Hotpoint RE1440 How To Get The Best Download Page 6

Summary of Contents for RE1440

Page 1: ...ok 9 Cooking Complete Reminder 5 Temperature Probe 9 Cooking Guide 10 25 Time Cook 8 Defrosting 7 Warranty Back Cover Defrosting Guide 12 13 Delayed Cooking 26 Extension Cords 27 Features 5 Grounding Instructions 27 Heating or ReheatingGuide 10 11 Hold Time 26 Light Bulb Replacement 28 MicrowavingTips 2 Minute Second Timer 26 GEAnswerCenter Model and Serial Numbers 2 800 626 2000 UseandCare of Cou...

Page 2: ...e checktheProblemSolveronpage29 It listscausesofminoroperating problems thatyoucancorrectyourself OptionalAccessories available atextracostfromyour FIotpoint supplier JX16InstallationKitconverts thisovento a built inwalloven Am thesf ttigs arenormalwithyour microwave oven Steamor vaporescapingfrom DuHthumpingsoundwhile azoundthedoor ovenis operating Lightreflectionarounddooror SomeTV Radiointerfer...

Page 3: ...ipping ofcircuit breaker Install orlocate thisappliance onlyinaccordance withthe provided installation instructions e Certiinto placethehollt surface ofthedoorthree inches or morebackfromthecountertop edgetoavoidaccidental tipping oftheappiimce innormal usage Donotcover orblock any openings ontheappliance Do notuse outdoors DO notimmerse power cordor pluginwater Keep power cordaway from heated sur...

Page 4: ...dturnonmicrowave energy it cancreate electrical arcing inthe oven anddamage oven walls l sticutensik l lastic utensils designed formicrowave cooking areveryuseful butshould be usedcarefully Even microwave plastic maynotbeastolerant of overcooking conditions asareglass orceramic materials andmay soften orcharifsubjected toshort periods ofovercooking Inlonger exposures toovercooking thefood andutens...

Page 5: ...rature Probe Usewith TENWCOOK HOLDfunction only 80ReceptacleforTemperature Probe Temperature probemustbe securelyinsertedintoreceptacle whenusingTEMPCOOK HOLD beinplacewhenusingtheoven Cookingperformancewillbe unsatisfactory withoutthetrayin place Thetraymaybe removedfor cleaning 10 humInteriorLight Turnson whenthedoorisopenedor when theovenisoperating IL TouchControlE nel and Display Seenextpagef...

Page 6: ...eprobe to cook by usinga presettemperature Oncefoodreaches preset temperature oven switches to HOLD setting and maintains that tei nperatureuntil you touch the CLEAWOFF pad See page 9 c3 Progmn cooking 043 43 4 I 8 lVllN SECTIMER This feature uses no rnicrowdveenergy It can functionas a kitchen timer as a holding period timer after defrost or as a delay timer before time or temperature cooking See...

Page 7: ...esinthedefrostingguide seemrightformyfood IDefrdng Tips A Thesetimesareaverages Defrosting time can vary according to the temperature in your freezer Set your oven for the time indicated in your defrosting guide If your food is still not completely thawed at the end of that time reset your ovenand adjustthe time accordingly Foods frozen in paper or plastic can be defrosted in the package Step2 Tou...

Page 8: ... andtimecountingdown showondisplay Step5 Whentimeisup theoven signalsandflashes End Oven lightandfanshutoff Step 6 Openthedoor Quetiionsand Amwer Q I set myWen for thethe AM for in the recipe butatthe end ofthetimeakmwl myfood wasn tdone Whathap ned A Sincehousepowervariesdue totimeor location manyTime Cookrecipesgiveyoua timerange topreventovercooking Setthe ovenforminimumtime testthe foodfordone...

