsthalfoftimeandseparate Cutlets defrosted pieceswit...

Page 9: ...gdish Ihrnoverafter firsthalfoftime Aftersecondhalfoftime holdunder coldwatertoseparate Letstand5 minutes ShelHish 6 6 8 Spreadshellfishinsinglelayerinbakingdish Rearrange smallpieces piecesafterfirsthalfoftime Letstand5 minutes 1lb Shellfish 3 4 2 3 Placeblockincasserole Ihrnoverandbreakupwith biocks forkafterfirsthalfoftime Crabmeat 6oz Shellfish 3 4 3 4 Arrangeincookingdishwithlightundersideup ...

Page 10: ...ceonmicrowave safe plateif 17 19 oz necessary Letstand20 30minutes tocomplete defrosting Fruit Pies Fruit 10 16 oz 6 8 None Remove fromfoilandplaceinmicrowave safe container ifnecessary Placepackageinmicrowave oven After minimum time breakupwithfork Repeatifnecessary orletstand5 minutes Fruit in plasticpouch looz 4 5 None Placepackageinmicrowave oven Flexpackageonce Fruitpie 10 16 None Letstand20 ...

Page 11: ...ili 1to2 servings 5 8 chopsuey spaghetti stew 3 to4 servings 7 1o 1cupserving 1can 16oz 6 8 Hamburgers or meatloaf 1to2 servings 2 4 4oz perserving 3 to4 servings 4 6 HotDogsandsausages lto2 1 2 3t04 2 3 Riceandpasta 1to2 servings 1 3 2A cupserving Topped or mixedwithsauce 1to2 servings 5 7 3 to4 servings 7 9 Tip Coversaucymaindisheswithplasticwrap Coverothermaindishesandmeatswithwaxedpaper soups ...

Page 12: ...eisused puncturewithforktovent Stir 10 16 OZ 8 18 meatpiecesor rotate1 4turnafterhalfoftime FrozenDinners HeartyT V Style 17oz 12 15 Remove foilcoverandreturntraytocarton Ifmetaltray RegularT V Style 11 oz 10 12 ismorethan3 4 inchdeep placefbodinmicrowave safe PremiumEntree 6 9oz 10 12 container Rotate1 4turnafterhalfofcookingtime If 10 13 oz 12 14 foodisinpouch slitpouchbeforemicrowaving l sta an...

Page 13: ...etweenlayersof papertowels Porksausage Microwave Wax Arrangeinsinglelayer Rotatedish 1 2turnafter raw safeutensil paper halftime 2 patties 2 4min 4 patties 5 7min Arrangeinsinglelayer Rearrange afterhalfoftime Porklinksausage Microwave Wax raw safeutensil paper 2 links 2 3min 4 links 5 6min 8links 7 8min Canadianbacon Microwave Wax Arrangeinsinglelayer 2 4slices safeutensil paper 1 2min 6 slices 2...

Page 14: ...lmelted Scrambletheeggswiththebutterand 1tablespoon milkperegg Placeinovenandmicrowave forhalfoftotaltime Scrapeportionsfromtheoutside tothecenter Finishcooking Allowtostand1to2 minutestoseteggs Poached 1M qt casserole Lid 6 8min Boil2 cupshottapwater6 to8 minutes covered 1 1 min Breakeggsontoplate puncturemembrane Swirl peregg boilingwaterwithspoon slipineggsgently Cover Letstandinwatera fewminut...

Page 15: ...cup plasticwrap 10minutes Letstandcovered 5 minutes beforeserving Rice minute 9i qt casserole Lidor 7 8min Add1 cupshottapwater Stirafter4 minutes 1 cups plasticwrap 1 Always usemicrowave safe utensils glassorplastic Uselargeenoughcontainertoavoidspillover 2 Startwithhottesttapwatertoshortencooking time 3 Donotcover prevents spillover 4 Stirhalf way throughcookingtime IbwerLevel High Food Containe...

Page 16: ...hewaterbeforeaddingvegetables Power Level High Vegetable Amount Time Comments Asparagus Fresh 1lb 7 9 min Cutinto1 inch pieces Add1 4cupwater Frozen spears 10oz 8 10 min Beam Fresh GreenorWax 1lb 9 llMmin Cutinto1 inch pieces Add1 4cupwater Frozen 9 oz 8 11 min Broccoli Fresh spears 1lb 8 10 min Add1 4cupwater Frozen choppedorspears 10oz 10 12 min Cdixlge Fresh chopped shredded 4 cups 11 13 min Ad...

Page 17: ...iced fresh 1lb 10 12min Slicel 2 inchthick Add1 4cupwater Frozen 10oz 8 10min CamedVegehbl Amount Undrained Drained Comments Allkinds 8oz 3 3 min 2 2 min Placevegetables inmicrowave safeservingdish Coverwithplastic 15 17oz 6 8min 3 4rein wrap Checkatminimumtime Stirandserve VegetibleConvenience Fm Vegetable Amount Time Comments BreadedVegetables 7oz pkg frozen 4 6min Placeontrivet orplatesuitablef...

Page 18: ...3 min Rotate1 4turnafter5 minutes cake likeor fudge like Cakemix withor 8or9 in No 6 8min Greasedish Use2 cupsbatter Rotate1 4turnafter withoutpudding roundcakedish 4 minutes Letstand10minutesbeforeinverting inthemix 12 cup bundt No 15 18 min Useallbatter Rotate1 4turnevery5 minutes Let w stand15to20minutesbeforeinverting tocool candies e 1 Alwaysusemicrowave safe utensils glassorplastic Foreasycl...

Page 19: ...onventional andmicrowave cooking covers holdinmoistureandspeedheating Conventionally partial coveringallowsexcesssteamtoescape Venting plasticwrap or coveringwithwaxpaperservesthesamepurposewhen microwaving Arranging onOvenShelf Inconventional baking youposition foods suchastomatoesor potatoes sothathotaircanflowaround them Whenmicrowaving youarrangefoodsina ring sothatall sidesareexposedtomicrowa...

Page 20: ...Washitcarefhllyinwarm sudsywateror inthedishwasher Thetraycanbebrokenif dropped Remember donotoperatetheoven withoutthecookingtrayinplace Specialnotewhenusing Brown NSearDish If greaseis present highheatgeneratedon bottomofaBrown NSeardish maycausethegreaseto burnonto theoventray Thismaybe removed witha cleansersuchasBarKeepers Friend CleanserbySerVaas Laboratories Inc AfterusingBarKeepersFriend C...

Page 21: ...ntheconnectionofthe powercord Caution Attaching theadapter groundterminaltothewall receptaclecoverscrewdoesnot groundtheapplianceunlessthe coverscrewismetal andnot insulated andthewallreceptacle isgroundedthroughthehouse wiring Youshouldhavethecircuit checkedbya qualifiedelectrician tomakesurethereceptacleis properlygrounded Whendisconnecting thepower cordfromtheadapter alwayshold theadapterwithon...

Page 22: ...heckCookingGuideforrecommended powerlevel or changing levelsduringcooking ifnecessary Dishwasnotrotated turnedorstirred Somedishesrequirespecificinstructions CheckCookingGuideorrecipeforinstructions Am mewThingsAreNormal with your B Ekrowave oval Steamorvaporescapingfrom aroundthedoor Lightreflectionarounddooror outercase Dimmingovenlightandchangein blowersoundmayoccurwhile operatingatpowerlevelso...

Page 23: ...ctthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouarenotpleased Inmost cases thiswillsolvetheproblem NEXT ifyouarestillnotpleased writeallthedetails including yourphonenumber to Manager ConsumerRelations Hotpoint AppliancePark Louisville Kentucky40225 FINALLY ifyourproblemisstill notresolved write MajorAppliance ConsumerActionPanel 20 NorthWackerDrive Chicago Illinois60606 23 gs f Es Y i f EJIma ...

Page 24: ...r authorized Customer Care servicers during normal working hours Look in the White or Yellow Pages of your telephone directory for HOTPOINTFACTORYSERVICE GENERAL ELECTRIC HOTPOINT FACTORYSERVICE or HOTPOINT CUSTOMERCARE SERVICE purpose or J 4 1 3 0 Ov Improper installation QFailureof the product if it is used for Iis If you have an installation problem R other than its intended contact your dealer...