Page 9: ...07 If temperature is90 F orabove display showstemperaturecountingup Step 6 When125 F is reached theovenwillsoundanddisplay Hold Theovenwillthenhold thetemperature Step Z TouchtheCLEAR OFF padto stopthecycle tep 8 Remove probe andfood from theoven Cooting rips Usea lowerpowerlevel it will heatmoreevenlyeventhough requiringmoretime Besurefrozenfoodhasbeen completely defrosted beforeinserting probe P...

Page 10: ...rgestserving butnotinmeatslices Coverplateoffdodwithwaxpaperorplasticwrap Meats andMain Di hes Saucymaindishes chopsuey spaghetti 1to2 servings 150 1600 HI 10 3t07 creamedchicken chili stew macaroniand 3to4 servings 150 1600 HI 10 6 to 10 cheese etc 4 1cup serving 1can 16 02 150 1600 HI 10 4t05 Thinlyslicedroastedmeat Rarebeefroast minimumtime mediumrare 1to2 servings MEDHI 7 2to2 maximumtime 3to4...

Page 11: ...gibletgravy 2cup 150 1600 HI 10 lto2 spaghettisauce etc 1cup 150 1600 HI 10 2t04 1can 16 oz 150 1600 HI 10 3t06 Creamytype 2cup 140 1500 HI 10 1to 1 1cup 140 1500 HI 10 2t02 Tip Coverfoodtopreventspatter Bakery Rmd Cake coffeecake doughnuts sweetrolls 1piece nutor fruitbread 2 pieces 4 pieces 9 in cakeor 12rollsor doughnuts Dinnerrolls muffins 1 6t08 Pie fruit nutor custard 1slice 78 of9 in pie l ...

Page 12: ...nutesmore Scrapeandsetaside Breakupremaining blockandmicrowave 3 to5 minutesmore Placeunwrapped roastinoven Afterfirsthalfoftimeturnroast over Defrostforsecondhalfoftime Letstandfor30minutes Placewrappedpackageinoven lhrn overafterfirsthalfoftime Aftersecondhalfoftime seperatepieceswithtableknife Letstand tocompletedefrosting Placewrappedpackageinoven Ihrrioverafterfirsthalfoftime Aftersecondhalfo...

Page 13: ...sidedown llm overafterhalf oftime Placeincooking dishwithlightunderside up Tbrnoverafterhalf oftime Brefd cakes Power Levemowmm 3 Breadorbuns 1 lb 3t04 none Heat serverolls 2t04 none 7 oz pkg Coffeecake 11 to14 oz 3to5 none Coffeering 10 oz pkg Sweetrolls 8 to12 oz Doughnuts 1to3 Doughnuts glazed 1boxof12 FrenchToast 2slices Cake frosted2to3layer lY oZ Cake filledortopped 1layer 12 to 16 oz Poundc...

Page 14: ...erisset Package HI 10 2 to4 min Remove papertrayfromcarton turnback cover filmtoexposepotatoes Rotatetray1 2turn afterhalfoftime Yes LOW DEF 3 5 min Breakupbeforecontinuing HI 10 3to5 min Stirbeforeserving Crabor shrimp newburg 6Y2 oz Fish chips 5to 14 OZ Deviledcrab 6 oz Breadedfish 5to 1O OZ 14to 16 oz 23to25 oz Package No HI 10 3to5min Puncturepouch3or4 timeswithforkto pouch vent Package tray N...

Page 15: ...antmashed potatoes 2to6 servings 8to 12servings Souffle frozen 12 oz pkg Potatoes baked stuffed frozen lto2 3t04 Microwave safedish Microwave safedish Microwave safedish Microwave safepieplate andcustardcups Microwave safedish No HI 10 2 to4 min Lidor HI 10 plasticwrap 1to3min 3to5 min 7to 10min Lidor HI 10 plasticwrap 4 to6 min 8to 14min No LOW DEF 3 9 to 13min MEDHI 7 9 to 11min Waxpaper HI 10 4...

Page 16: ...egetables ifdesiredafter halfoftime Recoverandfinish orcas erole plasticwrap 2 to2 hrs Add1cupwaterperpoundofmeat Turn overafterhalfoftime Letmeatstandin brothatleast 10minutesaftercooking For boileddinner removemeat cookvegetables inbroth Simmeredbeef cornedbeef orbrisket Casserole Lidor MED 5 plasticwrap Temperature probecookingyieldsmost accurateresults lhrn roastsoverwhen temperature reaches90...

Page 17: ...lfoftime Add2 3cup waterperpoundofspare ribs llrn overor rearrangeafterhalfof minimumtime Allerminimumtime drainliquidandaddbarbecuesauce microwave a fewminutestofinish Shieldtopedgeofhamwith1 inch strip offoil Aftercookingperiodlethamstand 10minutesbeforecarving Letstand5 minutesbeforeserving If aglazeisdesired spoonpineappleor apricotpreservesovercookedhamloaf a fewminutesbeforeserving No HI 10 ...

Page 18: ...geoblong Cookingbag MED 5 13to 16min Brushwithbrowning agentifdesired Add1 2 dish perlb cupwatertocookingbag Slitbagnearclosureto vent Donotusemetaltieonbag Cookbreast sideup Or placeturkeybreastupindishand coverwithplasticwrap Microwave atMED 5 20to22minutesperlb Remove plasticwrap basteandrotatedish 1 2turnafterhalfoftime Brea Crustonbreadswillbesoftandtheoutsideswillnotbrown coloronupsidedownbr...

Page 19: ...heeseisslightlymelted Omelet 9 in pieplate No HI 10 Meltbutter 1min 6t08min MED 5 Combineandmicrowave filling stirringevery 2 minutes Pourfillingintoprecookedshell Microwave additionaltimeshownat left Rotate dish1 2turnafterhalfoftime Quiche Microwave safe No MEDHI 7 I qt measureand quichedish MEDHI 7 Filling 2 to3 min Quiche 6to 8min tm a 9 g WV aMxxe Fondue Microwave safe Coveror HI 10 Toheatwin...

Page 20: ...etc Yes Prickskinsofpotatoesbeforecooking 10to20min 14to20min Yes HI 10 HI 10 HI 10 HI 10 Cutinpiecesorhalves Add1 4cup water 9to 12min 7 to 10min Seecomment Yes Uselargeenoughcasseroletoslowfor boilingindish 15to20min 10to 15min 10to 12min 3 qt casserole Yes Tostir fryonetypeofvegetable substitute1tablespoon oilforwater andfollowtimesincookingguide Blanch only1poundor 1quartprepanxi Glass cassero...

Page 21: ...ithwaterindish Rearrange after7 minutes Brushwithoilthencoverwithwater Using fork turnoverevery5 minuteswhile microwaving Add2 cupswater Stirafter10minutes Add1 cupswater Stirafter2 minutes cereal L Alwaysusemicrowave safeutensils plasticorglass Uselarge 3 Donotcover enoughcontainertoavoidspillover 4 Stirhalfway throughcookingtime 2 Startwithhottesttapwatertoshortencookingtime Food Conbiner cover ...

Page 22: ... HI 10 2 to3 min Basicbutteror chocolatecake Pineappleupside downcake 8 in round dish Cupcakes 6 Paperlined cupcaker Barcookies 8 in square dish 2 qt oblong dish HI 10 6to8min 8to 14min Microwave safedishor casserole Lidor HI 10 3to4 min plasticwrap perpiece Piercefruitor peeltopreventbursting Bakedapples or pears candies L Alwaysusemicrowave safeutensils plasticor glass Foreasy 2 Candieswhichareb...

Page 23: ...ffed Peppers 6 mediumgreenpeppers 1 lbs groundchuckbeef cupchoppedonion 1cupcookedrice 1teaspoonsalt teaspoonpepper 1clovegarlic minced 1can lO oz condensedtomatosoup cupwater 1to2 cupsgratedcheese m 7 conventionalMethod Cutofftopsofgreenpeppers removeseedsand membrane Cookpeppers5 minutesin enoughboiling watertocover drain In mediumskilletonrangetop cookandstirgroundbeefandonionuntilonionis tende...

Page 24: ...s asyoudoconventionally eggyolksandchickenliverstopreventbursting Rotating Occasionally repositioning a dishintheoven Mps foodcookevenly Torotate1 2turn turnthedish untilthesidewhichwasto thebackoftheovenistothe front Torotate1 4turn turnthedishuntiltheside whichwastothebackoftheovenistotheside EffectsOfFtlodChamcterktics on Microwaving DensityofI ood In bothconventional andmicrowave cooking dense...

Page 25: ...mam suchas CorningWare ProgressionGbyNoritake P stic wrap cooking Bags Boil in bags storage Bags specialty Glass ceramic and Poree ain such as El Camino l B Rogers Heller MarshIndustries i faltzgraff hafford f perboard T mysusedforfrozen entreesanddinners a ic ays rgdPlates usedfor frozenentreesanddinners Avoid Useonlyfoiltrays3 4 in or less Foilor metalwillreflect microwaves thuspreventing evenhe...

Page 26: ...p3 Touchpads1 5 0 andOfor 15minutes defrosting time 15 00 appearsondisplay Defrosting is automatically setonpowerlevel3 butcanbechanged bytouching the IWWERLEVE padandthe desiredpowerlev Step4 Setstanding orholdtime bytouching MIN SECTIMER The displayshows O and ENTER TIME flashes Step5 Touch1 0 0 andOtohold fortenminutes 10 00 appearson display and TIME flashes Step6 TouchTIMECOOKpad Displayshows...

Page 27: ...connectionofthe powercord Caution Attachingtheadapter groundterminaltothewall receptaclecoverscrewdoesnot groundtheapp iance wdessthe coverscrewismetal andnot insulated andthewallreceptacle is groundedthroughthehouse wiring Yiou shouldhavethecircuit checkedbya qualifiedelectrician tomakesurethereceptacleis properlygrounded Whendisconnecting thepower cordfromtheadapter alwayshold theadapterwithoneh...

Page 28: ...cial note when Using Brown W SearDish If grease ispresent highheatgeneratedon bottomofa Brown NSeardish maycausethegreasetoburnonto theoventray Thismaybe removed witha cleansersuchasBonAmi brandcleanser AfterusingBonAmi brand cleanser rinseanddrythoroughly followinginstructionsoncan Do notuseBonAmi brandcleanser onthepaintedsurfacessuchasthe wails It mayscratchthepaint AutomaticTemperature Probe P...

Page 29: ...okingguide for recommend powerlevel or changing levelsduringcookingifnecessary Dishwasriotrotated turnedorstirred Somedishesrequirespecificinstructions Checkcookingguideorrecipeforinstructions Toomanydishesinovenatsametime Cookingtimemustbeincreasedwhencooking morethanonefooditem Checkcookingguidetimerecommendations e probenotinse edproperlyintomeatOrdishwhenusing Temp cQOk HO d fU1 1CtiOl 1 Check...

Page 30: ...r further help FIRST contactthe people who serviced your appliance Explain why you are not p eased In most cases this will solvethe problem NEXT if you are still not pleased write all the details including your phone number to Manager Consumer Relations Hotpoint Appliance Park Louisville Kentucky40225 FINALLY if your problem is still not resolved write Major Appliance Consumer Action Panel 20 Nort...

Page 31: directory for HOTPOINT FACTORYSERVICE GENERAL ELECTRIC FiOTPOINT FACTORYSERVICE or HOTPOINT CUSTOMERCARE SERVICE WHAT1SNOTCOVERED Service trips to your home to teach you how to use the product ReadyourUseand Carematerial If you then have any questions about operating the product please contact your dealer or our Consumer Affairs office at the address below or call toll free GE Answer Center 80...
